Dawn of Evil_FBI Flashback

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Dawn of Evil_FBI Flashback Page 1

by Morgan Kelley

  Dawn of Evil

  FBI Flashback #3

  By Morgan Kelley

  Copyright © 2018 Morgan Kelley LLC

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  Content Advisory: This book is intended for mature audiences and contains, explicit sexual activity between various couples. This is considered an erotic thriller. If you are offended by sex or prefer no sexual details, you should stop reading now.

  ©Copyright 2018 cover by Celestia Abraham

  Dear Reader,

  Since my books crossover a great deal, I recommend reading them as they are written. I tend to mention characters in books they don’t generally occur in, and later in the series, there are full crossovers.

  Some readers have contacted me for this list, and I figured I’d pass it on to the rest of you.

  While you can read the books by series only, it only enhances the reading experience if you go in order of how I wrote them. I tend to give away secrets…

  I’m sneaky like that.

  On the next page, I’ve given you the list.


  Here is the reading book order:

  The Killing Times (FBI)

  Sacred Burial Grounds (FBI)

  True Love Lost (FBI)

  Deep Dark Mire (FBI)

  Fire Burns Hot (FBI)

  Celestia is Falling (Croft & Croft)

  Darkness of Truth (FBI)

  Vegas is Dying (Croft)

  Devil hath Come (FBI)

  Christmas is Killing (Croft)

  Blood Red Rage (Littlemoon)

  Consumed by Wrath (FBI)

  Sinner Repent (Carter trilogy 1)

  Love is Bleeding (Croft)

  Lost & Broken (Littlemoon)

  Illegal Fantasies (Anthology 1)

  Redemption is Here (FBI)

  Sinner Realized (Carter trilogy 2)

  Romance Under Arrest (Anthology 2)

  Heaven is Weeping (Croft)

  Unthinkable Games (Littlemoon)

  Dead Shall Speak (FBI)

  Sinner Reborn (Carter trilogy 3)

  Pledging to Die (FBI)

  Hell is Burning (Croft)

  Truth is Found (Littlemoon)

  Slay Bells Ring (FBI)

  Holiday Reinforcements (Trilogy 3)

  Oracle Rising (Oracle)

  Past will Haunt (FBI Flashback 1)

  Choices will Destroy (FBI)

  Justice is Dead (Final Croft book)

  Haven of Nightmares (Littlemoon)

  Blood Shall Run (FBI)

  Oracle Seeing (Oracle)

  Dark Justice (New Croft Series)

  Forbidden Secrets (Littlemoon)

  Act of Blood (FBI)

  Oracle Saving (Oracle)

  Stalked by the Past (FBI flashback 2 )

  Dying to Love (FBI)

  Lost Justice (Croft)

  Kiss of Souls ( Littlemoon) (FBI/Littlemoon crossover)

  Oracle Haunting (Oracle)

  Revenge has Come (FBI)

  Paid Justice (Croft)

  Wedding of our Dreams: Steele and Dante (Croft)

  Lost Souls (Littlemoon) Sept 2017

  Discarded by Fate (FBI)October 2017

  Atonement (Hunter Mercenary 1) November 2017

  It’s Good to be the Boss (Romance Anthology 1) November 2017

  Dawn of Evil (FBI) Jan 2018

  Dead are Forgotten (FBI) Jan 2018

  Love Knows No Bounds (FBI) Valentine’s Day 2018

  True Justice (Croft/FBI crossover) Feb 2018

  Oracle Hunting (Oracle) March 2018

  Curses Found (Littlemoon) April 2018

  Absolution (Hunter Mercenary) May 2018

  All the King’s Henchmen (FBI) June 2018

  Oracle Divided (Oracle) July 2018

  Mob Justice (Croft Mob) August 2018

  Secret Shame (Littlemoon) Sept 2018

  All the Queen’s Men (FBI) October 2018

  Amends (Hunter Mercenary) Nov 2018

  It’s Good to be Loved (Romance Antho) Nov 2018

  Wicked Hunt (Tueur) Dec 2018

  Harcourte books do not cross over and can be read anytime.

