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The Last Summer Girl: A Coming of Age Love Story

Page 20

by S. C. York

  Laughing, I follow him up the hill back to the Vespa.

  The streets are bursting with groups of singles dressed to impress and looking for tonight’s next best thing. High up on the deck of the majesty, we have a bird’s eye view of the singles congregating at the outdoor bars along the wharf. As I sit out on the aft deck lounge enjoying cocktails at sunset, I’m confident it’s going to be a good night.

  “Shots on yachts!” Eva exclaims as Jen carries out a tray.

  “I think you should slow down, Eva,” I tell her, but there’s no stopping her and she downs another lemon drop. She grabs the control to the Majesty’s sound system from Jen’s pocket and Ride plays at full volume. The base makes my chair shake.

  “Gimme that!” I try snatching the controller from her, but she’s stronger than me by a lot.

  “Come on, Nessa, loosen up,” she yells at me acting like a petulant child.

  “I’m taking my time on my riddeeeee...” Eva sings at the top of her lungs. She knocks into the table and I have to reach out and catch a glass from falling and shattering.

  I’m ruining her fun, but I don’t want to get drunk and stumble home in high heels anymore. Besides, I need to make sure she has a good time safely.

  As much as Blake’s a great boyfriend I can’t picture him holding her hair back if she pukes.Which I’m sure she will, later on.

  Actually, I’d bet money on that happening.

  Blake joins us on the aft deck dressed in a navy-blue blazer and white shirt. The top buttons are undone giving us a peek of his hairless chest, golden and chiseled. Khaki shorts and boat shoes finish his look. But I can tell he’s pissed.

  “What the hell is going on?” he yells, taking the remote from her and turning the music down.

  “Thank God. I think I burst an eardrum. What’s up with the sport coat? Isn’t it a little hot for that?” I ask him.

  “Vanessa, it’s a yacht club thing. All members of the Newport Yacht Club dress in these colors. This navy-blue blazer embroidered with this distinct emblem can only be worn by members, purchased by members,” he points to the patterned insignia on the pocket.

  “Oh. I forgot you belong to two yacht clubs,” I say.

  “Nessa, I belong to at least a dozen. It’s a tax write off for work purposes, networking and such.”

  “I’ve heard enough about yacht clubs already. I want to party,” Eva demands.

  I roll my eyes at her, “Alright, birthday girl, let’s give you the night you’ve been waiting for.”

  I’m miserable. It sucks being the only one sober in the middle of a dance floor full of drunks. I’ve had at least four drinks spilled in my hair, on my dress, and at my feet. This probably happened to me a thousand times before and I never even noticed or cared. But now, the scene feels old, I’m tired and I want to leave.

  I’m hoping Eva will sweat out all the alcohol she’s been downing. Her new diamond tennis bracelet catches the light every time she moves. Blake’s definitely a generous guy.

  The bar’s not closing for another forty-five minutes and I’m not sure if I’m going to survive.

  “I’m soo hungry. I want pizza and then I want to party in the hot tub,” Eva says, slurring slightly.


  “Shut up, I’m hungry.”

  “No, I meant the hot tub part,” I tell her.

  “Oh, Nessa. It gets drained and cleaned daily. It only takes twenty minutes for the fresh water to pump in,” she says, unfazed.

  Looking over to Blake and TJ, I notice that they are equally wasted, having given in to Eva’s demands to drink with her. Shaking my head at them all, I suggest we get the diva her food.

  “Why don’t TJ and I head back to the Majesty, and start getting the hot tub prepped,” Blake tells us.

  “Sounds good, man,” TJ says, slapping him on the back.

  I guide Eva out into the night toward the Greek pizza place we passed earlier. A sign in the window advertised that they stay open until two a.m. for late night pizza emergencies.

  Eva orders three large slices with cheese and methodically savors each one. By the time she’s finished and swigs her Diet Coke, a full hour’s passed. I snap a pic of her burping and text it to Blake before she can stop me.

  “Bitch,” she says trying to grab my phone. She’s a hot mess and her hand to eye coordination is way off. She knocks over the Coke bottle and I clean up her mess. She stumbles out, holding onto me, and we slowly make our way toward the docks passing groups of drunks. Any other time I would find this hysterical, but tonight I’m just not in the mood.

