Cop: Jagged Edge Series #2

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Cop: Jagged Edge Series #2 Page 12

by A. L Long

  The two guards that had been following me around like a bunch of puppies took hold of me at Lee’s command. “Take her to the shelter where she will be safe.”

  “What’s going on, Lee?” I demanded, needing to get some answers.

  “Our location has been compromised. I need to make sure you are safe.”

  “What do you mean, ‘compromised?’”

  “You don’t need to worry about that, Sabrina. You just need to cooperate and let my men escort you to safety.


  I wasn’t sure how long I was in the shelter, if you could even call it that. It was more like a luxury hotel room with no windows. I tried to hear what was going on, but the walls were too thick and the door was made of metal. Sitting on the bed, I studied the room to find anything that would occupy my time. There was nothing except a flat-screen TV which hung above a fake fireplace. Once I found the remote, I pressed the ‘on’ button and waited for the screen to come to life. Only it wasn’t a TV at all, it was a large monitor separated into six individual squares. The first square revealed the hallway just outside the door of the room I was in, and the other five were various shots of the outside of the shelter along with the beach and the main house.

  Watching the monitor was certainly passing the time away and it was also making me very sleepy. There was nothing out of the ordinary going on. I wasn’t sure what the big deal was to make sure I was kept safe. My eyes were becoming heavy, so I decided to take advantage of the comfortable bed. I would close my eyes for just a minute. Maybe twenty minutes or so.

  As I drifted to sleep, I kept thinking about Cop and how much I truly missed him. It was going on three weeks since he had left. All I wanted was to feel his body next to mine, pressing close to me. I wanted to feel his hands on my body, caressing my breasts while kissing me tenderly on the lips. Unable to control the thought of him, I lifted the hem of my sundress and slipped my hand inside my bikini underwear. I could feel my wetness as my finger slid between my slick folds. Imagining that Cop was the one touching me, I circled my entrance before pushing inside. My hips began moving to satisfy the piston motion I was creating with my finger. Cops beautiful face came into view as I slipped another finger inside filling my channel with the desire to have more.

  Only the picture of Cop in my mind could bring me where I needed to be. Just like he would do. I placed my finger in my mouth, making sure that it was saturated with my saliva. I found my pert nipple and began circling the taut peak with my wet finger. Feeling a heated sensation, I knew that my need to release was close. I pulled my fingers from inside my channel and began circling my clit covering it with the my milky essence. As I heated with pleasure, I erupted with so much emotion that my heart ached for the man I was falling in love with.

  When I was finally done with my emotional breakdown, I pushed from the bed and sauntered into the bathroom. Just as I was finishing up, I could hear the lock on the door being turned. Looking up at the monitor above the fireplace, I could see that it was one of Lee’s guards standing outside the door. Having nowhere else to go. I stood where I was and waited for him to open the door.

  Looking at me with confusion, he said, “Mr. Draper would like you back at the main house.”

  Slipping on my sandals, I followed him out of the shelter to the main house. It wasn’t far to walk to the house from where the shelter was. The shelter reminded me of something you would see in Oklahoma or Kansas where tornados happened, aside from the luxury suite. I bet they didn’t have those in tornado shelters in the States.

  When we got to the house, Lee was standing in the living area looking out to the beach with a glass of liquor in his hand. The guard who escorted me to the house cleared his throat, letting Lee know we were in the room. As his gaze fell to me, Lee said, “That will be all,” to the guard.

  Taking a seat on the couch, I waited for him to say something. When he didn’t, I decided to ask some questions of my own. “Who do you think compromised your location?”

  Taking a sip of his whiskey, he said, “I have many enemies. There will be many times that I will need to protect you.”

  “Why exactly do you need to protect me?” I asked nervously.

  “In time I will tell you, but for now, you will just need to trust me,” he replied.

  “I want to know now. I think I have a right to know why I am being held here against my free will,” I raged.

  “It would be in your best interest, Sabrina, not to ask too many questions. Now go upstairs and freshen up. Dinner will be ready in an hour.”

  Before I could say another word, his two book ends appeared at the doorway, ready to escort me to my room. I had never been so infuriated with a man before in my life. I didn’t care that he was my father. He would never gain my trust or respect. To me, he was a two-bit hood dressed in fancy clothes with a fancy house.



  “Cop, wake up. We got a lead on where Sabrina might be,” Hawk shouted, jolting me out of a deep sleep.

  “Jesus Christ, what ever happened to ‘Get up, Cop,’ without all the yelling.”

  “Sorry, bro. By the way you look, it must have been pretty good,” Hawk confessed.

  “Fuck you.”

  Throwing the covers off, I headed to the bathroom to take a piss and get a shower. Hawk headed out with a chuckle, “Make sure you take care of that.”

