Immortal of My Heart

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Immortal of My Heart Page 13

by Unknown

  “Don’t get involved, Alexander,” a woman’s voice purred.

  Alexander froze closing his eyes in frustration. “Rowena,” he said quietly.

  Ice cold hands ran over his back and around to the front of his torso. “Did you miss me?” she purred. Alexander opened his eyes to find one of the Guardians, the only female, Rowena, standing in front of him. She had a slate blue cloak with a hood covering the white-blond hair he knew hid beneath. Her cool blue eyes stared at him in mockery as her red mouth curved up into a cynical smile. “I’ll take your silence to mean you did miss me.”

  Alexander clenched his hands into fists. “Why are ye here? I’m doing as ye command. I’m hunting down Cain.”

  Rowena made a noncommittal noise. “So you say, but I don’t like that girl tagging along. She’s not your type.”

  “No one’s my type,” he bit out. “I’m not human, remember? Besides, she’s the answer to whatever Cain wants. I’m sure of it.”

  “Hmm. Interesting. I suppose I can overlook the situation-”

  -“There is no situation,” Alexander growled out.

  Rowena narrowed her eyes. “I can overlook the situation,” she began again, “if you use the girl as bait. Get this mission over with! Cain grows stronger everyday," she said sharply. Rowena stepped back studying her razor sharp nails. “The girl…she is expendable after all.” Rowena watched Alexander, eager for his reaction.

  Alexander’s jaw ticked. Wasn’t Rowena right? Hadn’t Kaelyn always been bait in his mind? Or at least at one time? “I’ll do what needs to be done,” he said tightly.

  Rowena licked her lips and raised her index finger to her mouth. “I do believe I don’t entirely believe you.” She whirled around, instantly in Alexander’s face. Her bright ice blue eyes glowing fiercely. “Don’t undermine my authority or my wishes, Alexander, or you will greatly abhor the consequences.”

  “I’m Immortal for all eternity,” he said through clenched teeth. “There’s nothing worse than that.”

  Her mouth turned up into a frightening smile. Her hideous laugh filled the air. “There’s always something worse Alexander…always…and I’ll find it. Don’t ever forget that.” She ran her icy index finger over the scruff on the side of his face and disappeared into an icy mist.

  Alexander cursed. He turned sharply, punching the side of the stable wall, breaking his hand. The horses whinnied and stomped in their stalls. By the time the horses calmed down, Alexander’s hand had healed. Alexander cursed again. He stormed out of the stable now fuming and in a horrible mood. Where the hell was Kaelyn! Then he remembered Gallagher’s story.

  Damned Rowena, he thought. If Kaelyn needed help, it was his job to keep her safe. After all, he was only protecting his bait, he thought bitterly. Rowena couldn’t protest that!

  Alexander hurried up the winding stone staircase. The sooner he removed Kaelyn from within Deirdre’s clutches, the better. He continued up the stairs to the fourth floor where their room was. Coming upon the door, he swiftly pushed it open and froze. Kaelyn wasn’t in the room. Her pack lay on the table. He narrowed his eyes, turning to the naked woman in Kaelyn’s bed. Deirdre. The crystal necklace hung around her neck, resting between her full breasts.

  Alexander glared at Deirdre. “Explain yourself,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “Darling, come here,” she said gracefully sweeping her hand to a spot next to her. “I miss ye. ‘Twas a mistake I ever chose another. I love ye.”

  “Ye love me?” he asked with a sneer. “Like ye did last time!”

  A slight flush covered her cheeks. “I was young and foolish, Lex. Surely ye can understand that.”

  Alexander glanced around the room remembering who he had come for in the first place. He narrowed his eyes over at Deirdre. “Where is she?” he said slowly. “I know ‘twas ye who spooked Kaelyn’s horse on the hunt. If she’s hurt somewhere….”

  Deirdre looked down at the crystal and played with it while she answered. “She kens she doesna belong with ye. Besides, let me love ye, Lex. This time, I might be able to make ye mortal. Come to me,” she purred, holding her arms out.

  Alexander slowly walked across the room to the bed and Deirdre’s smiling face. He leaned over her, as Deirdre ran her hands over his back. “It would never work,” he whispered, as realization set in.

