Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance

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Their Captive : A Dark Reverse Harem Romance Page 16

by J. L. Beck

  Dropping my gaze down to her pretty little asshole, all I can think is... Mine. I all but growl the word as I push my thumb into her ass, the muscles resisting entrance before giving way at the insistent pressure. With my thumb inside her, I swirl it around, moving it in and out a few times while stroking my cock with my other hand. Sounds of pleasure and noises of sex fill the room, and I damn near come undone, as I bring the velvety tip of my cock to the entrance of her ass.

  Pulling my thumb out, I press against the ring of tight muscles once more. Fuck me, I have to grit my teeth as I slip just the head inside and feel the pre-cum drip out of me and into her asshole. I want to paint the inside of her ass with my cum. Mark her up, claim her.

  “Fuck, Princess. Your ass’s fucking heaven,” I growl, telling myself to go slow. Jessa makes a noise that sounds like a moan around Wes’s cock. That sound only encourages me and I thrust in slowly, letting her adjust to my length, and all the sensations taking place in her body. I want to savor this moment with her, with my brothers.

  Trey thrusts inside her with shallow strokes, while I do the same from behind. She’s teetering on our cocks, her body glistening with sweat, every hole on her body filled with eight inches of cock. I’ve never been so turned on in my life, so overtaken with the need to possess another human.

  Wes cradles her face, slowly pushing into her mouth as she hungrily sucks on him. A moment later, she releases Wes’s cock with a loud pop, and somewhere inside me I wonder if she wants us to stop. It’s not like we haven’t done this with her before, and I’m positive she’s not in pain, not with the juices I both see and feel coating Trey’s cock. Still, I stop for a second, waiting for her to tell us that she wants this.

  “Please…” she pants, and though I can’t see her face, I know she’s pouting. The sadness in her voice resonating through me.

  “What do you want, Princess?” Wes asks, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he cups her by the cheek.

  “I need more. I…I want you to take from me. Please, fuck me how you want to,” she pleads. Oh yes, I know what she wants. A sinister smile pulls at my brother’s lips and I feel my heartbeat speed up.

  “You want to be our dirty little slut?” Wes asks. “You want us to use your body? Fuck your holes?”

  “Yes…please.” She nods and Wes moves his hand from her cheek and into her hair, grabbing a fist full of the silky blonde strands, yanking her head back to his cock. His eyes hold nothing but adoration as he gazes down at her. The muscles of her ass tighten around my cock as he does this and I know she isn’t lying. She wants this, she wants us to use her, she wants the pain with the pleasure, and fuck, I’ll be damned if my brothers and I let her down.

  Gripping her by the hips, I dig my fingers into her smooth skin with bruising force, and thrust my cock all the way into her ass. Trey moves his hands to her nipples and rolls the hardened nubs between his fingers as he thrusts deep inside her, his hips pistoning at the same speed mine do. Mother-fucking-hell. There are no words to describe the sensations zinging through me. It feels like I’ve been struck by lightning, the pleasure mounting with every stroke. I feel myself becoming more unglued, and more and more invested in her. She takes us like she was made for us, a delicate little fucking rose, with thorns, that’s what she is. She’ll prick us, drawing our blood if we do anything to hurt her, but she’ll give to us, bloom beautifully if we nurture and care for her.

  Tingles of pleasure zip down my spine, coursing through my already heavy ball sack. I want to come so badly, the tight rings of her ass gripping onto my cock with a vengeance, but I won’t. We’ll come all together, as fucking one or we won’t come at all.

  “I’m getting close, Princess…” I growl. She moans around Wes’s cock which she has stuffed deep inside her mouth. She’s making a slurping sound, that makes it hard for me to focus. Fuck, she’s sucking his cock like she means it. Trey ups his pace, and the sounds emitting from Jessa grow louder and louder.

  “Such a dirty fucking slut. Our little fucking toy,” I hiss through my teeth, thrusting deeper and harder.