  As I looked down, I knew exactly what he was referring to. My cock was so hard that the material from my boxers barely covered the head that was about ready to make its presence known. Grabbing a pillow from the bed, I tossed it in his direction and said, “Fucker.”

  Standing under the hot spray, my body began to relax, even though my hard-on had a mind of its own. Reaching down I took hold of my erection and gently began stroking the tight skin. The feel of my hand reminded me of Sabrina’s touch. Seeing only her perfect lips wrapped so tightly around my shaft, sucking and licking while her small hand cupped the bottom of my sac, caressing it gently in her palm, I leaned my body against the tile wall as her movements increased. My hand fell to her cheek until I fished my hand in her hair. I could feel her hot breath as I pumped deeper in and out of her mouth. My orgasm was so intense that the sound of her named ricocheted off the glass walls as my release coated the glass.

  As I got dressed, I started to think more about what Hawk had said. I hurried and slipped on my jeans, commando style, and headed downstairs to the kitchen to grab a much-needed cup of coffee. If I was going to hear what they had found out, I wanted to make sure I was ready and alert.

  By the time I had gotten to the kitchen, the guys drank the last of the coffee, leaving me with my other choice for caffeine. Opening the fridge, I grabbed a can of Coke, popped the top and took a long sip. Looking out the glass door, I could see that Peter, Hawk, Ash, and Ryan were congregating on the back deck. No sooner had I opened the door than I had four sets of eyes looking at me like I had grown a set of horns.

  “Hey, guys, what’s up?” I asked, breaking the uncomfortable glares.

  “Glad you could join us,” Hawk said.

  “So what is this about locating Sabrina? “ I questioned.

  “My guy at the bureau was able to find out some more information on Lee Draper. He found out that he owns several properties across the US and UK. They have already been checked out, but there is one house in the Caymans that no one has been able to get to. That was, until yesterday. Even though they weren’t able to land, they were able to get a good idea as to the layout of the property. It makes perfect sense that he would be keeping Sabrina there. The property is hidden away so it's hard to see it from the air, but the landing strip is another story. This is the only way on and off the small island which leads me to believe it is where Sabrina is being held,” Peter advised.

  “Okay, so we might have and idea where Sabrina is being held, but how are we going to get onto the island without being noticed?” I asked.

  “Peter has an idea,” A
sh began, “Since the only way off or on the island is either by plane, boat or helicopter, we thought we could fly in as a supply aircraft. This way we would be able to land safely and leave some of the guys on the island to find Sabrina. Once she’s found we would then use a helicopter to rescue her since it would be a lot faster than trying to take off.”

  “And how is our ride suppose to know when we needed to leave?” I asked.

  “Once the plane has landed, there won’t be any reason for them to think another aircraft would be in the facility. So while we are unloading the supplies, Ash is going to stay close until we let him know the coast is clear. Then he will be landing the chopper in the wooded area and wait until we are safely able to leave,” Peter confirmed.

  “What if this plan doesn’t work?”

  “It will work, Cop. We have been going over the plan in great detail and have come up with alternate plans should something go wrong.

  “When do we leave?”

  “At 1800 hours. The darker it is when we land, the better,” Peter explained.


  I wasn’t sure of Peter’s plan. If we got caught pretending to be delivering supplies, it would mean that our lives and Brie’s would be over.

  Trying not to over think the plan, I looked over to Peter and asked, “I hope you’re right. What about Sean?’

  “I think Mr. Bishop has not proven to be an asset after all. I think our best plan is to drop him off on the steps of the NYPD and let them deal with him,” he stated.


  As we headed to Teterburo, I kept thinking about the plan and everything that could go wrong. For one, we had no idea what would be waiting for us once we landed. Who knew how many men were in Lee Draper’s arsenal? He was a very powerful man and one that was dangerous. Secondly, we had no idea if our plan would even work. The only thing we were able to find out was the supply company’s scheduled run to the island and also the name of the company. What if they began questioning the change in delivery personnel? Peter’s solution was to tell them, they were called out on another run and wouldn’t be back in time for the delivery. I could only pray that we could be believable enough to convince them.

  As we drove up the tarmac, our plane was ready and packed full of supplies we found from a previous shipment order. Ash took the pilot position, while I co-piloted. Peter and Ryan took a seat behind us.

  The control tower came over the headphones, letting us know we were clear for take-off. Looking over at Ash I acknowledged with a nod, “Here we go.”

  “We should be landing in about four hours,” Ash confirmed, pushing on the yoke to level out the plane at just below 30,000 feet. “Once we get to Grand Cayman a chopper will be waiting for us, but first we will refuel in Miami.”

  “In that case I think a little siesta is in order,” Ryan confessed, pulling his ball cap over his eyes.

  It always amazed me that he could catch a few Zs anywhere. It didn’t matter where we were traveling or how, he always managed to sleep.