  “It might,” Deirdre said breathlessly moving against him.

  “Nay, Deirdre. Even if ye had kissed me that day long ago, I never would have become mortal.”


  “I needed the kiss from my true love, Deirdre.”

  “But I am, darling. I am!” she said between placing kisses along his neck.

  Alexander pressed her back as he glared into her surprised face. “I never loved ye,” he said more to himself. “I never will.”

  He stared, remembering the past with Deirdre, as she tsked him, ignoring his comment. She leaned up, continuing to kiss his neck and rub her hands under his tunic.

  As Alexander stared into the headboard, numb to Deirdre’s touch, he realized he was the one who doomed himself all those years ago. He had been so eager to become mortal. He had taken the first bonnie lass he found, and never looked deeper within himself.

  He glanced down at Deirdre who fumbled with the ties on his breeches. He didn’t love her. But there was one lass who haunted his thoughts. A lass he had no idea where she was. Abruptly, Alexander wrapped his hand around Deirdre’s throat. “Where-is-she?” he roared.

  Fear consumed Deirdre’s eyes. She raked her nails across his unmoving hands. “I-I dinna ken,” she said trembling. “She wasna here when I came in. I swear,” she choked out. Alexander pushed her back into the bed.


  Alexander glanced over his shoulder at Kaelyn who stood in the doorway with a confused expression. Deirdre continued to cough, scratching frantically at his hands. Alexander abruptly let go. He eyed the crystal, yanking it from Deirdre’s neck. “’Tis over, Deirdre,” he growled. “For good.” He climbed off the bed and walked over to Kaelyn. “Where were you?” he growled.

  Kaelyn looked at Deirdre’s naked form and back to Alexander. “I-I was saying goodbye to Ethol and the children.”

  She hadn’t been in danger at all. And yet you worried over her, ready to kill to protect her, the voice in his head said. Alexander tied the crystal necklace around Kaelyn’s neck and then grabbed her pack. He stormed past her, grabbing her hand, leading her out of the room. Stopping suddenly at the threshold, he spun a dazed Kaelyn around.

  “One more thing,” he said over his shoulder to Deidre. Without warning, Alexander leaned down, kissing Kaelyn good and thorough on the mouth. The kiss ended as fast as it had started and he pulled Kaelyn out of the room and away from an open mouthed Deirdre.

  * * * * *


  “Is this one mine?” Kaelyn asked quietly. Alexander nodded. Why had he kissed her upstairs in front of Deirdre? The only reason, Kaelyn thought, was he wanted to get back at Deirdre. It couldn’t be because he wanted to kiss her. Not from the cold harsh way he treated her now. Kaelyn climbed up into the stirrups.

  “Whoa, careful,” Alexander quickly said when the horse stomped its hooves. “She’s a little feisty….” His words fell away as Kaelyn pulled the reins back, skillfully subduing the horse.

  “What’s her name?” she asked a speechless Alexander.

  Alexander swallowed. As he stared, all he could think about was the kiss he stole from her. She had been surprised, but she had also responded, twisting her tongue with his. “Her name is Victory,” he mumbled.

  ”She reminds me of Northern Sky,” Kaelyn whispered softly.

  Alexander’s forehead creased. “The sooner we find the Sacred Door, the sooner ye can go home and see her.” The sooner she’d be away from him and he’d be able to think rationally once again. Why did that thought disturb him? Alexander jumped up on his huge black stallion and led the way.

  As th
ey left the confines of the castle, Ewan waved from above the portcullis. “Come back in one piece!” he yelled grinning. Kaelyn gave a weak smile. If Ewan only knew how dangerous this little trip would be.

  * * * * *

  After two hours of traveling and appreciating the beautiful Scotland scenery, Kaelyn asked, “Did you grow up close to here?”

  “Aye,” Alexander said as Kaelyn pulled her horse up next to his. “I grew up in a fisherman’s village on the Southern tip of the island. My human father was a blacksmith. I helped him until he sent me to Ewan’s castle.”

  “Will we pass your home?” she asked excitedly.

  Alexander looked over at Kaelyn. “Why?” he asked dismally. “There’s nothing there but dire memories.”