  “Fuck baby, I’m going to come. I’m going to come in that tight little pussy. Will you come for me? Come with my brothers’ cocks in your throat and your ass. Come for me baby,” Trey whispers nipping at her ear, and holy fucking shit it feels like I’m going to combust at any second. And then I feel it, her pussy must be quivering and strangling Trey’s cock because the muscles in her ass lock down on my cock, the intensity of it making it impossible for me to hold back the groan that rips from my throat.

  “I’m coming,” Wes moans.

  “Fuck, me too,” Trey growls.

  Groaning again, I erupt like a motherfucking volcano deep inside her, coating the inside of her ass with sticky ropes of cum. But it doesn’t stop there. No, I keep coming and moaning, and fuck it seems like forever before I allow myself to pull out. As I do, I watch my cum seep from her ass and dribble down to her cunt that’s coated in Trey’s cum.

  “Swallow it. Every fucking drop,” Wes orders Jessa who continues to slurp on his cock like it’s her favorite flavor of sucker. As I pull back, I can see she’s got drool dripping down the side of her mouth and onto her chin, her big blue eyes are watering, and her cheeks are pink.

  “Princess, you look so beautiful right now,” I soothe, knowing exactly what she needs. She wants us to treat her like a slut, like our personal fucking whore, but she also wants to be cared for…wants to be treasured and cherished. She wants to know she’s everything we’ll ever need, and I’ll be damned if I let her think otherwise.

  When Wes is satisfied with her job, he takes a step back, stroking her cheek with his knuckles. He reaches down and grabs a shirt, wiping at her face with it.

  “Good fucking girl,” he praises.

  “Our beautiful little slut,” Trey whispers into her hair, as he places a kiss against her cheek.

  “Thank you,” she says, her voice is hoarse as she sags against Trey’s sweaty chest.

  “No. Never thank us, Princess,” I order, placing a hard slap against her ass cheek. “We’re one, all on the same team. Your pleasure is ours,” I remind her, letting her know how serious I am about us all being one now. I know it’s still hard for her to see, because she’s so used to me being cold and distant with her, but I did it because I needed to. I had to be sure I could trust her, believe her. Protecting my brothers is the most important thing, that is until she became the center of our world. Now she is our sun, and we’re the planets orbiting her.

  “How do you feel?” Trey asks, his fingers trailing up and down her back. Wes sits on the side of the bed staring at Jessa while I remain standing, staring down at the ruby red ass print that I just graced her with.

  “Like I was thoroughly fucked by three of my favorite men.”

  Chuckling I say, “Because you were, now get up before I decide to spank your ass until it’s bright red. You need to eat something.”

  “But what if I want you to spank me?” she teases, wiggling against Trey’s body. I pull back and land a hard slap against the other ass cheek, the sting of the slap zinging across my palm.

  “Don’t test me, Princess, do as I tell you.”

  Wes chuckles from his spot on the bed and I lift my gaze to his.

  “You’re like the dad of the group, always making sure we follow directions, eat enough, sleep enough…” My face deadpans.

  “Shut up, before I steal her away and you have nothing but your fucking hand to fuck for the rest of the week.”

  It’s Trey’s turn to laugh now, and he does, bouncing Jessa’s body up and down with the motion.

  “She belongs to us, which means none of us can steal her away and stake claim. Isn’t that right, Princess? You need all three of our cocks to curb your sexual needs? You need my brothers and me to stretch you. Claim your little holes until you’re dripping with our cum.”

  Lifting her head from his chest, she nods. “Yes, I do. I need all three of you. So n
o fighting, there is enough of me to go around.”

  And fuck if she isn’t right, there certainly is enough of her pretty little ass to go around. She’s all we fucking need, the missing piece to our demented puzzle.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The days pass in a blur and for a while, I forget what brought me here, what brought us all together in the first place. Some nights I sleep with Trey and Wes in Wes’s bed, and others, I sleep with Declan. They all three fuck me, and I do mean fuck me, rough, hard, and sometimes slowly, taking from me, but making me feel beautiful and empowered at the same time.

