Bite Me, Baby

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  She stared at the clock for a moment wondering when this so-called new employee would come stumbling into the office. Given the type of people Stan normally hired, she was doubtful he would be intriguing enough to spend her whole day showing him the ropes. Letting out a deep sigh, she turned on the monitor before booting up her computer. Watching as it went through its routine of updates and adjustments she tapped her finger against the mouse, waiting impatiently. She noticed a pile of paperwork that had been dumped on her desk while she was in Stan’s office. A small pink post-it caught her attention immediately.

  “Merry Christmas, Alana. I hope you don’t mind but I changed our shifts. This is my portion of work that needs to be covered. Thanks for the hand, mate. Xx”

  Anger began to consume Alana, she couldn’t believe someone would swap shifts with her without the decency of asking first. She continued to glare at the small piece of paper, trying to calm her nerves. It took another moment for her to notice the stamped date on the right hand corner. Without thinking, she jumped out of her chair.

  “You have got to be bloody kidding me!” she screeched.

  “What seems to be the matter?” a masculine voice interrupted her erupting tantrum.

  “Someone dumped a pile of work on my desk, changed my shift without asking, and to make matters worse, now I have to work Christmas!”

  “Oh that sucks,” he said, his voice searing through her body. A distant, almost forgotten feeling seeped through her core. Alana tried to concentrate but found it hard as she fought the immediate lust consuming her.

  “I’m...I’m...I’m sorry. Who are you?” she managed to ask as she admired the man before her. His shoulders where broad, matching his distinctive height. He had black hair and tanned facial features. She was taken in by his ocean blue eyes. She watched as his luscious lips moved when he spoke, moving forward as her body begged for just a small taste. She began to close her eyes, and when she did, she fell forward knocking the pile of files onto the ground.

  Her eyes widened as she realized what had just happened, the embarrassment was overwhelming. She quickly glanced around the office, noticing a few of her colleagues had seen what she had done. Tears began to form making it hard for her to see, lights reflected within the small teardrops filling her eyes. Alana made a dash for safety, the only place where no one would find her. Pushing the door of the female toilets open, it smashed into the wall behind. She ran into the closest cubical locking the door behind her.

  Her tears began to fall. She couldn’t understand how her day could go from promising to making a complete fool of herself. She held her hands against her face trying to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to add to her humiliation. She had never wished so hard for something to aid and comfort her as she did in that moment. She pressed her face against the cold walls of the cubical, and hummed the only song she knew would calm her nerves, "Silent Night". As she hummed the familiar beat, it eased her embarrassment, calming her soul so she would be able to maintain her disguise within the workplace. Her chest rose and fell once again, startled by the shallow beat she heard within her chest.

  What the hell is happening to me? the words echoed in her mind. As the beat continued to become more evident, she listened intently. The beat she was hearing over and over again was very similar to the rhythm of "Silent Night".

  'Don’t be afraid, Alana, things will be explained in due time. Just believe!' Alana was shocked by the sudden interruption. She quickly peered around the cubical trying to see the culprit, but there wasn’t anyone there. Pushing the door ajar, she peered out searching the bathroom for anyone, praying to find the person prying into her business, but again there was no one there. Her heart filled with Christmas cheer, as a vision of what Christmas could be if she was able to celebrate. Watching out her apartment window as the first snowflake dropped, a sign from above. A warm drink by her side, and the overwhelming emotions of love and joy as a man’s arm fell over her shoulder and the feeling of belonging filled her soul.

  'That’s how Christmas could be, if you just have faith. Trust and believe in the impossible. Let me show you and I promise you won’t be disappointed.'

  'Who are you?'

  'I’m the man of mystery, if you were to so kindly come out of the dunny I’d be happy to introduce myself.'

  She shook her head, desperately trying to rid her head of his voice. She took a deep breath before leaving the woman’s bathroom. Holding her head high, she took pride in how she managed to calm herself and once again take on her professional role. As she walked closer to her desk, she noticed the man she’d almost sent flying was still standing in the exact spot. He turned with a huge smile showing off his sparkling white teeth as she approached. The vision of this man was enough to have a woman falling all over him, certainly eye candy.

  “Well g’day. I don’t believe I had a chance to introduce myself before you flung your hot body at me. My name in Hunter,” he said, holding out his hand. Alana reached out to shake his hand, as soon as their fingers touched sparks of electricity ran through her veins, something she’d never experienced before. She stared at Hunter, hoping for an explanation. As she watched his smile fell into an expression of shock and confusion.

  “Um... Well I’m Alana and I will be guiding you around the office this evening,” she said, hoping to break the odd tension between them.

  “Sweet, well looks like there is a bright side to nightshift,” he commented with a wink.

  Alana was unsure how to take Hunter, it was hard enough to get through a nightshift without adding a hot, masculine man to the picture. She took a deep breath before beginning the tour, one she had led time and time again. As they walked the first floor, she pointed out each room on the way and introduced Hunter to the people of importance. When they finally made it to the stairwell she pushed the heavy door open, only to be greeted by a long staircase. Once the door closed behind them, Hunter pushed her against the door, applying enough pressure to pin her in place.

