Immortal of My Heart

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Immortal of My Heart Page 20

by Unknown

  Alexander had prodded, yelled, and even growled at her the entire trip from Morna’s to the inn. Kaelyn had asked him to trust her, which only seemed to make him madder. How could she tell him what she was? She couldn’t even grasp the news. Was she ready to tell him if he came up demanding answers? Kaelyn sighed. She didn’t know. She’d be surprised if he came back up at all.

  As Kaelyn stared out into the sky, she thought of those few minutes when she and Morna had talked.

  “Ye ken yer special, right lass?” Morna asked as soon as Alexander had shut the door behind him.

  A laugh escaped Kaelyn. “Special? If that’s what you want to call it. I like to refer to it as being a freak.”

  “A what?”

  “Nothing,” Kaelyn mumbled.

  Morna shook her head. Standing up, she hobbled over to stand in front of Kaelyn. “Do ye ken anything about your mum or da?”

  A look of hurt passed over Kaelyn’s features and quickly disappeared. “I don’t think they wanted me,” she said quietly, “or at least, that’s what most of my foster parents told me.”

  Morna’s eyes grew large. “Dinna want ye?” she shouted in disbelief. “Oh no lass, on the contrary. Your parents tried to hide ye!”

  “Why would they ‘hide’ me?”

  “Because you’re the last. The last keeper of the Sacred Door.”

  “The last, who?”

  “Tell me lass, do ye not ken where your bloodline comes from?”

  “Obviously, I don’t.”

  “Come, sit with me by the fire. My old bones grow cold.” Kaelyn followed Morna over to her rocking chair and pulled up a stool, so she sat opposite her and the sputtering fire.”

  “Do ye ken of the Fae? Fairies,” Morna snapped when Kaelyn only stared.

  “If you would have asked me that two months ago, I would have said ‘no’, but now, I think I believe in anything.”

  Morna scrunched her face up as if she didn’t really know if she should continue. She stopped rocking and leaned forward. “Listen closely, because I’m the only one that will tell ye this.

  “Long ago, before humans roamed this land, there were magical beings dominating the world. The Fae. They loved mother earth and treated her kindly, but when humans arrived, they brought with them disease and hate. The world turned dark. The Fae had to hide as their numbers began to dwindle. The Fae Queen knew her people wouldn’t survive long, hidden underground in the earth’s deep caverns.

  “So, she ordered the last of her warriors to go out into the world and bring back a small group of humans. These humans, all women, were brought back to breed with the Fae. Out of the thirty or so humans that let the Fae use their bodies, only one became with child. From that one child, the Fae blood lives on. It has lasted centuries.”

  Morna reached out and rested her knobby hand upon Kaelyn’s cheek. “Your parents hid ye, because they kenned ye were the last. The Fairy Queen kenned the line would end eventually and that her prophecy would come true, or is aboot to.”

  Kaelyn pulled back as though she was slapped. “What do mean ‘last one’ and ‘it’s going to end’?”

  “The queen has prophesied ye. Ye are the last. There are no others.”

  “So…I won’t have children?” Kaelyn asked. Morna’s gaze lowered to the floor as her shoulders slumped.

  “Am I going to die?” A hysterical cry left Kaelyn. “Soon?”

  Morna shrugged. “All I ken, is the line ends with ye. I would assume….”

  Kaelyn stared into the fire. Did that mean Cain was going to kill her when this was all over? Was his whole agreement a lie? Kaelyn glanced over at Morna. “How do you know all this? You could be wrong.“

  “Nay, lass.” Morna reached up and pulled her frizzy, white hair off her shoulder, baring her neck. A tiny, blue star, covered in silver glitter, sparkled on her skin. “This mark is from the Fae queen herself. When I was a lassie, I played on the fairy mounds. One day, the queen came to me and gifted me with this mark. After her touch, I kenned much. More than anyone should.” She shrugged. “Ye can believe me, or ye can pretend I’m mad like all the others do.”

  Kaelyn sat back on her stool. Deep in her heart, somehow, she knew what Morna told her rang true. Her entire childhood of not fitting in anywhere made sense. The only place she had ever felt at home was in the outdoors. Kaelyn slowly looked up at Morna. “If my parents had tried to hide me,” she said quietly, “what is it I’m destined to do?”

