Like Flies To Honey 2

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Like Flies To Honey 2 Page 1

by Nicety



  An Intriguing Short:



  Electronics Edition

  Copyright © 2012 Typing Images

  Published by

  Typing Images

  [email protected]

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  I would like to thank God for giving me the gift of writing and blessing me everyday. I would like to dedicate this book to every woman and man that reads and relates to it. I would also like to dedicate this to my family and friends who inspire me to write.

  It’s Your Life

  Brittany damn near passed out at the scene. She had jumped out of the car so fast that she almost came out of her shoes. The yellow tape let her know exactly where the crime scene was. Dune followed behind her seemingly hysterical but remaining calm and strong for her. Cops and neighbors stood around gazing at her and shaking their heads. It all seemed surreal like the midnight fog would come out of nowhere and Freddie Kruger would appear slicing her in two. She made a B-Line for the scene but was halted by the cops once they saw her attempt to break through the chaos. She was a strong little thing at 5'3" but was no match for four bulky policemen.

  "Where's my cousin? I need to see my cousin!"

  "Ma'am I'm going to need you to calm down. Now who's your cousin."

  "Charity, you idiot! Where's Charity?"

  The lead detective on the scene pushed through the commotion walking straight up to Brittany's nose. His cologne was louder than a bomb and he looked like he was about to go on stage with his tailor made suit. His milky white hand ran down to the small of her back as he escorted her over to his city issued vehicle. Dune followed close behind.

  "Was your cousin in apartment 2C?" The detective asked.


  "Ma'am, I regret to inform you that your cousin has passed on. Okay?" As a homicide detective he couldn't help but to sound rehearsed. He actually needed to take that sensitivity training he'd been dodging for 5 months.

  Brittany broke down in full-blown tears. Her whole face was filled in less than a minute as she fell to her knees screaming.

  "Why Lord? Why?"

  “It’s gonna be okay baby. Com’ on, let’s get you back in the car.” Dune lifted her to her feet picking her up then carried her to the car like a knight in shining armour.

  “I’m going to need her to answer a few questions so take a minute to calm her down for me.” The detective was firm on getting Brittany’s statement. Dune cocked his head at him as he followed them to the car and stood on the outside with the other detectives waiting for her to get right.

  In the car, Brittany had finally calmed down but was in no mood to talk to anyone. Dune held and rubbed her hand soothing her sobs as she tried to explain to Dune what she had heard the previous night.

  “I never heard any indication that this would even happen. I mean, Derek could never hurt a fly. How could this happen?”

  “Baby, you thought he could stop cheating on you and he didn’t. Sometimes you just never really know people.”

  “But Dune, if he was in love with her why would he kill her?”

  “Because he could never have her the way he wanted to because of you, Brit.”

  “Then why not just kill me, instead?”

  The car went silent. They stared off into the open road beyond the windshield listening to the birds chirp and the news crews pack up to head back to their respective stations. Dune looked over at Brittany knowing in his heart that it would take some time for her to get over the death of her cousin but wondered exactly how much time she might need. He didn’t want this sadness to drag out too long putting a damper on what was supposed to be their newfound happiness. Releasing Dune’s grip from her hand, Brittany exited the car drying her tears and headed over to the detective. Dune watched out of the rear view mirror like a hawk as she casually answered the guy’s questions. Anger built inside of him. He knew Brittany would not get over this easily and it would be just another distraction.


  At the 15th Precinct, Derek sat in a holding cell with eight other guys asking what he had done to get in there. Derek remained silent not wanting to make friends with either of them. He wondered what was taking so long for the cops to come in and question him. The thought of Charity's splattered brain all over the bed destroyed his mind. He didn't know how any of that could have happened especially since he's never owned a gun. Even if he wanted to cry for Charity's death he couldn't do it in front of the hardened criminals he was jailed with. Derek paced back and forth constantly looking out the window trying to see the faces to the footsteps he was hearing. It had been a long couple of hours, how the hell was he going to make it in prison on murder? He thought. Derek noticed the pay phone in the corner of the holding cell.

  “Man, I don’t know what the fuck is going on man. You gotta help me Dune. You the only nigga I got man. I ain’t got nobody else. No family or shit, just you D.”

  “I got you Derek, man. You my ace, I can’t let you go down like that.”

  Dune had a sly smile on his face. He didn’t give a shit about Derek anymore; he had what he wanted from him.

  “Dune, get me a lawyer dude. I need a fucking lawyer. I can’t rep myself in this shit, ba-by. You understand?”