  “Nessa, tonight was so much fun,” she says as I help her out of her heels before we board. The Majesty’s silent and no lights are on inside the main salon.

  “I don’t feel like going in the hot tub. I’m tired,” I tell her.

  “Okay, can you just help me get changed?”


  I take her down and help her get out of her dress and find her bikini. I hand her a bottle of water and hug her goodnight.

  “Ugh, I have to pee so bad. Good night, Nessa,” she tells me as I close the door. I decide to head up to the aft deck and call Ryan.

  It’s too quiet out here. There’s no sign of Blake or TJ.

  Barefoot, I climb the stairs to the main deck, stopping short. I freeze not sure exactly what I’m seeing. Soft moans and the sound of kissing lips speak softly in the wind. Two tanned hard bodies are linked together in passion.

  The water from the hot tub spills over its side as the jets pump more in. Blake’s head is thrown back in ecstasy and it’s suddenly clear the sound I was hearing wasn’t kissing, as TJ’s head bobs up and down in the water.

  I can’t move, everything is in slow motion; my brain numbs not fully processing what my eyes are telling it. The two of them are oblivious, fully engaged in the passion they are sharing.

  Blood starts rushing to my head. My mind unfreezes and is sharp again, not dulled by a drop of alcohol. My first thought is to get to Eva and stop her from coming up here. As I turn to find her, it’s too late.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” she screams.

  I’m not sure who to look at, the boys who just got busted or Eva shaking with fear and rage.

  Blake’s amber skin has turned white. His face is pale, his eyes wide with fear and shock. TJ straightens up, and I see his massive member rise out of the water.

  “Oh, my God,” I scream, covering my eyes with my arm. Seeing him naked is too much. I start shaking and crying, the full implication of what’s happening hitting me.

  Eva’s not moving. She’s silent. My fear of what she might do propels me forward. I take control of the situation and throw TJ a towel, yelling, “Get out. Get the hell out!”


  “Out now!”

  He finally complies and scrambles out of the hot tub.

  Eva’s shaking her head slowly, backing away.

  “Nothing happened, right, Vanessa? We both saw nothing.” She stares at Blake, “It’s okay, baby, it’s my fault. I was too drunk earlier. I know you have a high libido. It’s not like you paid a hooker or anything.”

  I stare at her in disbelief and empathy. She desperately wants to cling to the perfect relationship she thought she finally had.

  “I know you love me, Blake. This doesn’t change a thing,” she says moving toward him.

  But he puts his hand up, “I can’t do this anymore. Eva, please stop.”

  Tears fall from this golden man just as broken in the hot tub as Eva’s heart is about to be.

  “No, shhh, baby, don’t say it,” Eva whispers putting her fingers to his lips trying to stop more words from coming out.

  “Eva, I’m sorry. I tried. I really, tried, please know I never meant to hurt you. I thought I could turn it off, but it’s always been there. I can’t lie and pretend anymore with my close friends. Eva, sweetheart, look at me. I’m gay, always have been.”

  Eva reels back shaking her head
in denial.

  “No, no. Ooooh, Cristo. My God. Madre de Dios,” she cries, alternating between Spanish and English. Eva’s in a state of disbelief and shock. Her keening cries ring out as she tries to process what we both witnessed. Blake gets out of the hot tub and puts his bathing suit back on unashamed of his own nakedness.

  “Eva, I can’t change who I am. I’m sorry. I’ve been faking it for too long. The pressure’s too much and I lost control.” He starts to choke on his words, “You—for these last few months, being with you was the closest I could ever come to having a real relationship with a woman. I’m sorry. I’m just not wired that way.”

  His words seem to wake up the fury I know must have been waiting under the surface, the Eva I know awakens as if he physically slapped her.

  “What the fuck, Blake? I was your scapegoat? You used me? Banged me all night long, locking eyes, whispering words of tenderness and it was all bullshit?” Her words are loud and explosive, while her body is slow and deliberate. She’s a cobra about to strike as she inches forward.