  Morna reached out, patting Kaelyn’s knee as a cheerful expression crossed her face. “Why lass, yer the keeper of the Sacred Door. Only an heir of the queen will be able to get the key to open it. I dinna ken what’s inside, or what ye’ll ha’ to do, but I’m sure the Fae will tell ye.” Morna quickly rose. “Go, shoo! Remember, go to the burial grounds. The Fae cavern is below.”

  Kaelyn stood on shaky legs and walked toward the door. As she pushed it open, she noted Alexander stood with the horses. He looked back at her and scowled. Morna came up behind Kaelyn. “Ye be careful o’ that one, ye hear? I dinna ken, but I loathe the likes o’ him.”

  Alexander turned his attention back to the horses and Kaelyn walked out. Now, she knew why she was so important to Cain. She was the only one who could open the door for him. Everything she had found out bothered her, but two things really had her scared. What was behind the Sacred Door that Cain was willing to kill for? And second, was she willing to die for it?

  * * * * *

  Kaelyn heard Alexander stomping up the inn steps before he got to the room, but she remained staring out the window, sitting with her hands wrapped around her knees on the middle of the bed. The door swung open. He fumed, ready for battle. Without looking at him, she heard his rough breathing, and knew his hands were fisted at his sides.

  The door slammed shut and she jumped. “Ye will tell me now what is going on. I want to ken about Cain and what he has over ye. I want to ken why ye can throw Rowena across the way without even touching her, and lastly, ye will tell me every word the old hag said to ye!” Kaelyn continued sitting silently without turning to look at him. Alexander stormed around the bed, stopping in front of her. He grasped her shoulders. “Look at me!” he roared.

  Kaelyn’s head slowly came up and Alexander immediately regretted everything. Tears streamed down her cheeks from red puffy eyes. Alexander’s grip loosened. His shoulders dropped.

  “Kaelyn, what have ye gotten yourself into?” he whispered. Leaning down, he kissed her forehead softly. He pulled her close, wrapping his strong, safe arms around her. Alexander never thought he’d say these words, but they spilled out. He didn’t regret them. “Whatever ‘tis Kaelyn, I’ll be by your side till the end.”

  Kaelyn began crying in earnest. Did he even know what he was saying? This was a suicide mission, at least for her. She should tell him everything, including how he was way over his head. She still might be able to save him.

  “You don’t know what you’re saying,” Kaelyn cried into his chest.

  Alexander pulled back and gently wiped the tears off her cheek. “Shh, lass. And I do ken what I’m saying. You’re mine, Kaelyn. You’re mine and I’ll follow ye into the pits of hell if I have to.”

  She looked up at him with a small smile and a weak laugh. “Good, because that’s where we’re headed.” She laid her hand on the side of his stubbly cheek.

  Alexander’s eyes turned heavy and laden with desire. He leaned forward capturing her mouth in a tender kiss. His mouth moved gently over hers as if he worried he’d break her. His large hands caressed her back and stroked her sides.

  Every touch told Kaelyn he cared. How many more nights would she have with him? She accepted the fact that she was going to die, but she still didn’t accept the fact of leaving him. She hadn’t realized, until this moment, how much she cared for him and loved him with all her heart. He was right about one thing, she was his, only as long as he was her’s.

  Kaelyn ran her hands underneath his tunic. She traced them up over is tau
t chest. He raised his arms and she pulled the tunic up and over, dropping it to the floor. He slowly repeated the disrobing of her, savoring every delicate inch of exposed skin. He placed a knee on the edge of the bed as she reached out, pulling him down on top of her. Alexander quickly rolled them over, so she straddled him. Both were topless, only wearing breeches.

  Alexander growled huskily. “Ye dinna ken what ye do to me,” he rushed out, in between his halted breaths. “Did I ever tell ye I’m verra glad I found these breeches for ye.” His hands roved over her buttocks, squeezing gently, then moved around to her hips. He found her ties, and within seconds, became unlaced, exposing black lace. Alexander sucked in his breath. “Och, I wondered if I’d ever see these,” he said mesmerized.

