Trying to Score (Assassins)

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Trying to Score (Assassins) Page 29

by Toni Aleo

  He didn’t need Fallon.

  So why?

  Fallon was going to drive herself insane trying to figure Lucas Brooks out, so she took a deep breath in and decided to go to bed. When she stood up, Aiden sat up quickly, looking around the room.


  Fallon’s heart stopped at the sound of the three letter word. Aiden’s eyes were wide as he started to search the bed for the iPad. Aiden had called Lucas dad, and he wasn’t there to hear it. That was just great. As if she didn’t already feel horrible about everything else, now she had that on her conscience?!

  Just freaking great.

  “Honey,” Fallon said, causing Aiden to let out a little scream before looking up at her.

  “Mommy, you scared me!” Aiden said. He then climbed out of bed and came to her, climbing into her lap. “Where’s my iPad? I didn’t get to say bye to my dad.”

  His dad.

  “Oh, well,” Fallon said, trying to get herself together. She was falling apart inside and really didn’t know what to do to make it better. She knew that this would happen, so why couldn’t she breathe? While Fallon sputtered, Aiden picked up his iPad, and after tapping a few times, Lucas was back on the screen, grinning.

  “Haha, I knew-Aiden. Hey, bud. I thought you were sleeping?”

  Lucas’ eyes cut to Fallon’s but she looked away as Aiden said, “I didn’t tell you bye, and good luck on tomorrow’s game.”

  Fallon leaned her head against Aiden’s, taking in his fresh smell as Lucas said, “Thanks bud. We’ll win just because you wished me luck.”

  “Good! I miss you.”

  Fallon eye’s cut to the screen to see Lucas staring back at them with genuine love in his eyes. “I miss you more, Aiden.”

  “Okay, bye.”

  “Bye, bud.”

  Aiden waved and Lucas did the same before the screen went black. Aiden leaned his head against Fallon’s as the iPad dropped into his lap. “I’m ready for him to come home.”

  “I know, Punkin’. Only two more days, okay?”

  “The day of my party, huh?”

  Fallon giggled as she picked Aiden up, laying the iPad down before carrying him to his bed. “Yup. It’s gonna be the best day ever, huh?”

  “Yup! Cause not only will my dad be there, but my new grandma will, too,” Aiden gushed as Fallon tucked him in.

  Fallon mentally told her heart not to be offended by the fact that Aiden only cared about Lucas and Molly right now. Lucas had told her before that it was because they were new, but it didn’t help the jealously. Molly was an amazing person, and Aiden was bound to love her, so where would that leave Nora? Would Nora still mean as much when Molly came along? Aiden used to think Nora was the best Grammie ever, would he still think that? Then again, Fallon had two sets of grandparents and loved the both deeply, so really her fears were pointless.

  “Is my new grandma nice?”

  Fallon smiled as she sat next to Aiden in the bed, nodding her head. Even though Fallon was jealous as hell, she would never bad-mouth Molly. “She’s amazing. You’ll love her.”

  “Just like I love Grammie, right?”


  “Is she like Grammie?”

  “Um, yeah. I loved her a lot when me and Lucas dated.”

  Aiden nodded his head. “Awesome. I’m so excited for my birthday.”

  “Good, I’ll see you in the morning alright?”

  “Okay. I love you, Mommy.”

  Fallon smiled down at Aiden before lightly kissing his nose. “And I love you, Punkin’. Good night.”


  Fallon got up and headed towards the door. When she glanced back at Aiden, his eyes were closed and his breathing was almost even. She smiled as she lightly closed the door and started for the stairs. She was almost to the bottom when the door opened and Audrey came in with some mail in her hand.

  “You didn’t check the mail today?” Audrey asked, holding up a stack of letters.

  “Obviously not, or the mail man decided to run really late.”

  Audrey glared playfully at Fallon before handing her the letters. “You have mail.”

  “Thanks,” Fallon giggled as she followed behind Audrey to the kitchen. “I thought you were going out.”

  “Plans changed.”

  “Oh, okay,” Fallon said. She stopped when she came to a letter from Richard Price, Lucas’ lawyer. She dropped the other letters before proceeding to open it.

  “What’s that?” Audrey asked when she turned.

