Immortal of My Heart

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Immortal of My Heart Page 7

by Unknown

  Kaelyn parked next to Hunter’s green pickup truck and opened her door just as Alexander placed his hand on her arm. “Dinna stray far.”

  “I know.” She shrugged off his hand and got out as Hunter walked down from the porch.

  “You made good time,” Hunter said, taking hold of her hand. He idly played with her fingers as he continued. “You’re feeling okay, right?”

  Kaelyn pulled her hand out of his grip. She opened her mouth to reply, but Hunter’s eyes narrowed looking past Kaelyn’s shoulder. Alexander’s door slammed shut. “I thought anyone was welcome here?” Kaelyn said, pulling Hunter’s attention back to her.

  “Come on,” Hunter grumbled, “my grandfather’s waiting.” He spun on his heel following a stone path to the backyard and the tepee.

  Kaelyn glared at Alexander. “Don’t cause any trouble,” she said in a hushed tone to his smirking face. Alexander innocently held his hands up and followed Kaelyn.

  In the backyard, peonies bloomed in flowerbeds and lush green grass filled the medium-sized yard. The large tan tepee sat in a bed of mulch with small shrubs planted around the perimeter. The leather skinned door hung half open.

  Hunter stood in front of the doorway. “My grandfather’s inside. He’s ready to see you.”

  “Are you sure about this,” Kaelyn asked, eyeing the burnt patch on the side of the tepee.

  “My grandfather doesn’t request to see people very often. Trust me. It’s in your best interest.” Kaelyn drew in a deep breath. Now or never, she thought walking in. Alexander made way to follow, when Hunter stuck out his hand stopping him. “She goes in alone,” he said in a cold voice.

  Alexander’s jaw ticked. He was ready to give this lad a sound beating and especially after the night he had. With his blood boiling and his mood fowl, Alexander shoved Hunter’s arm away. Hunter pushed Alexander in return.

  “Now boys, no fighting in or around this house,” a gentle woman’s voice said from behind Alexander. “The spirits of peace and good fortune reside here. We don’t want to insult them.” Both men stopped, turning to find a small skinny woman. Her dark brown hair was styled short and wavy with gray streaks running through. Rich chocolate brown eyes hinted to a playful side, but also commanded authority.

  She had to be the grandmother, Alexander thought bringing his arms down to his side and letting go of Hunter’s shirt. She carried a tray with a pitcher, glasses, and oatmeal cookies. Setting the tray down on a picnic table near the back patio, she said, “Come on you two, they need privacy and I have lemonade and cookies I’m willing to share.”

  Hunter shouldered past Alexander. He gave his grandma a quick peck on the cheek and took a seat at the picnic table. Alexander slowly walked over. “I didna mean any disrespect-“

  “Ah, the warrior,” Hunter’s grandma said leaning forward and giving him a hug as Hunter scoffed from behind. “Please sit, drink, and eat. Your Kaelyn will be a while.”

  “She’s not my Kaelyn-“

  “Please sit,” she said more sternly. Standing at only five feet tall, she intimidated Alexander. He had a feeling she didn’t take crap from anyone. Alexander sat across from Hunter. Both men glared at each other while Hunter’s grandmother began talking about the weather and her begonia bushes while pouring three cups of lemonade.

  Kaelyn entered the tepee finding Hunter’s grandfather in a leather deerskin tunic with turquoise, red, and white beads adorning it. Fringe followed down the sides of the sleeves. He sat in cross-legged position with eyes shut and hands holding a peace pipe. Smoke smoldered up around him from the pipe playfully whizzing past his two gray braids and the feathers tied to them.

  “Please sit, Heart of Warrior.” Kaelyn furrowed her brow. Did he just give her an Indian name?

  Kaelyn sat opposite him, across from the fire pit. “I’m sorry about last time,” she said modestly.

  Hunter’s grandfather slowly opened his eyes. “Notice the fire is not lit,” he said dryly.

  She nodded. “You wanted to speak with me?”

  “Shh,” he said slowly bringing the pipe up to his mouth. He inhaled a long pull and closed his eyes again. After a moment, he held it out for Kaelyn to take.

