Trying to Score (Assassins)

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Trying to Score (Assassins) Page 45

by Toni Aleo

  “Everything is great! Did Rob get you the paperwork I faxed over?” Grace asked just as Rob sailed in with the paperwork in hand.

  Rob flashed Fallon a grin as she took the paperwork quickly. “Yes ma’am. What am I looking at?” she asked, trying to read quickly.

  “The menu and the guest seating. I think I have it all right, but I wanted you to sign off on it before I moved forward. I also need the pictures from the campaign, do you have those yet?”

  “Not yet. The shoot is this weekend, and they should have them ready and printed in the wall size you asked for by Friday at the latest.”

  “Awesome, you are the best. What do you think of the menu?”

  Fallon finished reading it and smiled. “I think it is perfect, not that I expected anything less from you.”

  Grace giggled. “Stop Fallon! You are making me blush!”

  “Thanks so much Grace. You’re doing amazing.”

  “Thanks, I can’t wait to get it all set up. I think this will be my second favorite party I’ve planned.”

  Fallon laughed. “The first being Elli’s birthday?”

  “Yes! That was a masterpiece!”

  Fallon couldn’t agree more. Fallon still got chills every time she thought back to the way she felt when she walked into the Belmont. It was as if she was taken back to the 1800s and she was watching Mr. Darcy and Ms. Elizabeth dance the night away. It was magnificent.

  “It sure was,” Fallon agreed.

  Grace laughed before saying, “So I can’t wait to see you! I’ll be in touch.”

  “Great! Bye Grace.”

  Fallon hung up the phone and glanced back down at the menu. It was spectacular and like she said, she didn’t expect anything else. If Grace was anything, she was classy as hell and Fallon couldn’t have been more excited about the party. Fallon placed the paperwork in the party file and got up, stretching her legs. She glanced down at the clock on her computer and saw that it was time to go.

  Fallon couldn’t wait to get home. She was excited to make dinner for Lucas, Aiden, and Audrey. She was also excited to play with all her new stuff that Lucas has spoiled her with. As she slid on her shoes, the grin stayed in place on her face. Fallon hadn’t been this happy in a very long time and it started and ended with two special guys.

  Her guys.

  Lucas and Aiden.

  Chapter 32

  Fallon lay across Lucas’ chest in complete bliss.

  As the evening replayed though her head, she cuddled closer to Lucas, running her bare foot up and down his leg. Lucas’ hand stayed in place on her ass while she listened to his breathing. It had been an amazing evening and she could only pray that all her nights ended this way. When she arrived home from work, she was greeted with luscious kisses from Lucas and sweet, loving ones from Aiden. After changing into something a little more cooking friendly, she went into the kitchen to get everything ready for her lasagna.

  Lucas was right next to her as she put together dinner. He kept touching her and trying to help whenever she would allow him. Fallon wanted him to relax, hang out, but of course, anytime they were in a room together they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. She had missed him all day, and when he gave her that sly, ‘I want you’ grin, she was hot all over and didn’t have the heart to kick him out the kitchen.

  Once Fallon had everything in the oven, she and Lucas helped Aiden with his homework. Lucas surprised her with his first-grade knowledge and his wit. He was sweet and tentative to Aiden. It was like watching a different man. He was acting so at ease, so at home, which in a way he was. She loved having him in her home and she couldn’t have felt more complete with him there.

  After dinner, they did dishes together and then watched some TV with Aiden before putting him to bed. Once Aiden was tucked in, they headed into Fallon’s room where they were now. Fallon lay beside him, basking in the love that he was giving her. It was the perfect evening, and Fallon couldn’t have been happier. The only thing that bothered her was that Audrey hadn’t been home all night. Lucas had told her about their fight and Fallon was worried. When she called Audrey, she didn’t answer, so Fallon sent her a quick text, and Audrey answered saying she needed time to herself, that she was fine.

  “Guess what Aiden did while we waited for you this afternoon,” Lucas said, bringing her away from her thoughts of Audrey.