  “A letter from Lucas’ lawyer,” was all Fallon got out as her eyes focused on the letter from Mr. Price.

  Dear Ms. Fallon Parker,

  Enclosed is the back support for one said child, Aiden James Brooks. Regular payments of $145,833.33 will be mailed on the 15th of every month. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at my office. The number is included at the end of this letter.

  Have a nice day,

  Richard Price

  “Oh, my God,” Fallon whispered as she reread the letter again.

  “What?” Audrey asked, coming around the table to where Fallon stood.

  “Oh, my God,” Fallon said once more. She moved the letter out of the way to see a check that had a whole bunch of numbers on it. “Oh. My. God!”

  “Holy shit! You’re a millionaire!”


  Fallon’ eyes cut to the amount, then to her name, before going back to the amount.


  Holy shit!

  “Oh my stars. I need water.” Fallon dropped the check onto the table and went to the sink for a glass of water.

  “Fallon, we could move! Or better yet, you could open your cellar! This could be capital since Dad won’t fund it! You could do it on your own! This is great! Or! You could do both! This is amazing, such a blessing!” Audrey said from behind her.

  Fallon took in long shuttering breaths, trying to settle herself, but it wasn’t working. No wonder Levi was pissed — that was a whole bunch of money. Fallon knew it didn’t put a dent in Lucas’ finances but still, that was a big chunk of change and Audrey was right. They could move, she could open the cellar — the possibilities were endless.

  “Why aren’t you talking? This is great, don’t you think?”

  Fallon shook her head. Even though the possibilities were endless, she wouldn’t give Lucas or Levi the satisfaction of cashing that check. “I can’t cash it, AA.”

  When Audrey didn’t say anything, Fallon turned to see her sister looking at her like she had grown 10 heads. “I have went seven years without his help, and I refuse to have it now. He shouldn’t have to pay for a child he didn’t know about.”

  “But Fallon…”

  “No. I will not use that money. I’ll talk to Lucas about it this weekend, and give it back to him. He can put it in a college fund for Aiden or whatever. The monthly payments are high and I will talk to him about that, too.”

  “Fallon, you need this money.”

  “No I don’t. As long as I have you, and Aiden, and my pride, I don’t need anything, especially from Lucas Brooks. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to bed.”

  Fallon passed by a stunned Audrey and basically ran up the stairs before Audrey could see the tears that welled up in her eyes. Audrey was right, Fallon did need the money but she couldn’t do it. Cashing that check would basically be telling Lucas that she needed him, and by God, she didn’t need anyone. She had Aiden and Audrey, and she didn’t need anyone else.

  Especially Lucas Brooks.

  A couple of days later when Fallon glanced out at the party she had put together for Aiden, she was regretting not cashing that check. Of course, she went all out. The kids that joined Aiden for his party were basically transformed into the famous little kid hero from the popular kids’ show. As they ran around Centennial Park shooting green arrows at each other, Fallon stood with Elli and her best friend, Harper. Fallon had known Harper as long as she had know
n Elli, and loved her almost the same. Harper looked gorgeous with her brown hair in a messy bun and her one year old, Allison, on her hip. Even though the baby girl was a beauty, it still stung every time someone said her name. The name Allison would forever hold painful memories for Fallon.

  Elli stood in a beautiful floor-length green cotton dress with her hair in curls down her back. Shelli sat on her hip with her leg above Elli’s cute little baby belly. Fallon found herself feeling a little inferior to Elli and Harper’s beauty. It had to be the newlywed vibes or maybe the new baby ones. Whatever it was, it agreed with both women. They were stunning.

  “The party is great, Fallon,” Harper gushed as she looked out at the party.

  “Thanks, Harper. Thank you for coming, too.”

  “Of course, we love Aiden, don’t we Ally,” Harper gushed to her precious baby. Allison giggled happily before laying her head on Harper’s chest.

  “When’s the guys supposed to get here?” Harper asked, then she looked over at Fallon. “Which reminds me, thanks for telling me Lucas was your baby daddy. I had to hear it from Jakob! My own best friend didn’t even tell me!”

  Fallon and Elli laughed as they shared a look. It was a great feeling knowing that Elli hadn’t even told her best friend. Elli was a good person, and Fallon was lucky to have her in her life. Fallon shot Elli a grin before looking back at Harper. “I’m sorry, babe. I couldn’t tell anyone. I didn’t even tell him.”