  Kaelyn’s head creased. “Do you have any good memories in your life, or are they all terrible?” Alexander shrugged. “You know, my childhood sucked, but there were still good moments. I know now, I wouldn’t change anything in my past. It made me who I am today.”

  “Weel, I would have changed mine,” he grumbled, kicking his horse’s sides and pulling ahead. Yes, Kaelyn thought, Alexander had definitely kissed her for spite and nothing more, even if the kiss had made fireworks go off in her stomach.

  As Alexander trotted ahead, Kaelyn’s kiss played over and over in his head…and also Rowena’s warning.

  There’s always something worse, Alexander.

  He’d be foolish if he let himself grow attached to Kaelyn. Rowena would use her against him…somehow. He was sure of it.

  * * * * *

  After riding all day and crossing the Sound of Sleat, they reached the main land, stopping when dusk fell. The campsite was not quite what Kaelyn would call superb, but the way her back-end hurt, she was willing to rest anywhere.

  They stopped for the night in a little open patch of woods surrounded by tall trees. Besides the pine needles covering the ground, the earth lay barren. The moon hid behind clouds, making the night eerily dark. It wasn’t necessarily the woods that made her not like the campsite, but the way she felt in these woods. The hair on the back of her neck tingled. She was aware Cain lived in this century now, but where? She double-checked, making sure the crystal still hung around her neck.

  Kaelyn watched Alexander tie the horses to a small tree branch, cooing a few quiet words, soothing the nervousness from the horses. Guess she wasn’t the only one feeling creeped out, Kaelyn thought. After giving two pats on his stallion’s hind quarters, Alexander walked over to the center of the clearing and carved a three foot circular divot in the ground, pushing away the brush until dirt showed. Kaelyn watched as he made a meager mound of dried pine needles in the center. Taking two sticks and rubbing them together in the needles, smoke drifted up. He lightly blew into the base where a glow soon emerged. Within seconds, a fire blared against the black night sky.

  Kaelyn raised her eyebrows. “That’s impressive,” she said breaking the awkward silence hanging in the air between them.

  “I’ve had many years to perfect it,” he said curtly. He didn’t look her way when he responded. Instead, he turned around behind him and dug in his pack. Without warning, he flung an oatcake over to Kaelyn. Kaelyn reached out, barely catching it. “Thanks,” she mumbled. This man had worse PMS than most of the women she knew.

  “I have dried meat strips, too, and a flask of water.”

  Kaelyn nodded as she greedily inhaled a bite of the stale, bland tasting cookie. The last time they had eaten was when they stopped for lunch…eating the same thing. Luckily, at lunch they had found a currant bush and were able to add berries to their meager meal.

  “What I wouldn’t do for a juicy steak right now,” Kaelyn said. “I’d add a loaded baked potato on the side, along with a crisp fresh salad….”

  “Be happy ye have something to eat,” Alexander said, before tearing off a bite of meat. When Kaelyn grew silent, Alexander added. “Tomorrow night we’ll reach Inverness. They have inns and a couple places to get a hot meal.”

  “I’ll be counting down the hours,” she mumbled. Abruptly, Alexander turned, rummaging through his pack once more. He couldn’t look at her without thinking of how sweet she had tasted. What was wrong with him? Why on earth had he kissed Kaelyn? To show Deirdre, she had meant nothing to him, he told himself, not because he was worried she was hurt.

  He stole another glance at Kaelyn, watching her unroll her tartan, placing it next to the pleasant fire. She wedged herself between the folded fabric and stared into the flickering flames. His conscience yelled at him to get as far away as possible from her, but every bone in his body screamed at him to not let her get away.

  After watching Kaelyn drift off to sleep, he unrolled his own tartan, placing it opposite hers on the other side of the fire. He was just ready to lay down, when a cold chill ran over his shoulders and caressed his face. Rowena. He glanced up, discovering a cloaked shadow emerging from the forest. He grounded his teeth together. Couldn’t she leave him alone!

  Rowena emerged from the woods and walked over to where Kaelyn snoozed in a deep sleep. Rowena stood over her, a wicked smile on her face. “How sweet and innocent,” she mumbled.

  “What do ye want?” Alexander asked roughly.

  Rowena slowly glanced up at Alexander. “Straight to the point, aye? Alright. Leave.”

