Orange Blossom Brides

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Orange Blossom Brides Page 20

by Tara Randel

  “Maybe I should read what Gram wrote,” he said in a quiet tone after a few moments.

  “I think you should.” She handed him the envelope. “I’ll go down by the water.”

  He lowered himself to the sand to read. Lilli wandered into the surf, gentle waves caressing her ankles, her busy mind coming up with damage control. She hoped Gabrielle would be able to repair the garment. If Renata decided they could no longer display the collection, the benefit would still go on, even if folks wondered what happened. She was thankful she had recruited Laverne.

  Max finally joined her, squinting as he looked out over the water. She shuffled to his side.

  “I never knew my grandfather but heard plenty of stories about him. I remember thinking I’d never measure up to a guy like him. Or my dad.” He paused. “Losing both of them was a blow to our family.”

  “I can’t imagine.”

  “Before my mom left, she said some pretty cruel things. I get that she was hurting after my dad died, so she lashed out at me. I understand she wasn’t cut out to be a single mom so she bolted, but it doesn’t change the fact that she left me behind.”

  “She was wrong.”

  He shrugged.

  “Do you ever hear from her?”

  “From time to time. She talks to Gram mostly. At first, I refused to talk to her. She left me, so I had nothing to say. Now I try to make small talk if she calls. I still don’t feel like I measure up.”

  “Max, look what you’ve done with your life. How you took a troubled childhood and turned it around. You’re going to make Sanders Security a success, I’m sure of it.”

  “I’m trying my best.”

  “That’s all anyone can do.”

  “That’s what my grandfather did. Loved my grandmother and made a good life for them.” He paused. “So did my dad. That’s why Mom left. She missed him too much. And I was hurting, too, so I didn’t understand.”

  Lilli placed her hand on his arm. “The good thing about life is it’s never static. You can continue the family line of upstanding men if you want to. It’s your decision.”

  “And if I screw up?”

  “It’s not a question of if. It’s a matter of when. Nobody’s perfect, Max.”

  “What if I can’t be the Sanders man Gram expects me to be?”

  “Then be who you want to be. On your terms.”

  He looked at her with troubled eyes. “Speaking from experience?”

  “Some. It was hard growing up with parents who didn’t get along and eventually divorced. Growing up with kids who only put up with me because of who my parents were. I never fit in anywhere. So I focused all my energy on my education, then my career.” She grinned. “I’m a little task-oriented.”

  “No kidding.”

  “But it works for me. I’m trying to earn a promotion, so KLC keeps me busy.”

  “How’s that going since you’ve been busy with the fund-raiser?”

  “I’ve had to manage my time to get all my work done, but so far, so good. I have pretty stiff competition, but I’ve been after the client, making sure he doesn’t forget I want his business.”

  “You’re nothing if not tenacious.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  “You got me to volunteer to be a groom, right? What more can I say?”

  They stood a little longer in silence. The shadows began to deepen as the sun dipped into the horizon. The water turned chilly.

  “It’s late,” Lilli said. “We should head home.”

  When they reached the sidewalk, Max took hold of her hand. “I meant what I said, Lilli. Let me know what I can do.”

  “I will.” She assured him as she slipped her flip-flops on. “I only have a week left, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. After this weekend, no more wedding talk.”

  Walking to their vehicles, Max asked, “So, women really go for mushy displays of affection, huh?”

  “We live for it,” she drawled.

  He chuckled. “Was your fiancé like that?”

  Had Rob been romantic? “At first. He’d have flowers delivered to the office or take me for a romantic dinner. After we got engaged, I began to plan and make my lists. Rob kept busy moving up the ladder at the law firm.” She gazed at the horizon. “It’s sad to say, but I guess I figured I landed the guy, so I could plan a memorable wedding by myself.”

  “If he cared that much about you, he’d have made sure to stay connected.”

  “Maybe. I guess I didn’t expect his help.”

  “You should have.”

  She glanced sideways at Max. “But that’s who I am. A list maker. A planner. That’s what I do.”

  “And he should have known that.”

  Dusk had fallen by the time they returned to the city parking lot where she’d left her car. Max lingered beside the driver’s door.

  “I enjoyed spending time with you,” he said. “Look, not one argument. That’s a record for us.”

  “True, but there’s always tomorrow.”

  A lazy smile tugged his lips. “We should try to get along since we’re working together.”

  “Think that’s possible?”

  “If we work on it.”

  Cars drove by. A dog barked in the distance. Finally Lilli said, “Well, I guess I should get going.”

  Max stepped away, but before she could unlock the door, he took her hand, lifting it to his lips. She couldn’t ignore the jolt, somewhere between pleasure and surprise.

  “You should expect more,” he repeated.

  “Excuse me?”

  “From a guy in your life. You’re special, Lilli. You deserve to be courted. With all the bells and whistles.”

  “Thanks. I haven’t given up hope he’s out there somewhere.” Maybe standing right in front of me.

