Trying to Score (Assassins)

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Trying to Score (Assassins) Page 37

by Toni Aleo

  Lucas nodded his head at his appearance just as he heard the bathroom door open. He turned at the sound of Fallon’s heels and was stunned when his eyes settled on her. She looked gorgeous in her bright white tube top dress. Her legs went for days and ended at a very naughty pair of zebra print platform heels. Her hair was down in curls and her makeup was done up to the nines.

  She was mouthwatering.

  “Jeez, Fal, I’m supposed to go out with you looking like that?” he asked, coming towards her. He couldn’t help himself; he had to have her in his arms. She smiled brightly as he gathered her in his arms, kissing her glossed up mouth.

  “I could very well say the same about you, Mr. Brooks.”

  Lucas gave her his sexiest grin before kissing her again. “We have to leave huh?” he asked, his hands running slowly over her ass and up the back of the dress.

  “Yes!” she gasped, smacking his hands away. “I was promised food and dancing, darn it!”

  Lucas chuckled as he reached for her again, pressing her into his growing erection. “I’m pretty sure I can find something for you to eat here. I just want to eat you.”

  Fallon giggled breathlessly as he nibbled up her throat. “How about we go eat some real food, then our dancing can be our foreplay and we’ll come home where dessert will be served.”

  “In the form of you, right?” he asked, his dick getting harder with just the thought.

  “But of course,” she said breathlessly. “I need you to stop, or we’ll never leave.”

  Fallon pushed herself away from him as she laughed. He watched as she went across the room to her bag, digging in it for something. He smiled when she glanced up at him before saying, “That was my plan though. To never leave.”

  Fallon gave him a sexy little smirk before saying, “I know.”

  Oh, yeah. They weren’t going to be out long.

  Twisted Eats was the best restaurant in Palo Alto and one of Lucas’ favorites. The ambiance and the food were to die for but most of all, Lucas loved the privacy. Each table sat in a pod, and no one could really see in it in unless they walked up to the table and looked in. It was very futuristic and Lucas couldn’t have been more pleased, since he needed privacy when it came to sitting with Fallon. He couldn’t keep his hands off her, and he didn’t really want to share her with anyone. She looked stunning and Lucas didn’t feel like beating anyone’s face in that night. He wanted the perfect evening with Fallon. He wanted to give her the night of her life. He wanted to show her that it could be like this for them all the time.

  If she gave him the chance he needed.

  Fallon was snuggled up close to him as they looked out at the large dance floor. His hand rested on her upper thigh as they watched people dance to the amazing club music.

  “This place is sick,” Fallon gushed as she looked over at him. “It’s so loud outside of the pod-thingy, but inside it, it’s just me and you.”

  Lucas smiled as he nodded. “This is one of my favorite places.”

  “It’s becoming one of mine,” she said with a smile as she looked down at the menu, “What are you wanting to eat?”

  “Whatever you get,” he said with a shrug of his shoulder.

  Fallon rolled her eyes. “No, look at the menu, tell me what you want. I hate when you do that.”

  Lucas smiled before nipping at her earlobe. “No you don’t.”

  “I do, ‘cause I know you don’t want to eat this amazing-looking Mahi Mahi they have.”

  Lucas face twisted in disgust. “Gross, no. Give me that menu.”

  Fallon giggled as she passed it over to him. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom, make sure I still look good.”

  She pressed her lips against the side of his mouth before sliding out the booth. “Baby you look good all the time,” he said before she reached the end of the booth.

  She giggled before saying, “You’re biased.”

  Fallon gave him once last smile before getting out the booth and walking away. As he watched her ass sway from side to side, he couldn’t help but agree with her. He may be biased, but he had damn good reason for it.

  Fallon was smoking hot.

  Fallon was feeling pretty amazing.

  Not only was she looking spectacular in the dress Audrey sent with her, but Lucas was making her feel like a princess. She hadn’t thought about the past or the future for the last hour and she loved it. Not having the constant doubt or the never-ending fear in her mind was refreshing and plus, she loved spending time with Lucas. It was easy to get caught up in the moment with him. Especially with no worry about what he would do when they were apart. It was just him and her. No one else in the world could take either of them from each other. It was her fantasy and she was going to enjoy it before having to go back to reality tomorrow.

