Seducing Sarah

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Seducing Sarah Page 6

by Jinx Jamison

  She swung her legs over the side of the bed and reached for her cell phone. Now that she was rested and the fog was cleared from her brain, she wondered how she could have ever forgotten the events of the previous day. Flying across the country to a gorgeous mansion filled with sexual excess should have been imprinted on her memory. She’d done and said things in the past twenty-four hours that she’d never thought she’d say or do.

  Including sexing up a total stranger.

  Her cell phone was still on the top of her bag where she’d tossed it after calling her friend Pam the previous night. Oh no! She groaned and dropped her head in her hands when she remembered their conversation. This very minute Quinn could be listening to a voice mail telling him where she was and what she was doing.

  But Pam said he was on vacation, remember?

  The prior night she’d been overwhelmed and sleep deprived otherwise she’d never have gotten the insane idea that Quinn might really be Master Q in disguise. Not only did it make no sense for him to go to such lengths to see her but there was also the fact that Quinn wouldn’t want to see her this way. They’d worked together for over a year and he’d never even looked at her twice. Why would he fly across country to seduce her when he could do that any day of the week?

  Before her disastrous split with Ian, she’d changed one night after work into a slinky dress to meet him for dinner. Quinn had come out of his office and he’d seemed almost pained at the sight of her cleavage. Then there was the telling fact that of all the beautiful, wealthy socialites he’d dated in the past, only one of them wasn’t blonde. So, she was pretty sure she wasn’t his type. Ninety-nine percent sure.

  But that one percent possibility is going to torture me all day!

  She snatched her cell phone and searched through her contacts until she found Quinn’s personal cell phone number. Normally she’d just call the office and leave him a message but if she was ever going to put her overactive imagination to rest she needed to actually talk to him. If he picked up then she could prove to herself that she was delusional and imagining things. She bit her thumbnail as the phone rang.

  Her heart sped up as it rang a second and a third time. Quinn always had his cell phone with him. He usually had an earpiece in so he could answer no matter what he was doing. There was only one reason he wouldn’t pick up.

  Oh my god, he really is Master Q!

  “Hello? Hello, is anyone there?” The deep voice on the other end sounded slightly slurred and incredibly annoyed. It was also unmistakably Quinn’s voice.

  Sarah wasn’t sure it was possible to hurt any more than she did in that moment.

  “Mr. Sanders? It’s Sarah. I’m so sorry I woke you. I didn’t think…” Tears welled up in her eyes that she angrily wiped away. “I shouldn’t have called so early.”

  “It’s cool.”

  She stopped, unsure how to respond. He was being, not curt but definitely weird. “Well, I just wanted to apologize for a strange voicemail you may have received from a friend of mine. She drank a little too much last night and well, you can just delete the message. I’m very sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “Uh, okay. No problem.”

  “Goodbye.” She hit the END button on the phone and placed it on the night table next to the bed.

  The shower was still running so Master Q wouldn’t be out for a little while. Hopefully long enough for her to get herself together. Even though he’d been understanding so far, it wasn’t fair to make him feel like she was wishing he was someone else or like he was letting her down in some way.

  She hopped up, untangling herself from the sheets. The reason for this whole trip, for enrolling in The Madame X School, was to get over everything holding her back sexually. Her inhibitions, her hang-ups with her ex-fiancé and her unresolved feelings for her boss. It was time to start living in the present.

  She padded naked to the bathroom door and pushed it open.

  QUINN STARED BLANKLY AT the polished white marble wall as water rained down around him. The bathrooms in The Madame X School spared no expense in the instructor’s wing. He should know, he’d helped design them. Long hours of bed play led to tense, strained muscles so the expansive showers and deep whirlpool tubs were considered basic necessities. He rolled his neck and water sluiced over his hair and down his back. The hot water should have been relaxing but it was hard to unwind knowing Sarah was on the other side of the wall crying over her pencil dick fiancé.