  “I’m not sure what’s going on here but you have a lot to explain,” he growled.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “I know who I am but do you? Why are there humans here and what type of business is this?”

  Alana thought for a moment realizing he hadn’t been given any information about the company he worked for and the secrets it held. In her mind his behavior was suspicious and unruly. Alana had very little tolerance for men seeking control of women. She grabbed his wrist, digging her nails deep in his skin before twisting his arm back causing him pain and discomfort. As his began to fall, she kneed him in the face, which caused him to fall back onto the floor. She leaned down straddling his waist with her hips, grasping his wrists she held them firmly in place above his head. She watched as his face showed the pain he was experiencing but yet, he didn’t make a sound.

  “Listen to me carefully. I’m a lot older than you and I demand respect. This is a blood bank during the day but at night, well that’s another story. A story you may be entitled to hearing if you act appropriately and...what...what the hell? Have you got a boner? Are you frickin' kidding me?” she began to scream.

  “Well, mate, for the record, ‘pun’ intended. Yeah I do! If you weren’t so damn hot, oh and might I add...if you weren’t sitting on my cock giving me a lecture while holding me against my will, then I probably wouldn’t have a woody. Also I would like to point out this is beginning to make sense. You’re the one,” he replied sarcastically.

  “What one? What are you going on about?” Frustration took control of Alana as she unwillingly waited for his reply.

  “Well isn’t it obvious? The spark of electricity? My abrupt dominating reaction toward you and the massive hard-on I currently have pushing against your womanhood. I’m practically begging you to pound me hard. Might I add you’re still sitting on me so I’m guessing you are enjoying this as much as I am, and if you would like to continue rocking yourself against me, at least do a dude a favor and unb
uckle my pants.”

  “Oh my God, I have to get out of here. I don’t know what your plan is or why you’re affecting me like this but if it’s a joke, I don’t want any part of it,” she said as she panted, releasing him from her hold as she attempted to get up from the ground. Her body begged her to stay but her willpower was too strong.

  Chapter Two

  She was almost home when she heard noises from behind. At each corner she would turn to make sure she hadn’t been followed and each time she turned the footsteps would stop almost immediately. She was certain someone was following her home. She quickly hailed the first cab that drove by, watching as the tires of the car screeched to a halt almost losing control. She was hesitant to get into the cab since he’d been driving at such speeds but the overwhelming feeling of being followed overcame her concerns of a safe driver.

  She jumped into the cab, giving her home address. It didn’t take the cab driver long to slam his foot on the accelerator almost sending her flying into the backseat.

  “Would you slow down!” she demanded.

  “I am the best driver there is, no need to be scared. The streets are more dangerous at this time of night than my driving,” the driver informed her in a husky voice.

  “If you think I will be paying for this trip in favors, you are sadly mistaken. I have cash and that will have to do.”

  “If that is what you wish.”

  “Trust me it is, now take me home and feel free to delete my address from your directory. If I ever see you near my home I will make sure you are terminated,” she informed him, allowing her eyes to turn blood red in warning.

  Hmm…looks like there are advantages to my unfortunate way of living.

  The cab driver slowly pulled up to the apartment building, and she handed him his fee before slamming the door behind her. Refusing to look back at the driver, she held her head high and stormed into her building. Once she reached her apartment, she noticed her front door was open. She slowly approached listening carefully to ensure no one was still within the confinements of her home. When she couldn’t hear a heartbeat she entered with caution, her mouth dropped open at the sight of her home. The light was dimmed, and soft carols played in the background. Then she saw it, a tree, an amazing green Christmas tree, decorated in silver, gold, and blue. The floor was covered in snow that left a slight chill, but she didn’t mind at all. It was like she had walked into a dream, a fantasy that any vampire would wish to come true.

  A large cup sat on the small dining table. She leaned over to smell the content, as the scent of hot chocolate filled her nostrils it warmed her soul. She turned in each and every direction trying to take in the immaculate details when she noticed a small gift sitting under the tree with a note addressed to her. Without hesitation she practically ran to pick the gift up from underneath the tree, dusting off the small amount of snow on top. Taking the note into her cold hands, she was hesitant to open it wondering if she would ruin the fantasy. Was she dreaming? After a few moments of arguing with herself, she gathered the courage to open the card.


  I know we got off on the wrong foot but from what I’ve seen within your mind I had to give you what you’ve been yearning for. I travelled as fast as my legs would take me to get here. I wanted to give you the Christmas you have always dreamed. I pray this gesture will right any wrongs that may have occurred today. It is now that I will ask you to think. Think of what you want and if you’re willing to let me try to give you that magical Christmas you have wanted since your childhood.

