A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1)

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A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1) Page 27

by Krista Lakes

  “We should get you and your sister home before the snow gets too bad,” Laura announced, standing up and holding out her hand for her brother. He took it and held on tightly. She turned to the table. “Jace, Ella? Thank you so much for finding him.”

  Ella hugged the boy in her lap a little tighter. “I'm just glad we did.” She smiled at Dallas. “It was nice to meet you, Dallas. I hope we see each other again some time.”

  “Thank you Ms. Ella,” Dallas replied politely. He smiled up at Jace. “And thank you, Mr. Jace.”

  Laura squeezed his hand. “Goodbye everyone. Thank you for all your help today.” She gave a nod to Mia and Emma, ignoring Ethan as best she could, and hurried out into the snow.

  The two of them walked quickly, hand in hand, to the old garage to pick up Ivy. The snow came down in wet, heavy flakes that stuck in clumps to their eyelashes. Dallas held onto her hand, not letting go for anything. She was grateful, because she didn't want to let go either. She couldn't wait to get home and cuddle with her siblings in front of a movie.

  She pulled open the door to the garage and Kenna ran to greet them.

  “You found them! They're okay?” Kenna asked. “Security gave me a radio, but I was still worried. Where's Elliot?”

  “He's still at the house with the others. I just came to get Ivy so we can go home,” Laura explained, shutting the door behind her to keep the snow out. “Thank you for watching her.”

  “She was a perfect angel,” Kenna assured her. She let out a sigh of relief and smiled at Dallas. “Thank you so much for finding them.”

  “It was Jace and Ella that found them,” Laura replied. “I just wandered around being panicked.”

  Kenna chuckled. “That's basically what I did here, too.” She hugged Laura. “Thank you.”

  Laura nodded. She didn't hold any hard feelings against Kenna for losing track of Dallas. Laura knew first hand how easily the kid slipped away. He was right at the age where he could be trusted most of the time, but would forget he should ask permission before he left to do things. He was definitely going to be grounded for the next ten years.

  “Okay, Dallas and Ivy,” Laura said as Ivy put on her coat and gathered her things. The girl walked over and hugged her brother. Laura was glad she didn't know just how lost he had been. “Let's go home.”

  With one more round of goodbyes and thank yous to Kenna, they headed back out into the snow. Laura walked silently, hand in hand with her siblings. She was thinking of everything that happened today, but the kiss kept floating into her mind. That kiss. Of all the things for her to focus on, it was a kiss that shouldn't have happened. She shook her head. She needed to forget about Ethan White.

  Except, as they came to her old beaten up pickup truck, Ethan was standing in the snow waiting for them.

  Chapter 11


  “I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Forget I just did that.”

  Ethan heard the words, but they didn't register as she pulled away and took off running. He stood in the middle of the shed, blinking for a good thirty seconds trying to figure out what had just happened.

  His body knew exactly what had happened. The most beautiful woman he'd ever met had just kissed him. Her body had molded to his and his internal temperature was going through the roof with desire. Yes, his body knew what had just happened, but his brain sure didn't.

  She didn't like him.

  She shook his head, trying to figure out what in the hell she had meant with that kiss. It wasn't just a simple “yay!” kiss. There was way too much heat and desire packed into it for just a celebratory thing.

  No, this was more than that, but she'd said to forget it. As if he could. He sighed and stepped out into the snow. He had a feeling he would never figure this out.

  He walked slowly back to the main house. The snow was coming down hard, and now that he knew there weren't two missing kids stuck out in it, he was enjoying it's beauty. He didn't get to see snow often in California, so this was a treat.

  He followed Laura's footprints through the snow up to the house. He could already hear the people inside and it made him smile. He opened the door to see both kids, and the dog, safe and sound. Laura had her arms wrapped around her brother. He could feel the relief coming off her in waves.

  He smiled because she was happy, but he made sure to stay away from her. He didn't want to intrude on this moment, so he worked his way to the back of the kitchen where Emma and Mia were sitting. He leaned against the wall and looked over to see the other little boy, the one who had ruined Pluto for him, sitting happily in Ella's lap. Ella had her arms wrapped around him like she was never going to let him go, and given the way Jace was hovering around the two of them, neither was he.

  “They look happy,” Emma murmured. She was watching Ella and Jace as well. “I have a feeling that little boy isn't going to be in foster care for much longer.”

  Ethan turned to look at Emma holding her sleeping child. “Jace and Ella? You think they're going to adopt the kid?”

  Emma chuckled. “I doubt they let him out of their sight for the next year after this,” she replied with a smile. “I don't think adopting kids out to billionaires was exactly what Mia was going for by opening this place up, but it's still pretty awesome.”

  “I just wanted to help the kids have something for the future,” Mia said, joining in the conversation at hearing her name. “Getting Elliot a forever family definitely counts toward that goal. It wasn't exactly the plan, but I like it.”

  They all watched as Elliot tugged on Jace's hand to pull him closer. Jace leaned over so Elliot could whisper in his ear. They couldn't hear what he said, but Jace laughed. Elliot whispered in Ella's ear and she joined in. They looked like a real family from where Ethan sat.