  Fallon looked up, running her hand up his stomach to his chest where it rested as she said, “What’s that?”

  “Aiden started to teach me how to read.”

  A slow smile went across Fallon’s face as she brought her hand from his chest to his cheek. “You told him?”

  Lucas nodded. “Kid’s smarter than the average bear.”

  Fallon giggled. “He sure is. Are you okay?” She asked. She knew how embarrassed he got about his dyslexia.

  “Yup. Just fine. The two people I care for know. I have nothing to hide anymore. This is me,” he said kissing her forehead.

  “Good, you shouldn’t hide anything.”

  Lucas smiled before placing another kiss on her head. He leaned his head against hers, taking a deep breath in. As Fallon listened to his heartbeat, she had a small, content smile on her face. Lucas’ hand shifted from her ass to her inner thigh and Fallon rolled her eyes.

  “Aiden is home,” she said simply.

  Lucas chuckled. “He is in bed, plus Daddy needs Mommy.”

  Fallon giggled. “No way.”

  He let out a breath. “I’ll be quiet.”

  “I won’t, that’s why I say no,” Fallon laughed. She looked up at him to see him grinning down at her. He cupped her face as his other hand came under her armpit, pulling her up to him to where he crushed his mouth against hers. She lay on top of him, her hands running up his sides as her mouth moved with his.

  She never said they couldn’t make out a little.

  When a knock came at the door and it flew open, Fallon broke the kiss, looking over to where Aiden stood in the middle of the doorway. She looked down at Lucas, and smiled. “See.”

  Lucas let out a quiet groan as Fallon slid off him and sat up, looking over at Aiden. “What’s up, Punkin’?”

  “What are y’all doing?”

  Lucas chuckled. “Cuddling.”

  Fallon cut him a dirty look before Aiden put his hands on his hips and said, “Jamie Right said her mommy and daddy cuddle naked, so y’all must not be cuddlin’ right.”

  Lucas looked over at Fallon and gave her a wink before saying, “We must not be. I think Jamie Right’s parents have the right idea. They must do it when Jamie’s home for her to know it and it seems that Jamie is okay.”

  Fallon groaned inwardly as her body filled with heat. She closed her eyes, pinching her nose. “Aiden honey, what do you need?”

  “Nothing, I was bored.”

  Fallon opened her eyes and glared. “Honey, it’s time to go to bed.”

  “Ugh! Fine! Why do you get to play with Daddy?” he asked as Lucas laughed.

  “Because I don’t have school tomorrow, and if you don’t lose the sass in your voice I’m gonna come on over there and pop that bottom. Now go on, Aiden James Brooks,” she said, sitting up straighter. Aiden could have such a mouth sometimes. She had no clue where that came from…surely not her.

  Aiden turned quickly and left the room, shutting the door behind him as Lucas chuckled lowly. “Man, he’s got a little mouth on him, just like his mommy.”

  “Whatever,” Fallon said, looking down at him. He grinned up at her, cupping the side of her face.

  “I like your little mouth, bring it down here.”

  “No,” Fallon said moving to lie down. “I’m going to bed.”

  He laughed. “No you aren’t. You are going to cuddle naked with me.”

  Fallon giggled as he pulled her to him, meeting his lips with hers again. Of course, she didn’t pull away. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him hard as her leg hooked over his hip. “Mmm...” he moaned against her mouth be
fore pressing his hardness to her softness. Their hands roamed each other’s bodies, and Fallon was dizzy with lust. When Lucas slid his hand into Fallon’s panties, she pulled back.

  “I told you no,” she warned.

  “Aw come on, I’m hard as a rock here.”

  She giggled as she shrugged her shoulders. “I guess you better raise the steering wheel so it doesn’t hit it.”

  Lucas gave her a dirty look. “I’m not leaving.”

  Fallon scoffed. “Whatever, you ain’t staying here.”

  “Yes I am. I’m sleeping over. I’m so tired, what if I crash the car on the way home?”

  Fallon narrowed her eyes. “Well if you’re too tired to drive home, then you’re too tired to drive into me.”

