The Curse of Betrayal

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The Curse of Betrayal Page 6

by Taylor Lavati

  “I haven’t done anything yet.”

  “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. And I guess, I’ve just never told anyone. I feel weightless, free. Like someone actually understands how I feel.”

  She nods with her big eyes only on me. “Do you want to call it a day? I think you deserve a break.”

  “Do you think we can talk more?” I even surprise myself by the question. Letting it all out feels cleansing. I feel like my soul just had a breakthrough. And I barely even scratched the surface.

  “Of course,” she tells me, and mid cry, I smile.

  After unlocking the door to my room, I jump on my bed and collapse into it, letting a sigh roll out. Day one is finally over. I can’t believe I made it through the day without too many issues. I snuggle into the pillow, wanting to take a nap and decompress, but I can’t seem to get comfortable. I decide to take a shower to relax before the girls come over for the sleepover.

  I turn on the shower, hot of course, and then start undressing in front of the mirror. I glance at the scar on my shoulder left from my trip into the Underworld—the only reminder of it.

  Rubbing it, I focus all of my attention on the one tiny white strip. That was probably the best trip of my life. I’ll never take that time with Ari for granted. I can’t believe he would cheat on me. I pray it’s all some big misconstrued lie. But I saw—

  “Hey,” a deep whisper says very close to my ear. I jump back, readying my fists to cram into whoever’s face it is, when I recognize the jade eyes.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I yell out, grabbing my towel off the counter and attempting to cover myself up. I grab him by the elbow and drag him back into my room and lock the door so nobody can sneak in. “What?” I ask him again, putting on my angry face.

  “Can we talk?” he asks, his hypnotic eyes boring into me. I gesture for him to go ahead, a frustrated look glued to my face. “I’m so sorry that you came in at the worst time possible but nothing happened. I swear to you, nothing will ever happen again. She was trying to get me to hook up with her. She all but stripped for me—“

  “I don’t need to know that!” I interrupt him, not wanting to listen to how she was naked in front of him probably flaunting her perfect, tall, skinny body. I shove my fingers into my ears so I can’t hear what he’s saying. I know I look dumb but I don’t even care at this point.

  “No, god, Eury. She was trying to, and I was trying to get her out, because I needed to talk to you.” He further explains, stepping in front of me and pulling my fingers out of my ears.

  “Right, Ari. I’m supposed to believe that you turned her down when her perfect body was dancing in front of you.” I roll my eyes at him sarcastically, waving my hands around.

  “I love you, Eury. Just you! I wouldn’t do that, I swear,” he grovels, grabbing both my hands in his and holding onto them tight.

  “Fine, whatever.” I don’t want to listen to him rambling on and on.

  “Forgive me, please,” he begs me.

  “Sure,” I mutter, just wanting to be left alone.

  “Don’t do that closed off thing with me, Eury. I know you.” He raises his eyebrows as if daring me to deny it. He bends down and gets on a knee right in front of me. He reaches his hands towards me, the puppy dog eyes working in full force.

  “I forgive you,” I tell him, holding back a smile at his cheesy theatrics.

  “But do you really?” He inches towards me. He wraps his arms around my waist while his head presses flat against my stomach.

  “Yes.” I giggle when his face nuzzles into me, tickling my sides. He clutches my waist, tickling me with fervor, and I fall into his arms laughing uncontrollably. I make sure to hold my towel onto my body so nothing slips out.

  “Tell me you love me,” he demands, pausing his tickling to look deep in my eyes. He’s gone all serious. His emotions are giving me whiplash.

  “I love you,” I whisper before taking a leap of faith. I press my lips to his in a gentle kiss that I want to convey exactly what I feel.

  “God, I love you,” he moans in between our kisses. He takes it to a new passionate level, his tongue swirling around as his hands roam down my back. I pull mine through his hair and tug at the ends, loving the way it’s grown out over our time apart.


  slumber party

  After Ari’s surprise visit, I feel rejuvenated—liberated, even. I’ve got a pep in my step and love deep in my heart. Kara and I begin to set up the room for the slumber party as music blasts through my computer speakers. The girls should be arriving any minute, so we want everything ready to go.