  After doing her business she walked out of the stall and went to the marble vanity to wash her hands. Once she was done, she opened her purse to take out her powder and lipstick. A small smile stayed on her face as she reapplied and made sure she was perfect. Lucas had done nothing but make her feel like she was the most beautiful woman in the world. With his constant need to touch her and his feather-like kisses, the least she could do was make sure she looked good for him.

  Fallon looked down, washing her hands again as another stall opened and a person came towards the sink. Out the corner of Fallon’s eye she noticed that the woman was very pregnant, and a smiled came across her face. She looked up to ask the woman how much longer she had, but the words became lodged in her throat.

  For the woman that stood next to Fallon wasn’t just another pregnant lady.

  No, it was the woman that took away her happiness.

  It was Allison.

  Chapter 27

  Fallon’s eyes went wide as she looked into the eyes of the woman that used to be her best friend. She stumbled back from her as Allison’s mouth fell open and her hand came up to cover it. Fallon couldn’t believe that this was happening. Out of all the restaurants in Palo Alto, Lucas had to bring her to the one that held the woman that ruined her life.

  “Fallon,” Allison gasped. Hearing her name coming from Allison’s lips was like a knife digging into Fallon’s heart. Fallon had loved Allison like a sister, and when she found them together, it was the ultimate betrayal. Not only had she lost the love her life, but she lost her best friend, too.

  “Wow, I can’t believe it’s you,” Allison said. “I haven’t seen you in years.”

  Fallon looked away into the large mirror that sat above the sinks. As she looked at the refection of Allison and herself, she had to make herself not to cry or deck Allison in the throat. Anger filled Fallon from head to toe as she looked in the mirror. How could the person that helped ruin her life look so amazing and so perfect?

  Allison wore a cute red maternity dress with sparkly black heels. Her dark brown hair was in an intricate updo, and her makeup must have been done professionally. Fallon even noticed the huge rock that sat on her ring finger and that wasn’t the only diamond that graced her body. They were everywhere. Her ears, her wrist, her neck — all covered in expensive, beautiful diamonds.

  “How have you been?” Allison asked, and Fallon felt like her temper was about to snap.

  “Don’t talk to me like you didn’t ruin my life,” Fallon snapped. Once the words left her mouth she hated herself for saying them. Why would she tell Allison that? Why would she let her know that she took everything from her?

  “Oh, Fallon, please don’t tell me you still hate me after all this time? It was so long ago,” Allison pleaded, her hands resting on her beautiful baby bump. “We’ve both changed. Look at you, you’re gorgeous and I know that you are doing spectacular in your business. Jamar, my husband, just ordered a bottle of your wine yesterday for the birth of our son.”

  Fallon shook her head, trying to breathe. It made her so mad that she was just standing there and not giving Allison the lashing that she deserved. Hadn’t she practiced it over and over again? Didn’t sh
e know exactly what she wanted to say if she ever saw her again?

  “I’m sorry but I can’t let go of the fact that you took the love of my life away from me,” Fallon choked out.

  “Fallon, I didn’t take him away.”

  “How do you figure you didn’t?” Fallon snapped.

  “It wasn’t like we dated after you ran off to Tennessee; he never talked to me again.”

  “But you still slept with him and broke us up!” Fallon yelled. “You made it to where I couldn’t even look him in the eye.”

  “You’re the one that ran. I was young and I was stupid. I was convinced that I needed to sleep with every famous athlete I could get my hands on. Lucas would have been my prized possession if it would have worked out, but it didn’t. So why are you still holding this intense grudge towards me?”

  Fallon was appalled by her audacity to act like nothing happened between her and Lucas. Did Allison think she made up the whole thing? That she imagined them in bed together? “I saw you in bed with him.”

  “Well yeah, I tried, but nothing happened. He passed out before I could even get any.”