  Ex-fiancé. Not that the distinction really mattered since she was still dreaming about the guy.

  “Shit, I really need to get a grip.” He looked down at his straining dick. The thing was so hard it was pointing straight up. Which was crazy since he’d just had a massive orgasm.

  Sliding into Sarah from behind was a dream come true. He’d gotten the visual treat of watching the round globes of her ass move as he’d pushed up against them and then there was the physical sensation of being so deep. He gritted his teeth and palmed his cock. It was so sensitive that even his slightly rough palm sent a shiver of sensation up the shaft.

  Damn. Thinking about the perfect ass he wanted to sink into was not the path to take if he wanted his dick to go down. He was caught between wanting to punch something and wanting to climb back in bed with Sarah. They could stay there until he was positive she knew who was getting her off. Screaming his name a couple dozen times would probably accomplish the goal.

  Except he wasn’t the one she wanted.

  “Master Q?” Her voice came from the other side of the closed door. Even with several feet and a closed door between them she had the power to slay him. For a moment he imagined ordering her to come in and join him. She could kneel in the shower and he could take out his frustration in her wet, eager mouth. Because everything he was feeling now didn’t stand a chance against the contact high he got from her presence.

  Even as he thought about it, he disregarded the idea. Not only because it would be an abuse of her trust but also because it would only be a momentary fix. He could lose himself for a while in her mouth, her pussy, hopefully soon even her tight ass but it didn’t change anything. Sooner or later he had to come down from the high and when he fell, it was harder each and every time.

  “Fuck me,” he muttered, before turning the shower dial all the way to the left. The cold blast of water hit him just as the door to the bathroom opened. Sarah stood in the doorway, curvy and golden and completely naked.

  “Perfect timing.” Now that he was freezing and pissed off, he flipped the water off and climbed out. He didn’t look at her as he snatched a towel from the stack of clean ones on the towel rack. He could feel her heated gaze on his shaft. It was long and hard from all his fondling in the shower. The cold water hadn’t accomplished anything other than annoying him.

  “It’s all yours. I hope there’s some hot water left.” He looped the towel around his waist and brushed by her. A soft but audible gasp was his only indication that she heard him. He paused, shame bringing heat to his face. He was being an ass, deliberately brushing her off.

  He turned back to see that she’d crossed her arms over her breasts. She looked like she wanted to sink into the floor. He softened for a moment, wanting nothing more than to pull her into his arms, stroke her hair, take one of her stiff nipples against his tongue and make her moan again. It had taken a lot of courage for her to come in after him, especially nude.

  But he’d already chased her halfway across the country. His business, his friends, his entire life was on hold because of his obsession with her. Now, after making love to her only to realize that she’d come to thoughts of another man, all he could think about was self-preservation. He had to get away from her before he lost any more of his soul.

  So he kept walking.


  FOR THE FIRST TIME in her life, Sarah knew what it felt like to hate. To truly, deeply hate.

  “Hello class and welcome to Erotic Massage 101. We’re going to learn about the largest sex o
rgan there is. The skin.” Mistress Rain smiled over her shoulder at the man seated behind her. “Master Q has agreed to help me demonstrate.”

  Q looked up, his eyes meeting hers. He shook his head slightly before pulling his shirt over his head. Sarah turned away, not sure she wanted to watch the rest. Mistress Rain had put him on the spot as soon as they walked into the classroom that morning, insisting he help lead the class. He’d protested at first but eventually gave in to avoid the scene she seemed intent on creating. He was probably regretting his insistence on accompanying her to class right about now. Either that or he was enjoying it.


  “First, make sure your partner is comfortable.” Mistress Rain walked behind the table and ran her hands over Master Q’s broad shoulders. He tensed visibly before he swung his legs over the side of the massage table so he could lie down. He was too tall for it but with a bit of maneuvering he was able to recline with his feet hanging over the edge.

