Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1)

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Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1) Page 5

by Rhonda Brewer

  She pulled into her driveway and pressed her head against the steering wheel. Sure he was sexy as hell in that uniform, and unbelievably handsome, but so was Brad. Brad was a fireman and in his uniform he was sex on a stick. Too bad he turned out to be a cheating bastard who took every last cent she had. Thank God for her family. If it hadn’t been for them, she would’ve been out on the street. It was going to be damn hard to trust another man. Especially one in uniform.

  Chapter 5

  John couldn’t understand the muffled voices. His eyes felt like they were weighed down, making it almost impossible to open them. There was a strong smell burning his nose. Almost like some sort of cleaner. Strange beeping sounds. Where was he? What was wrong? His body felt like lead. Then the pain. It shot through his body like a bolt of electricity.

  “I think he’s waking up.” A soft familiar voice. Mom?

  “They said he’d start coming around in the next few hours.” Another familiar voice. Dad?

  “I should have let James stay.” Yep, that was mom. “But he was exhausted.”

  “No, James needed to go home. We won’t know what damage is done until he wakes. It’s better if we know before James.” Dad.

  “He’s still going to have a lot of pain for a while.” Is that Keith?

  “Ian said a week was all they could keep him out.” That was definitely Mike.

  Keep who out? What the fuck was going on, and why was it so hard to open his eyes? He tried again. Slowly his eyes fluttered open. Everything was bright but blurry. He blinked to clear his vision.

  “Thank God.” Kathleen gasped. “You’re awake.” John turned his head toward the sound of his mother’s voice, but a sharp pain shot through his shoulder.

  “Fuck!” John rasped. His mouth was dry and his throat felt like someone had shoved razor blades in it.

  “Don’t move too much, Son,” Sean said. “You were in an accident.”

  What was he talking about? He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think. The last thing he remembered was Grandda’s house. He remembered Sarah’s funeral. Everything else was blank. He opened his eyes again. His mother smiled down at him. Her eyes were watery, and there were dark circles under them. Kathleen O’Connor never left the house without makeup, and the woman looking at him now wasn’t wearing any.

  “Water.” John rasped. Kathleen held a straw to his mouth and he sipped greedily.

  “Take your time, Honey,” She said.

  “I hear our patient is awake.” That voice wasn’t familiar.

  “It’s good to see you awake, John. I’m Dr. Adam Cramer.” The man said. “You had us all worried there for a bit.”

  “What happened?” What was wrong with his voice?

  “You don’t remember?” Dr. Cramer asked. John shook his head slowly. The slight movement made him woozy.

  “You hit a moose on the highway,” Sean said.

  That statement made it all come rushing back. Driving back from the cabin, the fog and skidding into the moose but nothing after that. Kathleen explained that he was in the hospital for the last eight days. He was sedated so his body could heal, and he wouldn’t have as much pain. That didn’t work because everything hurt. His collarbone was cracked and his leg was broken in two places. He had surgery to reset both. He also had a couple of broken ribs and some minor cuts and bruises as well as a bad concussion.

  “My car?” John asked.

  “The car is gone, Son,” Sean replied. “You’re lucky to be alive.”

  “The car can be replaced John, you can’t,” Kathleen said.

  John closed his eyes. The whole thing seemed like a dream. The throbbing pain in his head and the agonizing pain shooting through his chest. A deep breath seemed impossible and it was like his whole chest was squeezed together. He hand moved up to his chest. It was covered in bandages. The urge to sit up was overpowering, but when he tried pain shot through his chest.

  “Fucking Christ,” John growled.

  “I’ll get you something for pain, John.” Dr. Cramer nodded and left the room. A few minutes later a young nurse came in and injected something into the IV. In what only seemed like seconds, John’s eyes felt heavy. His body started to relax. It was almost as if he was floating. The soft beeping faded further away. Voices became muffled. He couldn’t fight it anymore and he didn’t want to.