  “It’s the last pair I have,” she said grinning. “Wait, how do you know-.“ Alexander quickly leaned up, kissing her passionately on the mouth. His hands went beneath her breeches, causing Kaelyn to moan into his mouth. The roughness and masculinity of his hands caused goosebumps to appear over her skin as he ran them down her hips, pushing the breeches along with them.

  Kaelyn rose up, while Alexander fidgeted with the removal of her pants until they slid down, off her long, silky legs. His hands lingered every few inches admiring the velvety softness. He leaned up, capturing one of her lush breasts into his mouth. He suckled and teased the perky, aching nipple as his hands gently kneaded her hips.

  Kaelyn wrapped her arms around him, holding his head to her breast as moan after moan escaped her. Her problems disappeared when he touched her. She never wanted him to stop.

  Alexander abruptly pulled back, unable to hold off any longer. Lying flat, he hastily and clumsily untied his breeches. His eager shaft sprang free and Kaelyn smiled as she slowly ran her finger from the head down to the base, receiving a jerk from the object of her desire. Alexander groaned in agony as his hands gripped the sides of her hips.

  “Lass…I need ye…now,” he choked out. Kaelyn answered with a devilish grin. Slowly, she rose up and leisurely slid herself down his erection. He groaned out in pleasure as he guided her further down. He thrust his hips up, causing her to gasp. Kaelyn moved against him in wild abandon as her cries of passion grew louder.

  Alexander sat up, wrapping his arms around her as they climaxed together, crying out in a glorious union. Their sweat dampened bodies sank into each other as they floated down from their releases. Sitting in bed, they stayed connected and intertwined in each other’s arms.

  After a long moment, Alexander pulled a hairbreadth away and looked down at Kaelyn. He slowly tilted her chin up. “I still need ye to tell me, lass…everything.”

  Kaelyn looked somberly into Alexander’s eyes. “I know,” she whispered. “I’m ready.” I just hope you are, she thought.

  * * * * *

  Alexander sat up against the headboard. Kaelyn made a mewing noise as she moved in her sleep, snuggling closer. Her leg draped over one of Alexander’s thighs and her head snuggled on his chest. He laid one protective arm over her and wrapped a long golden-haired lock around his finger. He let it slip through, falling softly to her back.

  She was the one. He gritted his teeth. Why couldn’t he have found her sooner, when he could’ve done something about it! Now, she’d get older every day while he stayed twenty-five forever. Alexander clenched his jaw. If only he could go back to that moment. But he couldn’t. What was done was done. No matter how many times he had tried to go back to that particular day, he couldn’t. Some things were unchangeable.

  How much longer did he have with her? He shook his head. She would not die. She had told him with tears in her eyes what the Fae queen’s prophecy had said. Alexander didn’t give a damn how “knowing” this queen was. He’d not let Kaelyn die so soon, not after he had just realized what he had found. The one woman made for him. His perfect mate.

  He squeezed her a little tighter. And what about Cain? She still wouldn’t say a word about what went on with him. She had only insisted on her previous request, him trusting her. She had begged for him to believe she knew what she was doing. And with the trembling lip, how could he refuse? He’d watch her closely. If he was with her constantly, Cain wouldn’t be able to come near her.

  He reached down and held onto the crystal around his neck. His mouth pressed together. He had wanted her to wear it, but she had insisted he keep it, saying he needed it more. She said she was safe.

  And damned if he did, but he trusted her.

  * * * * *

  “You made it back!” Jillian said, running out of the keep. Kaelyn slid off her horse and Jillian immediately hugged her. “And all in one piece,” she said with a smile.

  Merrick strode up behind Jillian and welcomed his returning guests. “Did ye find out what ye needed to ken?” he asked, as he and Alexander walked into the keep.

  “Aye, and much more,” Alexander said grimly. Merrick gave an understanding nod, and they proceeded down the corridor and into the living area.

  The servants had your rooms cleaned. They’re all ready if you need to freshen up,” Jillian said, standing at the arm of the large, velvet covered couch.

  “Thank you, Jillian,” Alexander said as he put his arm around Kaelyn, “but we willna be stayin’. We have to finish this.” He glanced at Kaelyn as she made a conceding nod.