  “I got you, kid. One.”

  Brittany entered the car catching the ass end of the conversation. As Dune pulled off headed back to the house a cold feeling came over him. He didn’t want to be questioned about his conversation with Derek but knew it was coming.

  “What did he say?” Brittany asked turning to him to check his reaction.

  “Listen babe. Don’t put yourself through this all right. He’s my friend let me handle this. You just worry about grieving for your cousin.”

  “Dune I just wanted to know if he might’ve told you why he did this.”

  “I’m sorry Brit. I’m just under a lot of stress with all this shit too, ya know?”

  “It’s okay baby. Just take me to my mother’s house so I can break the news.”

  Dune drove in silence with Brittany’s hand in his. Her smooth skin felt like milk yet her grip was cold. His insecurities came into play wondering why she was pulling away from him. He pulled her hand up to his lips giving a soft kiss. Brittany twinkled her eyes at him appreciating the small gesture. When he pulled up in front of her mother’s house, he exited walking around to open the door for her.

  “Give me some sugar and call me when you’re done. I’ll come and get you.”

  “Dune, baby, that’s okay. I’ll just have my mother drive me. Go on you’ve done enough. Go handle your business.”

  The two kissed and departed. Dune gritted his teeth not a hundred percent comfortable with her being out of his sight but he had no choice but to trust her. Inside, Brittany met up with her mother at the
kitchen table. Suzie had already heard what happened from the news. She was distraughtly drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette attempting to calm her nerves. Brittany revealed to her mother the evidence she had discovered the previous night. The two ladies sat with their head down trying to piece together clues to how this could’ve went down.

  “Mom, don’t beat your-self up about it. She’s with her parents now.” Brittany rubbed her mother’s hand, consoling her.

  “I know sweetie. You kids live your lives on the edge these days without a care in the world. But you don’t understand that this world will chew you up and spit you out like yesterday’s garbage.” The old woman rubbed her hair wildly leaving it in disarray.

  “Well do you think you can plan the funeral arrangements or should I?”

  “No dear. I think I’d better handle this one. You did your father’s so I can do this one. But enough about that, why were you kissing on that young man from the party? Wasn’t he Derek’s friend?”

  “Mom, he’s so perfect. He treats me like a queen. It’s like he worships the ground I walk on. I mean he opens doors and cooks for me. Mom, he cooks!”

  “Brittany, everything that looks good ain’t good for you. He and Derek are friends. You playin’ wit fire baby.”

  Suzie got up from the table shaking her head in disappointment at her daughter. She knew that Brittany was only falling right under the same wild life that her niece just died from. She wasn’t in the mood to think about burying nobody else so she left Brittany to think about what she was doing. Brittany sat at the table looking out unto the backyard. She knew she may have been playing with fire but the fact that Derek had so much heat on him trumped what she was doing any day.


  “Brit! Baby, please don’t hang up. I need you baby.”

  “Derek? What the fuck do you want? Do you know I’m at my mother’s house right now planning my fucking cousin’s funeral? You got some nerve calling here, ya know.”

  “Brit, you gotta believe me baby I didn’t do this shit man. Why would I kill her? You know me better than anybody. I wouldn’t do this shit, man.”

  “I don’t know Derek. They got you in the bed with her with the fucking gun.”

  “Com’ on now. Why would I be laying in bed with a dead body? I’m no killer Brit, you know me!” Derek’s voice became low with distress. “Look I don’t know if Dune is gonna help me man ‘cause that nigga always been clean cut, never wanting to get his hands dirty. You all I got boo. I need a lawyer. I’d be stupid to represent myself in this shit, straight up.”

  “I followed you last night.”


  “I heard you guys through the front door, dammit. I heard everything.”

  “Brit, baby…that shit…that shit was nothing, baby.”

  “You were in love with her. You were in love with my fucking cousin! And now she’s dead! How do you feel about yourself now motherfucka?”

  “I’m no saint, Brittany. But I know that I did not do this shit! You gotta believe me!” Derek fought hard for his tears not to fall down his cheeks. The hard asses were starting to smell the bitch coming out of him despite his huge physique.

  "I'll see what I can do." Brittany hesitated as she hung up her phone. She stood there for a second before deciding to succumb to Derek’s request to hire a lawyer for him. She dialed his long time associate whom he was very close to in the office, but received no answer. Before she could curl up on the floor and die of shock, Suzie came strolling back in the kitchen fully dressed with a big black trench coat draped over her large stature in the middle of the summer.

  "Who was that on the phone, Brit?"