  “We should get you and your sister home before the snow gets too bad,” Laura announced, standing up. She said her goodbyes to everyone but him. He knew better than to take it personally as she hurried out the door.

  “Poor Laura,” Mia said as they watched her and Dallas leave. “She's been so strong through all this. I'm so glad Dallas is okay. It would have killed her if something happened.”

  “What did happen?” Ethan asked. “She said something about her parents, but I didn't feel right asking her more.”

  Mia let out a sad sigh. “Last fall, her parents left to take a quick trip. They were in a little private plane, and it crashed. They both died. Laura was suddenly responsible for these two kids. She's been doing a great job, but it's hard. She's had to put a lot of things on hold.”

  Ethan nodded. He could still feel that kiss on his lips. He wasn't sure exactly what was going on between the two of them, or if it was all in his head. Yet, he felt drawn to her like he did that first time they'd met. It felt like fate.

  He needed to know if it was possible. He needed to find out if this attraction could go anywhere. He murmured something to Mia and Emma before ducking out the door and going to the parking area.

  It wasn't hard to figure out which car was Laura's. There were two booster seats and a horse decal on the back of a truck. It was the only car that made sense for her.

  He tucked his hands in his pockets and waited.

  The snow in her dark red hair was beautiful. The contrast was stunning as she walked toward him, a child in each hand and the three of them smiling as they headed toward their car. She stopped and stood like a deer in the headlights as soon as she saw him.

  “We should talk,” Ethan said. He smiled his most charming, defense-lowering smile that he used on all his clients and lovers. It usually worked, but she just swallowed hard and didn't move.

  “Okay.” She just stood there in the snow, staring at him.

  “How about we put the kids in the car?” he suggested, motioning to the truck. “Get it warm?”

  “Right.” She shook herself and motioned the kids forward. The two kids went to the back door of the truck and hopped inside as Laura started up the engine. Ethan helped Dallas click his
seat-belt into place before closing the door.

  Laura slammed her own door shut. She left the engine on to warm up as she came around to talk to him. Her arms were crossed as she stomped through the snow.

  “Look, I'm really sorry about that kiss,” she said coming up to him. “It shouldn't have happened. I was just really relieved Dallas was okay.”

  “It seemed a little more than that,” he replied.

  Her cheeks pinked and it was all he could do not to kiss her again.

  “No,” she told him, shaking her head. “You work with my boss, so this-” She motioned to the two of them. “This isn't going to work. Okay? Just forget it ever happened.”

  “Is that what you really want?” Ethan asked. He took a step closer to her, like he might kiss her again. She hesitated with her answer for just a second too long and Ethan knew she didn't mean what she said next.

  “Yeah. That's what I want.”

  He lifted his hand and brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. Her lashes fluttered and she let out a tiny whimper that sounded entirely too much like desire.

  “You sure?” he asked, his own voice going low and gravely. He wanted to kiss her again so badly it was almost painful not to.

  “Positive,” she whispered. She didn't pull away from his touch. He caressed her cheek with his fingers and she leaned into his touch. “Mostly positive? Maybe kind of positive?”

  He chuckled, knowing that she did want this. She wanted this as much as he did. He was going to kiss her here in the snow. For real this time.

  “Laura?” Ivy opened her window and yelled at her sister. “When are we going home? Dallas is kicking my seat!”

  Laura froze for a second and then shook herself. When her eyes opened, the desire had disappeared from her beautiful green eyes, replaced with something that made his heart ache to look at. Responsibility and loss was there now. She stepped away from him, no longer the woman but the guardian of children.

  “No,” she said, looking over at the car. “I can't. I can't.” She shook her head and walked away from him, going to the driver's side door of her truck. She quickly got inside and put the car in reverse. She didn't even look back at him.

  Ethan stood there in the snow with his fingertips tingling with her touch and his lips still waiting. He watched her drive away and disappear into the swirling snow.

  He didn't know what happened to keep them apart the first time. There was a reason, but given their chemistry, it didn't make sense anymore. Somehow, they'd missed their first attempt, but fate was giving them another.

  He wasn't just imagining things. If nothing else, today proved that to him. They were meant to be together. He'd never felt this level of connection with anyone. It had to be her.

  He put his hand in his pocket and a slow smile filled his face.

  He wasn't going to let fate steal her away for a second time. He was going to win her heart and keep it safe. He had a plan to give her the kind of love she deserved…

  Thanks again!

  Thank you for reading this short novella! Included below is a preview of “A Wonderful Kind of Love”, available on Amazon!

  Preview of A Wonderful Kind of Love

  “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” she whispered, pushing her hips against his. The way his pupils dilated nearly did her in.


  There are only two things that make billionaire Ethan White's heart race: fast cars and Laura Corbett. Unfortunately, Laura wants nothing to do with his playboy ways. Ethan thinks that everyone has the wrong idea about him, including his stalker, and he's determined to prove them all wrong. When Ethan's business partner wants to open a new car R&D facility in Colorado, he jumps at the opportunity to be closer to his two passions.