  After getting extra blankets from the RA downstairs and stealing some pillows from the common room, we set up the floor with a make shift king bed in front of the television. I dig into my stash of candy, pulling out the Twizzlers, wanting to sacrifice them first, since they’re my least favorite. I leave the Rolo’s at the bottom, so they stay hidden, and selfishly keep them for myself.

  I’m excited for the slumber party, but at the same time, I don’t like the way Lisa treats me. And I certainly don’t like that she’ll be in my private space all night. The last thing I want is for her to dig into my life and find out something she shouldn’t know. She seems spiteful and manipulative and is just a mean, mean girl.

  I don’t know what it is about her, but she’s one of those typical too-good-for-you, queen bee type girls. She’s beautiful with her reddish hair, supermodel height, and perfect complexion, but it’s no excuse to treat me, or anyone else for that matter, like shit. I decide not to let it bother me tonight and focus on Kara and Megan, who have been nothing but nice to me thus far. Plus, I’m genuinely interested in forming friendships with each them.

  “What else?” Kara looks around the room as we try to figure out what else we need to do, setup-wise. Her side of the room is arranged with beauty stations, clad with nail polish, hair spray, and all sorts of other torture devices. It looks like Barbie puked on her desk after mating with a My Little Pony.

  “Well, Lisa’s bringing the pizza. We have a case of soda and some snacks. Did you get a movie?” I ask her while ticking off a mental check list and hoping we have it all covered since they’re going to be here any second.

  My heart pitter-patters in anticipation. It’s basically my first slumber party since middle school with anyone other than Junior. And even then my sleepovers were far from normal. We’d pass out early after watching a movie. We never had girl talk. But they were fun since Junior and I got to hang out longer than usual.

  “I got a couple after class. I have…” she starts to say, pulling out a red labeled bag, filled with thin boxes. “Amityville Horror, Legally Blonde, Hunger Games, and Across the Universe. I got everything we could ever want.” She smiles, clearly proud of her bizarre movie selection.

  “You got a chick flick, a scary movie, an action movie, and a musical?” I try to confirm, shaking my head at how odd it is. I give her a crazy look since that’s exactly what she is: crazy.

  “Well, when you say it like that it sounds weird.” She laughs to herself. There’s a powerful knock at the door that shuts us both up. My adrenaline skyrockets, sending my pulse into a frenzy. Kara and I share a quick glance and then break into action.

  “Hey!” Kara calls out, emphasizing the word while swinging the door wide open so they can walk through. Megan jogs in first and gives me a huge hug, making me giggle as I stumble backwards over the heavily blanketed floor.

  Lisa walks in next, but she barely glances my way as she struts by with a pizza box in hand. She puts it on the desk and jumps up on Kara’s bed, crossing her legs at the ankle and fixing herself so she looks proper. I watch her sneakily, through a curtain of brown hair. Her pretentious self is prim on the bed, her dainty little hands clasped over her lap. She’s like straight out of a magazine for desperate housewives in training.

  “What’s the plan?” Megan’s voice is giddy with excitement. I can tell she lov
es this sort of thing while my lack of experience is pathetic. She has that whole bookish-babe thing going on, but she’s really outgoing when she’s not in class—apparently so. I like how fun she is. It lifts me up and lightens my own mood. The only thing that bothers me about Megan is her relationship with Lisa. The way she lets herself get taken for granted. But it’s not my business, and I’m not good enough friends with her to say anything. It’s way too early to rock the boat.

  “Well, Kara got some movies, and we have food, so want to eat and watch first?” I suggest, eyeing the pizza across the room as if it’s the last parcel on earth. My stomach agrees with the notion, grumbling along with me as I inch towards it like a zombie to flesh. I was so excited today that I forgot to eat, minus the smoothie at lunch, but that doesn’t even count—it’s not real food.

  “Before we eat, let’s do some makeovers,” Lisa cuts in, trying to sell her idea to the group. She reaches towards the desk and then swings her arm around, creating a large wave of air. The orb-like circle captures three bottles of nail polish inside of it and they float right behind me onto Lisa’s lap. How did she do that?

