Bite Me, Baby

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  “Enjoy your run?” Sammie asked.

  Looking as frustrated as he felt, he cleared the lust from his voice before answering, “Yes, thank ye. And how was yer nap?”

  “Quite, um…restful, thanks.” A hot blush stole over Sammie’s cheeks at the mention of her nap. Bits and pieces of her dream popped in her head as she stood in front of her fantasy.

  “Are ye hungry? I think it’s my turn ta cook, right?” Gavin asked gruffly.

  “Yes, please.” With her eyes downcast, she slipped off her jacket. Hanging it up on the peg, she left it on the wall and slowly walked over to the TV. She chuckled to herself when she reached the DVDs. A predator goes on the chase and pounces when prey runs. Don’t want to pull on his instincts, she thought before a picture of her running and him chasing flashed before her eyes. Mmmm, all good things when he caught her. All good things.

  Turning her head, she watched Gavin saunter into the kitchen to start dinner, eyes fixed on his taunt backside. He needed to hurry up and tell her already. She didn’t know how long she could hold it back before jumping him herself. Whatever was between them was powerful. It needed to be appeased. Soon.

  “Go on and pick whatever movie ye would like. I’m just makin’ somethin’ quick an’ easy tonight.”

  Oh my, his thick brogue is back. Was he thinking what she’s thinking? She hoped so. Maybe that’s the way to get it all to come out. But could she? Could she really seduce him? She wasn’t sure, but she really wanted to try. A quick look over her shoulder revealed slightly glowing amber eyes following her movements.

  Doesn’t seem like it would take much for him to snap, she thought, giggling to herself. Oh my, am I really going to do this? Yes. A plan formulated in her mind. She had this.

  She found one that she thought was a boring movie and set everything up in the player before heading into her room. She needed to change clothes. Finding her jewel toned flowing skirt, she stripped out of her jeans and changed. Underwear’s already a check on the list. Her cream and pale pink bra and panty set was perfect, well maybe she should change it. Pale pink says more of a blushing virgin and not a seductress like she wanted. But on the other hand, she’s only been with like one man so virgin kind of matched what she really was. There’s no time for this! she snapped at herself. What she had on was fine, it will do. Later she could go sultry vixen.

  With her hair tie gone, her auburn colored wavy hair slid over her shoulders and down to the middle of her back. Not a make-up person she really didn’t know where to start with that, and also not having many products on hand, she just stayed natural. Plus, she didn’t want to give her game away. It was enough to change her pants and hair.

  Before reopening her bedroom door, she remembered something from the books. It said that males liked the smell of their female’s arousal. She wondered if there was any truth to that. Sammie closed her eyes and pictured every sexy thing about him. Everything she wanted to do with him. Everything she wanted him to do to her.

  A light groan slipped from her lips as she pressed her thighs together trying to bring some much needed pressure to her clit. Her pussy was soaked now. If it wasn’t her desired effect, she would change underwear. Okay. Throwing her shoulders back, she flung the door wide and walked into the living room.

  Gavin still moved around behind the counter in the kitchen, but when she walked near him, he froze. His nose flared as he inhaled long and deep. A low rumbling growl vibrated from his chest while he looked her up and down.

  “Are you okay?” she asked softly, silently smiling in her mind.

  “Fine,” he bit out, quickly turning away from her.

  Sammie picked up the tableware and started setting the table but all that ran through her mind was, it worked! The book was right!

  Movie over and dinner consumed, Sammie was frustrated beyond belief. She threw down her best moves and he never took his eyes off the TV screen! She batted her lashes. Ran her hand up and down her body. Scooted closer to him on the couch! Nothing.

  “I’m going to take a bath. Goodnight, Gavin.” Reminding herself not to stomp, she grabbed up her tossed clothes from earlier and dashed to the bathroom. Never looking at a stunned Gavin still sitting on the couch.