  Dangerous Revelations

  Dangerous Choices

  Dangerous Misery

  Dangerous Retaliation

  Dangerous Influence

  Dangerous Sacrifice

  Dangerous Destruction

  ~~~~ About the Author ~~~~

  Morgan Kelley lives in the beautiful Pocono Mountains with her husband and two children. After attending college at Penn State University and studying Criminal Justice, Morgan knew her only true passion in life would be murder and books. She put them both together and began her career as a writer. Other than books and writing, you can find Morgan hanging out in her garden and digging in the dirt.

  Her other works include: The Junction, Serial Sins, The Blood Betrayal, The Killing Times (1), Sacred Burial Grounds (2), True Love Lost (3), Deep Dark Mire (4), Fire Burns Hot (5), Darkness of Truth (6), Devil Hath Come (7), Consumed by Wrath (8), Redemption is Here (9), Dead Shall Speak (10), Pledging to Die (11), Slay Bells Ring (12), Past will Haunt (13), Choices will Destroy (14), Blood shall Run (15), Act of Blood (16), Stalked by the Past (17), Dying to Love (18), Revenge has Come (19), Discarded by Fate (20), Dawn of Evil (21)Blood Red Rage (1) Lost & Broken (2), Unthinkable Games (3), Truth is Found (4), Haven of Nightmares (5), Forbidden Secrets (6), Kiss of Souls (7), Lost Souls (8), Celestia is Falling (1), Vegas is Dying (2), Christmas is Killing (3), Love is Bleeding (4), Heaven is Weeping (5), Hell is Burning (6), Justice is Dead (7), Dark Justice (1), Lost Justice (2), Paid Justice (3), Wedding of our Dreams: Dante and Steele (3.5) Dangerous Revelations (1), Dangerous Choices (2), Dangerous Misery (3), Dangerous Retaliation (4), Dangerous Influence (5), Dangerous Sacrifice (6), Sinner Repent (1), Sinner Realized (2), Sinner Reborn (3), Oracle Rising (1), Oracle Seeing (2), Oracle Saving (3), Oracle Haunting, (4), Atonement (1), Illegal Fantasies (Anthology 1), Romance Under Arrest (Anthology 2), and Holiday Reinforcements (Anthology 3), It’s Good to be the Boss (1).

  Please feel free to visit Morgan at her website: www.morgankelley.com, email her [email protected] or visit her blog at www.morgankelley.blogspot.com.

  Dear Reader,

  This is the third flashback book in the FBI series. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Stay tuned for more fun with the Blackhawk family. There is so much more to come.

  Look for the special Valentine’s Day book out on February fourteenth!

  I hope it makes your holiday!

  Much love, mayhem, and murder,


  To Rachel,

  You inspired me on this one… you will see why. Thank you for keeping me in line.

  Thank you,


  To Laura,

  Thank you for always telling me not to do something and still being there for me when I do it anyway.

  Thank you,
r />   Morgan.

  Elizabeth LaRue, you have to stop running from love.

  Christopher Leonard…grow a set! Get the girl!



  H e crept through the streets of old Boston, and no one was any the wiser. Well, that wasn’t true. The mob knew he existed, and as long as he kept his shit to himself, no one would think to stop him.

  No one cared what he did.

  No one wanted to stop him.

  That was the beauty of it all.

  He was safe under the noses of all the cops who tried to clean up the dirty streets, and that was making it easy to get it done.

  The local police had one major issue—their hands were tied on this.

  They couldn’t do jack shit, and that made him happy.

  As long as he played this right, he was nothing but a blip on their radar. He was good, and he could keep doing what he was doing.

  See, he’d learned a lot from his old man. He taught him everything he needed to know when it came to getting off. He could pick a woman, do his thing, and be done with her. It was all a matter of finding the one that got him all hot and bothered.

  They were like sweets in the candy store.

  You picked the flavor, the kind you preferred, and the one that got your juices flowing.

  That was it.

  Men had the luxury of being in charge of the hunt.

  Women were placed on the Earth to please men, and nothing more. They weren’t as smart as their male counterparts, they couldn’t compete when it came to strength, and when they had to face down something scary—more often than not—they broke under the stress.

  They simply didn’t measure up at all. They could try, but when it came down to it, the truth was the truth.

  It was fact.

  Women were for the bedroom and not the boardroom.

  Honestly, most of the women he’d come across in Boston weren’t even worthy of him anyway. He’d yet to find that one who would even make him think about marriage.

  They were slutty.

  They had big mouths.

  And they didn’t understand their role in life.

  What was their role?

  Well, it started with ‘women should be seen and not heard’. They should be on the arm of a man, and not in an office, making any important decisions.


  That was wrong.

  They should be making some decisions—like what laundry detergent they should buy or picking out dinner. That was only if they had somewhat of a brain in their head. If they had the laundry done and food ready for their man, then that was perfection.

  That was about all they were capable of, and most men knew it.

  He, personally, didn’t expect anything great from any woman he’d come across. They simply didn’t have the brains to stand up to anything he could throw at them.

  They needed help opening jars.

  They wanted some guy to shower them with gifts.

  And they wanted doors opened for them.


  What was next?

  Did they want to be paid the same too?

  It was laughable.

  What he didn’t get was the double standard. Oh, treat them like a lady, buy them flowers, open a door, but don’t ogle their bodies.