  They cherish me, wash me from head to toe, and make certain I receive at least one orgasm a night. Trey’s rule, not mine. Though it is one rule that I appreciate.

  With each passing day, I become less of a captive, and more like a person…a person who is a part of their family. It’s strange, but this is something I truly never realized I needed or wanted. I see now more than I had before how much they care for each other, how much they love each other and now that I’ve gotten a taste of it, I don’t think I can ever go back to being without them.

  Somewhere along the way we’ve formed a mutual trust. They let me roam around the apartment on my own and I find that I trust them as well. More so now that I actually want to listen to what they have been telling me about my father. At first, it was hard for me to wrap my mind around the person that my father is. It was hard to see past the father I knew and see the man he really is. But what other reason would they have to kidnap me, and hold me hostage, or to keep me alive when I’m nothing but dead weight to them. I’m of no use to them now that my father wants me dead, and still they want me.

  I’ve come to realize that they didn’t lie to me about my father wanting to kill me. They didn’t lie about the emails or phone conversations and though they wanted me to watch the videos of what my father had done to their family, I couldn’t stomach it and not because I didn’t believe them, but because I did and I couldn’t bear to endure that kind of pain. I understood their hate, and need for revenge. Slowly the fog around my head dissipated. I never wanted to see it before, but I should have. The warning signs were there. They were always there. I was only good enough for my father when I was doing exactly what he wanted me to.

  I’m sitting on the leather couch in the living room reading a book on my Kindle that the brothers bought me when Wes enters the room. I look up from the Kindle and take in his features. There’s a coldness in his eyes that I don’t particularly like, but it’s not something that scares me. I’ve come to know when it’s best that I stay out of something. I know they won’t hurt me, punish me in the bedroom yes, but raise a hand to me, never.

  There has been lots of talk about attacking my father, trying to find an opportunity, the perfect time to get to him. It’s still hard for me to digest, because even though it’s obvious my father never loved me, I did love him. And though betrayal cuts deep, loving someone that was your only parent your whole life, isn’t an emotion you can just shut off.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, my voice just above a whisper.

  “We’re going on a run,” Wes explains. I blink.

  “A run? I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m not really the running type.” My response causes Wes to grin and that seems to soothe some of the worry from my knotted belly.

  “Not an actual run, Princess. We need supplies. Food, medical stuff. Things of that nature.” Oh duh, that makes sense.

  “Uh, yeah. Are you sure you want me to go with? I don’t want to slow you down, or anything.”

  “Yes, I’m sure. We’ll pick you up some more clothing, and any other female shit that you might need for the month. If you’re good, you might even be able to get a paperback or two,” he teases obviously listening to me complain about the lack of paperbacks in the apartment.

  “Okay, when are we leaving?” I purse, getting up from the couch. I’m wearing a brand new pair of yoga pants, and a T-shirt that Trey ordered off of Amazon for me. He had them delivered to a secret address since UPS doesn’t typically deliver to abandoned hospitals. I have no idea how they do their incognito stuff, nor do I want to know, all I know is that Wes picked up some supplies last week, including some of the stuff I asked for.

  As it turns out, if you tell Trey enough times that you want something, he will make it happen. I’m sure if I told Wes or Declan, they would’ve done it too, but Trey operates the internet access so I figured going to him would be easier. I may have persuaded him with the use of sex as well, but he didn’t seem to mind, and nor did I.

  “Now. So, go put on your sandals on so we can head out.”

  “Okay,” I chirp and go to put on my shoes. When I get back, Wes is already waiting for me at the elevator. The door slides open and we step inside. He punches in the code and scans his fingerprint before the door slides shut and the elevator descends.

  Nervous excitement fills my belly as we step out of the elevator and into the parking garage. I haven’t been outside of the apartment since I spent the night in the hospital, and even though the guys have been taking care of me, providing me with every single thing I need, it is nice to be able to go outside. There is nothing like fresh air, and feeling the wind through your hair.

