Dawn of Evil_FBI Flashback

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Dawn of Evil_FBI Flashback Page 32

by Morgan Kelley

  The techs headed out, talking to the city techs on their way.

  At least Chris knew they’d be safe in a big group.

  “What do you want to eat?”

  “I’m good. I’ll grab something later,” he said, knowing that they were likely going to be in and talking about the case. Elizabeth, while wrapped up in work, had a hard time separating herself from the job.

  He didn’t mind.

  Just being with her was good for him. He valued the moments they shared.

  “Well, I’ll grab you something anyway. If you don’t eat it, I’m sure Elizabeth will. You know how she forgets to eat.”

  He did.

  That was why he was going to order them takeout, and make sure she got some food in her.

  “Okay,” he said, as he wrapped the body and shoved it toward the cooler to sit in there until the case was finished.

  When he was done, he headed toward the sink and began washing up. He didn’t want to risk contaminating his girl.

  When he glanced over, he saw Doctor Julliard doing some paperwork. She was silent and hadn’t spoken to him all morning. It looked like they’d pissed off the ME there.

  Well, it was nothing new.

  “I’m going to get changed,” he said, heading into the office. “Okay?”

  She waved at him in dismissal.

  Yeah, she was holding a grudge.

  Chris wasn’t upset in the least. He’d rather work in silence. It was better that way. He wouldn't miss something.

  Once inside the office, he closed the door. He wanted to put on his own clothes since he was pretty sure that he was done for the day. As he pulled off his scrub shirt—that had gotten wet when he washed his hands, he heard the door behind him opening.

  Turning, Doctor Julliard was there, and she was smiling at him.

  “Well, don’t let me stop you.”

  He stared at her in horror.


  He didn’t lock the door.

  Why would he? Usually, doctors gave each other the courtesy of privacy.

  “Uh, I think I told you I was getting changed in here. Do you mind?”

  She laughed.

  “Yes, I heard your offer.”

  He stared at her.

  Did she just…?

  “I don’t believe there was an offer in that,” he said, moving backward as she closed in on him. This was a slippery slope. Chris knew at any moment, she could turn this around and say he was harassing her.

  It would be his word against hers.

  There were no witnesses.

  “Oh, I beg to differ. I definitely heard it.”

  Chris was beginning to worry.

  He was a man, and if he defended himself, this would definitely escalate and blow up.

  He knew the type, and this woman was trouble.

  “Doctor Julliard, I’m serious. Please step out of the room while I change.”

  She ignored him until he was trapped in the corner of the morgue office. He was shirtless, and she was almost on top of him.

  “So, about my offer for a drink,” she said, closing in on him.

  “I’m seeing someone.”

  She laughed at that, and he wasn’t sure if it was because she thought he was lying or just didn’t care.

  “Well, we don’t have to tell her.”

  She tugged on the drawstring on his scrub pants, and they began to fall. Chris grabbed them with his free hand and pressed himself into the wall.


  She touched him. Her hands were on his abs, and she was trying to get into his pants.

  Chris’s heart began pounding.

  It looked like he had no choice.

  He was going to have to do something.


  As he opened his mouth, she got past his pants and groped his junk.

  Skin on skin.

  Hand on dick.

  This was bad.

  “Oh, well, this is interesting,” Elizabeth said from the doorway, calmly sipping her coffee as she stood there leaning against the doorjamb.

  Chris stared at her, and he couldn’t say a word.

  He knew what this had to look like.


  And then the shit hit the fan.

  Chapter Fifteen

  W hen she walked into the morgue and couldn’t find him—or anyone for that matter—she knew where Chris would be. There was no way he’d wander around town with the mob on the loose, so that left one place he could be.

  He had to be stripping down in the office to get changed. Well, that intrigued her.

  So, she grabbed a coffee and headed in to find him.

  At first, she was going to knock and announce herself, but if she could catch the sexy doctor naked, she was all about that.

  So she listened, and he was talking.

  Chris didn’t sound right.

  He sounded panicked.

  Quietly, as she opened the door, Elizabeth was horrified at what she saw. He was in the corner, the female piranha doctor was trying to get her hands in his britches, and Chris was telling her to stop.

  Well, she’d handle this.

  When she made her presence known, they both turned her way.

  “Excuse yourself. We’re busy,” Doctor Julliard stated.

  That made it all the worse.

  Chris’s face said it all.

  He was freaked out.

  The man wasn’t violent, and she knew he was trying to logically find a way out of there and the doctor’s clutches.

  “Your hands seem to be in places they shouldn’t be,” Elizabeth drawled, coming into the room and closing the door behind her with her booted foot.

  “I don’t see what business it is of yours. We’re adults, and you’re invading OUR privacy.”

  She laughed.

  Chris heard it.

  That was her ‘someone is going to get their ass handed to them’ laugh. It was thick with the Southern accent that barely tinged her voice when she was being professional.

  When she was going over the edge?

  Yeah, it was there.

  “There is a problem,” she said. “I don’t think YOUR privacy counts in this case.”