  Sarah watched with slitted eyes as Mistress Rain ran her hands up and down his chest, slowing down when she reached the band of his pants. She looked up then and noticed Sarah watching. She smiled and then resumed stroking his chest.

  Sarah looked down at her desk and counted to ten slowly. The scene with Master Q this morning had left her shaky and tense. After his terse brush off in the bathroom, she’d taken the fastest shower possible and then rushed out to the room to find him already gone. The only evidence he’d even been there at all that morning was the plastic wrapped garment bag he’d left on the bed containing her Sluts R’ Us uniform.

  “I cannot believe I am wearing this.”

  Gritting her teeth, she looked down at her tight, white collared shirt and knee-length black pleated skirt. She’d contemplated just wearing her jeans to defy him but then she’d remembered how much he’d enjoyed punishing her the previous day by making her suck his cock in front of Dom and Veronica. Considering how pissed off he’d been, she was afraid to test him. He might make her suck him off in front of an entire class of people this time.

  Even more embarrassing was how exciting she found that possibility to be.

  It was bad enough that she was wearing a uniform again, which she’d sworn never to do after leaving Catholic school but to have to watch Mistress Rain practically molesting her… what? Lover? She stopped and shook her head. That was the problem, wasn’t it? Master Q wasn’t hers. He wasn’t her boyfriend, her friend, her anything. As much as he reminded her of the man she loved, he was a stranger.

  So why the hell did she want to punch the other woman in the face?

  There were several other students in the room which was unfortunate. She didn’t really need witnesses in case she flipped out and stabbed the other woman in the throat with her pencil.

  “I’m guessing you won’t be the teacher’s pet.” A voice from her left brought her out of her murderous thoughts.

  She turned to the dark-haired guy sitting next to her. He had pale gray eyes and a nice smile. The muscles beneath his light blue polo shirt were the kind that made her think of volleyball and lacrosse as opposed to a gym membership. He’d fit in perfectly at any country club. Under other circumstances he would have been just her type.

  “Why do you say that?” She unclenched her fingers from around her pencil. Maybe if she concentrated on something else she could stop watching as Mistress Rain slicked massage oil over the wide expanse of Master Q’s shoulders.

  Jealously wasn’t something she was accustomed to dealing with and the ugly feelings roiling around inside her were alarming. Blood pulsed through her veins making her feel unnaturally strong. Images of the things she could do, how easy it would be to snatch the other woman’s long straight hair from her head, flashed through her mind.

  “Just the way you’re clutching that pencil. If you’re going to attack, let me know so I can get out of the way.” He feigned jumping back like he was afraid. She let out her breath with a little giggle. Despite the murderous thoughts running on auto-play through her head, it was obvious he was flirting with her.

  “See, it’s not so bad. Although, I have to wonder what a nice girl like you is doing in a place like this?” He leaned back in his chair, all cocky-confident. He didn’t try to hide his leisurely assessment of her legs beneath her skirt, either.

  Sarah rolled her eyes and looked back at the front of the classroom. “I could ask you the same question since you’re here too.”

  He held up his hands in surrender. “No offense intended. Please don’t pull out that pencil again.”

  Sarah struggled to keep her lips from curling up. As soon as he opened the notebook on the desk in front of him, she glanced his way. Despite his arrogance she could admit he had a point. He was a good-looking guy, clean-cut and all-American. Not exactly the type she’d have expected to meet at a sex school either.

  “I’m David, by the way.” He extended his hand and she took it, laughing despite herself when he held tight and wouldn’t let her go. “This is the part where you tell me your name.”

  “It’s Sarah. And I’d like my hand back if you don’t mind.” She pulled her hand from his grip and turned back to the front of the room. Master Q was watching her. His eyes moved over to David before coming back to hers and narrowing.

  Good, let him stew on that.

  “The first thing a good lover will do is acquaint herself with her partner’s body.” Mistress Rain walked around the table, trailing her hand over Master Q’s bare chest. She lifted up one of his arms and stroked the underside, before tracing each finger separately. Master Q lay impassively through it all, not looking at Mistress Rain, just staring at the ceiling.

