Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1)

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Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1) Page 11

by Rhonda Brewer

  “It’s really beautiful here.” Stephanie gazed out at the water.

  He didn’t know if she had meant to say it out loud because her voice was so low.

  “It’s my favorite part of living in Hopedale.” He turned to face her. “Would you like to go to get a cup of coffee at Aunt Alice’s pub?” He motioned to Jack’s Place two buildings down from the theaters.

  “If your Aunt Alice owns it, why is it called Jack’s place?” She asked as they walked toward the pub.

  “Uncle Kurt and Aunt Alice opened the place over twenty years ago. When they were originally trying to find a name for it, Grandda suggested naming it after him. He was joking, but Alice loved the idea and it became Jack’s Place.”

  “I like the name.” Stephanie followed him into the pub. Inside they almost bumped right into Cora and her husband Brian.

  “Aww…. Look who it is Brian. Are you too having a date night?” Cora linked an arm with Brian’s.

  “No!” John and Stephanie said in unison.

  “Oh! Too bad. Maybe soon.” Cora smiled and gave John a huge hug. “Johnny it’s good to see you up and around. Stephanie certainly is good for you.” What exactly was Cora up to?

  “She’s a really good therapist.” John wasn’t lying on that. Stephanie was a great therapist, but Cora’s statement told him his aunt wasn’t talking about Stephanie being a good Physical Therapist.

  “Brian, this is Stephanie Kelly, the one I was telling you about.” Cora was actually gushing over Stephanie.

  “John, my boy, you’ve got a lovely looking lady here.” Brian patted him on the shoulder.

  “They’re not dating.” Cora raised an eyebrow. “Yet!” She kissed John on the cheek and left the pub.

  “Umm. What was that all about?” Stephanie stammered.

  “I have no idea. Aunt Cora is certainly different.” John pointed to a booth near the window that gave them a great view of the harbour. He sensed she was uncomfortable by the way she was looking around the pub, and playing with her fingers. Damn it, Aunt Cora. Why did his family always jump to conclusions and say exactly what they were thinking?

  His Aunt seemed to have the idea John was dating Stephanie. Not that he would mind. Cora the Cupid. The stories of her over the years were legendary. Her special gift for knowing when people belonged together. It always seemed like a load of bull, but his mother was convinced of it. So was Nanny Betty. Cora had introduced his mother and father and Kurt and Alice. Now that he thought about it, she even introduced James to Sarah. When Cora met Kim, she told John that Kim wasn’t the one for him. No! There was no way this Cupid thing was real. It was just a coincidence. He chuckled

  “What’s so funny?” Stephanie gazed at him across the table.

  “Just thinking about Aunt Cora.” John smiled. “She’s a character.”

  “Yeah!” Stephanie looked down at her hands.

  “Well look who we have here.”

  Aunt Alice was Kurt’s wife. She was always at the pub. From the time it opened. Right up until it closed. His cousins would work there when they got the chance, but Alice still had to be there.

  “Hi, Aunt Alice.” John stood up and kissed her cheek.

  “John, it’s so good to see you out, and this must be your lovely therapist.” She reached out to shake Stephanie’s hand. “Stephanie, right?”

  “Yes, it’s nice to meet you.” Stephanie smiled at Alice, and his heart flipped. Jesus, she was absolutely beautiful.

  “I’m so happy to meet the woman who’s going to give John here the life he deserves.” Alice took Stephanie’s hand in hers and squeezed. “You make him smile.” Stephanie pulled her hand away slowly.

  “Aunt Alice, I want a coffee and a piece of your coconut cream pie.” He motioned to Stephanie to order.

  “Ummm.... I’ll just have a cup of tea, please.”

  Alice nodded and hurried away from the booth.

  “So did you like the movie?” Stephanie seemed more relaxed than before.

  “Yeah, it was good.” A little white lie because he couldn’t really remember much of the movie. He was distracted.

  “I love Sandra Bullock.”

  Alice returned with their order, winking at him when she walked away again.

