Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance

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Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance Page 10

by J. L. Beck

  She gasps when Wes lands a hard slap against her ass, her head tipping back and her tits jutting out with the impact. Taking one of her diamond hard nipples I roll it between my pointer finger and my thumb. God, her tits are perfect. I pinch the nub just as Wes lands another hard slap against her other creamy white globe.

  “Tell me, Princess, how wet is your cunt right now? Wet enough for me to fuck it?”

  Declan doesn’t give her time to answer, not that I think she was going to say something anyway, not with her lips caught between her teeth trying pitifully to hide how much she likes this.

  Snaking a hand down between her legs, his fingers skim over her pussy and I watch, my cock stiffening painfully, as he slides his fingers between her folds. I can already see the arousal glistening on her folds and his fingers, and I want her. I want her so fucking much. I want that pretty pussy squeezing my cock while my brothers take from her with the same ferociousness.

  “Pretty fucking wet,” he confirms, lifting his gaze to hers. I glance over at him, and as if he can sense me staring, he turns his head, and our eyes briefly lock. For the first time, I see the same need I feel reflected back at me in his eyes. He wants her too, just like Wes and I, he’s just so hell bound on killing her he doesn’t let it sink in, let alone show it. And I get it.

  Wanting her, wanting the enemy’s daughter, admitting something like that even to your brothers, it would make even the strongest man feel weak.

  “I’ll be right back,” Wes suddenly blurts out and disappears from the room.

  “Not so full of fire anymore, are ya?” I ask her. She opens her big blue eyes and looks straight at me, while Declan walks around her, taking Wes’s place. His hands trail across the back of her shoulders, and down her spine while I run mine down her sternum, over her breasts, and eventually ending between her thighs.

  Declan leans forward, taking her ear between his teeth, and I grin, loving the way her chest rises and falls at the contact.

  “Admit you want it, Princess. That you want all three of us. Admit you want the big bad monsters you claim we are.”

  “No…” she croaks, but her voice is breathless, filled with pleasure, with need and want.

  Her whole body starts to shudder, as if she’s anticipating what’s to come. Grinning I dip two fingers between her folds, grazing her hard clit. Fuck me, she wants this. Why does she fight us so hard, why can’t she let us make this good for her without it being a fucking fight? Is this what she wants? To fight us.

  Wes walks back in and I almost laugh as I take notice of the bottle of olive oil he is holding. Jessa looks confused. Our innocent little lamb has no idea what she is in for. That virgin asshole is about to be taken, and soon we’ll have claimed every single hole on her body.

  Declan comes back around and stands next to me while Wes takes his place behind her again. He opens the bottle and pours some into his hand before reaching between her legs. A soft gasp passes her lips and her delicate body starts to squirm as if she’s trying to get away, but there is no going back now, nowhere for her to escape. This is happening. She asked for this by spouting off that pretty little mouth. She thinks this is a game, that she has an opinion, that she is someone important, but she hasn’t earned that right yet.

  “What are you doing?” There’s a tinge of panic to her words, but I get the feeling it’s more from the unknown then actually being scared of us.

  “We told you, we were going to punish you, teach you a lesson and that’s what we are doing…teaching our disobedient princess what happens when she mouths off.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  My body is burning up, flames licking at my flesh. My feelings, my senses, my thoughts, everything is all messed up. My heart and mind feel as if they’ve been thrown into a blender. What’s right or wrong? I don’t know. Who is the real enemy in all of this? I don’t know. Everything is confusing, and yet I don’t care about finding the answers right now.

  All that matters right now is them. I want them to touch me. I want to feel them, their hands on my skin, every inch of it. I want them to claim me, but my pride, or what’s left of it is too big to admit it out loud. Somehow my eyes find their way over to Declan, the enigma of the brothers, the darkest of them and I almost smile seeing the same excitement in his eyes that I saw in the shower. This is what I want from him, what I want from all of them. I don’t just want their bodies, I want their minds too. I want them to want me like I want them.