  She fluttered her eyelashes at him innocently as a cocky grin came across his face. “Baby girl, I am never too tired to drive into you,” he said, pressing into her.

  “Then you need to go,” she said simply, ignoring the long hard length of him that had her thinking that they could have sex and hopefully be quiet about it.

  “Ugh, you’re killing me,” he groaned against her throat before biting.

  “I know, I’m horrible. Don’t worry, we’ll get our chance.”

  He gave her a devilish look. “Oh yeah, we will. I’ll come to the office tomorrow and bend you over that desk of yours.”

  Fallon gasped, becoming so wet that she was convinced her panties were drenched. “Not fair.”

  “It’s not fair you won’t let me now, so expect it tomorrow.”

  Fallon shook her head. “I’m locking the door. I do work, you know.”

  He laughed. “Sure you do, and I’ll be working you hard tomorrow.”

  Fallon laughed. “Whatever.”

  Lucas laughed as he wrapped her up in his arms tight. She snuggled her nose into the nook of his neck and took in a deep breath. She loved the smell of him. It was such a mainly smell; it screamed sex, he screamed sex.

  Why weren’t they having sex?

  When the sex-filled clouds floated away and Fallon remembered that Aiden was in the next room over, she smiled as she cuddled closer. They lay in comfortable silence and Fallon thought Lucas had fallen asleep until she felt his hand move along her hip.

  “I had a great day at work after you dropped me off,” she said quietly.

  Lucas ran his hand up her back. “Did you? What happened?”

  She smiled against his shirt. “I redid the whole campaign.”

  She glanced up and he looked down at her with a confused look on his face before saying, “Is that good?”

  Fallon gave him a sweet grin before nodding her head. “It’s fantastic.”


  “So let me get this straight,” Phillip Anderson started, “you are posing for a wine ad?”

  Lucas nodded his head as he laced up his skates. He only had a half day at practice since he had to head to Shelbyville for the Rocky Top Wines campaign. He was ready to go. He wanted to get it done because then Fallon, Aiden, and he could leave for California. Three days in complete bliss with his two favorite people — Lucas couldn’t ask for more. Well maybe to skip the campaign but it meant everything to Fallon, so he would suck it up and get it done.

  For her.

  “Yup,” he said as he stood up, making sure his skates felt right.

  “Dude, that’s girly. That’s why none of us volunteered,” Phillip said.

  Lucas laughed as he rolled his eyes. He was about to tell Phillip how girlie his hair looked but Shea came towards them and said, “The only thing girly is you, Anderson.”

  The guys all started laughing as Shea sat down beside Lucas. Anderson sent Shea an evil look before grabbing his stick and heading out the locker room. Lucas shook his head, re-lacing his skates as everyone started to leave for the ice. When it was only him and Shea, he said, “So explain to me the reason you hate Anderson.”

  Shea laughed. “I don’t hate him. He’s just stays on my bad side.”


  Shea chuckled as he threw on a practice jersey. “When me and Elli were dating, Anderson would mess with me and flirt with her all the time. He knew it got under my skin and ever since I’ve had an issue with him,” he said simply.

  Lucas chuckled. “You are a crazy dude when it comes to Elli.”

  Shea laughed. “Yeah, she’s my heart and soul though, and we both know that if some rookie started flirting with Fallon they would end up face first on the ice.”

  Lucas let out a booming laugh as he stood up, grabbing his stick, “Damn right about that.”

  Lucas knew he was at Rocky Top Winery when he saw the large orange building. It stood taller than the arena, and beside it was an even larger white building that had solar panels on the roof. Even with size and color of the buildings, Lucas couldn’t help but admire the gorgeousness of the vineyards. They were large and full of color. It seemed that they outstretched for days and Lucas was in awe of the land’s beauty. Lucas found himself jealous of Fallon for growing up there. Michigan was beautiful, but Rocky Top Winery was picturesque.