  “What?” Fallon said. Her heart was beating so hard that she was sure she didn’t her Allison right.

  “Yeah, we never slept together. We only kissed before he passed out calling for you. He was a mess, and I laid down beside him hoping he would wake up if I played around with him, but he didn’t and I fell asleep. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you. I always wondered why you disappeared the way you did.”

  Fallon pinched the bridge of her nose. This couldn’t be happening to her. This wasn’t the way she imagined it. She imagined beating the leaving crap out of Allison, not standing there listening to how her baby daddy bought Fallon’s wine for the birth of their child or even worse, that she never slept with Lucas. What the hell? The powers to be were really working hard to keep her and Lucas apart back then, so why were they trying to bring them back together now?

  “You never slept with him,” Fallon stated, not asking but really verifying.

  “No, I tried, and I understand you hating me for that, but really that was so long ago. We were so young and stupid,” Allison said. She gave Fallon a small smile and Fallon wanted to knock it off her face. “It wasn’t like he was the one for you.”

  “How do you know?”

  Allison gave her a condescending smile. “’Cause if he was, he wouldn’t have started to cheat on you.”

  Fallon’s blood boiled and it really took everything out of her to turn and walk away. Allison didn’t try to stop her, she didn’t even say anything else as Fallon pushed through the doors and headed back to her pod, to Lucas. Tears sprang to her eyes, and her chest rose and fell so quickly that she felt like she was having a panic attack. She knew that Allison was right. If Lucas was the one for her, he would have never done what he did. Drunk or not, he should have stay true to her.

  This was her last night with him. This is all she could let herself have. Anything else would be a lie to them both because no matter what, she would never be able to trust him again.

  No matter how much she wanted to.

  Lucas was starting to get worried.

  Fallon had been in the bathroom so long that Lucas was starting to think she ran off. Finally he spotted her across the dance floor, walking quickly towards him. She looked worried as she made her way through the many dancing couples. She moved her hair out of her face before looking up at him. When her eyes met his, she stopped and a small nervous smile came across her lips. He returned the smile, waiting for her to finish her walk to him, but she didn’t move.

  Lucas watched as she smiled seductively before pursing her lips and moving her hips to the music. It set him on edge to watch those fine hips move from side to side in a very enticing way. Her eyes met his again and she motioned with her finger for him to come to her. He was so mesmerized by her beauty, her sexiness, her perfection, that he quickly left the pod and cut the distance between them, taking her in his arms. As Usher sang about going nice and slow, Lucas moved his body against Fallon’s, his hands drifted down her back and over her voluptuous ass. She grinned up at him as he squeezed her bottom softly, pressing her into his rapidly growing shaft.

  Fallon bit her lip as she gazed up into his eyes. When the same naughty mouth started mouthing the naughty words to the song, Lucas wasn’t sure how much more he could endure. She was too sexy, too hot.

  “I freak you right I will,” Lucas mouthed back and Fallon grinned big. She had to remember the time in her office when he had said that to her. She knew it was true, too. He was the only one that could bring her to the point of no return and then bring her back, just to take her there again. Fallon turned in his arms, moving that fine ass against his pelvis as his hands shook against her hips. Fallon was an amazing dancer, and when you put on the right music, she could honestly make a man come by moving against him.

  As the song ended, and a slow one started, Lucas turned Fallon before bringing her close to him, nuzzling his nose in her hair. Fallon’s hands came up the muscles of his back and locked behind his neck as she ran her nose along his jaw. When she pulled back a little, Lucas saw that her eyes were full of tears, but before he could say anything, she kissed him. As their bodies moved slowly against each other, their lips danced in their own way. She moved her tongue against his slowly, taking his bottom lip into her teeth, biting ever so softly. Her fingers squeezed his neck as they parted and she laid her head on his chest. Lucas closed his eyes, loving the feel of her in his arms.