  “Oh, no thanks, I-.“ Kaelyn stopped talking when he opened his eyes once more raising a stern brow. “I always wanted to try one of these,” she said weakly. Kaelyn grasped the pipe, inhaling deeply. Coughs racked her body. She passed the pipe back to Hunter’s grandfather as she pounded on her chest.

  When the coughing subsided, Hunter’s grandfather said, “Now close your eyes, Heart of Warrior. I, Running Wolf, will ask the spirits of the earth, sky, water, and air for guidance. Breathe deep and embrace what they tell you.”

  Warily, Kaelyn closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. She had no clue what was supposed to happen. Her fingertips began to tingle with familiar sensations and her arms shivered as goosebumps formed. A cloudy haze filled her mind. She could hear wind blowing, the sea rolling with waves. She smelled the earth and felt the warmth from the sun beating down onto her face. And then the chant began…

  On the mountains of Skye,

  Where three of three of three have died,

  Where the fairies play and roam,

  This is where you call true home,

  The Sacred Door is no more,

  But lived once in 1140 plus a score…

  Her body floated into nothing while the chant grew louder and louder. Strangely, she didn’t feel scared like she had in the dream last night. She felt safe in the confines of the tepee and the low rumble of Hunter’s grandfather’s voice in the background as he hummed to the spirits.

  The chanting became thunderous in her ears. Her head fell back as if the spirits burst through her chest. Everything quieted all at once and Kaelyn slowly brought her head up. She looked across at Hunter’s grandfather who appeared unsurprised, as if this was a normal everyday occurrence. Kaelyn closed her eyes for a moment to stop the spinning winding through her mind.

  “Heart of Warrior, it would fare you well to listen to the advice of the spirits.”

  “A silly rhyme?”

  “Many times, the spirits talk in riddles. Listen to them carefully. They guide you.”

  A riddle. Was this the riddle Cain looked for? She glanced up at Running Wolf. He nodded.

  “The man who sifts through time is your protector. Stay close to him. He will save more than your life. But beware of the cold one.” Running Wolf took another pull from the peace pipe. “The woman of ice, don’t be fooled by her, she is full of evil you can’t imagine.”

  What the hell was Hunter’s grandfather talking about? She believed when he had requested to talk to her, that he wanted money for the damage she had caused on his tepee, not some sort of freaky séance.

  Kaelyn rose and made way to leave. “I should be going.”

  Running Wolf’s expression turned scared. Slowly, he rested his hand with the peace pipe on his lap and stared into nothingness as he began to mumble, “The white haired man is in trouble. He needs your help.”

  “What white haired man? Who are you talking-.“ Kaelyn rushed around the fire pit and crouched down in front of Running Wolf. “TJ?” she demanded. “What’s wrong? Is he hurt?”

  “Go. Go Heart of Warrior! Your path begins.” Hunter’s grandfather closed his eyes. His body slumped forward as he fell into a sound sleep. Kaelyn, with her heart constricting, fled out of the tepee.

  Alexander eyed the entrance of the tepee willing Kaelyn to come out. He didn’t like her being so far away. He didn’t like that he began to care.

  Hunter’s grandmother spoke, pulling Alexander’s attention toward her. “Hunter,” she asked smiling down into his face, “why don’t you go get some napkins. Silly me, I forgot them. I think they’re in the pantry.”

  Hunter glared at Alexander one last time before getting up and going after what his grandmother needed. Alexander couldn’t help to notice, no one ate. They didn’t need napkins. That didn’t bode well
for him. Hunter’s grandmother turned toward Alexander and smiled a loving smile down on him. For a moment, Alexander thought this was what it felt like to have someone who cared for you. When was the last time someone had looked at him like that?

  “You are a strong Warrior, Alexander,” she began. “The spirits think highly of you.” Alexander stared at her. Her eyes were dark sable orbs that saw more than what was just in front of her. “She’s a tough girl. Her life made her that way, but she’s more fragile than she looks. Take care of her.”

  “The napkins were on the counter, not in the pantry,” Hunter grumbled walking back out onto the porch. Just then, Kaelyn rushed out of the tepee dangerously close to crying. Alexander jumped up striding over to her, but not before Hunter reached her.

  “Kaelyn, what’s wrong?“ Hunter asked.

