Dawn of Evil_FBI Flashback

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Dawn of Evil_FBI Flashback Page 24

by Morgan Kelley

“We’ll meet again,” he said, “and when we do, Elizabeth, you’ll be mine.”

  She had news for him.

  “When we meet again, you’ll be up shit creek, and I’ll be sending you to your grave. Mark my words, Mr. O’Banion. Your time here in Boston is limited.”

  He blew her a kiss.

  Elizabeth backed out, keeping him in sight. At the door, she made sure Chris was okay, as she put him in the passenger seat. From the restaurant window, she could see Michael O’Banion.

  He was smiling.

  That alone made her want to shoot him.

  Elizabeth knew one thing as she got them the hell out of there. The shit had just got real.

  This was trouble.

  And she needed backup.

  Chapter Eleven


  A ll the way there, she wanted to take him to the emergency room to make sure he was okay. He’d taken some face shots and some body shots from O’Banion’s goon, but in true Chris fashion, he refused to go.

  She wasn’t surprised.

  Someone was going to have a black eye and hopefully not a broken nose.

  Elizabeth was worried.

  This was NOT what she wanted. She’d proved she could handle the mob man on her own, but Chris…he was her concern. He wasn’t exactly a fighter.

  “I’ll be okay. Just get me to the room, I’ll take some aspirin, and I’ll lay down.”

  She wanted to cry.

  As they pulled into the parking lot, she put the vehicle in park, and she broke down right there.

  The tears came.

  Immediately, Chris was worried about her.

  “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he? I’ll go back and fucking shoot him myself.”

  She’d really screwed this up.

  “I shouldn’t have risked you. I…this is why I am so afraid to start anything with anyone who matters. My job…it makes me a target.”

  He took her hand in his.


  “Chris, he hurt you,” she said, touching his face with her fingers. “He could have seriously hurt you. He was going to kill you.”

  Oh, he was aware.

  “I am not worried about me, sweetheart,” he said, gently kissing her on the lips. “I was worried about you. You’re my girl, and here, I couldn’t protect you.”

  She stared into his eyes and offered him what was in her heart.

  “The only way to hurt me is to go at you. I don’t want you out in public anymore.”

  He got her fear.

  He had the same fear when it came to her. He didn’t want Elizabeth out there with a target on her back, and now she was wearing one.

  She’d shot two mob men and threw down with the boss.




  Only, he had to stand with her—by her side.

  “Then he’s won. Let me do my job, and let me be the man who loves you enough to stand by your side. If you’re going to think you’re the only one who can protect us, then we’re doomed to fail from the start.”

  He wiped her tears with his thumbs.

  “I’m okay. It was a punch to the face and a few to the body. I can handle it. I do work out.”

  She smiled.

  She was aware.

  Gently, Elizabeth ran her fingers over his nose, and asked, “Is it broken?”

  He touched it.

  “Nope. I’m just dinged up a little.”

  “GOD! I’m so glad for that.”

  Yeah, he was too.

  “We have to get inside, call Gabe, and make sure we are safe,” Chris stated. “O’Banion is playing for keeps.”

  “No more dates.”

  His eyes gave away his fear.

  “So, you’ll let him win?”

  Elizabeth kissed him again. “No, I meant we eat take out that’s delivered here until we go home. It’s not safe in Boston. I’ve poked a crazy.”

  He relaxed.

  “I heard what he said to you. He can’t have you. You will NOT be in his bed. You’ll be in mine.”

  Her heart skipped.

  Yeah, she liked a territorial man who wanted to keep her safe.

  “Come on, Newton. Let’s go.”

  Getting out of the ride, she rushed around to help him. He was walking a little off balance.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the ER?”

  “I lost a contact. I’ll be good back in our room. I’m sorry, but I’m not sleeping anywhere but near you. We need to watch our backs.”

  She wasn’t going to let him sleep anywhere but where she could see him. Chris was marked by that asshole, and she wouldn’t let him get hurt.

  She couldn’t.

  As they headed upstairs, he leaned against the wall of the elevator.

  “Well, twenty years from now, we won’t forget this first date.”

  She started laughing.

  Then so did he.

  “I can’t believe you shot the guy in his leg and the other in his foot.”

  “What was he going to do? Call the cops? He assaulted you and the other tried to manhandle me. That shit does not fly.”

  Yeah, he was with her on that.

  As the door opened to their floor, they thought about stopping at Tony’s room, since they could hear the TV inside, but then they thought they should get the call done first.

  Then they’d tell him.

  At their room, she opened the door, turned on the light, and then scanned the interior.

  It was clear.

  She immediately headed to her purse, grabbed her gun and phone, and then made sure Chris was headed toward the bathroom to clean himself up.

  Then she made the call.

  Gabe answered on the second ring.


  “I’m in trouble.”

  That’s all he had to hear.

  “What happened?”

  “I need agents, and I need them here by morning. O’Banion just tossed in all his chips, I had to shoot two thugs and Chris got the shit kicked out of his face.”