  “So I heard! Scandalous, I tell you! I didn’t think you had that in ya,” Harper gushed with a playful grin on her face.

  “Neither did anyone else, but thankfully that’s all water under the bridge and now Aiden and Lucas are happy. That’s all that matters.”

  “Your happiness matters too, Fallon,” Elli said from beside her. Fallon nodded as Aiden came running towards her.

  “I am happy,” she said, but she knew no one believed her. Aiden wrapped his arms around her waist, grinning up at her, as his breathing was labored.

  “Momma. Best. Party. Ever!”

  Fallon giggled as Aiden hugged her tightly. “I’m glad you’re having a good time.”

  “I am! But Momma, when is my dad getting here?”

  Fallon was wondering the same thing too. He should have been there already, but he was nowhere to be seen, and he hadn’t called.

  “Their plane got delayed in Vancouver, Aiden. That’s why Mr. Shea and Mr. Jakob aren’t here either, but guess what,” Elli gushed as she bent down to be at the level Aiden was.

  Aiden’s face lit up as he came closer to her. “What?!”

  “I think I see your daddy now,” she said, pointing to the other side of the park. Fallon followed the direction Elli was pointing, and there was Lucas.

  Walking with Molly.


  Fallon watched as Aiden took off towards Lucas, the biggest grin imaginable on his face. The same size grin spread across Lucas’ face before he dropped the gift he held in his hands and replaced them with an excited seven year old. Molly stood by them with a large grin on her face and all Fallon could think was that she hadn’t changed a bit. Molly’s bone-straight brown hair was back in a barrette that Fallon knew James had gotten her before he died. Her eyes had laugh lines around them, and she had gained weight but she carried it well. It made her look homey, like she was made to hug someone. She was still as beautiful as ever and Fallon could only hope that in the future she looked as good as Molly Brooks did — without the help of Dr. Swartz.

  Fallon’s eyes traveled back to Lucas and her mouth slowly parted. Without a doubt, Lucas Brooks was the most gorgeous man on earth. Fallon shook her head at his sexiness as her eyes roamed his body. He wore fitted blue jeans with a black Assassins tee. The shirt hugged each of his muscles, and Fallon swore she drooled on herself. Fallon ran her hand along her mouth to make sure she hadn’t. She was good, thank goodness. Fallon couldn’t see his eyes because of the black hat he wore, but Fallon figured they were bright with excitement.

  Lucas let out a bark of laughter before he glanced over at Fallon, catching her looking him over like he was a buffet. Fallon’s cheeks warmed as he gave her a small smile before looking back down at his mom. Fallon also looked over at Molly and when she did, she froze because she wasn’t looking into the eyes of the sweet Molly Brooks she had known.

  Nope, now it was more like ‘You kept my grandson from me for seven years and now I’m gonna kill you’ Molly Brooks. Fallon knew at that moment that even though her day had started out amazing, it was all about to go to shit.


  Chapter 22

  Lucas saw Fallon before he saw anyone else. She stood with Elli and Jakob’s wife, looking not like the mom he knew but more like a mom he would like to get naked with. She was hot, gorgeous, and man how he wanted her. The multicolor dress she wore was tight in spots and flowed in others. Thankfully, the tight parts were the parts he loved, like her ass and breasts.

  It was definitely something a mommy shouldn’t be wearing.

  A slow satisfied grin went across his face as he walked with his mom admiring Fallon’s beautiful body as her hair blew in the wind. Her eyes were covered by sunglasses but he had those memorized. And even though he had her lips memorized too, he still found himself drawn to them. They were glossed up to perfection and she was smiling, looking completely carefree — a look he loved on her.

  “She hasn’t change a bit. A little thicker, but she is still stunning,” Molly said from beside him. He took his eyes away from Fallon and nodded to his mom.

  “She’s gorgeous.”

  Molly laughed just as Lucas turned to look back at Fallon. “Love-sick fool,” Molly said under her breath, but Lucas heard her loud and clear. Molly Brooks wasn’t subtle about anything. When Lucas looked back at the three women, he noticed that Elli was bending down pointing at him. That was when he noticed Aiden. Aiden’s head turned quickly in Lucas’ direction and the biggest, brightest smile came across his face. Lucas found that even though he was outside in the fresh air, he couldn’t seem to catch his breath.