  She held up her hand brushing him off. When she reached the corner of the house she ran in earnest to her jeep. She jumped in her jeep, started the engine, and wiped the tears away as she flew down the road. If anything happened to TJ….

  * * * * *

  She saw the smoke before she even saw the compound. When she pulled into the gravel lot, fire trucks filled the area. It seemed the fire had only stayed confined to the small building that held the office…and TJ.

  Kaelyn threw the jeep into park, jumped out, and ran toward the ambulance parked out front of Colorado Adventures. Within seconds, Hunter pulled up in his truck with a tight lipped Alexander. Both ran over.

  Kaelyn wedged herself between two paramedics who moved a gurney with a sheet overtop a body. Kaelyn gulped. Her vision blurred. “W-who’s in there?” she barely whispered. The paramedics exchanged a look with each other. One slowly turned placing a hand on her arm to steady her.

  “The owner didn’t make it, he-“

  “No!” Kaelyn yelled. She pushed his hand off of her. Yanking the sheet down, Kaelyn exposed bright-red, blistered skin on the face of the man she had thought of as her father. Alexander came up behind her reaching around, quickly pulling the cover back up. Kaelyn began to crumble to the ground. Alexander caught her up in his arms before she hit the gravel. He carried her over to a bench against the stables as she cried into his shoulder.

  Her weeping bothered him. He held onto her, but it felt awkward. When was the last time he held a lass so? Never. As she tried to stop her anguished cries, Alexander swore he’d kill Cain with his bare hands. He knew Cain was behind this. He could smell the evil in the air.

  Hunter ran over with watery eyes from the massive amount of smoke blowing through the wind. He came up short seeing Kaelyn wrapped in Alexander’s arms.

  Hunter’s lips tightened. He hunched down to where Kaelyn sat on Alexander’s lap and put a hand on her back. “I’m going to follow the ambulance and call TJ’s family.” He glared at Alexander. Alexander didn’t miss the meaning behind the look.

  “Come on, lass,” Alexander said softly next to Kaelyn’s ear, “I’ll take ye home.” Alexander rose, keeping Kaelyn supported. He placed a hand on her back, but she immediately pushed away from him.

  “I can walk myself!” she yelled, walking away from him. Kaelyn strode far ahead as she wiped her watery eyes. A voice echoed through her head. “How many more loved ones are ye willing to give up? Come to me Kaelyn, or you will lose all.” Kaelyn’s gait slowed and a tremble ran through her. Cain had done this. She had to think of a way to turn this whole thing around. There was one thing to do…finish it. Give him what he wanted.

  Alexander walked past her and opened the passenger door. “I’m driving,” he said a bit too rough.

  Kaelyn didn’t look up. She brushed past, taking a seat on the passenger side and narrowed her eyes at him. Alexander. The blame was his and Cain’s fault. If they hadn’t entered her life, TJ would still be alive. Kaelyn stifled a sob and stared out the window at the passing scenery through blurred eyes.

  * * * * *

  Dark gray storm clouds filled the early afternoon sky. Thunder sounded in the near distance and lightning crackled over the mountains on the horizon. Kaelyn numbly walked into her apartment leaving the door open for Alexander to follow. She didn’t care if she acted rudely. If anything, she wanted to punish Alexander. This was as much his fault as it was Cain’s. Neither of them lost the one person who cared for them.

  She stormed to her bedroom and went over to her dresser pulling out sweatshorts and a t-shirt. The smoke from the fire clung to her clothes. Clothes she thought she’d burn rather than trying to wear again.

  Alexander slowly walked into her bedroom and stopped at the threshold. He knew she grieved in her own way. She ignored him. And did a really good job of it, too. Damnit! Why couldn’t she see he only tried to help her?

  Kaelyn felt Alexander watching her. She went about her business until he opened his mouth. “I ken you’re hurting, lass.”

  Kaelyn spun around. Stopping in front of him, she jabbed her finger at his chest. “You have no idea!” she screamed. She stood in silence for a moment, utter defeat across her face. “He was a father to me. He’s the only one I had.” Her shoulders slumped. Without warning, she looked up, narrowing her eyes at Alexander. “And you took him away from me!” she gritted out through clenched teeth. “I hate you!” she screamed pounding on his chest as hard as she could. Alexander let her beat on him. He had never let another woman touch him like this, but this seemed like the only thing he could do for her.

