Chaos: Season Two, Episode One (Demon Gate Series Book 10)

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Chaos: Season Two, Episode One (Demon Gate Series Book 10) Page 1

by Nicholas Bella


  The Demon Gate Series

  Episode One

  Season Two


  Nicholas Bella

  First Edition

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidences either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2018 by Nicholas Bella

  Published by Dark Desires Publishing LLC

  Edited by Heidi Ryan

  Book Cover Illustration by Savage Companion

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person as a gift. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please contact the author: [email protected]

  Demon Gate Series

  Episodes in Order

  Season One










  Season Two


  Fear (TBA)

  Special Note:

  This book is part of an ongoing serial. In order to get the full experience of the story and characters, I would suggest you read the books in order, starting with episode/book one of the first season. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on anything! You can find out the order of The Demon Gate series on my website:

  Warning: Scenes depicted in this series and in this book in particular may be too graphic for sensitive readers. All characters featured in sexual situations in this novel are adults, 18 or older. Reader discretion is strongly advised. This series is highly erotic, dark, and twisted. Prepare yourself.

  Special message from the author:

  To all of my Bellaholics, thank you so much for your patience and understanding, as I know it took me a while to get this second season to you. I love you all so much and thank you for your loyalty and support. I hope you enjoy.


  Nicholas Bella

  The Motherfuckin’Recap

  Y’all know how I do it. All right, good people, last we left off in the Demon Gate series, shit had gotten all kinds of real. First off, Brian and Raphael found their third mate and he was not acclimating smoothly. Being a Dom, Andre wanted Brian all to himself and didn’t want to share with Raphael... well, past the occasional threesome, that is. Of course, some attitude adjustment from none other than King Adriel himself gave Andre some perspective. That, and a good ol’ fashioned ass whooping from Raphael. Not to say that Andre was completely tamed, but he has been calmed down. I’ll say that much.

  However, the real drama went down when Adriel was trying to close the gate to Eighth-hell so no more demons could get through. He was also tracking down Xora. She was the female lord who betrayed him and was killing people in Katashniel’s name in order to raise him from hell. No sooner than they catch that evil bitch and kill her, the gate to hell opened up and released Katashniel and his army of scum-ass demons.

  Now, I don’t know about you, but I know this can’t be a good thing. Of course, matters could be worse. And it would be had it not been for Adriel closing the gate and sealing off all portals. Not to mention, his knights and Lords were there to kill as many demons as they could that were escaping.

  But now, Adriel has to track down his evil demonic half-brother, Katashniel, and stop him before he turns earth into hell and one big demon orgy party. Without any further ado, let’s keep it moving.

  Chapter One


  The cool, fall breeze on my skin was so refreshing, I could actually smell the season in the air. Woodsy and spicy with a hint of moisture. Although I was enjoying the weather, I was there for a reason. I ignored all the yelling I heard coming from several directions. There was so much of it these days and investigating the sources kept me busy. For now, I focused only on the people inside the house I was scoping out. I could hear a dozen heartbeats thumping loudly, some more erratic than others. I’d already done my investigation on this place, and the police couldn’t really touch them without proper cause.

  Even in this chaotic day and age, the rules of law still mattered and that was good. My stomach growled, and I was more than ready to sate my hunger on the assholes inside this raggedy-ass, ramshackled hovel. I’d been unable to feed earlier because demons had to be ever so careful these days. I stilled myself, because I knew what to expect going in and I was going to be quick. I could just teleport and take everyone by surprise that way, but I wanted to make an entrance.

  I stood back and let my demonic face come to the surface. I really wanted to scare the motherfuckers inside. I kicked the back door open, sending it flying off its hinges. I startled two men who were sitting at the kitchen table, getting ready to partake in some illegal drug use. They only had enough time to jump up from their chairs before I attacked. I teleported between them, punching each one in the chest. Both men flew backward; one against the kitchen cabinets and the other against the refrigerator, banging their heads and bodies in the process. The impact was powerful enough to knock them unconscious, which was what I wanted. I heard scrambling and raised voices coming from the other rooms and the hallway. I saw one chick coming down the narrow path, gun aimed straight at me. She fired off several shots blindly, but I teleported, dodging the bullets and popping up behind her. Normally, I was against violence toward women, but this bitch was no lady I respected. I grabbed her by the sides of her head and twisted, breaking her neck with such ease, it was almost unfair.

  I teleported to the living room where I heard the rest of the voices. They were trying to prepare for a threat they couldn’t prepare for.

  “Oh shit!” one of the men, trying to switch the safety off on his gun, managed to say before I teleported to him. He raised his shotgun in the direction I had been at a second ago. Too bad for him, I moved faster than the human eye could keep up with. I aimed for the middle of his back and punched the hell out of him, right between the shoulder blades. I instantly felt his flesh give way, bones shattering and his organs tearing. He gasped as the double-barreled shotgun he was holding went off. The bullets struck the chick who was standing near the hallway entrance, blasting a gruesome hole in her side. The impact sent her body flying and crashing against the wall. Blood splattered the ugly flower-patterned wallpaper as she slid to the floor, leaving a bloody smear. There was another man present. He had dropped his gun and stumbled back into the corner, piss running down his leg and pooling at his feet as he cowered.