  God how he loved that kid.


  Lucas froze. Did Aiden just call him dad?

  “Hey Dad!” Aiden said again, his arms waving in the air as he ran towards him and Molly. From beside him, he heard Molly take in a deep breath as Aiden catapulted himself into Lucas’ arms. Aiden wrapped his arms tightly around Lucas’ neck as Lucas did the same to Aiden’s middle. “I’ve missed you,” Aiden whispered.

  Lucas closed his eyes, hugging Aiden closer to him. Lucas couldn’t believe it. Aiden called him dad. It was supposed to be Aiden’s birthday but Lucas was convinced that he was the one receiving the best gift ever.

  “I missed you too, bud,” Lucas choked out, and it wasn’t easy. Aiden brought out so much emotion from Lucas and he was sure that if he didn’t get it together, he was going to start crying like a girl. “Sorry I’m late, bud.”

  “It’s okay! You’re here now!”

  “Yup, are you having a nice time?”

  Aiden pulled back, nodding his head. “The best ever. All my friends are here, and now that you are here, everything is awesome! Where’s my Grandma?!”

  Lucas laughed because for the first time ever, he had forgotten his mom was there and really? Aiden was funny as hell. Lucas shifted Aiden to his hip, and turned to his mom. Lucas knew that Molly was going to be crying, what he didn’t expect was the huge smile that went along with big tears that rolled down her plump cheeks. “Aiden, this is your grandma, Molly.”

  Aiden waved with a big smile on his face. “Hi, Grandma! I’m Aiden James Brooks; it’s great to meet you!”

  Molly let out a cry before snatching Aiden out of Lucas’ arms and hugging him tightly against her. Aiden wrapped his little arms around Molly with a cute little grin on his face as she continued to hug the stuffing out of him. “Mom, come on. You are going to hurt him,” Lucas laughed. Molly let out a loud laugh before pulling back and kissing Aid
en all over his face.

  “I will not!” she scolded at Lucas before looking back at Aiden. “Oh, Aiden James Brooks, do you know how much I love you?” she asked. Lucas smiled as his heart skipped a beat. Even he knew that Molly loved Aiden, probably more than she loved him. She had talked nonstop about seeing him since she got off the plane.

  “A lot probably. I’m pretty awesome, and everyone loves me,” Aiden said with a shrug of his shoulders. He was so sure of himself that it filled Lucas with pride. Brooks’ men were confident and he loved that Aiden was following in his footsteps just fine.

  Molly giggled before kissing his nose. “You are your daddy’s little boy! Cocky little thing aren’t you?”

  “Hey,” Lucas said as Aiden looked confused.


  “Sure of yourself.”

  “Huh?” Aiden asked.

  Molly laughed along with Lucas before he said, “You think you are awesome.”

  “Oh yeah I do. I am so cocky!” Aiden exclaimed with his arms in the air. Molly let out a booming laugh before wrapping Aiden back up in her arms and kissing him all over his precious little face.

  “Hey there, stranger!”

  Lucas looked over to see Audrey coming towards them with a big grin on her face. She had her hair in pigtails and wore a bright yellow shirt and jean skirt with ridiculously high heels. It seemed like she always had heels on, but today she looked like a little girl playing dress up. Lucas smiled as he hugged her lightly.

  “Hey Audrey,” Lucas said as they parted. He then turned to bring Molly closer, “Mom, this is Aiden’s aunt, Audrey. Audrey this is my mom, Molly.”

  “Hi!” Audrey exclaimed, holding out her hand. Molly fumbled a little so Lucas took Aiden, giving Molly free hands.

  “Hello! So nice to meet you. You are just as gorgeous as your sister. You guys could be twins!” Molly gushed, pulling Audrey into a tight hug.

  “Aw, thanks!” Audrey giggled as she hugged Molly tightly. She gave Lucas a small smile before backing away from Molly. “It’s so nice to meet you, too.” Audrey turned to Aiden. “Hey bud, your friends are looking for ya. Wanna come on?”


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