  My eyes fall shut and my head tips back when Wes moves his hand between my legs. His fingers slippery from the oil he poured on them. Two fingers glide into my pussy with a gentleness that is unlike anything I’d ever expect from him, and then I feel him there…at my ass…his thumb starts to massage the puckered hole.

  “Ready to lose the last virgin hole on your body?” Trey whispers into my ear, his hot breath fanning against my cheek, as he flicks my hardened nipple with one of his fingers. Pleasure zings through me, it’s red hot, burning, and I want to reach out and grab onto it. I want it to burn me, brand me.

  Wes pulls his fingers out of my pussy to give my ass his full attention, and a tiny whimper of disapproval slips from my lips, a moment before Trey takes over my pussy, pushing two fingers deep inside of me, scissoring them, while Wes slowly pushes one thick digit into my ass hole. As much pleasure as I’m feeling I can’t resist the knot of fear unraveling in my belly. I clench up at the foreign feeling.

  “Relax, or this is going to hurt,” Wes murmurs against my shoulder and I swallow, gulping down the fear. I want this. I want all three of them, and I want to give myself to them, completely. That’s the only reason I taunted them in the living room.

  Pushing against the resistance of the muscles in my asshole, one single finger enters me, there is a sting of pain, but the pleasure in my pussy overrides all of it. Blinking my lids open I find Declan staring at me.

  “Please?” I whimper, unsure of what it is that I want. He raises his arms and touches me. He starts to knead my breasts, plucking at the hard nipples. Then I feel Wes in my backside, slowly pumping in and out, finding a rhythm similar to Trey’s fingers which are still stuffed in my pussy.

  “You going to be a good girl and come on my fingers?” Trey questions, his lips against the top of my mound. I drop my gaze to his, enjoying the adoration I see in his eyes. He cares for me, truly, deeply, he’s the man I lost my virginity to, and I feel a connection to him.

  I feel a second finger being added in my rear and I moan out in pleasure, my body is burning up, my skin hot, every nerve feeling as if it’s being electrocuted.

  “Such a dirty fucking slut, taking my brother’s fingers in your ass and in your cunt.”

  Oh dear lord. My chest heaves, and all I feel is an all-consuming pleasure. It rips through me as Trey and Wes fuck both my holes with their fingers and Declan plucks at my nipples while talking dirty to me.

  Wes adds another finger and I feel impossibly full, as if there is no way anything else can be put inside me.

  “Fuck, you’ve got a tight little asshole.” Lust coats Wes’s words and I can feel his body vibrating with need as he readies my ass for his cock.

  “I want you to come on my fingers, Princess, squeeze that tight little pussy, let me feel it, give me your sweet cream,” Trey orders, fucking my pussy with his fingers, stroking me so deeply I feel it in my bones. I’m full in the front and the back and it’s all too much, too much stimulation, too much pleasure. Declan bites down on one of my nipples, at the same time Trey pinches my tiny clit and my building orgasm sneaks up on me ripping through my pussy with a vengeance.

  I start to shake like a leaf blowing in the wind, and then I feel tears spring from my eyes, the cold dampness sliding down my cheeks. I scream so loud, the noise rings in my ears. There are no words to describe the soul-shattering essence that claws through me, carving out a piece of my heart that I know will forever belong to these men. As I slowly drift back down to earth, I’m aware
of something thick and warm pressing against my asshole. Trey’s fingers are no longer inside of me, but that’s okay, because when my eyes finally flutter open, I see him standing directly in front of me, his cock out, and fully erect.

  “I’m going to enter you nice and slow, while Wes fucks your ass. It’s going to hurt a little bit, but we aren’t stopping, Princess. You belong to us…your body is ours to use however we want.” Gently I feel Trey probing my entrance, while Wes presses against my puckered asshole. He’s so big, so much bigger than his fingers that I doubt he’s going to fit back there.

  With Wes’s hands on my hips, he eases me back a bit, while Trey lifts my legs and sinks into my pussy. At the same time, Wes presses into my ass, the muscles tightening, resisting his entry, but he doesn’t care, he’s going to claim this part of me just as his brothers claimed their parts. Pain slashes through me as Wes sinks into my ass, his length seeming huge. I can’t breathe. I can’t do anything but whimper as they both still inside me.