  “She’s great.” John swirled the coffee in his cup. His body was still responding to her. Every time she put the cup to her kissable lips his jeans would get a little tighter. He wanted to feel her lips against his. Fuck!

  John winced as he tried to adjust himself inconspicuously. He jabbed the fork into the pie and practically shoveled the whole piece into his mouth in a few bites. He was so glad she hadn’t ordered any. Seeing her mouth wrapped around a forkful of the pie would probably kill him.

  “John, are you in pain?” Not the kind of pain she was talking about.

  “No!” He was mentally kicking his own ass for being such a horny bastard.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong with you, because you say you aren’t in pain, but you seem really uncomfortable?” She leaned across the table and placed her hand on top of his. John met her eyes and now he couldn’t put two words together. “Did I do something wrong, or is there something you want to know?”

  “I’m not in any pain.” He pulled his hand away and sat back in the seat. “And you didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Then why are you acting like a cat on a hot tin roof?” That sounded something like Nanny Betty would say.

  “I really can’t tell you.” He gazed out of the window.

  “John, I thought we were friends?” Now he was hurting her feelings.

  “We are friends.” His gaze moved back to her, and hell if he didn’t get tongue tied again.

  “Then you can tell me anything.” How could he tell her what he was feeling was more than friendship? How could he tell her he wanted to kiss her until they were both too breathless to speak? How could he tell her he dreamed about having her naked body next to him? If he told her, she’d run out of the house screaming.

  “I can’t tell you this, Stephanie.” He closed his eyes and ground the heel of his hands into them.

  “John there’s nothing you can say that’ll make me stop being your friend.” Stephanie pulled his hands away from his face. When he met her eyes it was over.

  “I like you,” He admitted.

  “I like you too,” She spoke softly. The way she was glancing around the pub, it was almost as if she was afraid someone would hear her.

  John sighed. She didn’t understand. He reached up and ran his finger down her cheek, then pulled his hand away and stood up.

  “I don’t think you understand, and maybe that’s a good thing.” John threw a twenty-dollar bill on the table and waved to Alice. “Ready to go home?”

  The drive back to his house was quiet. He glanced at her a couple of times out of the corner of his eye. She sat with her hands between her knees staring out the car window. At least it was only a five-minute drive to his house. Being so close to her was making it hard for him to think. He needed some distance.

  She saw them as friends. She said it herself. The attraction he saw was only in his own mind. Fuck, fuck, fuck. It figured that a woman like her wouldn’t be interested. The only women he seemed to attract were ones that ended up hurting him, but there was a connection. He wasn’t imagining it. It was something he never felt before. It was as if she calmed him, and excited him at the same time. Being near her meant everything was going to be okay. What was he going to do? Then it hit him like a punch in the gut. He smiled. He had an idea.

  Chapter 14

  Stephanie was exhausted. She’d tossed and turned all night as she tried to tame the constant fantasies about John. The lack of sleep was definitely not doing her mood any good either. John had gone to bed without even a good night to her and wouldn’t tell her what was bothering him. The more she thought about it, the more it pissed her off. Something in the tone of his voice told her he really needed to get it off his chest. She leaned again
st the counter sipping her tea.

  Why would it be a good thing she didn’t understand him? What was he trying to say? She’d really enjoyed herself last night. Maybe a little too much. Maybe under different circumstances things would be different, but it was unethical for her to think about starting anything with John. He was her patient. Why did she have to keep reminding herself of that?

  She didn’t know why she was so pissed at him, but she was, and when he appeared in the kitchen she wanted to punch him.

  “Good morning.” Great! He was going to be a cheery morning person today.

  “Yeah, morning.” She put her cup in the sink and started to leave the kitchen.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong with me.” She stomped out of the kitchen and went into the gym. As angry as she was feeling, she still had a job to do. Today, he’d start with wall push-ups. Just to see if he could take the pressure on his shoulder. He had more mobility now, but was his strength back? He was moving around a whole lot better.

  Stephanie was clearing an area by the wall when John walked in. She didn’t even look at him. She was still pissed.