  So went the next few weeks. It became easier to deal with the pain, but the longer he was in the hospital, the more aggravated he got. Nurses with their pleasant smiles and ‘how are you todays’ was pissing him off. Then the physical therapists. Each one got worse. They all thought they knew what was best for him. John never liked being told what to do, and the fact that he had to depend on others was not doing anything to change his mood. The only thing that was best for him was to go home and wallow in his miserable existence.

  So here he sat in a hospital room with his, pain in the ass brothers getting on the last of his already frayed nerves. They were trying to reason with him. They didn’t have a damn clue what he was going through.

  “I don’t give a fuck what the doctor says. I want to get the fuck out of here.” John clenched his fists.

  “They aren’t going to let you go home until you start doing the therapy,” Ian yelled back.

  “They can’t keep me here against my will,” John growled as he shoved the blankets off and tried to get out of the bed.

  “Stop being a fucking asshole and do what you’re supposed to be doing,” Aaron said.

  “Fuck you, A.J.” John roared.

  “John, watch your mouth.” Kathleen walked into the room followed by Nanny Betty. “We could hear you when we got off the elevator. Now stop acting like a two-year-old. We’re working on something to get you home, but you’ve got to be patient.” Leave it to his mother to make him feel two feet tall. Before he realized what was happening both women had him back in the bed and covered. The whole while Nanny Betty was giving him her famous look.

  “Now laddie, ya listen to yar Mudder or I’ll duff yar arse.” Nanny Betty pointed her finger in his face.

  He knew he was being a total ass, but he was pissed. “I just want to go home.” He squeezed his eyes closed and pressed his head back against the pillow.

  “And ya think acting like a youngster is gonna help.” Nanny Betty snapped.

  “No!” John knew better than to say anything else. Especially when he finally noticed his father at the foot of the bed. Sean’s arms folded across his chest and his eyebrows furrowed. Even though his father feared Nanny Betty’s stern look, he also learned how to use it on his own children. His father flashed his keep-your-mouth-shut face and John did just that.

  Kathleen sat next to him on the bed. “Now if you want to start acting like the gentleman I know you are; I’ll explain what we’re doing.”

  His mother explained the family’s plans and he tried to keep his opinions to himself. Apparently, Aunt Cora was hiring someone to complete his therapy at home. He didn’t like the idea of someone coming to his house every other day, but if it meant he could get the hell out of the hospital, he was all for it.

  He glared at Ian and Aaron because he really wanted to smack the smirks off their faces. The way they were grinning made him think they knew something he didn’t, like his mom wasn’t giving him all the information.

  All he knew was, he hated hospitals and if this plan worked, he’d at least be at home in his own bed. There wouldn’t be nurses and doctors poking at him all day long. He moved to a sitting position and cringed when a muscle spasm shot through his shoulder and down his back. The broken bones were all healed, but his muscles certainly weren’t.

  An hour later when he thought everyone had gone, John lay in his uncomfortable hospital bed, flipping through the channels on the TV when he heard Aunt Cora. Just when he thought it was safe to relax.

  “You really need to listen to the therapists, Johnny.” She stood in the doorway.

  Great. This was just what he needed. “I know, Aunt Cora. I re
ally don’t need any more advice.” He groaned as she came closer and fixed the pillow behind his head.

  “We’re all worried about you, Doll.”

  Leave it to Cora to make him feel guilty. He raked a hand through his hair. “I know, but I’m frustrated and I hate being here.”

  She smiled as she sat next to him on the bed. “You won’t be here much longer. I’ve got an amazing therapist on staff who will get you back to your old self, and make you very happy.” Something about the glint in her eye worried him. “So I’m just here to give you a warning. Do not fight against this, and do everything this therapist tells you.”

  “I’ll try.” He hadn’t meant to snap at her a moment ago, but no amount of therapy would get rid of all the muscle spasms constantly wracking his body. No therapy was going to make him better.

  “You better or I’ll set Nanny Betty on you.”