  With the water filling up the large claw foot bathtub, Sammie paced with her clothes still in hand. She didn’t understand. She knew he wanted her, so why didn’t he touch her? Her eyes caught in the mirror above the sink. A sickening thought passed through her mind. Maybe you’re too large for him. No! The thought was quickly discarded. He didn’t have a problem when kissing her just this morning. His dick didn’t have a problem with her this morning either. He’s holding himself back.

  Tossing her wadded up clothes on the floor, the shiny blue vibrator rolled away from her shirt and bumped into her toe before stopping. Well, she thought smiling, I at least can get some kind of relief.

  With the water off, she stripped off her clothes and slowly lowered herself into the hot steamy water. She instantly felt her muscles relax. Resting her head on a draped towel over the side of the large tub, she closed her eyes, clicked the bottom on for vibrations on the bullet, and let her fantasies run wild.

  Still sitting on the couch, Gavin heard the water shut off. He visualized her lush body sinking down into the water and he let out a groan. He swore she was trying to kill him tonight. The skirt she changed into brought out the beautiful green flecks in her eyes and all he wanted to do was get lost in them.

  When she came out of the room he just about came in his pants like a teenager. All he could think about was plunging balls deep in her sweet smelling pussy and never leaving. What the fuck was she doing in there to make her smell like that? His sanity was at stake, it really was. Here he was trying to work up enough courage to drop a major bomb on her and she wanted to bat her eyelashes at him!

  Getting up off the couch, he cleaned the dinner mess. Just as he shut off the water and started to dry his hands on a hand towel, his sensitive ears picked up a pain-like moan coming from Sammie. Dropping the cloth, he quickly walked over to the bathroom door. Lifting his hand to knock and about to ask if she was all right, his hand froze in the air at her moaned words.

  “Yes, Gavin!”

  Oh fuck! No, no, no!

  His cat screeched at him. ‘Mine! Take mine!!’ His knees became week, almost making him fall to the floor, but he fought back. Hands that now have turned into claws bit into the wood doorframe. A feline hiss was ripped from his throat. The internal fight was fierce. The cat wanted freedom and control over Gavin’s body to claim what was theirs. To claim what she obviously wanted. What the cat’s counterpart kept denying them. The man fought to keep control. No matter how sweet she smelled, or how much she moaned his name, she wasn’t ready for them and he would be damned if he left his cat take over and possibly fuck up their chance of happiness!

  ‘I am in charge!’ he yelled at the cat. A sharp swipe of its claws had Gavin’s control slip, enough for fangs to burst through his gums.

  ‘NO! Not now. I’ll tell her tomorrow. Right after breakfast. Pull back. We will go running, just pull back.’

  The battle was so taxing he reverted to begging the animal, just to have it over. At the cat’s withdrawal, Gavin’s body became fully his once again. Claws and fangs gone, he braced against the frame and tried to catch his breath.

  Sammie was all clean and relieved of stress. Fully dressed, she took the towel and dried her hair before hanging it back up on the rack. Twisting the knob, she opened the door and came face to face with an enraged looking Gavin.

  “I’ve gotta go for a run, see ye in the mornin’,” he bit out before literally running down the hall, through the living room, and out the front door. Sammie stood in the bathroom doorway frozen to the spot, not able to move with shock. She just realized what made him so frantic.

  Holy crapballs…he heard her say his name.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sammie stayed up late waiting for Gavin to come back home. Every cre
ak or moan the cottage made from the wind had her jumping in anticipation. She needed to know he was safe. The cold outside was plummeting. Not knowing how his shifter body heat thing worked, and him without a coat, had her a little worried.

  Hearing the front door shut had her peeking through the old time key hole on her bedroom door. He was home safe. Just because she was happy to see him didn’t mean she was going to go out there. She was wholly resigned to wait for him to come to her. If what she overheard was true, it seemed him telling her about the whole mate thing was kind of like a proposal. And she would be damned if she was the one to do that! A lady has her standards after all.

  Chuckling softly, she climbed into bed and fell asleep quite quickly. Dreams of Gavin plagued her the rest of the night—again, hot, sexy, wet dreams of Gavin before rolling out of bed the next morning.