  “Fuck, Princess, you’re squeezing me so tight back here I think I might come now…” His confession soothes me. Knowing I hold some type of power over them tells me I’m not completely weak, or completely at their mercy.

  My ass stings, as Wes makes gentle pumps into it with his cock. Trey starts moving again too, and then I realize Declan isn’t touching me anymore. My eyes find him in a millisecond and I almost gasp watching as he strokes his cock roughly, his eyes filled with lust, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip.

  Holy fuck.

  “How does it feel? How does it feel to have my brothers’ cocks stuffed in your ass and your pussy?” Declan asks, his voice hoarse.

  “Full…so full,” I pant, my body moving as they alternate their thrusting, a push and pull taking place with every single piston of their hips. It’s almost like I’m riding a teeter-totter, but their cocks are seats and I’m sliding from side to side.

  “Full of cock… full of our cum... ”

  “Shit,” Trey growls, his hands sinking into my flesh with bruising force as he fucks me harder. I watch as his eyes roll to the back of his head. Wes’s grip tightens as well, his pace speeding up just a smidge. My pussy throbs and between the fullness in both holes and the friction of their bodies against mine I can’t stop the release from bubbling up inside me. It’s rising with each and every stroke.

  “Fuck, I’m coming...I’m fucking coming inside that pretty pussy,” Trey moans, and then I feel him, his sticky warm cum coats my womb. His words set off a chain reaction and in a matter of seconds, I’m coming too.

  I’ve become addicted, like a heroin addict I cannot get enough of them, and I know this is just the start. A warmth seeps through my belly and radiates down into my cunt. My pussy flutters and I grip onto the metal bar above my head as I fall apart, my heart racing inside my chest, my skin burning as black dots obscure my vision.

  “Shit...fuck me. I want her next,” Declan thunders, and I watch through hooded eyes as he continues to stroke his cock.

  “Mmm, your ass is so tight. Tighten your hole. I want to feel you squeeze me, Princess, make me come, suck that cum from my balls. Let me fill your virgin ass with my sticky cum,” Wes orders.

  My pussy quivers at his words and two strokes later I feel him emptying every drop of his release inside me.

  He pulls out, and I feel his cum dripping down between my ass cheeks and onto the floor, while Trey’s and my own cum drips down between my thighs. Trey drops down to his knees and inserts two fingers into my messy pussy.

  “Fuck, Princess, we’ve gotten you all messy.” He grins up at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he pushes his cum back into my pussy. Tingles of pleasure resonate through the overly sensitive tissue and I groan both in pleasure and discomfort.

  “Ours, all fucking ours.” Wes presses a kiss to my shoulder, and I feel him dip his fingers between my ass cheeks. Then a moment later his sticky cum covers my ass cheeks, his hands rubbing the substance into my skin. He’s claiming me, marking me with his essence.

  “Mine next,” Declan growls, prowling forward. Wes and Trey grin, nodding their heads in approval.

  “Take good care of her, brother.” Trey licks his lips before he presses a soft kiss to my forehead. My arms are aching from being suspended, my entire body is spent, my mind spinning, my emotions all over the place. I’m both excited and afraid to be alone with Declan again.

  My breathing is still out of control when he steps close enough for our bodies to touch. My sensitive nipples press against his muscular chest as he reaches up and unlocks the handcuffs. I lower my arms, a pins and needles sensation radiating from my shoulders and down my arms and back. My knees buckle from the combination of pain and overwhelming exhaustion. If it wasn’t for Declan’s strong arms coming to wrap around me, and holding me up, I would be a puddle on the floor right now.

  “My arms,” I cry out, clinging to his chest.

  “Don’t worry, you don’t need your arms for what I want from you,” he murmurs into my hair, and I feel this sudden urge to kiss him, but I don’t act on it. I’m far too afraid of being rejected by him or ruining this moment. He carries me to the bed but doesn’t lay me down on it. He just grabs a pillow and throws it on the floor before placing me down on it, making me kneel before him.