  “Why is that?” she asked snottily.

  “He’s mine.”

  The woman huffed and puffed, and Elizabeth was going to blow her ass down—in about two seconds.

  It was coming.

  “Yes, we all know he’s your ME, and you don’t trust anyone but him,” Heather stated, mocking her.

  Well, for a doctor, she wasn’t so damn smart.

  This required a little show and tell.

  Elizabeth headed his way, and he quickly tied his pants. She was against his body and locked in a heated kiss.

  They ignored the woman.

  Chris held her against his body, and they seemed to melt into each other. She kissed him like it was the last one she’d ever give him, and the feeling of his hands in her back pockets told the tale.

  He’d forgotten the other doctor was even there.

  “Oh,” Doctor Julliard stated.

  Yeah, she’d proved her point.

  When Elizabeth pulled away, she took his hand in hers and held it.

  Elizabeth watched the woman and took a sip of her coffee. During that heated kiss, she hadn’t even spilled a drop of it.


  The silence was really uncomfortable—for the doctor—not for them. Chris was amused by the look on her face.

  “I told you I was seeing someone,” he offered. “She’s the woman I’m with. I did warn you.”

  That was Elizabeth’s cue.

  “Your hands were all over my boyfriend, and where I come from, if you play fast and loose with another woman’s man, you get your ass kicked.”

  Heather swallowed.

  Elizabeth released his hand, as she began moving toward the ballsy doctor who was into poaching men.

  Yeah, no.

  That had happened to E
lizabeth twice in her life, and it was something that she WOULD NOT be repeating. She was going to fight for her relationship.

  It may be new.

  It may be delicate.

  But it was HERS.

  “Now, don’t do anything rash,” Heather said. “You can have him. He’s frigid. So not my type.”

  Oh, no, she didn’t.

  Enough was enough.

  When she ‘tripped’, the coffee in her cup went flying and down the front of the woman’s shirt.

  “Oops. My bad. I didn’t mean it. I hear there’s a lot of that going around,” she said, in reference to the woman tripping the other day.

  Yeah, techs talked, and she listened.

  Heather gasped as the coffee landed all over her.

  She was a brown, stained mess.

  “Well, thank God that was only your scrubs. Next time, there will be blood, and it doesn’t wash out as easily. Now, I suggest you get out of here before I hurt you.”

  She backed up.

  “If I haven’t made it clear enough, let me reiterate it so you might understand. He’s mine. I will dust him for fingerprints, and if I find yours, Michael O’Banion won’t be able to save you!”

  At the man’s name, she looked horrified like she’d been caught, and she hauled ass out of there.

  First, she grabbed clean scrubs and escaped out the door without looking back. Elizabeth followed her. At the door, she pointed at the woman.


  She did.

  When Elizabeth closed the door, she locked it.

  Now to handle the other half of this situation. She tossed her now empty cup and stared at him.

  “What the hell?”

  “God! I’m so sorry! I swear to you that I did not in any way want that action she’d directed at me. Sweetheart, I promise! She’s a letch! She got handsy with me. I was getting changed to get ready for you to arrive!”

  She moved toward him.

  Chris was freaked out.

  He didn’t want Elizabeth to think he would ever hurt her like that.

  When she reached him, Elizabeth could see that their kiss—despite him being scared stupid—woke him right up.

  Chris was hard.

  Yeah, and she wanted him.

  “I didn’t know how to defuse that. It’s not often that women are throwing themselves at me in a morgue.”


  “I mean a woman. Jesus! I’m screwed.”

  Oh, he certainly was, but not in the way he was thinking. They had some time, and well, she wanted to mark her territory.



  She ran her hands down his chest and abs. At the bump in his scrubs, she touched him.

  “Is that for me or for her?”

  He blinked and then stared into her eyes to share what was in his heart.

  “Always for you, Elizabeth. She doesn’t do anything for me. My girlfriend does. That kiss…it did it.”

  Her hand stroked him through the thin scrub material, and she felt him get harder.

  At that moment, he must have realized her intent because his heart hitched. She could see the artery in his neck jump.

  “Please tell me you locked that door.”

  She grinned.

  “It’s locked.”

  “Please tell me we have privacy.”

  “No one is in the morgue.”

  “Please tell me you’re going to use this time to teach me a lesson.”

  She laughed.

  “You’d better be fast, Doctor.”

  That was all he had to hear.

  Chris moved at her, and they crashed into each other. As their mouths connected, he couldn’t believe he was going to get lucky in there.

  It was hot.

  It was something he always wanted to do.

  Now he found the woman to do it with.

  He began pulling at her jeans, and her gun was tugged from her pants and dropped onto the counter beside her.

  Then came her badge.

  “BOOTS,” he muttered, as his mouth found her neck and ear.

  She kicked them off as he shoved her jeans down her legs.

  “Morgue sex…we’re not right in the head,” she muttered. “You are such a freak, and apparently, so am I.”

  Chris could barely think.