  Thrust into the new responsibility of raising her siblings by the death of her parents, Laura Corbett doesn't have time for awkward hookups, let alone a relationship. So when the billionaire she had a one night stand with shows up in town, she pretends he doesn't exist. She can't let anything come between her and her family.

  But nothing can prepare her for the way that Ethan connects with her brother and sister. And she can't deny the fact that jumping in his bed makes her come alive. Everything seems like it'll be normal again, maybe even better than normal.

  But Ethan's stalker disagrees...

  Chapter 28


  “Are you sure you have to go?” Laura asked. She sat on the edge of the hotel bed watching as Ethan packed up his things. He was meticulous in where he put everything, and she could see why he wouldn't want anyone else to do it. The man was a little bit of a control freak about his things.

  “Yes,” he said, looking up. “It'll only be for a couple of days. You'll barely even notice I'm gone.”

  Laura made a visible show of pouting. “I just like having you here.”

  He chuckled and stopped packing to lean over and kiss her.

  “I like being here,” he told her. “However, W Motors is still based out of California. I have things I have to do there.”

  “And you're sure you can't do those things here?” she asked, still pushing out her lower lip. “I mean, telecommuting is a real thing.”

  “Believe it or not, I have done it,” he replied, going back to his suitcase. “I have to do this in person. Not everything can be done through a computer screen.”

  Laura crossed her arms and pouted, doing her best impersonation of a three-year-old. It made Ethan laugh.

  “I'll be back before you know it,” he said, closing the lid to his suitcase and zipping it up.

  “Promise?” she asked, still keeping her pout going.

  He smiled. “Promise.”

  He came around and kissed her again, wiping the pout from her lips. It wasn't possible to pout and kiss him at the same time. It wasn't possible to be anything but happy when he kissed her.

  “Now I really do have to leave, or I'll be late for my flight,” he said, giving her a stern look.

  “I thought it was a private jet? Don't you get to pick when you take off?” she asked. She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Maybe in, I don't know, thirty minutes?”

  “You temptress woman,” he told her shaking his head. “I have meetings. And a flight plan. And we already went once today.”

  “So?” She grinned, and he chuckled.

  “So... you are a bad influence,” he told her. He paused, obviously considering his options. He checked his watch. “You have ten minutes.”

  Laura grinned. It took seconds for her to have her shirt and bra off. As she bent over a bit to unbutton her pants, she could see Ethan lick his lips, then begin to unbutton his own shirt. He was being far too slow, and as soon as Laura had her pants down, she stepped toward him, grabbing onto the bottom of his shirt and beginning to undo the buttons. “Come on, come on! Ten minutes isn't a lot of time to work with!”

  Ethan grabbed her hands and stopped her. She looked up at him to see him smiling. “I appreciate your enthusiasm,” he said. “Like you said, though, I get to pick when I take off.”

  Laura smiled back at him. “Do you get to pick when you get off also?”

  “Of course I do, it's just whenever the plane la-” He stopped, then laughed. “Oh, you weren't talking about the plane, were you?”

  Laura bit her lip and shook her with a naughty smirk. “Nope.”

  “Well, in that case, I do get to pick when I get off.”

  “Oh, is that right?” Laura asked, with a bit of a mocking tone.

  “Yep. There are some perks to being a billionaire.”

  “Well then, sir. Do you want to get off now?”

  He shrugged. “I guess that depends on you. Am I cleared for take off?”

  Laura went back to undoing his buttons. “I was trying to take off your clothes, but you stopped me!”

  Ethan laughed. As Laura kept messing with his shirt, she leaned up and kissed him. He reached around her, running his hands up and down her bare back.
She loved the feel of his fingers against her skin. It almost tickled, but it felt so good she shivered. Finally, when she got the last button undone, she pulled the shirt over his broad shoulders and down his arms, nearly tangling him up in the process.

  He flicked his arms free and resumed touching her skin. His hands went down to her butt, feeling her silk panties for a moment before going to his own pants. She heard the soft sound of the metal buckle slide across leather and before she knew it his pants were down around his ankles.

  Laura pushed him back, insistent with her kisses. She had ten minutes, and she wasn't about to waste them. He fell back onto the bed, her body on top of his. She wanted him all to herself, and she wasn't about to stop.

  “Wait, Laura. Wait!” he insisted, chuckling as he held her back.


  “Let me at least get my pants and shoes all the way off,” he said with a laugh.

  She waited impatiently, checking him out as he bent over to remove the last of his clothes. She loved the way his lithe muscles flexed and moved with even the most simple of tasks. If she were an artist, she would have insisted on painting him every second of the day. He was her own personal David.

  She realized as his he finished removing his shoes that she should have used this time to take off her own panties, but she had been too busy looking at his body. She shrugged. They still had at least eight minutes left.

  She was back in his lap, her legs straddling his perfect naked body beneath her. Her hand touched his smooth skin, trying to feel every part of him she could reach. He was sprawled out beneath her and hers for the taking. She wanted to touch and kiss every inch of his skin. There were, of course, some impressive inches that she wanted to touch more than others.


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