  Alexander’s brow furrowed. “We’re leaving first thing in the morn. Kaelyn and the horses need their rest.”

  “She’ll get her rest. I’m not asking her to leave, am I?”

  “What are ye up to, Rowena?”

  Within a second, Rowena crouched down in front of Alexander rubbing her arms over his chest. “Alexander,” she purred. “Must you really ask?” She paused, waiting for him to answer. When he continued to stare angrily at her, she continued. “You’re moving too slow for my liking.” She patted the side of his face. “I’ll put this plainly, so you’ll understand. Leave now and let Cain find the human. We’ll let her slow him down.” She rose and heedlessly spun as her cape swirled around her. She stood over Kaelyn once again. “All the sleeping and eating these humans have to do to stay alive really is a nuisance. I-“

  “I won’t leave,” Alexander ground out. “Stop your games and let me finish this my way!”

  Within a moment, Rowena’s pretty smile was gone and sharp, jagged teeth filled her mouth. Her glistening fangs moved down to Kaelyn’s throat. Alexander jumped, drawing his sword.

  A wicked laugh escaped Rowena. “You really think you can defeat me…or any of the Guardians for that matter?” she said incredulously. She inched down to Kaelyn’s face. Rowena’s hands were on each side of Kaelyn’s exposed neck. Rowena glanced up at Alexander from under her long lashes. “I’ll rip her throat out before you could even take a step Immortal,” she sneered. “You will do this my way-.” Rowena paused to lick the side of Kaelyn’s magically drug-induced sleeping face. “Or, you can say goodbye to your little human and watch me gut her before your very, very helpless eyes,” she snarled.

  Alexander clenched his teeth. He stabbed his sword’s tip deep into the ground in front of him releasing a loud roar of rage. “Give me your word ye will not harm her,” he said seething. “Ye leave here when I do and will not return…and you will have my word. I’ll do this your way.”

  In a blur, Rowena rose, every beautiful strand of hair in place. She adjusted her sparkling crystal gown from under the cloak and smiled a satisfactory smile. “You’re so easy. You have my word,” she said mockingly.

  Alexander’s eyes narrowed. Did Rowena lie? The Immortals learned early on to be wary when placing trust in their Guardians. What choice did he have? He knew Rowena would make good on her threat and tear Kaelyn to shreds if he didn’t go. He crouched down and began to collect his belongings.

  He prayed Cain wasn’t anywhere near. Kaelyn had to survive on her own until he could think of some way to come back to her without Rowena knowing. Kaelyn still wore his crystal, which eased his mind a little. Rowena hadn’t noticed that.

  I will find ye again, Alexander thought, stealing one more glance at Kaelyn. I promise.

  * * * * *

  Kaelyn awoke to a gray morning with a chilly mist hovering over the forest floor. She noticed three things upon awakening. One, she felt like she had awakened from a coma. She couldn’t remember the last time she had slept so soundly. Two, the fire had gone out, and from the looks of it, probably shortly after she had fallen asleep. And three, Alexander was no where to be found.

  It was the last observation that made her grow uneasy. He wouldn’t just leave her, would he? Had he really been mad at her for the kiss? A kiss he gave! She shook her head at the ridiculous thought. Sitting up, she took in her surroundings. Alexander had to be around somewhere. Then, it dawned on her. The horses. They were gone, too. Calm down, she told herself beginning to panic. Alexander had probably gone to get food. He’d be back any moment.

  She waited a good fifteen minutes. She chewed on her lip, which was seriously close to bleeding, now. Hurt beyond more than she wanted to admit, she accepted the fact Alexander had left her. Uneasy, Kaelyn realized she sat in a strange century, was lost in an unknown forest, and a mad man was chasing her. She cursed when it dawned on her Alexander had taken her pack and provisions, too. Did he hate her that much? Feeling like an imbecile, she had actually thought he was beginning to like her…even if only as a friend. She released an angry sigh. One thing was for certain. “I’m never trusting that lying sack of shit again!” she said. “You better hope I never see your face again Alexander MacLeod!” she yelled into the still forest. Balling up her tartan under her arm, she stomped off in the direction they would have continued in, if Alexander had still been there.


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