  I slide into the passenger side seat of a car I haven’t seen before, while Wes walks around and gets into the driver’s seat. He turns the key in the ignition and the car roars to life. I look around the vehicle. It’s new, which is surprising, and I’m guessing stolen since I know they wouldn’t have access to purchasing a new car.

  He pulls out of the parking garage and for the first time I really take in my surroundings since I’m not blindfolded and we aren’t being chased by madmen. From the looks of it, we’re in a mostly abandoned looking part of the city. There are no houses, just a bunch of other rundown buildings nestled in beside ours. I stare out the window for a long time, and it seems like it’s been forever, but then I start to see people crossing the streets.

  “We are going to go to a small store that I know has no video surveillance. I’m probably being way too cautious, but I would rather be safe than sorry. Especially since this is our first time out with you doing a supply run,” Wes tells me. His honesty is refreshing and makes me feel more connected to him. If there is anything I’ve learned about the brothers, it’s that they don’t sugar coat bullshit.

  “It’s okay. I understand. Let’s just get it done and get back home. I don’t want to chance a run-in with anyone and I feel safer having all three of you together.”

  “Of course you do,” Wes teases.

  We drive a short while longer before pulling into a tiny convenience store. It reminds me of an old 7-Eleven. The outside looks like it could use some paint and a new roof. Opening the passenger side door, I get out of the car with Wes and we walk into the store hand in hand. The inside is about as good looking as the outside, but the little store seems to have everything we need. Wes grabs a cart and, pulls out a piece of paper. Then he starts walking down the aisle, grabbing all the different things we need. Toothpaste, body wash, cereal, pancake mix, Tylenol, as well as some odd and end stuff. Wes grabs everything on the list and then double checks a second time just to be sure.

  While he’s doing this, I check out a tiny little area that has a bunch of random T-shirts hanging up. I rifle through them, grabbing a couple that are in my size. Not that I really need clothing. I no longer wear panties anymore, mostly because I have no need for them and partially because it’s one less thing to remove when it comes time for the brothers to take me.

  The lady at the register looks to be about ninety years old and smiles widely as she rings up the stuff we bought. Probably because we spend close to three hundred dollars, and I’m sure this is the most money someone has ever dropped in here before.

  Grinning, I think of how the brothers stay incognito and still find a way to support the small business owners. We pay and walk outside together. I help Wes loa
d the car up, even though he’s said five times already to get into the car and sit down. We’re nearly finished putting everything in when Wes suddenly gives me a wary look. The worry and shock in his eyes when he looks around at our surroundings has the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.

  Is something going on?

  I don’t have long to linger on the feeling. Before I even get the chance to ask him what’s going on, shots are ringing out around us. Everything is happening so fast. My mind can’t keep up with the movements taking place around us. One minute we are loading up the groceries, and the next minute all hell is breaking loose.

  “Get down!” Wes yells, shoving me not so gently behind the car. He reaches into the back of his jeans and pulls out a gun I didn’t even know he had. Cars pull up into the tiny parking lot with tires squealing, surrounding us in a matter of seconds. Men pile out of them all with their guns drawn and pointed directly at us.

  “Drop the gun or watch her die,” one of the men orders. I’m shaking, my hands trembling with fear. I want to scream, to tell him not to do it, but before I even get the chance he curses under his breath and drops the gun, kicking it over to one of the men. As soon as the gun is out of reach, three large men move in on us. One picks me up from the ground, his meaty fingers digging into my arms painfully, making me wince. While the other two grab Wes, by one arm each, and drag him to a nearby van.

  Wes doesn’t bother fighting them, which surprises me, then again it wouldn’t do either of us any good, and I presume he realizes that. Another man opens the back door and we’re both thrown inside. Wes lands against the heavy metal backing of the van, and I follow suit behind him, my body crashing into his. The door is shut behind us, submerging us into complete darkness.

  “Are you okay?” Wes asks, feeling for me in the dark space.


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