  When he actually listened to the words of the song that was playing, he knew why she was tearing up. He remembered the song like it was only yesterday and she was playing it as they left for the airport so he could go out on a road trip. Why she played the popular song by Boyz II Men, he would never understand. The song was about the couple breaking up, not about being away from each other for a period of time. He didn’t really think anything of it until the day he discovered she left for good. He remembered sitting in his room, the song on repeat and a bottle of Grey Goose in his hand as he sang and drank until he passed out. It was the darkest time of his life, and he hated to go back there, but it was inevitable with the song playing and Fallon in his arms. He hadn’t listened to the song since, and it scared him to hear that song now. Lucas didn’t want to come to the end of the road with Fallon. He wanted to live his life with her for forever.

  Lucas gathered Fallon as close as he could to him and kissed her temple as his heart beat so hard he swore she could feel it. She didn’t know what she did to him, she didn’t realize that she was the one person out of a billion that could make his life complete. He loved her, and he always would.

  He couldn’t lose her.

  The Twisted Eats must have been in a baby-making mood because the next song was another hard-hitting sexy song. Lucas took Fallon’s hips in his hands and moved them from side to side and into him as she ran her hands down his arms. When his eyes met her lust-filled ones, Lucas couldn’t breathe while the air crackled around them.

  Yeah, he had to have her now.

  “I’m not hungry for food,” Fallon said, lacing her fingers with his.

  “Yeah, me neither. Let’s go. Now.”

  It was a sexual tension-filled car ride home. Fallon was dripping with anticipation and couldn’t wait to be in that bed with Lucas. Lucas parked the car and Fallon got out quickly, hoping that he was doing the same. Lucas caught her as she was coming around his black BMW. He pushed her against the hood of the expensive car and lifted her skirt up, cupping her aching mound. Dancing with him was magical and erotic all in one. She loved every minute of it, but she was pretty sure she was going to love what he was about to do to her against the car more. Lucas’ fingers danced along her before pulling her panties out of the way and dipping two fingers inside of her. He hit her clit first, causing her to gasp out into the ocean air. His chuckles mingled with her gasp before he took her lips with his.

  Lucas kissed her long
and hard as he moved his fingers around her aching clit. She started to move her hips, needing the release he was about to cause. When he stopped, Fallon let out a cry of distress, but then he dropped to his knees, ripping her thong off her and taking her whole in his mouth. Her cries were no longer distressed ones, nope, more like hot, needing ones. He ran his tongue along her swollen lips before pulling back and moving her legs over his shoulders so that her feet weren’t braced on the ground. Fallon fell back onto the hood of the car and looked up at the dark sky as he pleasured her in the most amazing way with his tongue. He slid his fingers into her as he continued the invasion to her clit with his tongue. Fallon was gasping for air, trying to keep quiet, but it was so hard. Lucas lived in a very secluded area, but still, he had neighbors somewhere. With just one more flick of his tongue, he had her coming and screaming so loud she was sure that people in Tennessee could hear her.

  “Oh yeah, God, you are so hot,” Lucas said gruffly before standing up and wrapping her legs around his waist. Fallon sat up, ripping at his shirt trying to get it off as he slid his suit jacket off and threw it on top of the car. She ran her hands down his sculpted chest before taking one of his nipples in her mouth. She ran her tongue along the hair of his nipple before biting it hard. Lucas sucked air in through his teeth, causing a hissing noise as she continued to bite and lick at his chest. Lucas’ hands ran up into her hair, pulling her face away from his chest to meet with his mouth. He had a good grip of her hair as his other hand ran down her throat to the top of her dress where he pulled it down, taking one of her breasts in his large hand. As he roughly kneaded and massaged her aching breast, his mouth continued to eat at hers. Fallon ran her tongue along his lips before taking her own hands down his body to the front of his slacks. She unbuttoned him quickly and took out his hot, bulging flesh into her hand. Lucas’ breath was hot against her lips as she moved her hand up and down his throbbing erection. He kissed her twice before moving his lips down her to the hollow of her neck, where he bit softly, causing her to squirm underneath him. When she couldn’t take any more and she was sure he was ready, she guided him slowly, inch by incredible inch, inside of her. He let out a low throaty groan against her jaw as she started to rock against his magnificent manhood.


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