  “If we do makeovers, and then eat, the makeup will get ruined, though,” I whine, being sure to make eye contact with both Kara and Megan, pleading my own case. I know I’m playing with fire here by starting a war, but when I’m hungry; I’m freaking hungry. Lisa probably doesn’t eat anyway so what’s she care?

  “She’s right. Eat first; makeup later.” Kara walks in front of me towards the pizza box. She opens it and snarls. “Seriously? You brought salad?” Kara icily stares at Lisa, turning her nose up at the cold, vegetable laden pizza.

  “I told you I was. It’s the healthiest choice, and we can all benefit from losing a few pounds.” She gestures to the girls, then adds, “some more than others.” A smirk makes its way to her face and directs itself my way as if the comment was made just for me—which it probably was. I would love to wipe that smirk right off her face with my fist but hold back, knowing that Kara is friends with her. I don’t want to ruin my relationship with my roommate, who I need to like for the rest of the semester.

  “Whatever,” Kara mutters as she grabs herself a slice. She lifts it up like it’s covered in flesh eating acid and then hands a piece off to me. I slide on my bed, slice in hand, and dig in, wishing for some meat or cheese, but craving the slice I have at the same time. To be honest, with the vinegar dressing and tomatoes, the salad pizza is pretty damn good for being healthy. Of course, I don’t say that. Lisa can’t have any satisfaction.

  After finishing off two slices and forcing my belly to be full—although I definitely could have stomached another—“Make over time!” Megan squeals when she comes to sit next to me on my bed. I smile at her, genuinely happy, as she scoots so close to me that our hips touch.

  “Kara, why don’t you do Megan and I’ll do Ryder.” At first, I stare at her, wondering why she should would ever want to do me, and then I realize it’s probably a scheme to murder me. Great. I’m going to be stabbed with an eyeliner pencil or have my hair pulled so hard my neck snaps.

  “That sounds good.” Kara doesn’t care who does her makeover because everyone loves her. Meanwhile, I’m terrified of this make over since Lisa will have sharp objects near my eyes which she’ll most likely use to blind me. Overdramatic? Hardly. She could be one of those earth demons I read about in creatures class whose main goal is to create chaos. Or maybe she’s a cave dweller who can kill people by just looking at them a certain way.

  I push aside my fears and convince myself that Lisa won’t assassinate me. We use our desk chairs as the salon chairs, readying the first victims. Kara has a huge black box filled with makeup products, like lipstick, nail polish, and unlimited colors of eye shadow, and then the other stuff is laid out on her desk. Kara grabs the box and carries it over to her bed so she and Lisa can see all of their options.

  “I’m going to make you beautiful,” Lisa whispers so close to my ear it sends a rush of hot air down my back. Just her voice is menacing and evil. I cower at how I’ll look after this torture by my new sworn enemy.

  “So, what’s the gossip so far?” Kara asks as she settles into her hair dresser/makeup persona, using a Long Island accent and all. I laugh to myself at how ridiculous this all is. I look over at Megan who has an all-encompassing smile. Her eyes are hooded, and while I watch her, they flutter shut as Kara plays with her hair, giving her scalp a soothing massage.

  “I heard Mikey was crushing all over you, Ryder.” Megan reaches over and squeezes my hand, her eyes still closed. Really, that’s the gossip?

  “No way. He was just being friendly!” I try to debunk the rumor. The last thing I want is for romance rumors to be floating around about me. I don’t want anyone to even know my name let alone have a rumor like that get back to Ari or Cristos or anyone for that matter.

  “Trust me, I know Mikey. He’s gotten bit by the love bug real hard,” Megan sings out, making me laugh. She even rolls her hand in the air like a little lady bug flying from petal-to-petal. She leans over her chair and pinches my shoulder with the hand bug, and I have to shy away when it tickles me.

  “I’m not really interested,” I say under my breath, trying to brush it off before it escalates further.

  “What are you, gay?” Lisa snickers, tugging on my hair as she runs, or should I say snags, a comb through, creating a tangled mess. I groan at the pain but try to put on a brave face, refusing to give her any satisfaction, yet again.