  He couldn’t help smiling at that. Nobody in his family wanted to be on Nanny Betty’s bad side.

  Cora stood leaned down to kiss his cheek. “You know we all love you, Johnny. I’ll let you get some sleep. Brian is waiting for me in the car.” She waved and left.

  Cora and Brian were more like another set of parents instead of an Uncle and Aunt. They had one daughter, Pamela, and she worked in Alberta. John couldn’t remember the last time she was home. Cora known as ‘Cora the Cupid’ had an uncanny way of knowing when people were meant to be together. She could meet a person and know exactly who they were meant to be with. She brought many couples together over the years including his parents, Kurt, and Alice and James and Sarah. He didn’t buy into her special gift no matter how often she was right.

  His discomfort was becoming unbearable pain again. John didn’t want to call the nurse again because the medication they gave him was fucking with his head. He was also terrified he was going to become dependent on the damn stuff, but it was the only way he was going to get some sleep. He pressed the button on the side of his bed and waited.

  The pretty nurse left once she gave him his pain medication. It wouldn’t be long before he drifted off to sleep. The medication made his brain fuzzy. It was awful. Which was the reason he was refusing it all day long, and only took it at night to help him sleep. He closed his eyes, and his mind drifted to the only thing that helped him relax since all this shit happened.


  Picturing her beautiful face gave him a sense of peace. Thoughts of her were getting him through this and he didn’t know if he’d ever see her again. The medication was doing its trick again, and he floated away. Whispering her name as he fell into a drug induced-sleep.

  Chapter 6

  Stephanie was now into her second month at Nightingale’s and loving every minute of it. Cora was the best boss anyone could ask for. It was refreshing not to have to sit in a building every day. Her patients were wonderful and welcomed her into their homes with open arms. Everything was great.

  So great that it scared her something would bring it down. Marina informing her she was moving in with their parents was this week’s downer. She said she wanted to finish her degree and it was hard for her to do it with Danny. Since their mother recently retired, she agreed to babysit Danny. That left Stephanie with a house she couldn’t afford by herself. Of course, she could put an ad out for a roommate. It was the original plan but now, the thought made her shudder.

  This morning Cora called and asked her to drop by the office before she started with her first patient. It made her nervous. Did she do something wrong? She didn’t have any issues with any of her patients, but maybe someone complained. God, I hope not.

  It rained all night and into the early morning. All Stephanie wanted to do was stay in her bed with the covers over her head. If only she could. Most of the drive to the office her brain was bringing up all kinds of scenarios of how the day would end. All of them ending with her being fired. By the time she pulled into the parking lot, the rain eased up but the wind hadn’t.

  Cora was standing at the reception desk talking to Casey, the receptionist. They both smiled and waved when she approached.

  Cora was a small woman but had an overpowering presence. It wasn’t that she was unkind because Cora treated Stephanie with the utmost respect. The way Cora’s smile didn’t reach her eyes was really making Stephanie worry.

  “I’m so glad you could join us. Follow me.” Cora motioned toward the conference room.

  Uh oh. Stephanie’s heart was thudding against her chest, and her palms were sweating. “It was no problem.”

  Cora stopped just before she entered the room and stared at Stephanie for a moment. Then she nodded and entered the room. Something was definitely wrong. Stephanie took a deep breath before she walked into the room.

  Cora was sat at a large table with an older couple and three men around Stephanie’s age. Cora pointed to the chair next to her. With shaky legs, she managed to get to the chair and sit without tripping. That would be totally humiliating. Especially if the people around the table weren’t pleased with her work.

  Stephanie’s eyes flicked to the others at the table. They didn’t look familiar. The couple looked to be in their early fifties. The man was holding the woman’s hand. The three younger men sat quietly. One sat back in the chair with his arms folded over his chest. The second one sat with his forearms resting on the table. The third sat back leaning the chair back on two legs and no doubt had a cocky attitude.