  Backing away, I press my body into the cold fiberglass wall behind me, wondering how I didn’t see it. Were there any clues? I need to call Ryan but my phone is on the deck by the hot tub. I must’ve dropped it in my hurry to get a towel to cover TJ.

  “Eva. I tried. For you, I did. I—”

  “Hijo de puta, eres un joto, puto!” She unleashes hellfire on him in Spanish cursing him while springing forward and slapping him silly. Her hands are lightning quick and hits him all over. Blake just stands there silently taking the punishment. I can’t stop watching the train wreck. It’s like I’m watching a movie, but finally I snap out of it knowing someone needs to intervene. Hooking her arms from behind, I grab her still as she struggles to reach out and slap him some more.

  “Eva…please, I want to still be friends with you. This summer meant something to me. I do love you—I just can’t be with you like that anymore.”

  “Did you love me when you had sex with me this morning?”

  I hear a shocked gasp. Turning around to find TJ standing behind us, with a look of hurt betrayal in his eyes. Blake gives him a wistful look of apology.

  “I don’t ever want to see either of you again,” Eva turns to TJ and points her finger at him, “Eres un pendejo,” she hurls.

  ‘Come on, let’s go. I’ll get us out of here,” I tell her pulling her by the elbow and guiding her to the stairs.

  “Wait! Please! My father can’t know about this. Both of you need to keep your mouths shut. He’ll kill me, please.”

  We don’t acknowledge him and keep moving.

  “Eva! You can’t tell anyone about this. I need you both to swear to it. Do you understand? Not one, not one word or I’ll have my father fire you.”

  “Blake, do you think I give a flying fuck about my job right now? I just walked in on TJ on his knees sucking you off— my boyfriend—on my birthday. For fuck’s sake!”

  “Yes, Eva, we all know it’s your birthday, sweetie,” TJ says with a finger wave.

  “Pinche idiota,” she screams back at him.

  “I’ll deal with you later,” I say to TJ with conviction.

  Oh, my God! Eva’s completely losing her shit!

  She continues with a string of curses in Spanish and I realize I need to get her out of here before someone loses their nuts.

  “How could you do this to me? I loved you both,” Eva screams falling to her knees and sobbing. Blake seems to have regained control and his mask is back firmly in place.

  “Eva, come on, honey. You knew my rep. Did you really think you could change me?

  “That the biggest player up and down the coast would change for you, even if I weren’t gay? Don’t be so hard on yourself. You never had a chance. Do you know how hard it was for me, pretending to enjoy being with women?

  “I hated it. I practically gagged in my mouth every time I touched you. Why did you think I only liked it from behind? I could look at your ass and pretend you were Evan instead of Eva,” he informs her.

  With his arms draped back bracing himself against the side of the hot tub, he’s still the King. I rush him, cracking him hard across the cheek. My hand stings from the slap and his face is red where my fingers marked his perfect skin. I don’t regret my actions for a second.

  Eva’s curled up in a ball sobbing profusely on the deck. Her keening cries sound like a sick coyote. Jen rushes up to the deck, pausing, “Is everything alright?”

  “Get back to bed, Jen. This is nothing you need to worry about.”

  “So, they finally know then?”

  “What? You’re fucking fired! Get off my boat now!” he screams at her. Seems the King is also out of control.

  Stunned, I look at Jen. That bitch knew this whole time?

  “Let’s go. We’re getting out of here,” I tell Eva firmly, grabbing her arm and forcing her away. TJ’s still behind me wrapped in a towel, pacing.

  “Blake, you promised me you’d stop sleeping with her. How could you?” TJ fires at him also full of hurt and dejection.

  “TJ, I told you I would break up with her after her birthday. I didn’t want to spoil it.”

  “My God, that’s rich. You arrogant, self-entitled prick,” I tell Blake. Then I turn to TJ, “How could you? After all the lectures you gave warning me and Eva about them? How ironic that you’re the one who betrayed us. Does Ryan know about any of this?” I gesture between him and TJ.

  “No, of course not. And you need to let me tell him. He has to hear this from me.” Blake sighs finally caring about someone else’s feelings.