  “Jesus! Are you okay? Is he okay?” Gabe asked in alarm.

  This was NOT good.

  “Yeah, O’Banion kept talking about me joining him, and him having a big ol’ hard on over me. He wanted inappropriate things that I will never be handing out to him willingly. He’s threatened rape, and that’s way past my comfort zone.”

  “Okay, I’ll get the agents there by morning. You need to dump the cops, and stay alert.”

  “We’re at the hotel now, and I’m going to get Tony in a bit. We’ll bed down in here, and hopefully be okay in the morning. This town is a hot mess, Gabe. The government needs to step in and handle it.”

  Oh, he was aware, and he would too.

  “Tell me everything.”

  She did.

  What she didn’t realize was that Chris was in the doorway of their bathroom, suit jacket off, and his shirt open. He was listening to his girlfriend relate the entire thing back, and everything he’d said to her. While Chris said he’d heard what O’Banion said, he’d clearly missed the rape part.

  That was way past the line.

  He felt his anger spiking.

  “So, then, I shot them and got us the hell out of there. I have one of their guns.”

  Gabe was glad. This could work to their benefit.

  “If it’s been used for a crime, we may have our way into the organization. You took it directly from him?”

  “Yeah, I foot-stomped one, sucker punched him, and broke his fucking nose. Then I shot him and the asshole who manhandled Christopher.”

  “I just alerted the jet, and I’m going to make sure you have two more agents with you. I seriously want you to watch yourself, Elizabeth. This is a dangerous game.”

  “Well, I’ll take Alex out in the field, and Noah is going to have to do research. I don’t have time to do both. I’m barely able to handle this case alone. I didn’t expect O’Banion to actually try to talk me into be

  Gabe laughed. “Only you. The weirdest men have the hots for you.”

  “Yeah, good times. Get them here, Gabe, and I need more Kevlar. I want Tony wearing it, and the techs. I gave Chris my spare, so have them roll with two more sets.”

  He made notes.

  “I’m going to have to figure out why he’s interfering with a serial killer case. That doesn’t scream mob to me.”

  “Unless there’s something tied to him.”

  At this point, it could be anything. They did have two victims in close proximity to him.

  “Have them meet us here at the hotel. I have interviews in the morning. I didn’t email the cop with the details yet, and I’m not going to either.”

  “Don’t. I’ll contact the commissioner, and let him know we’re going solo from here on out. I’m going to send a few more techs too. If you do get another body, I want to make sure the scenes are processed, and fast.”

  “Thank you.”

  Chris watched from where he stood, and she was pacing back and forth. His heart was thundering in his chest.

  This had gone from bad to dangerous.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow with anything that comes up,” she offered. “I’ll keep you in the loop.”

  “Okay, Lyzee. Be safe. Hang in there.”

  Oh, she would.

  When she hung up and turned around, she didn’t expect to see him standing there, but he was, and he looked pissed.

  “Rape?” Chris asked. “I didn’t hear that part, and he’s lucky. No one threatens to rape my girlfriend. I don’t care if he is the mob.”


  “He threatened to hurt you?”


  “He’s not going to stop. He’s going to keep coming at you until he has what isn’t his. You’re mine. I’ll fight for you.”

  She headed his way.

  “I am yours. I don’t plan on letting him touch me, or you again.”

  He was angry.

  He was also sexy standing there in his open dress shirt, big fancy watch, and his pants.

  There was that curl of lust in her belly when she thought about it.

  He’d tried to fight for her.

  Even facing down a mob guy, he was willing to try and save her.

  It turned her right on.

  “How’s your mouth?” she asked.

  “Not nearly as bad as my temper and mood,” Chris stated, trying not to blow.

  “That’s too bad. I’m sorry, but it’s about to hurt even more,” she said.

  He looked over.


  She attacked, grabbing him by the open shirt and pulling his mouth to hers. The second their lips touched, there was that heat and explosion of need. His hands found her hair, and they buried in the silky strands as her mouth undid him.

  “Christopher,” she muttered, as she kept the kiss going even as he moaned. She flicked open his dress pants, and they slid down his legs.

  She needed him naked, and fast.

  He was leaning against the wall, and she was leaving bites down his neck, chest, abs, and lower, until she was on her knees and his erection was in her hand.

  “God! Yes!” he begged, staring down at her. “I need you!” he muttered, unable to look away.

  She did too.

  Now it was time to burn off all that adrenaline.

  When she took him in her mouth, she worked him hard. Likely harder than she’d ever worked him before.

  Chris’s legs shook.

  Before her, sex…it never really mattered.

  Then she strolled into his life, and he had to focus on anything but things like this. His fantasies weren’t even close.

  She was wild.


  And his.

  “If you keep that up, I’m going to cum,” he muttered, as she ran her nails down his thighs. “Or that. Jesus! That will do it too!”

  She set him free, and he popped out of her mouth. As soon as she licked her lips, he would have done anything she asked at that point.