  “It’s like having sex in anyone’s place of employment,” he replied, pulling off her panties with one violent tug.

  Chris was wild.

  He needed her.

  When he expected her to be angry at what she saw, she trusted him, and that mattered. They’d built something stable. He couldn’t wait to see it blossom.

  “Chris,” she whispered. “Hurry!”

  Elizabeth jumped into his arms and straddled his hips. He placed her ass on the edge of the counter.

  “Chilly,” she whispered as he dropped her there.

  “I’ll warm you up,” he muttered, untying his scrubs.

  They dropped, and he was commando.

  “God, I’ll never look at you in scrubs the same again,” she promised.

  He was hard, thick, and ready.

  So was she.

  “Fuck me.”

  Chris’s heart pounded. This woman made him want to do just that. In that office, if they got caught…?

  Yeah, it made it a million times hotter.

  “If there weren’t windows out there,” she said, clueing him into exactly what she was thinking.

  It made him harder.

  No one ever accepted him for his job.

  Until her.

  With one wild buck of his hips, he was buried in her.

  They both moaned.

  Then Chris began moving. He drove into her, as their mouths met. She was on the edge of that counter, and he was burying himself in that hot, wet heat.

  “Jesus,” he muttered, knowing he wouldn’t last long. This was up there on his bucket list.

  It was one of his fantasies.

  And his girl was letting him have it.

  Each day with her was getting better and better. He’d never thought having a girlfriend could be this amazing.

  “More,” she begged with her legs around his hips.

  Chris couldn’t get the right angle, so he picked her up, and waddled his way to the couch with his scrubs around his ankles.

  When he sat, she began moving.

  They both moaned.

  Chris was staring into her eyes, and she was doing the same back. They were connected in more ways than just his dick in her body.

  “So good,” she muttered, slamming down on him.

  “Come on, sweetheart. Make me cum. I need you right now.”

  She rode him hard.

  He held her hips.

  Their breathing was intensifying.

  Then they could hear voices outside.

  “Oh, God,” he muttered, knowing they were going to get caught.

  She drove herself down one more time and kissing him. When she bit his lip, they both came and came hard.

  She swallowed his moan, and he did the same.

  They broke apart and were staring into each other’s eyes as they breathed heavily.

  “That was so damn hot.”

  She grinned.

  “You owe me panties, Christopher. Someone took out their lust on them.”

  He laughed.

  “I do, and I’ll definitely replace them, but we had better get you dressed.”

  She was bottomless, and he was completely naked.

  Elizabeth loved how he was worried about her and not himself. It was Christopher being sweet, as always.

  “Thanks for the ride.”

  He winked at her as she climbed off.

  “No, thank you for the lunch break, oh, and saving me from her.”

  “I meant what I said,” she stated, pulling on her pants. “If she touches you again, I’ll break her fingers off and force them up her nose one by one.”

  He laughed.

xy. Apparently, my girlfriend is scary when she’s pissed off.”

  Yes, yes, she was. She snorted and headed to the door when someone knocked. She was dressed, and she peeked out.

  “Chris is getting changed,” she said to Tony, who was holding lunch for him.


  “Tell him I brought you both something to eat.”

  “Will do.”

  “And your hair is messed up,” he said, whispering. “I think I know why he’s getting dressed.”

  She pointed at him.

  “Do you want me to hurt you?”


  He moved fast.

  Elizabeth closed the door and pulled on her boots. Sex in the middle of the day always made her happy. It cleared the cobwebs from her brain.

  Chris pulled on his street clothes and checked his hair in the mirror. He fixed himself.

  When he was done, he headed her way and pulled her into his arms for a gentle kiss.

  “I love you. Thank you for being mine. I’ll never forget that.”

  She was touched once more by his gentleness and gentlemanly ways.

  “What you meant to say is you’ll never tell anyone—not if you want it to ever happen again—oh, and live.”

  He grinned.


  They headed for the door.

  Out in the morgue, everyone was there, and they were eating.

  “What the hell?” she asked. “This isn’t a freaking cafeteria. You all realize there are bodies ten feet away, right?”

  They went right back to chewing.

  She worked with sickos.

  Here was the proof.

  Chris grabbed lunch from Tony and unwrapped it. Splitting it in half, he handed her part of his sub. “You need to eat. You are running on coffee and barely a bagel.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Yes, Mom.”

  “Kinky,” he whispered. “Who’s your daddy?”

  She started laughing but took his food offering anyway. Later, she’d kick his ass.

  “Help me up?”

  He boosted her onto the counter and settled in beside her.

  “Well, I hope you can all work and eat because I can. What do you have, Doc?” she asked, switching gears.

  Girlfriend and boyfriend time was over. They had their ‘coffee’ break.

  It was time to work.

  “ID is done,” he said, chewing his food. “She’s definitely Debbie Helton. Her boss did the ID on the scene.”

  “Good. Next? COD?”

  Chris hit a button on the computer. It went to a big screen. “She was strangled. There’s a break in her hyoid, and severe bruising to the flesh.”


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