  They wanted to ride that pedestal, but they didn’t want to deal with the issues that came with it. If being a princess was their role, fine, but then don’t try to come across like they could even compete with a man.

  You got one role in life, and you needed to stick with it. Princesses belonged in castles, not the real world.

  Women were physically and mentally weak.

  In the gym, men could bury them.

  In the world, they couldn’t make as much money.

  With the women that he’d come in contact with, he expected one thing.


  That was what a woman was truly good at, and for that, he was damn grateful. They were there to take the edge off, make you feel good, and then compliment you as you rode out the afterglow.

  After that, if you really had a good one, she’d make you a sandwich when the deed was done.

  Well, he couldn’t find a good one if his life depended on it.

  He’d tried.

  He’d failed.

  Instead, he was surrounded by useless women, flaunting themselves around him as they tried to prove they could go head-to-head with a man.


  It was laughable.

  So, instead of picking a woman who got it, he began picking ones who didn’t.

  What choice did he have?

  He’d follow them around, making sure they were perfect for what he needed.




  Then he would make his move.

  That was what it came down to—availability. If she lived with someone, the deal was off. If she was dating some guy that hung out with her, no way.


  He was hunting the antelopes outside the pack. He wanted the ones who couldn’t escape him, and the ones who wouldn’t be missed. For what he liked, he needed a weak woman, a quiet space, and uninterrupted time.

  It was predatory, and that was what gave him the big rush. He wanted to make sure he could do what he wanted, when he wanted, and with them.

  They had their uses.

  It didn’t matter to him if they tried to be smart. He didn’t want them for their brains, or the witty banter.

  He wanted them for their bodies, sex, and pleasure.

  That was his trifecta.

  So, as he stalked them, he found the ones he could have and the ones he could not have.

  It was a selective process that took time. That part irritated him, but he still did his due diligence to make sure he wasn’t caught with his dick in the clueless cookie jar.

  That would be bad.




  When they fit his criteria, the eligible ones were taken without anyone being any the wiser. He was getting into their homes, getting into their panties, and then getting off.

  It was perfect.

  He’d been right.

  He didn’t need a woman for long-term reasons. He could just pick one, do the deed, and walk away without anyone reporting him to the police.

  They had to die.

  It was the only way.

  In that death, he got off, they got the attention they were looking for, and he got to move on to the next one.

  Well, that had been the plan.

  Then something odd happened.

  One night, as he was sitting back and having a beer at the local pub, the worst-case scenario happened.

  As he was finishing his beer, he looked up and saw the late news. He saw his victims there.

  Holy shit!

  He nearly puked.

  The local stations were running his exploits over and over again in a loop, showing the world the faces of the women he’d raped and killed.

  They were getting attention—the last thing he wanted.

  His killing began taking off.

  What could make it worse than unsolicited attention?

  They’d given him a name.

  The ‘Boston Strangler’ was back, and he was stealing women’s lives in the night while they slept in the safety of their beds.


  What the bloody hell?

  He wasn’t the freaking ‘Boston Strangler’. He was simply a guy looking for a good time, an easy woman, and then to walk away without anyone knowing the wiser.

  That was it.

  Did he kill them?


  Did he strangle them?


  Were they in Boston?

  Of course!

  That didn’t make him ‘The Boston Strangler’, a man who wasn’t nearly as selective with his victims.

  The media made him scary.
br />   It gave him the attention that he didn’t want, and a notoriety that he didn’t deserve.

  This was bad.

  Very bad.

  And it was funny.

  They were trying to catch him as he went about his business, picking women to get him off.

  They wouldn't find him.


  As the heat was on, he knew that as long as he played it right, the mob would keep him safe. They kept the cops from investigating anything big in their city. They hated the police and enjoyed watching them fail.

  So he could keep doing his thing.

  He had nothing to worry about.

  In fact, he was going to make the most of it. That was why he was out now, in the middle of the night, getting ready to find the next woman. He saw her earlier, and she spoke to him on some deep level of need.

  She was easy.

  She was single.

  She was available.

  So, for his third woman, he was going to make sure that he did it right. With the heat being on from the media, he didn’t want to make any mistakes.

  That could go bad, and fast.

  The last thing he wanted was for the police to call in the big boys—the FBI—and then have to deal with that mess.

  Yeah, that would be bad.

  So, he was cautious as he planned it out.

  He knew where she lived after he spied on her a few times, and now he was standing outside her place, watching her.

  She was perfect.

  What a whore.

  She’d just gotten out of the shower and was walking around in a towel as she didn’t seem to give a damn. Clearly, she didn’t watch the news.


  She wanted it.

  The stupid sow wanted to be raped.

  This was his proof.

  She was flaunting herself for the world to see, and that meant that she needed to be the one who paid the price.

  He was horny, and she was very available.

  When he talked to her earlier, she blew him off. That pissed him off on some deep level, and he was angry.


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