  “I’m not gay.” I state with venom in my voice. Just what I need: another school to accuse me of being gay. Who even cares if I was? I don’t see the big deal but just the reminder of my old situation irritates me. I’m not falling into the same trap.

  “Lay off.” Kara defends me, her voice harsh and serious.

  “Whatever. So why aren’t you interested? Mikey is smoking hot.” Lisa delves deeper into my personal life. As she talks, I see the rounded hair brush get absorbed in an air bubble and go right behind me to, I’m guessing, Lisa’s hand. Okay, so she can definitely control or move things. I’m screwed.

  “I’m not—” I begin.

  “She has a boyfriend,” Kara cuts in.

  It’s silent for a moment as Kara and I both just stare at each other, wondering how to move forward. I hate that she said I have a boyfriend, but I can’t be mad at her. I don’t expect her to lie for me, so now I just have to get myself out of a sticky situation.

  “I have a boyfriend.” Even though I know the admission will only warrant more questions, I fess up. The last thing I want is for people to treat me differently because of whom I love or this stupid curse—especially Megan because I actually like her and would hate for her to think differently of me.

  “Who is he?” Lisa questions me. “Does he go here?”

  “Uh…um…” I stutter, not knowing what to say. “It’s kind of a new thing so I don’t want to jinx it,” I explain, hoping that’s a logical answer, hoping I don’t get any more questions thrown my way.

  “Oh, come on. We’re your friends!” Megan yells over to me, slapping my shoulder as Kara pokes and prods her hair into a perfect, tight bun on the very top of her head. She looks like a ballerina with her pale, pink skin and chestnut hair.

  I turn and frown at Kara, not sure of how to get out of this mess.

  “Guys, it’s top secret, and if we tell you, you can’t ever tell another soul,” Kara says, which only makes me frown harder since I know she’s just going to tell them my secret.

  “Swear.” Megan crosses her heart with her fingers and looks right at me, forgetting about the makeover altogether. Lisa mimics her actions, even though I know it’s far from sincere.

  “I’m kind of dating Professor Aristeus,” I mutter, hating that I have to put Professor in front of his name. It drives me crazy knowing that he’s a forbidden fruit when I know him completely in a different light.

  “No, you’re not,” Lisa states, dropping her hands from my scalp
. She spins my chair around so I’m facing her. Lisa’s eyes drill into me, and it actually makes me uncomfortable. I feel like a huge spotlight is shining only on me in front of a packed audience.

  “She is, so shut it,” Kara warns, sending daggers at her back with equally chilling eyes.

  “You can’t tell anyone or we could be in trouble since he’s a teacher here and all. We knew each other before I started here,” I try to explain the situation so they know it’s more than just hooking up or dating a teacher—it means something; it’s real.

  “You’re her, aren’t you?” Megan questions me, amazement filling her eyes.

  “Who?” I ask, even though I know exactly what she’s talking about. Truthfully, I just don’t want to admit it. I hate being some legend or whatever.

  “The one. The one from the books. You’re his soul mate,” Megan goes on with the alleged story.

  “She’s Eurydice.” Kara connects the dots for Megan. My cheeks fill with unwanted heat. All three sets of eyes stare at me, waiting for admission. I nod, not wanting to bring any more attention to myself, but since they found out already, I have to own up to the curse.

  It takes a second before they return back to normal. Lisa spins me back around in my seat so I’m facing away from her, and I finally let out a breath. But it’s awkwardly quiet. Lisa doesn’t speak to me during the rest of the makeover. She’s rough with her brushes and movements, but still, I can tell she’s holding back.

  I would rather her be a bitch to me than accept me only because of my past and the curse. I want her to like me for me, not just because of Ari or the books. It’s frustrating, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. They know who I am, and I’ll never be accepted just for me.

  I finish the makeup part of the sleepover, sulking in my seat and letting Lisa have her way with me. We all pitch in and clean up the mess before settling on the floor to watch The Hunger Games. Lisa chose to start with this movie first, just because of Gale, who’s like the hottest man on Earth, and I agree, surprisingly. I guess that’s the only thing we’ll ever agree on. Well, that and Ari’s hotness.


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