  Long electric moments passed. He lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers. This could be habit-forming, she thought. She leaned into him, to his heat, inhaling his fresh, tangy scent. As the kiss went deeper, her heart pounded. Because this was not just any guy. This was Max, the guy she couldn’t stop falling for.

  The guy she shouldn’t be falling for. The timing couldn’t be worse, with the fund-raiser, her promotion and a new client that might take Max out of town. The list went on. She may not know what the future held, but right now, she wouldn’t worry about it. She wanted this.

  He broke the kiss and ran a hand through his hair. “You get to me, Lilli.”

  “Same here.” She ran shaky hands over her shorts. “So what happens now?”

  He shrugged. By the look in his eyes she readied herself for another toe-curling kiss. Before Max had a chance to make his move, a bright light caught them in its beam. A disembodied voice sounded over a speaker. “Step away from the car.”

  “Can’t a guy catch a break around here?” Max muttered under his breath.

  He held up his hand to keep the blinding light from Lilli’s eyes. Seconds later, darkness returned. Bright circles danced before her eyes and she heard an engine stop. Squinting, she made out a burly shape exiting the car.

  “The chief.”

  “What is he doing here?” Lilli sputtered.

  The older man approached them. “Is this man giving you any problems, Miss Barclay?”

  “Um, no.”

  “Cause he’s a wily one.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Max groused.

  The chief burst out laughing. “Sorry. I saw you kids out here and couldn’t resist.”

  “Yeah, you’re a real comedian.” Disgusted, Max glanced at Lilli, concerned she might be embarrassed. He’d gotten used to the chief over the years, but Lilli might not appreciate the man’s sense of humor. “I was making sure Lilli got into her car withou
t any problems.”

  “Didn’t look that way to me.”

  Max ground his teeth together.

  The chief pointed the flashlight he still held in his hand toward her car and back to them.

  “Okay, well, thanks,” she told Max before climbing into her sedan.

  Max watched her drive off before turning on the chief. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “I take it you don’t think I’m funny.”

  “Not hardly.”

  “Max, you were kissing the young lady right out here in public. What did you expect me to do?”

  “Drive by. Like any normal person would do.”

  “It’s my job to keep the streets of Cypress Pointe safe for citizens,” the chief joked, laughing again.

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  The chief headed back to his car. “Say hey to your grandmother for me.”


  Max stood there long after the lawman left, thinking about the night, the kiss. What did he want out of this relationship with Lilli? He hadn’t come to town to get involved with a woman. Building his business and taking care of Gram were supposed to fill his life. How had he let himself get in so deep? How had Lilli managed to sneak into his heart and stay there until he couldn’t think about much else?

  Too keyed up to head home, Max considered calling his buddy Dane, but decided against it. He didn’t need any more advice. Not on women and certainly not on their expectations. Talking about his mother had brought back old regrets. Usually he kept that information to himself, but he didn’t mind sharing with Lilli. It felt good to have someone who listened and didn’t judge. Instead, she encouraged him. Their relationship may have started out rough, but he realized that he had a friend in Lilli. Probably more if he pursued it.

  Of all the things they’d talked about, Lilli had one thing right. The troubled kid who needed excitement to fill the emptiness inside had become a man. A Sanders man. He needed to start acting like one.

  * * ** * *

  BY THE TIME Max arrived at his office Monday morning, he’d almost completely put the unlikely romance out of his head. The lengthy run he’d taken this morning with Jake Riley at his side had gone a long way to getting him back to business.

  Blanche already sat at her desk, holding out a sheet of paper to him.

  “What’s this?”

  “Volunteer-groom duties.”


  “Read it and weep.”

  He took the paper and started to read.

  Couldn’t sleep last night so I made a list of your duties. Enjoy!

  1. Groom should arrive an hour before ceremonies begin, even if he has a business to run.

  2. Dress code to include formal tuxedo and dress shoes. (No boots. No T-shirts. Definitely no denim of any kind.)

  3. Smile as you escort your “bride” down the runway.

  4. Please remain with “bride” until the finale.

  5. Repeat number three—the groom must smile at all times. (Even if you want to run.)

  She’d added the last in her precise handwriting. A reluctant grin pulled at his lips.

  “Figured you’d be ticked,” Blanche said.

  “You’d think.”

  He imagined Lilli’s flushed cheeks as she sent the list. He had to admit, he did get a kick out of her sense of humor. He loved when she got all flustered, especially when he caused the reaction. She couldn’t hide her emotions if she wanted to, but he wouldn’t reveal that piece of news. More fun this way.

  “So you’re going along with this?” Blanche asked.

  “It’s for a good cause.” He heard a snicker, but when he looked at his secretary, she stared at the monitor, straight-faced.

  “You’re loving this, aren’t you?”

  She finally raised her head. Her eyes crinkled in amusement. “I really am.”

  He sighed. “How did I get myself into this?”

  “Maybe you want a certain benefit coordinator to notice you?”