  “So are we rearranging the room today?” He stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest and a sexy grin on his gorgeous face. No matter how pissed she was, he still made her heart skip. If things were different. Give it up!

  “No! We aren’t doing anything.” She said a little ruder than she really meant it. “You’re gonna do two sets of five wall push-ups.”

  “I see.” John chuckled. Stephanie pointed to the spot in front of the wall and demonstrated what he needed to do. When he chuckled again, she glared at him.

  “Am I amusing you?” She snapped.

  “Kind of.” He was not supposed to be grinning when she was so pissed.

  “I’m so glad you’re amused.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Now get to it.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” John saluted and positioned himself facing the wall as she instructed. He started and she stopped him.

  “Your hands need to be level with your shoulders.” She stepped between him and the wall and pulled his hands down so they were parallel with his shoulders. She faced him to make sure he understood. His eyes locked with hers, both hands on either side of her head.

  Her breath hitched in her throat, her pounding pulse throbbed in her ears. His gaze moved to her lips, and she swallowed hard. “John ....” He stepped closer pressing his body against hers.

  “Stephanie.” He brushed his lips against hers. “Your lips are so soft,” He whispered and brushed his lips across hers a second time.

  Her brain said she should stop this, but her feet weren’t listening. His lips covered hers, soft but tender. His hands plowed into her hair, tilting her head to give him a better angle to her mouth. His tongue slid between her lips, and she opened to him. Dueling tongues. Desire coursed through her body, but this needed to stop. She fisted his shirt to push him away, but he moaned. The sound had her pulling him closer instead. His body pressed against hers. Every hard muscle was molded to her and she was relishing every inch of it.

  John seemed to have some thinking skills because he pulled back panting. Her brain and body were reeling from being kissed so thoroughly. Nobody ever kissed her like that. It was hard to remember how to breathe

  “I’ve wanted to do that since the first time I saw you.” His voice was husky.

  “John, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Her brain was starting to remember why this was all kinds of wrong. “I mean, you’re my patient.”

  “I know, but I can’t help it, Stephanie, I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.” He ran his knuckles against her cheek.

  “John, I feel it too.” She needed to be able to breathe, and she couldn’t with him so close. His scent filling her senses.

  “Why do I feel a but coming?” John pressed his forehead against hers.

  “You’re my patient.” She could barely hear her own voice. John pulled away and ran his hand through his hair. “I’ve got to be professional, and what just happened wasn’t professional.”

  “I understand. Really I do.” John smiled and he cupped her cheek. “I’m not going to say it’s going to be easy, but until my therapy is finished, I promise we’ll keep it professional.” He turned and left the room.

  Her legs buckled and she slid down the wall to the floor, her legs were too wobbly to go running after him.

  She really needed to get out of the house. Her mind was so muddled from his kiss, and his body pressed against her. He really knows how to kiss. Yes. Getting out of the house was a good idea.

  It had been ages since she’d seen Donna. They’d talked online a couple of times a week but between Donna’s schedule and hers. Even though Donna was working for Cora as well, getting together was difficult. She picked up her phone and tapped Donna’s name. Please, let her be off today.

  “Hello, stranger,” Donna answered on the second ring.

  “Hey.” Stephanie crossed her fingers hoping she would be free.

  “Okay, what’s wrong?” Donna knew her almost as well as Marina.

  “I’m getting cabin fever. Want to go out for a tea?” That sentence seemed to come out like one long word.

  “I’d love to. I’ve been cleaning the house all day, and my roommate is gone for the weekend. So a nice little drive to Hopedale would be great.” She sighed. “I’ll pick you up.”

  Stephanie ended the call and changed into jeans and T-shirt. It was a beautiful afternoon so she waited on the front step. John had left without a word. She couldn’t’ say that it didn’t sting a little. He didn’t even say goodbye, but he was probably gone to his parent’s for supper. They did that a lot. Kathleen had asked her to join them all the time, but she always declined. She needed to talk to Donna about her ethical dilemma.