  Wrapping herself up in her bulky non-sexy robe, covering the sheer sexy nightie she wore, she came into the living room to find an already awake Gavin. A tense, grouchy, Gavin. Oh dear.

  “Morning,” Sammie spoke softly, not wanting him more on edge.

  His shoulders tensed tighter at her sleep rough voice. Fuck, he was so on edge. Even with the run, his cat never settled last night. They say no sleep for the wicked, and the thoughts that ran through his mind all night long about Sammie definitely made him wicked. But today was the day. Right after breakfast was finished, he was going to come clean. Tell her everything.

  Shit, his heart was going to explode it was beating so fast. Closing his eyes, he tried to take in a calming breath. It didn’t help. It made everything so much worse. He was surrounded by the flowery scent of her. She has to get away from him or fuck it all. He’s only human. He can only hold this in for so long.

  “Set the table. Breakfast is done,” he ordered her in more of a snarl than actual words. A little frightened, and a lot turned on, Sammie did as she was told. The realization he was so close to blowing had a shiver of anticipation run over her body making goose bumps pop over every inch of her skin. It won’t be long, she thought.

  Barely able to eat any of the simple scrambled eggs and toast he provided, she mainly played with her fork. Looking over to his plate, she noticed him doing the same. Not able to stand the torture any longer, Sammie pushed her chair back.

  “Thank you for breakfast. I’m going to get dressed.”

  His eyes snapped to hers before swallowing hard, making his Adam’s apple bob.

  “Good idea. When yer done, I have somethin’ verra important ta talk ta ye aboot.”

  She nodded before escaping into her room before he noticed the hot blush she knew was creeping over her face. Oh God! she thought, he’s going to do it!

  Stripping naked, she stood in front of the vanity in the corner of the room looking over the slinky teddy and matching panties she chose the night before.

  Donning the smooth cool champagne colored silk over her body, she twisted and pinched areas of the teddy, bringing the black peek-a-boo lace to rest in the right positions. The black lace rubbed erotically across her beaded nipples, making them point and stand out even more. The silk and lace matching thong slid effortlessly over her thighs and snuggled into place, instantly catching her dripping juices. Her secret pleasure was soon to be a secret no more, and she was thrilled about this. What was better than wearing beautiful undergarments? Wearing them for the right man to uncover. She answered her own question with a smile.

  She covered it all up with a floor length black skirt and a white pullover shirt with a row of pretty ruffles across her breasts, hiding the black lace from view. Time to meet with the man I love.

  Wait…love? she thought this over for a split second before nodding. Yes, how could she not? She has seen more about him in the short time she has been with him, than a year with her last boyfriend. It was right. Meant to be.

  The door opened and she walked into the living room where he waited for her.

  Gavin spun on his heels at the sound of her door opening and his heart stuttered. How could she look more beautiful to him than she did ten minutes ago? He didn’t know what he would do if she turned the cat and him down. ‘Never hurt her. Never.’ But a life in constant cougar form was a huge possibility.

  “Come on, Gavin, sit with me. Tell me what’s so ‘verra important’. It can’t be all that bad,” she said while making herself comfortable on his plaid couch. She was trying to make him more comfortable with this situation, but if anything, he seemed more tense.

  “I canno’ sit. And when I’m done with ma words, hopefully ye still think it’s no’ bad.”

  Pacing on the rug in front of her, he stopped and threw his hand in the air before dropping them to his sides.

  “Okay. Ye came ta the Highlands lookin’ foo magic and I’m here ta tell ye, ye found it. Right here. Me. God, I hope ye doona go runin’ off screamin’ into the night with this but I canno’ hold back,” he explained quickly in one breath.

  Not able to take in any more of his pain, Sammie stood and rushed into his arms. Holding him tightly, she gently kissed his lips before staring into his hypnotic eyes.

  “It’s okay.”

  “Nae, me beauty. I wasnea finished,” he said, trying to step away. She let him, but only a step.