  “Open up, Princess. Open your mouth wide for me and keep it open,” he orders while burying one of his large hands in my hair, cradling the side of my head. With his other hand, he starts stroking his cock. My eyes flutter closed, but his hand tightens in my hair, shaking my head lightly.

  “Open your eyes and look at me while I come all over your face.” Following his command, I force my eyes open and gaze up at him. Our eyes bleed into each other’s as he pumps himself, his strokes are brutal, fierce and a moment later ropes of warm cum hit my face, most of it ending up in my mouth which I kept open for him.

  “Stick out your tongue,” he grunts. When I do, he rubs the tip of his cock over it. “Suck it clean.” I close my lips around him and swirl my tongue over his tip, sucking slightly while keeping eyes on him. The salty tang of his release explodes against my taste buds. There is a deep satisfaction that seems to overtake his features, a feeling that I too have come to know in the last twenty-four-hours.

  He pulls his cock out of my mouth and I almost collapse, I’m so fucking tired. I close my eyes unable to keep them open any longer. I don’t open them again. Not when he picks me up off the floor and carries me into the bathroom and not even when he makes me stand in the shower while holding me up the entire time.

  I’m barely aware of him washing me and rinsing me off before sitting me down on the cold toilet seat so he can wrap me up in a towel and dry my hair. I feel like a life-size doll being cleaned after being played with.

  Before I know it, I’m being lifted up again and put down on a soft, incredibly soft bed. Cool sheets caress my skin and a fluffy pillow molds to my head. The bed dips next to me and something warm grazes my arm.

  “I should put you back in the cell,” Declan’s voice cuts through the darkness. It caresses something deep inside me, something inside me I haven’t felt before.

  “Why don’t you?” I manage to whisper, my brain more than halfway asleep.

  “‘Cause I want to fuck you again when you wake up,” he mutters, the words barely hitting my ears.

  If I had the energy, I would smile at his comment, but I don’t, so instead I let the darkness wash over me, pulling me into an all-consuming slumber.

  Chapter Fourteen


  We give Declan two hours before we come back to his room. It’s mid-morning now and the room is quiet when I open the door and step inside. I’m not sure what I expect to find when I walk in but it’s definitely not for Jessa to be curled up in the bed with Declan sitting next to her, while leaning against the headboard looking out the window like he is deep in thought. He doesn’t look up at us as we enter, not until we are standing right in front of his bed.

  “Finally changed your mind about killing her?” I ask, keeping my voice low enough so she won’t wake up.

  “It still would be the best choice. The most humane thing to do. Hell, it’s still really our only option in the end,” Declan answers, keeping his voice low like mine.

  “We have other options,” Wes cuts in. “We can just keep her.”

  Declan rolls his eyes. “Yeah sure, we’ll just keep her…as what, like a pet, or as a sex slave? Sounds like a great fucking life for her.”

  “It doesn’t have to be like that,” I tell him, even though I know that it’s only half the truth. How else could it be? This is the only thing there is between us. This sexual power game we’ve been playing. I mean parts of me care for her, and obviously I’m attracted to her, but could we all three grow to feel something more for her someday?

  “Please enlighten me, how else do you see this working out then?” Neither Wes nor I have an answer for that question which makes us settle into an uncomfortable silence.

  “Maybe we can still get her on board. She didn’t want to believe us yesterday, but we didn’t give it time to sink in. She’s in shock, understandably so. She hasn’t even looked at half of the proof we have,” I point out after a while. “Plus, she already trusts us in some ways, she’s not terrified of us, of our touch, and she wants us to fuck her, she wants to sleep with us up here. I don’t know what the fuck this is going on between us, but you know as much as I do that it’s something.”

  “Do you think there could eventually be more than sex between us? Maybe we can get her to actually fall for us?” Wes interrupts the silence, his eyes moving to her sleeping form.

  “You’re joking, right?” Declan huffs. “You want to pretend to have her as a girlfriend? Play house with her? She’s the fucking enemy’s daughter. Just because she has a tight cunt and looks innocent doesn’t mean she can be anything more to us.”


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