  As for the man whose heart I held in my grip, he released his last breath and I pulled my bloody arm out of his chest cavity. My leather glove and sleeve was covered in human gore. Raphael would be proud. With two dead, I could see their souls flowing from their mouths. Ahhhh, yeah… it was time to feed. When I first became an Agoto, I did a little experiment after I killed someone. I didn’t take their soul because I wanted to know where it went. I wanted to see if it went upward toward heaven or down toward hell. I saw it leave their mouth and hover just a bit over their body for a few seconds, then dissipate. It was as if the soul was being judged, or maybe it was waiting for me to change my mind and eat it. I didn’t know. I just found it interesting.

bsp; For now, I had no plans to let these two souls escape my hunger. I let my demonic face recede and opened my Agoto up to receive the delicious souls as they left the corpses of the monsters I had killed. As I fed, I saw the last man standing fall to the floor and bury his face behind his knees. I guess I had made an impression on him. I’d be getting his ass in a second.

  My body was humming with energy and I could literally feel the souls I just devoured working their way through me. My cock throbbed with the need to shoot one off. That would have to wait, I wasn’t leaving any DNA or fingerprints here, hence my leather gloves. I felt powerful, like I could take on the entire world, and these days, that was a good thing. I needed all the strength I could get to do my job with both the Alandale police force and the Society, which had taken on a larger, more global role since Katashniel escaped hell. Damn, I really wished that was something we could have prevented. Lord knows I had tried. But we couldn’t because demons were as clever as they were deadly.

  I opened my eyes and turned to the one human still left alive after my slaughter. His aura was yellow, which meant he was a piece of shit, but redeemable. He still had a choice to change his life. But, unfortunately for him, I had a quota to fill and lacked sympathy for him and his other sex trafficking, asshole friends. The man was splattered in blood from the female who had been shot and was trembling like a leaf in a thunderstorm. He was balled up so tight, I guessed that was his idea of a cocoon he hoped could protect him from what I had done. Or was about to do to him.

  I must admit, I had come in here and kicked ass. I made quick work of these criminals who deserved to meet their fate. For too long, they’d been selling young girls and teens to other pieces of shit all over the world. Some of those females ended up brutally raped and murdered. With no evidence to connect them to the crimes, no probable cause to bust in on their location, the detective whose hunch I had used to do my own investigation couldn’t take his any further. But I didn’t have to worry about red tape and legalities. I used what information Detective Martin had gathered, the same information the judge didn’t feel was good enough to grant him a warrant, and made my own plan to raid the house. It went off without a hitch, if I may say so myself.

  Three dead and two to go because I hadn’t forgotten about the two men in the kitchen. I’d eat them later. This guy sitting in his own piss had immediately bitched out when he saw my demon face and what I’d done to his friends. Really, I couldn’t blame him, I was an ugly fucker when I let that side of me come out to play. I figured he would be the “lucky” one, because I needed to get my king a soul. His would be my sixth since I’d started making deals. I walked over and squatted down in front of him.

  He yelped and jumped when I touched the top of his sweat-soaked head. “Hey, take it easy,” I said in an Officer Friendly-type of voice.

  He was looking at me now with big, round eyes full of terror. I could only imagine what he was thinking. Good, I was glad he was afraid. He should be. I was a fucking demon and, these days, everyone knew about us. We were no longer hidden in the shadows or just monsters in movies, myths, or fables. We were living, breathing, killing, and maiming creatures of the twenty-four/seven/three-sixty-five variety. There was no escaping us, Katashniel had made sure of that. Because of him exposing demons to humanity, the world was in full-on chaos. I guessed it went without saying since Katashniel was a Soka, meaning chaos demon. This hysteria, paranoia, sadness, fear and the mongering was his raison d'être. He fed off the shit, which made him stronger.

  To try and counter the mayhem Katashniel had created by doing very public demon killings all over social media, Adriel made certain his army created some public videos as well. They showed us killing demons who were trying to kill humans, just to let the world know they weren’t alone. How not all demons were out to get them and that some were there to protect them. It helped calm the initial mayhem that had ensued, but we still had a long way to go. A loooong way to go. That was one of the reasons why the Society was now an openly global demonic police force with lots of agents, both demon and human, making up its powerbase.

  But I digress, let me get back to this deal I needed to make with this asshole. I’ll get back to that other thing in a minute. The dude had snot running from his nose and onto his upper lip, which looked disgusting. Tears flowed from his eyes so much so, his cheeks were soaked. I laughed and shook my head.

  “If you’re so afraid of demons, why are you still doing this bullshit?” I asked as I gestured to his dead friends scattered about.