  “Well, he’s my boyfriend and I need him right now.”

  “He was my best friend long before he was your boyfriend and I need him first, Vanessa.”

  Blake grabs my phone before I can get to it.

  “Seriously, Blake? You’re only making this worse for yourself. Snap out of it, ass wipe, and think about someone else for a change. I never would’ve figured you to be gay, but I guess you are the self-absorbed ass I always took you for.”

  I look back for Eva but she’s gone.

  “I have a lot to lose, Vanessa. Inheriting my father’s business and my status at the yacht club could be at stake. I need to share this on my own time.”

  “Blake, what you’ve just lost is much more valuable than any of that. Now give me my phone, I’m taking Eva and getting off this damn boat.”

  “Vanessa, it’s almost three in the morning. Where are you going to go?” TJ asks.

  “Let me worry about that, you’ve lost that right.”

  “I’m warning you, Vanessa, keep your snarky mouth shut or I’ll sink your relationship with Ryan,” Blake warns handing over my phone.

  “I was a fool. I thought you were good for her. You have no idea how much this will crush her. Why did you let her fall in love with you? You’re a loser. As for Ryan, I’ll give you fifteen minutes before I call him, time’s ticking.”

  Taking my phone, I rush down to the stateroom that I will never sleep in again. Looking around wistfully, I gather my things. Charging to the bathroom I clean out my toiletries.

  She’s there lurking in the corner, the sea siren made of stone. Now I understand what her smug eyes were trying to tell me. I throw everything quickly into my overnight bag and rush out to find Eva. Dashing down the hall, I hurriedly scroll through my contacts and find Aunt Mel. My thumb hits call without hesitation.

  “Vanessa? Did you mean to call me?”

  “Yes. Aunt Mel—I can’t explain right now. I have a small emergency. I’m in Newport with a friend, can you come get us?”

  “Where are you?”

  “Bannister’s Wharf.”

  “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  I disconnect feeling relieved that I have a plan to get Eva off this sinking ship.

  “Oh, shit.”

  Arriving at Blake’s stateroom, I pause at the destruction inside. She’s trashing the place. Lamps are sideways and the beds destroye
d. I step over Blake’s strewn designer clothing. They’re soaking wet and reek of beer. Eva is over by the mini fridge popping cans of Blake’s favorite German stout. She takes a few sips then turns them upside down, dumping it on the rug. I watch her clumsily climb into the bed. Pulling down her panties, she squats on the mattress. Dumping my bags, I rush her.

  “Eva, no! Don’t! Be better than this, better than him.”

  I pull her panties up for her and give her a hug when she collapses into my arms.

  “Nessa? Why? Why—me?”

  Still drunk and now tired, her hair’s limp and sticky. Her eye makeup has smeared down her face, and her skin’s wet with sweat and beer. She alternates between hiccuping and crying—speaking a little broken Spanish in between.

  “I don’t know. Let’s just get out of here. My aunt is coming for us. We’ll go back to her house, sort this out and get cleaned up. I’m here for you, Eva. We’ll get through this together.”

  “Okay.” She leans on me and we get up. Gathering her bags, we leave the room.

  No one escorts us off the Majesty and as we walk off the ramp to the dock. I know in my heart that I will never step foot on this yacht again. I turn around for one last look and see Blake out on the top deck. His silhouette is illuminated against the dark sky. I can’t see his face well, but the bottle of vodka in his hand is hard to miss. He puts it to his lips taking a long swig.

  I walk Eva down the dock to the brick walkway by the Black Pearl restaurant. We find an old worn bench under a tree and wait for our rescue.

  Facing the road, I stare out into the deserted night seeing nothing but emptiness. Getting my phone, I call Ryan.

  “Vanessa, I’m on the other line with Blake.”

  “What did he say?”

  “That he and Eva had a huge fight and TJ got into it.”

  “Well, TJ certainly got into it, but he’s not telling you the truth. Ryan, you need to get here, now. It’s bad.”

  “I’ll be there soon, baby, hold on.”

  “Wait, we’re gone. Eva and I just left the Majesty and, Ryan, I’m never going back.”


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