  “You need to understand what pleases your partner. Sometimes this might be something they aren’t aware they enjoy. Perhaps they’re sensitive on the backs of their hands.” She demonstrated by patting Master Q’s hand gently. Then she hopped up on the massage table, straddling Master Q. “Don’t be afraid to get up close and personal.”

  David grunted next to her. “Damn, she is really limber. And he is definitely enjoying it. It looks like they’re practically fucking right in front of us.”

  Sarah’s eyes widened. “What? No, she’s just massaging him. That’s the point of the class, remember?”

  But it did look kind of like Mistress Rain was rocking herself back and forth on Master Q’s lap, the same way you would if you were having sex. They had their clothes on but still…

  “Whatever you say. I’m glad I signed up for this place. This is way better than spring break in Cancun.”

  “As you can see class, I’m using my entire body to massage. Don’t hesitate to touch anywhere and everywhere. I suppose I’m cheating a little here since I know Master Q so well. I already know how to give him everything he needs.”

  Mistress Rain looked up at Sarah before leaning over and licking one of Master Q’s nipples. His eyes flew open and he turned his head to meet Sarah’s gaze. The pencil in her hand snapped in two.

  “Oh crap. I was just kidding about the pencil.” David whispered.

  “Would you shut up?” Sarah shoved away from her desk and stormed over to the door. No one got in her way. That was probably for the best. She was pretty sure she didn’t need a pencil to do some damage at this point.

  Out in the hallway, she paced back and forth, trying to hold back tears. Falling for her teacher was hardly original and no doubt this was some sort of weird and twisted Stockholm syndrome. She was basically stuck in an unfamiliar place and Master Q was her guide, her protector. Of course she felt like he was hers. Her feelings were so cliché it would be laughable if she wasn’t still so riled up. She was also pretty sure she was now in trouble for walking out. Okay, for storming out.

  “Oh crap. I shouldn’t have done that.” She glanced behind her through the glass porthole in the door. Master Q was sitting up on the table and looking right at her. Pissed off didn’t come close to describing how mad he looked.

  “I think I’ll take that as
my cue to leave.”

  “I GOT YOUR MESSAGE. You need help finding Sarah?” Dominic fell into step beside Quinn as he passed the main entryway. “Damn Q, you scared her off already? That has to be a record, even for you.”

  Quinn bared his teeth, pissed when Dominic just laughed.

  “So, what the hell is up with you and this girl?” Dominic shot him a wry glance as they stalked down the hall. Students walked around them chatting about their classes. They got a few interested glances from most of the female students and a few of the male ones as well but otherwise it was like they were alone.

  “What makes you think anything is up? She’s my student. I’m her handler. End of story.” It was such a blatant lie it was a wonder his nose didn’t start growing.

  Dominic grunted. “If I was anyone else maybe I’d believe you. But I know you too well, Q. You’ve been gone for years and suddenly you come out of retirement for a girl. A girl that you follow with your eyes constantly. A girl that you would probably fight your best friend over. I’ve only seen you like this once before.”

  He didn’t finish the thought but then again he didn’t have to. They were both thinking the same thing. The last time Quinn had felt this way about a woman, it had ended badly. For all of them.

  Something he was all too aware of.

  “Do you remember when I called you last year and told you I’d met the girl of my dreams?” Dom asked.

  Quinn nodded. “It’s hard to forget a frantic phone call in the middle of the night about a girl that pickpocketed you. A girl you ended up fucking in the middle of a public train station.”

  Not at all offended, Dominic shrugged. “Well, when I fall at least I do it with style. Do you remember what you told me?” When Quinn didn’t answer, Dom continued. “You told me that if I’d found someone that made me feel like my center of gravity had shifted, then I should do whatever I had to. That it was worth upending my entire life to make it happen.”


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