  A crestfallen expression fell over Jillian’s features. “Well then, I think there’s a visitor you might want to see before you leave.”

  Alexander grew alarmed. Was it Cain? Rowena? He glanced at Jillian and Merrick, but neither seemed concerned. Instead, they looked excited.

  “’Tis been way too long, old friend.”

  Alexander turned to look behind him. “Gideon?” he said in surprise.

  “None other!” Gideon said smiling walking into the room. Both men gave a hug followed by a sharp slap on the back.

  “You’re right, ‘tis been too long,” Alexander said, looking his old friend over.

  Gideon turned his attention toward Kaelyn. He went over, bending in a gentlemanly gesture. He glanced back up into her face. “Gideon at your service, lass.”

  Kaelyn felt a blush creep up her cheeks. “He’s a fellow Immortal,” Alexander added. “Tis just the two of us Immortals left…if ye dinna count Cain,” he added darkly.

  Gideon’s forehead creased. “So, ‘tis true what Merrick had told me? Cain’s no longer one of us?” he asked softly.

  Alexander looked grim. “We have much to talk about.” Alexander turned to Merrick. “Is there somewhere we can talk in private?” Merrick nodded and led Alexander and Gideon from the room.

  Jillian stepped over next to Kaelyn. “They sure make handsome men, don’t they?”

  Kaelyn smiled. “I should have known Gideon was an Immortal. All three of them have the same build.” And all were extremely handsome, she thought. Gideon had black as night hair and the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. They were almost an ice blue, so clear. His hair was shoulder length and wavy. His chiseled chin was covered in a week’s growth of beard and he followed suit of the others with a muscular defined body. His cream tunic fit snug across his chest and arms. His thigh muscles flexed under his brown breeches as he walked.

  “Don’t let Alexander see you drooling over Gideon,” Jillian said with a laugh.

  Kaelyn quickly glanced at Jillian. “Oh no, I-I mean, Alexander and I are-.”

  A huge grin drew across Jillian’s mouth. “Enough said! You and Alexander make a very cute couple. Come on, let’s see if I can talk Alexander into staying for an early dinner.”

  Jillian got her way. Alexander couldn’t refuse her invitation to a last dinner and more time to catch up with his two best friends.

  Everyone forgot about Kaelyn and Alexander’s mission, and told stories from years ago, including how Jillian and Merrick met. Their children came down after dinner and had played and chatted until Alexander grew restless. Kaelyn noticed and when he met her gaze, they both nodded.

  It was time to go.

p; * * * * *


  “I won’t drag ye into this!” Alexander growled.

  “I willna let ye fight Cain alone!” Gideon said through clenched teeth. “Ye never ken what Cain has up his sleeve.” Alexander tightened his hands into fists.

  They had said their goodbyes to Merrick and Jillian and now, Kaelyn, Alexander, and Gideon waited behind the keep. They had told Merrick and Jillian to stay inside with their children. Alexander wasn’t sure how destructive the aftermath would be after he used the crystal.

  “The Guardians won’t like ye interfering,” Alexander said saying the last thing he could think of to make his friend change his mind.

  “I dinna ken if I’m their loyal servant anymore. From the way Merrick had explained, Rowena is in charge of the few Guardians remaining…if any remain. I never agreed to that.”

  “We never agreed to anything!” Alexander stormed. “They’re our creators! We are their loyal servants for eternity. We can’t change that!”

  Gideon’s expression turned solemn. He placed a friendly grip on Alexander’s shoulder. “Aye, ye canna change that…but I can.” Alexander glanced up at his friend. “Let me fight with ye. I want to do this before I look for my soul mate and become mortal. Let’s go into this final battle together…as brothers. The last two Immortal brothers.”

  Alexander’s lips thinned. He glanced down to Gideon’s hand waiting for the handshake to seal their fate. With a pained look, Alexander slowly shook Gideon’s hand.

  “Ye willna regret it,” Gideon said fiercely.

  “Aye, but ye may.”

  Gideon ignored Alexander’s comment, looking past his shoulder, over to Kaelyn who waited patiently. “We best not keep the lass waiting,” he said with a smile. He walked over to Kaelyn and spun around to face Alexander. “What do we have to do?”


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