  “P-p-please… don’t—don’t ki-kill me,” he stammered.

  I grabbed a fistful of his wet, sweaty hair and yanked his head back. He cried out in both fear and pain, but kept his wide, blue eyes locked on mine. He grabbed my wrist with both of his hands, but somehow knew better than to try to pry himself free.

  “Answer my fucking question,” I snapped.

  “The… money… the money was… good,” he said and swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

  It almost always came down to money. “Don’t you know people’s desire for money is the root of all evil?”

  “I’ve got to live,” he whined. This time, he didn’t stutter.

  I released his hair with a bit of a shove and he let my wrist go. It wasn’t as if he could have overpowered me anyway. I was as strong as two oxen, maybe three since mating with Andre. I snorted. “Yeah, you’ve got to live. I’ve heard that before. You could have gotten a legit job. Instead, you chose to sell underaged girls to other pieces of shit like yourself. Your chickens have come home to roost, buddy.”

  In an act of desperation, he reached out with both clammy hands and grabbed the lapels of my jacket. He looked up at me, lips trembling. “Please… please don’t kill me.”

  I looked around and, for the first time, was able to take a detailed account of the room. Drugs on the table, guns scattered here and there. Cheap-looking leather furniture and a nasty, stained brown carpet. This house was a shit hole, no doubt, and I was looking forward to getting out of it. I don’t know, maybe living in the lap of luxury with Raphael had spoiled me, but I hated being in the place.

  I turned back to the coward. “I’ll make it quick,” I taunted.

  “NO! Please, let me live. I’ll do anything. I’ll go straight. I swear!”

  He was probably lying through his stained teeth, or even if he tried, he was the type that would sink right back into a life of crime. But this was the opportunity I had been waiting for. “The only way I’ll let you live is if you offer me your soul.”

  He released me then and shrunk back into the corner. He shook his head as he looked at me with furrowed brows. “That will kill me.”

  I chuckled. “Not right away. You agree to give me your soul and I will let you walk out of here. You can live your life and I’ll never bother you again. If not, well… you can end up like your friends.”

  “No! Please,” he shouted, and then looked around again frantically. “Will I live a long life?” he asked me.

  I shrugged. “That depends on if you take your vitamins,” I mocked. “How the fuck should I know? I don’t decide the future. I can promise you, you’ll survive this night if you agree to my terms.”

  “I’m serious. For my soul, I want to live a long life,” he demanded, as if he had any leverage.

  It was time for me to let him know he didn’t have a fucking pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of when it came to negotiating with a demon. “I could just end your life right now. The deal is, I let you live, motherfucker. Not that I make sure you live to the ripe old age of ninety. Take it or leave it. I’m going to give you to the count of three to make this life-changing decision,” I said, then I let my demon visage come back to the surface, claws and all. His eyes bugged out as he screamed, then he immediately closed them tightly as if hoping I’d disappear when he opened them again.

  “Do we have a deal or do you die?” I asked him, my demonic voice adding much more horrific promise to my words

  “Yes! Yes, please god, just don’t kill me. You can have my soul, just let me live!” he cried out even before I could start my countdown.

  I liked that kind of progress. Meant I could get back to business and not waste any more time with the likes of him. Of course, he was part of my business, just the part I really hated. I didn’t like having to let these assholes live, but Adriel needed souls to add to his power. Taking on Katashniel was proving to be more than a notion, and I wanted to make sure my king would have the strength he needed to win this fight. So I collected souls, and after I have taken this fool’s soul, I’d have six more to get.

  I let my demon face fade away, let my claws recede, and was back to my old self. “Looks like we have a deal,” I said, then I extended my hand to seal it. He opened one eye—I guessed to check—and then the other. He looked at my proffered hand, then back up at me. “We seal it with a handshake,” I told him since it seemed like he didn’t know what the fuck I was doing.

  Slowly, he raised his trembling hand and slipped it into mine. It was moist and cool to the touch, and after a few good shakes, I was more than happy to let it go. I rose to my full height and looked down at him. “I… um… wouldn’t tell anyone about what happened here, and especially about me. You don’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself,” I warned.

  He shook his head. “No, I swear. I won’t say a thing.”

  I could tell by his horrid expression, he just wanted me out of his sight. I was happy to oblige, but first, I had to take care of a few things. “Good, I’d hate to have to see you again.”

  “Me too,” he said.

  Satisfied with that, I kicked him in his face, knocking him out cold and breaking his nose in the process. I probably knocked some teeth loose as well, at least, I hoped I had. I made my way back into the kitchen where the first two men were still lying unconscious and bleeding on the floor. Again, I opened my Agoto up, sucking down their souls. I could do two at a time, and boy was that awesome. My cock was rock hard all over again and aching to bust a nut. Even with two yellow aura souls, I was still on the brink of what I knew was going to be a fantastic orgasm. So far, only a red-hued soul could make me cum instantly. Sometimes, that was a good thing.


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