  “Get in bed,” she stated, getting to her feet.

  Well, that worked for him.

  Chris did NOT argue. He shoved his boxers down his legs, and he hopped onto their bed to wait for her there. The whole time, he watched her with lust in his eyes.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “Mr. Leonard, I’m going to rock your world.”

  “Yes, please.”

  His warm voice sent shivers up and down her spine. Being with him was so comfortable and perfect. Chris made her feel safe.

  To tease him, she began stripping out of her clothes.

  Chris licked his lips.

  They were split and bone dry. Just watching her made him thirsty as hell.

  Then she untied the dress at her hip and unwrapped herself.

  Chris couldn’t look away. Beneath it was some sexy black and pink lace number, and his dick actually throbbed.

  When she turned around, so he could see the back, there was nothing there but a thong.

  “I’ve been a very good boy. I deserve this.”

  She laughed as his words broke the silence of the room. He made her relax.

  “Yes, you have.”

  Elizabeth left the heels on and headed his way.

  “If this kills me, bury me with my watch. That’s all. Just my watch and the erection that I know I’m going to have well into the next month.”

  That amused her.

  Well, she planned on handling that part of his body. When she was done with him, there wouldn’t be one.

  Even if it took all night.

  She crawled across the bed, and she was watching him. Chris was leaning against the headboard, and she straddled his lap. Her breasts, housed in the sexy black lace were right there. They were in his face, and he was dying to touch them.

  When she picked up his hands and placed them on her body, immediately, he went there.

  “Jesus! Where have you been all of my life?”

  “Are you talking to me, or Jesus? I just need to clarify. Are you trying to find God or an orgasm?”

  He laughed.

  “YOU. Definitely YOU.”

  As he ran his thumbs across her nipples, they pebbled beneath the lace. His whole body reacted. Then he pulled the material down so they peeked out.

  “I’m definitely going to die tonight. I can tell. This is how I go.”

  She winked at him.

  “A couple times.”

  Then she sat on his lap, making sure to rub her body against his.

  Chris shook.

  “God, I’m so damn lucky.”

  She kissed him again, and he didn’t know how to do anything anymore. Thank God breathing and heart regulation were automatic, or he was done.

  When she set his mouth free, he was breathing heavily as if he’d just worked out.

  “You were my hero tonight,” she said, nibbling on his neck.

  “I’d do it all again, especially if I knew brave men got sex with women still in their heels. This is all kinds of new for me,” he admitted. “I think I love it.”

  She laughed.

  They were both like kids in a candy store, and he was her favorite thing to put in her mouth.

  “You get any kind of sex you want tonight.”

  He stared at her.

  “Are you being serious?”


  “So if I said…”


  “If I asked for…”

  “Yes. That too.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely going to die from this. When my mother comes to my funeral, ignore her.”

  She snorted.

  “What do you want, Christopher?”

  “I want you from behind. I love your ass.”

  Elizabeth spun in his lap and wiggled her ass. If that was what he wanted…


  His whole body tightened.


nbsp; Girlfriends were something amazing. He never wanted to be without her by his side. This was something he absolutely could get accustomed to.

  Elizabeth lifted her hair, and his hands found the back of her bra.

  “Undo me.”

  He didn’t hesitate.

  She dropped her hair and tossed her bra. When she turned, he was still checking out her thong.

  “Can that stay on? You know…just tug it to the side? Or is that really dirty and inappropriate to do with your girlfriend?”

  “It stays. Your girlfriend happens to like dirty and inappropriate. We all have our thing.”


  Thank God for that.

  Elizabeth found his mouth again, and the heat was there. Chris went wild, taking every ounce she had to offer, and giving everything back to her.

  His heart was pounding, his body ached for her touch, and he’d never experienced this before.

  This was his greatest fantasies all rolled into one. A geek was getting the sexy girl.

  Holy shit!

  No one would ever beat her.

  No one.

  It astounded him that he could just have and have her, and there was no reason to stop.

  She wouldn't tell him to stop.

  “So if I also want to have sex all night?”

  “We’ll be tired, but heroes get whatever they want…”

  Oh, he loved his life.

  “I don’t know what to do first,” he muttered, as she again began kissing down his body. At his pale nipples, she nipped them.

  He moaned more.

  “Stop thinking, and let me give you something amazing. Just let me show you how sexy a hero is.”

  He did what she suggested. Chris handed over the keys to the playground, and he let her do her worst.

  Elizabeth ran her mouth and nails over every inch of his torso, driving him absolutely crazy.

  He shook.

  He quaked.

  She was definitely rocking his world.

  When she got to his erection, she made sure he was wet, rock hard, and ready. When he was begging like she’d never heard him before, she turned, got on her knees, and stared back at him.

  “Take me.”

  His heart thumped.

  Chris went to his knees, and he ran his hands over her pale ass. It was so smooth, delicious, and there. He was compelled to leave kisses down her back, across her ribs, and finally to the small of her back.

  She waited for him, as he took his place between her spread legs.


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