  Your mate,


  Tears welled in Alana’s eyes, she couldn’t believe what had just happened let alone understand why a man she had just met would go to so much trouble to please her, but she let everything go. She didn’t want to think about why, she just wanted to change her clothes and curl up on the lounge in front of the magical setting before her. For the first time in a long time, Alana felt appreciated. As the carols continued to play in the background, Alana dressed in her winter pj's and sat on the lounge. Hugging her hot chocolate, she sang in tune to the songs she held so close to her heart. It was in that moment she wondered why she enjoyed Christmas so much. So many questions ran through her mind until the familiar song played, "Silent Night". As she began to hum she rested her head on a cushion, allowing her mind to relax as she closed her eyes. Feeling every stressful thought fade away, allowing her to fall into a deep sleep.


  As the sun began to beam through her window, her eye’s fluttered open for just a moment. A cool breeze flowed through as noises of the local pigeons became loud and clear. Alana jumped from the lounge. Shocked and jolted by the sudden wakeup call she had received. Puddles of water filled her living room and pigeons flew through the window to take their morning bath in the melted snow.

  “OH MY GOODNESS, WHAT THE HELL?” she screamed, unsure where to start. She quickly ran to the laundry room grabbing her mop and as many towels as possible. Without a second thought she ran from the laundry into the lounge, sliding on the wet floor beneath her. Struggling to keep her balance as the room began to spin, she picked up a little speed before her legs fell from underneath her. Her body flew back before smashing the back of her head against the hard wooden floor. She laid there watching the room spin, gasping for as much air as she could possible take in, filling her lungs before exhaling. White dots began to form within her darkening vision. Panic hit as she began to breathe faster, watching her vision become blurry as the shaded areas began to grow, it wasn’t long before all that was left was darkness.

  “Alana? ALANA! Answer me!” a voice became apparent, slowly drifting into her mind as it became louder and louder until his voice was ringing in her ears.

  “Hunter?” she managed for force out.

  “I’ve never been so happy to hear a woman’s voice, especially at this time of day. Thank goodness you are okay.”

  “Hmm? I’m fine. OH my…ahh” she began to say, as her body began to awaken. The more her body came alive the more she began to feel something she had never experienced before. Her body began to overheat, her voice began to moan uncontrollably as Hunter placed his hand across her bared stomach. Every little twinge he made ignited her inner being, her mind exploded with the overload of lust as she imagined what would happen if he were to move his hand a little lower, caressing her wet folds. She bit down on her bottom lip as her mind continued to form images of their potential lovemaking. Her body yearned for the tips of his teeth to pierce through her skin. A small bead of sweat formed on her forehead as her body rocked back and forth while he held her.

  A gentle roar of sexual lust escaped Hunter's lips as he watched her delicate form lust for him knowing all too well that it was too early, he needed more time. As Alana watched, Hunter closed his eyes snapping her back to reality instantly.

  “STOP!” she screamed as loudly as she could, the windows surrounding the room shaking with the sudden force. Alana jumped to her feet, standing in front of his kneeling form as she gasped for breath.

  “What the hell is happening to me?” she asked as she gathered herself, completely embarrassed by how she had been acting. “I deserve answers,” she added.

  “So do I, mate, and I plan to get them. How about I help you clean up this mess, then we will talk.” He nodded to the pools of water.

  “Sure, whatever.” Frustration kicked in as she picked up towels that had been thrown to almost every corner of the room before making her way to the pools of water. One towel at a time they both cleaned up the mess. Once everything seemed to be cleaned up Alana grabbed the moist towels and headed back to the laundry to throw them in the dirty clothes basket. When she returned to the lounge room Hunter was nowhere to be seen.


  “Yeah, I’m in the kitchen.”

  Alana walked into the kitchen to find Hunter preparing some breakfast, the smells coming from the stovetop made Alana salivate. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was
until the smell awakened her taste buds.

  “I thought it best we have this conversation on a full stomach. Since we didn’t finish work until three a.m. and I was here picking you up off the floor at six, I’m thinking you haven’t eaten.”

  “Yeah I don’t believe I have.”

  “Good, enjoy,” he said as he placed the food in front of her. She stared down at her plate to see a bloody rump steak staring back at her. It took everything she had not to drool over the food in front of the man in her kitchen. Once he took his first mouthful, Alana felt it was okay to dig in. As she took each bite, she moaned at the satisfying taste filling a hole in her mind and soul that had been empty for such a long time. Shit, I don’t remember the last time I fed. It has to have been at least six weeks. No wonder I’ve been feeling so off lately.

  “Now tell me, Alana, who am I actually working for and what is my role within the company?” he asked, catching her off guard. She almost choked on the piece of meat she was chewing on.

  “Well, that’s a hard question to answer but I’ll give it a shot. We run the local blood bank but we have certain procedures and policies in place to help our kind as well as the humans. We ration the blood taken during the day, we take a third and supply it to our kind, but only to the vampires that can no longer look after themselves. Our elders if you will. The rest goes to the humans for their medical needs. We work amongst the humans. There are only twelve of us and we have to make sure our ‘secret’ and what we do for our kind remains a secret. If the humans were to find out that vampires exist, it would be the end of our kind. They would kill us off one at a time or make us attack one another to stay alive. That’s all I can tell you at the moment, Hunter, I’ve already told you way too much.”


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