  “Oh, Lilli notices me, all right. Every time I make a boneheaded move.”

  “It’s endearing.”

  “It’s embarrassing.”

  Blanche chuckled again. “Yeah, that move with the wallet was classic.”

  “And so good for Sanders Security’s image,” came his wry reply.

  “I think you’d make a cute couple.”

  “She’s so out of my league.”

  “Don’t put yourself down.”

  He ran a hand through his hair.

  “Falling in love is never easy,” Blanche went on.

  “Okay, but what has that got to do with—”

  “Once you get there, it’s heaven.”

  “That’s nice, Blanche.”

  “Look, my point is, if you and Lilli do fall in love, she would never look down on you and you won’t ever have to look up. Loving each other puts you on even ground.”

  If they fell in love. The more time he spent with her, the more he found himself wondering what it would be like to have a permanent relationship. He’d convinced himself that he never wanted one. Until he’d found Lilli again, a woman who exasperated him and totally captured his attention at the same time.

  “Thanks for the insight.”

  “That’s what I’m here for.”

  “And all this time I thought you were here to work. For me.”

  “That I am.” She held out a pink message slip to him. “Klaus called. The courier company bringing the jewelry for the benefit confirmed delivery to the country club today. He needs you and Lilli to come by at one this afternoon.”

  “Great.” He couldn’t talk to Lilli just yet. Bad enough he’d have to see her in a few hours and fight all his conflicting feelings. Right now he needed to concentrate on something constructive, like work. “Would you mind calling Lilli to let her know the time?”

  Blanche’s eyebrows rose.


  “No problem, boss.”

  “Thanks.” He took the paper and headed to his office. When he got to the threshold he stopped and looked back. “Really, thanks.”

  Her attention back at the computer, Blanche waved him off.

  * * ** * *

  LILLI STOPPED AT Cuppa Joe. She’d gotten up early this morning, wanting to hit the coffee shop before she met Gabrielle at the historical society office. She had ulterior motives; she was hoping she’d run into Max. Disappointed when he wasn’t there, she made up for it by ordering a killer cup of coffee.

  “It’s been a while since I came by,” Lilli told Dorinda after her first sip of the rich roast. Usually she stopped by another shop more convenient to work. “I forgot what I was missing.”

  “My special blend. Best-kept secret in town.” The older woman sighed and glanced around the store. “This place could use some sprucing up. I wish my granddaughter were here. She has a knack for these things.”

  Lilli had noticed photos on the wall when she came in. “Is your granddaughter Nealy Grainger?”

  “Yes. Do you know her?’

  “We went to the same school and hung out for a while. Lost track of each other over the years.”

  “I miss her.” Dorinda’s eyes misted. “We always had a special bond. Even though she left town years ago, it feels like yesterday.”

  Lilli didn’t know what to say. She’d never felt that kind of bond with anyone.

  Dorinda waved off her mood. “Enough of that. I hear Max did some work at the historical society office.”


  “Mrs. R. said something about having a lock changed?”

  “Oh, yes. Last week.”

  “It was the Merchants Association, wasn’t it?”


  “They’re always after me to fix this or that. Picky people. Whenever I need something done, I call Max and he takes care of me.”

  That explained the toolbox he carried in his truck.

  “The Merchants Association didn’t have a problem with the office. Just needed a new lock.” Lilli didn’t want the older woman to know someone might have tried to break in. Since Lilli didn’t know for sure, and nothing had happened since then, she hoped their conclusions had been wrong. Besides, no need worrying Mrs. Hobart about people trying to break in.

  “He’s very dependable.”


  “And cute.” She winked at Lilli.

  Lilli nearly spit out her coffee. What was it with these women and their crushes on Max?

  “I may be in my twilight years, but I can appreciate a good-looking man.”

  Lilli felt her face warm. “He is that.”

  Dorinda motioned them to an empty table. “My regulars won’t be in for a bit. Let’s chat.”

  “Okay.” Lilli joined her.

  “So, you’re coordinating Tie the Knot. I understand you asked my friend Laverne to share her love story with you.”

  “Yes. And in return, I reserved a table for her.”

  “I know.” Dorinda’s eyes twinkled. “I’m attending.”

  Lilli smiled. “Tell me about Laverne and her husband. It’s obvious they were crazy about each other.”

  “I knew them well. They had a wonderful life together.”

  “That’s something to strive for.”

  “Do you have a man in your life?”

  A man? Max fit into that category, since he was a man and in her life, but Lilli suspected Dorinda meant in a romantic context. “No one serious. Still looking.”

  “Hmm. You young women today. So busy with your careers.”

  “Guilty. But not for lack of interest.”

  “Haven’t found the right man?”

  “After I got dumped last year, marriage is currently way down on my wish list.”

  Dorinda put a gentle hand over hers. “I’m sorry.”

  Lilli shrugged. “I’m over it.” And to her surprise, she found she meant it.


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