  "Oh…uh...just my job, mom, telling me to take all the time I needed."


  "You headed out?" Brittany said digging then coming up with a $20 bill from her jeans pocket, "Could you drive me to the 15th Precinct?"

  "Brit, I don't think that's a good idea honey." Suzie said lighting another cigarette.

  "Mom, I don't need to hear this right now. It's either yes or no?"

  Suzie was in no mood to take shit from her spoiled ass daughter. She slapped the money out of Brittany's hand letting it fall to the floor then fixed her dark shades over her eyes. She headed for the door expecting Brittany to follow behind her but when she didn’t hear any footsteps she turned scowling back at her.

  “Com’ on Brit. It’s your life.”


  Dune sat in his living room in silence and darkness. He needed to figure out a way to get Brittany’s mind off of Derek and back on him. He put in work to get her to love him and he wasn’t about to lose it to an asshole that only cared about his self. He had to get Derek’s ass out of the picture and fast. But there was no way he could do it while he was still in jail without getting caught. The light bulb in Dune’s head went off like a firecracker. He decided he was going to help Derek out after all.

  “Yo, Jerry. I need you to jump down for me, ya understand? You’ll get your cut don’t trip.”

  “Dune, the made man. Client?”

  “Derek Figueroa. Murder.”


  “What do you think? I just need for you to represent him and send him home ya dig? Get him a hearing tomorrow and bond him out.”

  “I see. Price?”

  “Five hundred large.”

  “Nice doing business wit ya Dune.”

  Dune enlisted the services of Jerry Valentino, the most talented lawyer on the east coast. There was no bind that Dune was in that Jerry didn’t get him out of. Now all he needed was to get Derek out of jail and take care of him like all the others, quick and easy. He picked up his Ipad from the coffee table and booked 2 tickets to the Virgin Islands for next month. Brittany would need a nice getaway after two funerals back to back.

  He paced the floor constantly clenching his cell phone in his hand checking the time. Brittany hadn’t called him yet and he was beginning to get impatient. He knew her relationship with her mother wasn’t peaches and roses so he wondered what was taking her so long to call him. Swallowing his anxiety, he calmed himself giving benefit that they did need to plan a funeral, a daunting task in itself. Rather then go crazy sitting in the house alone he locked up and hopped in the car. Dune cleared his throat, took a deep breath then headed for the door ready to hit the streets. He needed to clear his mind of evil thoughts. Brittany was a good woman who wouldn’t betray him for anyone, not for anything. Just as he opened the door Brittany came walking up the stairs with a rollaway suitcase. He smiled at her as she looked up at his chestnut eyes. The couple locked lips passionately as if they had been away from each other forever. Dune didn’t even bother to run her down with questions and concerns. He was just glad to have her back in his arms.


  At 9am Dune’s phone vibrated uncontrollably as he struggled to wipe the sleep from his eyes and get it.


  “Out at noon.”

  “Bet.” Dune hung up the phone tossing it carelessly back on the nightstand. He looked over at his beauty naked as the day she was born and breasts pointing up to the sky proudly. He leaned in giving them a few soft bites, sucking and working his mouth like a plunger. Brittany awoke with a smile on her face as her pussy tingled at her lover’s titillating bites. He looked up into her eyes feeling nothing but unconditional love for her, leaning in to demolish her tongue, morning breath and all. She reciprocated without hesitation pulling his head in begging for more. Dune quickly backed out of her grasp.

  “Babe. Com’ on get up we gotta go.” He said getting out of the bed heading for the shower.

  “What? Go where?”

  Brittany’s question would go unanswered. She rose and joined him in the shower attempting to get a little morning smash in before they left but got the cold shoulder there as well. She finally just gave up. Once he was done she continued on in the shower, attempting to complete what Dune had started but it was not the same. After clean
sing herself she reached inside of her suitcase pulling out her skintight skinny jeans and slipped them on. She paired it with her black peep toe Jimmy Choo’s and a baby blue wife beater that accentuated her breasts perfectly. When she was done brushing her bob cut down and applying her makeup flawlessly she went downstairs to find Dune’s sexy chocolate ass sitting on the couch with his baggy jeans and all white Air Force Ones. The black body-hugging Sean Jean shirt he had on revealed every nook and cranny of his abs, it literally drove Brittany insane.

  “Damn, girl. Damn.” Dune said licking his lips while checking out her jeans.

  “Now you see what you turned down upstairs but I’ll take my compliment. Hmph, so where are we going?” Brittany smirked and turned giving him a better view.


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