  The three younger men had varying shades of light brown hair. One was cut very short and the other two a little longer. All three were easy on the eyes. It was obvious to anyone that they got their dimples and their beautiful blue eyes from the older man. They reminded her of someone, but she just couldn’t put her finger on it. There was no doubt these five people were related.

  “Stephanie, this is Sean and Kathleen O’Connor.” Cora motioned to the older couple. Stephanie nodded. “This is James, Nick, and Ian, three of their sons.” The one she called James reached out his hand and Stephanie shook it.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” He smiled.

  “It’s nice to meet you too.” Who wouldn’t want to meet this man?

  “Sean and Kathleen’s other son was in a terrible car accident almost a two months ago.” Cora’s voice cracked. These people were more than just another client to Cora.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” Stephanie said.

  “He was badly hurt, but he’ll be leaving the hospital next week. His family wants someone with him at all times until he fully recovers.” Cora continued.

  “I understand,” Stephanie said. Cora covered her face with her hands. Sean reached out and touched her shoulder. Cora looked up at him and he nodded.

  “Okay, let’s be completely honest here. He’s my nephew.” Cora said softly. “Sean is my brother, and my family really needs my help. I asked for you because you’re the only person for him.” Cora smiled at her. “You see he isn’t dealing with his recovery well. He’s fighting everyone in the hospital. He’s really angry all the time.”

  “And you think I can help him with his anger?” It sounded like the man needed a phycologist.

  “Stephanie, in the past couple of months, I’ve had wonderful comments about you from patients. They tell me you don’t take any crap, and you’re tough when you need to be to ensure that your patient gets well quickly.” She smiled. “But you’re also sympathetic and sweet.”

  “Sometimes people are just angry because they can’t do the things they normally do.” Stephanie fidgeted in the chair. “They just need someone to listen, and not let them give up.”

  “Exactly! This is why he needs you.” Cora said.

  “He won’t listen to any of us.” Kathleen’s voice cracked.

  “I’m sure he’s just frustrated.” Stephanie said. “I understand your concern.” The relief of not being fired let her relax a little. A sense of pride made her sit a little straighter. Cora had a lot of faith in her to recommend Stephanie for a member of her own family.

nbsp; Cora explained the injuries. A broken collar bone, leg broken in two places as well as several broken ribs. Stephanie cringed. No wonder the man was so angry. Even when the breaks healed, his muscles were going to be weak and tight.

  “Now, I know your sister’s moving in with your parents. There is a one-bedroom apartment available in the house. Sean and Kathleen want you to take the apartment so you’ll be available when you’re needed.” Cora slid the contract in front of Stephanie. “This contract’s for twenty-four-hour care. You’ll have two days off a week, and his family will take over for those days. You can choose which days.” Cora took both Stephanie’s hands in hers. “You’ll be paid very well for this Stephanie, but I don’t trust anyone else to do this job but you. You’ll be his attendant to make his meals and make sure he eats. He can do some things on his own like go to the bathroom, so you won’t have to worry about that sort of thing. You’ll also be doing his Physical therapy. This is the file from the hospital.” Cora smiled. “You’re the best thing in the world for him.” Stephanie was shocked as she took the file. Cora’s last statement confused her.

  “I don’t know what to say.” Stephanie glanced over the contract in front of her.

  “If Aunt Cora thinks you can help, we’ve got no doubt you’re the one to give my brother the kick in the ass he needs.” James said.

  “James! Watch your language in front of a lady!” Kathleen chastised.

  “Mom, she’s going to hear worse from John when he realizes what we’re doing.” Ian chuckled.

  “Well, I better not hear him using that language in front of this lovely girl.” The look on Kathleen’s face reminded Stephanie of her own mother. Nobody wanted to get on her bad side.

  “Stephanie, I know you’re the only one who can make him happy again.” Cora squeezed her hand. All this was making her nervous. These people were depending on her, but she knew if a patient didn’t want to get better, no amount of pushing was going to help.


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