  Once we hit Miami to refuel, Peter made sure to get in contact with the guys still on the mission in Nicaragua. Even though Sly was more than capable in handling the situation there, I still felt guilty leaving him with that shit storm. I was glad to hear they were ready to end the mission, even though the main guy in charge of the trafficking was no where to be found and never surfaced. The guys were able to take down ten of his guys and rescue a dozen very scared young women. Soon they would be back in New York ready to tackle another project.

  One thing I wasn’t glad to hear was that somehow Sean managed to escape before Josh could get him to the police station. Who would have thought the dumb fuck could slip out of his restraints like some kind of Houdini? There was no time to think about him now. Our main focus had to be on getting Brie away from that lunatic father of hers.

  We were about half an hour away from the Grand Cayman where the helicopter would be waiting for us. It always seemed, with any trip, the last half hour was always the most nerve-wracking. All I knew was, I was closer to getting Brie back than I was three hours ago.



  Sitting on the bed, I kept wondering if I was ever going to get off this island. I knew the only way off would be to jump in the ocean and swim, which was never going to happen since I never really learned how to swim, or wait for another plane to land, which was near to impossible to determine since the main house was too far away from the airstrip.

  I knew that it was close to dinner and I would need to change. According to my father, a sundress was not the appropriate attire for dinner. Walking over to the large walk-in closet, I turned on the light and contemplated the outfit I would wear. It was like walking into a fantasy world every time I stepped inside the twelve-by-ten room, which was bigger than most bedrooms. Shuffling through the clothing, I finally settled on a light blue sheath dress with three bows securing an open back. Underneath the hanging clothing was a pair of matching sling backs, with Louis Vuitton encrusted on the inside. Slipping them on, I headed to the bathroom to check my appearance before I began making my way down to the dinning room. I was glad I checked; my makeup was a mess and my hair was even worse.

  Grabbing my hairbrush, I began combing through the rats. I decided to go for a more demure look by pinning it up in a French roll and securing it with a emerald-stoned comb. After redoing my make-up, I was ready to make my appearance. I didn’t know why I even cared about the way I looked. Lee Draper was the last man that I wanted to impress.

  Getting to the bottom of the stair, I could hear Lee barking orders to his men. Something was going on. Removing my heels so I wouldn’t be heard, I tiptoed down the remaining steps and slowly walked over to where the shouting was coming from. Pressing my body against the wall, I stood like a statue as I listened.

  “Who authorized them to land? We aren’t expecting a delivery until tomorrow,” Lee said with annoyance.

  “We checked their credentials, boss. Everything checked out,” his guard said with confidence.

  “Bring them to me, I want to see for myself,” Lee demanded.

  “They have already taken off. The supplies were unloaded and they left.”

  “Did you watch them leave?” Lee asked concerned.

  “No, not personally, but the one of the other guys saw them take off.”

  “Get the other men together. I want every inch of this island searched. Something doesn’t feel right.”

  I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew I needed to get away from the door before I got caught eavesdropping. I only had a split second to move away before the guard saw me. Acting the innocent part, I turned and walked towards him and began cursing, “You people are unbelievable. You told me to be ready in an hour, yet none of you could be found. Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you guys?”

  I could tell that he had no idea what I was even talking about. Continuing my masquerade I asked, “Where is he, anyway?”

  “If you are referring to Mr. Draper, he is in the study,” he answered confused.

  “Fine,” I said, walking towards the open door.

  That was a little close for comfort. I took a deep breath and walked through the door. Lee was holding a tumbler of whiskey while pacing the floor frantically. Setting his glass on the end table, he walked over to where I was standing, “You look lovely this evening. Our dinner is waiting for us,” he said, placing his hand on my arm in an amatory way.

  Entering the dining room, the table had already been set with fine white china, crystal stemware, silverware and linen napkins. There must have been something special about tonight for the table to be so elegantly set. As Lee helped me with my chair, I couldn’t help but ask, “So what is the special occasion?”

  “Nothing in particular, I just thought you deserved something special after spending so much time in the shelter,” he confessed.

  “Shelter,” I said with a laugh, “That is not what I would call a shelter. It has all
the amenities of a five-star hotel, minus the view.”

  “That may be, but giving you this is my way of thanking you for being patient,” he clarified, unfolding his napkin and placing it on his lap.

  As much as I wanted to being up the conversation he had with his guy in his study, I knew I couldn’t without him knowing I was listening in. So I tried a different approach to see if I could get anything out of him. “So Jack in the beanstalk seemed to be in a hurry. He nearly plowed me down.”

  “Jack in the beanstalk?” He questioned.

  “Yeah, the guy that left your study.”

  “I guess one could say he has a brutish look about him. I’m not sure he would appreciate the name since he goes by Walt,” he corrected.


  “Oh... Your question. I think it’s best you eat your dinner before it gets cold. Walt’s behavior is nothing for you to be concerned about.”


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