  Stephanie was lost in her thoughts when she heard her name. Sandy was waving from the other side of the driveway. They’d become good friends over the past few weeks. Then it hit her. Since Sandy knew John so well, maybe she’d get some feedback from her as well. What would it hurt?

  “You looked like you were off in another world.” Sandy chuckled as she walked up to her.

  “Yeah, I have a lot on my mind.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Sandy’s expression turned serious.

  “It’s about John.” Stephanie sighed.

  “Oh, Mr. Hot and Sexy.” Sandy giggled. “Wait, he’s not here is he?” The sudden panic on Sandy’s face made Stephanie laugh.

  “No, he’s gone out, but my issue is I’m finding myself extremely attracted to him, and I’m pretty sure he’s feeling it too, but he’s my patient, and there’s a whole ethical thing I’m struggling with. I called my friend Donna to get her take on it, but you know him well, so maybe you can help. I just don’t know what to do, and my sister is away, and oh, I don’t know.”

  “You do know you ramble when you’re stressed.” Sandy laughed.

  “I know.” Stephanie covered her face.

  “He’s a great guy, and obviously I’ve noticed his hotness level is off the charts. As are all the O’Connor brothers.” Sandy sat down on the step.

  “Yeah, it’s a real problem.” Stephanie giggled. A car pulled into the driveway and Donna jumped out waving. “You want to come with us into town for tea?”

  “Sure! Just let me grab my purse and lock the door.” Sandy jumped up and ran to her house.

  “Who was that?” Donna asked as Stephanie hugged her.

  “Neighbor, and I hope you don’t mind, but I invited her to come with us.”

  “Not at all.”

  “I need some major girl talk.” Stephanie sighed.

  “Well, tea is not going to do it. We’re going to The Pier.” Donna grinned as she backed out of the driveway.

  At the Pier, Stephanie followed the hostess to the table and sat down. Sandy and Donna sat across from her. Introductions had been done in the car and it was d
ecided the big conversation would wait until they arrived at the restaurant. So now where did she start? Should she tell them he kissed her?

  “Okay, so spill it.” Donna slapped her hands on the table making Stephanie and Sandy jump.

  “I don’t know where to start,” Stephanie whined.

  Sandy turned to Donna. “Maybe I can help. Did you know she really rambles when she’s stressed?”

  Donna rolled her eyes. “Don’t I know it.”

  Stephanie narrowed her eyes at her friend. “Bite me, Donna.”

  Sandy summed everything up in one sentence. “I’m guessing you know she likes John, but she’s having an issue with whether it’s ethical to get involved with him because he’s a patient.” How did people do that?

  “This is the same cop that pulled you over a few months back, right?” Donna asked.

  “Yes.” Stephanie sighed.

  “The same one Marina nicknamed ‘Officer Hunky’.” Donna giggled.

  “Yes.” The worst thing she ever did was tell anyone about that nickname.

  “Well, I say ethics be damned and jump his bones.” Donna wiggled her eyebrows. That was Donna’s answer to everything. If the guy was hot, jump him. Stephanie loved her friend dearly, but Donna was a little too promiscuous. One of these days some guy was going to knock her on her ass.

  “Not helping!” Stephanie groaned as Sandy and Donna laughed.

  “Maybe if you did, it might help the stress.” Sandy joked. This was not helping her. Donna covered her mouth as the waitress walked up to the table.

  “Oh shit!” Sandy groaned. Stephanie glanced up. John’s ex-girlfriend. Her stomach dropped. This was the last thing she needed.

  “Nice to see you too, Sandy.” Kim smiled, but it was definitely forced.

  “Wish I could say the same, Kim,” Sandy replied. Donna furrowed her brows as she looked back and forth between Sandy and Kim.

  Kim narrowed her eyes. “So has John got in your pants yet?”

  “I’m his physical therapist.” Did Kim think John jumped in bed with anyone? She shivered. Was John like that?

  “Sure you are! Anyway, can I take your order?” Stephanie wasn’t sure she was hungry anymore, but Sandy ordered for all of them. When Kim walked away from the table, Stephanie let out a ragged breath.


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