  “I’m…sorry, lass,” he said slowly bringing his hands up to do…he didn’t know what.

  “Don’t touch me!” she yelled pounding harder on his chest. “I wish I never laid eyes on you! I hate you! You’re just like Cain! You’re both Immortal bastards!” In such a rage, Kaelyn didn’t even realize she pulled back her hand and slapped him full across the cheek. Alexander stood firmly planted to the spot. A muscle in his jaw ticked. Hesitantly, Kaelyn lowered her hand as tears welled in her eyes, spilling over, streaming down her face.

  Alexander couldn’t hold back anymore. He felt he did have some responsibility with TJ’s death, but he drew the line when she slapped him.

  Kaelyn raised a trembling hand to his cheek. “I’m so-“

  “You’re hurting,” Alexander said. “Ye dinna need to apologize. Just never do that again,” he said dangerously soft. A quiet sob escaped her as she nodded. Alexander gently grasped her arm when she went to walk away. He pulled her into his arms. “I’m sorry, Kaelyn,” he whispered on the top of her head. “I’m so verra sorry.”

  Alexander’s arms tightened around her. She was so mad at him, yet she didn’t want to leave the comfort of his embrace. Warmth she’d never known crept through her. Slowly, she brought her gaze up to his. He stared intensely down into her eyes. Ever so gently, he brought up his hand and wiped a tear away from her cheek with his thumb. His touch was so tender for such a large intimidating man. Not knowing why she did it, Kaelyn went up on her tiptoes and slowly brought her mouth within a hairbreadth away from his lips. She closed her eyes, waiting for his touch.

  * * * * *


  Alexander gripped Kaelyn’s upper arms setting her away from him. Kaelyn’s eyes shot open. A brief look of hurt fleetingly crossed her face. Alexander knew he wounded her pride. God knew he wanted to touch her soft lips more than anything. But he couldn’t use her like that after the tragedy she had just gone through.

  For some reason, it infuriated him to think she only wanted to use him to forget what happened to TJ. Hadn’t he used many women to satiate his baser needs? What was so different about her situation?

  Kaelyn went to spin around out of his grip when he held tight. “Kaelyn,” Alexander said gruffly. “I have to leave for the time being. Dinna take the crystal off!” He gave her one last glance and strode out of the room.

  Kaelyn laughed incredulously. Everyone and anyone had left her. Maybe, she should go find Cain and see what would happen. Could she end this nightmare tonight? Kaelyn changed her clothes and sat on her bed staring at a pic
ture of TJ and her. She wiped the tears away and lay back on her bed hugging the picture to her chest.

  * * * * *

  Cain watched the storm roll in from a rooftop a few blocks away from the woman’s home. The crystal’s potency was too strong to be able to get close to Kaelyn. Time was running out, he thought, pounding his fist into his hand. What could he do? How could he get close to her, especially now, since Alexander realized she was important. Alexander would never leave her without giving her the crystal first.

  Cain narrowed dark eyes toward her apartment building. Rain began pouring down as a wicked smile crept over his mouth. If he couldn’t get near the lass, he’d send something that could.

  Standing up, he raised his hands to the sky and called upon ancient druid spirits one after another by name. He culminated their powers in return for another small piece of his soul. Reciting druid incantations were a drug for him. The first time he had dabbled in druid black magic, it had terrified him, but the power that surged through his body had also mesmerized him until he wanted to cast another spell and another.

  Now, his body was covered in red and black tattoos, not by his choice, but from the druid spirits. Each time he cast a hex, the spirits absorbed a small part of him, leaving behind a mark or “tattoo”. The greater the enchantment, the bigger the symbol.

  Cain’s skin began to burn on his side. The familiar pain of another successful spell. Cain turned around smiling down at his creation. “Now go,” he said as wicked laughter filled the air.

  * * * * *

  Kaelyn’s eyes sprung open when a loud “bang” sounded in her room. It felt like she had slept for hours, but only thirty minutes had passed on her alarm clock. A movement on the far side of her bedroom wall caught her attention. Kaelyn jerked back, pressing up against the headboard. An eerie human shadow flitted along the wall. The shadow dashed along another wall, stopping behind a chair.


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