  “It’s okay,” she repeated. “The walls and doors are thin, Gavin.” She did blush a little at her eavesdropping confession.

  He just stared at her, stunned, before sinking down onto the couch.

  “So ye heard it all?”

  “No, not everything. Just the good bits. The, as you say ‘verra important’ bits.”

  “I didnae want ye ta find out that way,” he whispered before dropping his head into his hands, then running them through his hair. “Why are ye no’ runnin’, lass?”

  She shook her head and scooted closer to his warmth at the same time he looked back up to her, so he could see her answering him.

  “Am I really your mate?” At his nod she continued, “Then how could I not be okay with this and run away? I was made for you, and you me. Right?”

  “Aye, me beauty. Ye were and I was.”

  “Explain everything. I need to know it all. But know I won’t be leaving.”

  His whole body relaxed into the couch. It couldn’t be this easy, he thought. Gertrude was right. If she was his, then she would understand. Just as he opened his mouth to answer her, she clamped a hand on his mouth, stopping his words.

  “First, I want to see you though. It’s been driving me crazy. What do you change into? A lion? Leopard? Oooh, a tiger!?”

  Chuckling at her, he shook his head.

  “None of those. I’m a Cougar or Puma.”

  “Oh wow! Will you show me? Please?” she whispered with excitement.

  “How aboot I answer some other questions first.”

  Nodding her agreement, she snuggled into him, resting her head on his chest, and asked one of the many questions on her list, “How will you make us mated?”

  Chapter Twelve

  So much information swirled through her brain from all his answers. The mating seemed pretty easy. A bite, from him, at the um…climax of their lovemaking, will bind them together in a soul tying manner. A blush covered his overgrown cheeks at this revelation. She smiled into his hard muscle as she continued rubbing his stomach at that thought. He was, is, so sweet.

  With the Q and A over, they settled into a comfortable silence. She mulled over all the info, reliving it, analyzing it. Everything he said seemed wonderful. Well, except for the mind-link thing, she thought. Apparently once mated they would be able to read each other’s minds. A lot of control over her thoughts would be needed so she could surprise him occasionally.

  A low rumbling sound from his chest sent vibrations through her body. Was he?

  “Are you purring!?” she laughed.

  “Aye, I’m happy. Me cat’s happy.”

  Still laughing, she kissed his exposed neck as he laid his head back against the couch.

  “Will you sho
w me now?” she whispered hotly into his ear.

  ‘Yes!’ his cat mulled. ‘Show mate!’ He purred with a cat smile, showing off his massive teeth.

  Chuckling, he nodded and sat up, gently moving her away so he could stand. “All right. I’ll show you, beauty.”

  Gavin stood before her, and began to remove his clothes. When he reached to undo the first button of his pants, her eyes followed his every move. She was in awe of the perfect specimen who stood before her, as a glow of light surrounded his now crouched over form before subsiding completely, revealing a large golden cougar. Sammie sat up farther, perching on the edge of the couch with her eyes transfixed. From their talk she knew Gavin was still in there, but the cat had more of the lead role. She wondered if the cat was happy with her as the choice of mate.

  “You’re gorgeous. A deadly, beautiful creature,” she whispered.

  The cat walked slowly over to her, sitting with pure grace. Dropping his head he continued to inch closer, trying not to frighten her. Reaching out her hand tentatively, she made contact with the soft, thick fur on his head. Smoothing it across its neck and back again to rub and scratch his ears, a loud rumbling, matching Gavin’s earlier purr, reverberated through his body.

  Laughing in pure joy, Sammie held the cat’s massive head in her hands and looked into its sparkling yellow eyes.

  “Bring my Gavin back to me please,” she said right before the glow came back, leaving a naked Gavin in its place, with his head still in her hands. How’d he manage that? she wondered, before rolling her eyes at herself mentally. It doesn’t freaking matter right now!

  Standing upright, Gavin pulls his clothes on, covering the perfect view in front of her.


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