  Lucas followed the directions Fallon gave him and ended up by a little cabin that was on the outside of the vineyards. People were everywhere. Camera crews, wardrobe people, people in suits, people with makeup, basically any and every kinds of people were there, and even with it all, Lucas’ eyes fell on Fallon. She stood tall in a champagne-colored skirt with a white lacey blouse tucked into it and the champagne-colored lace high heels brought out her sexy calves. She wore her hair down with a braid along the side of her head, tucked behind her ear. She had big white glasses on her face and she was doing what she did best.

  Yelling at people.

  “What are you doing!? I said to the right!” Fallon yelled before throwing her hands up in the air. Lucas laughed as he shook his head. She was the most amazing person ever but she had the worst temper. As Lucas watched her, he couldn’t help but love everything about her, but at that moment, it was her legs. They were so long, and so sexy.

  “Shit,” he whispered as he watched her move around. He was regretting not going to her job and having his way with her. Lucas hadn’t been home in days and the past couple nights had been torture. He loved sleeping with Fallon but he really loved having sex with her.

  When Eleanor Adler walked over to her, he smiled. There was no denying that Mrs. Adler was pregnant. Her little belly poked out far in her light blue button up shirt that had a belt right under her breast. The length of the shirt covered her bottom that was clad in tight blue jeans. Lucas remembered Shea telling him that Elli was a fashion freak, and Lucas couldn’t agree more. She was gorgeous and chic with her hair in a messy bun and big black glasses on her face. To top everything off, she had on brown high heel boots, causing Lucas to think that Shea Adler was a lucky man.

  And Lucas was green with envy.

  As he watched the two women talk and smile at each other, Lucas wished like hell that Fallon was pregnant. His desire for a baby was intense since he didn’t get to watch Aiden grow up, and really, he just wanted a baby. He wanted the little bundle that he could hold in his hands. He wanted the slobber, the diapers, the coos and spit up — he wanted it all and with Fallon.

  Only Fallon.

  When Fallon turned and saw him, a slow grin came across her face as she sashayed towards him. He smiled back at her and when she reached him, he pulled her close for a sweet kiss.

  “Mm,” she gushed as they parted, “that was nice.”

  Lucas shrugged. “I thought so.”

  Fallon giggled as she slid her hand in his. “Come on, you need to get ready.”

  She led him into a tent that was lined in suits and held two ladies that looked like they were on a mission. Fallon sent him a grin before pointing to each lady. “This is Madison and Kaley, they will be dressing you and basically making sure you look good. This is Lucas,” Fallon said and turned to look back at Lucas. “When you’re done, come on out, we will b
e going over the shots and you can meet Tasha.”

  “Tasha?” he asked as she went to leave.

  Fallon leaned against the post before looking back at him, “Yup, the hot model you’ll be posing with.” She gave him one last grin before fluttering out of the tent. As Madison and Kaley went to work on him, Lucas thought that Tasha sounded like a bunch of trouble.

  When Lucas came out the tent, he pulled at the tightness at his neck from the tie he wore. He hated wearing ties, especially skinny ones. They seemed to choke him, and when he told the women that dressed him that, they laughed. He didn’t feel like arguing with them because they would probably call Fallon and then he would have to argue with her. He did not want that at all, so he sucked it up, ran his hands down the black suit, and went to look for Fallon.

  When Lucas found her, she was standing with a busty blonde who wore a short orange dress. The dress was pretty but very plain; the only thing that made it pretty was the lace around the neckline. Fallon must have seen Lucas coming out the corner of her eye because she turned mid-sentence and said, “Tasha, this is Lucas Brooks. Lucas this is Tasha McNeal, she will be playing your other half.”

  A person would think that with the grin that was plastered on Fallon’s face, she had just won the lottery or something. It was so damn big and fake that it irked a nerve in Lucas’ body. Lucas met eyes with Tasha as she gave him an appreciate smile and he cringed.

  There was no damn way this was his other half.

  Tasha held out her hand, and Lucas took it, shaking it lightly. “Nice to meet you.”

  Lucas nodded, “You, too. Um, Fallon, this tie is tight.”

  Fallon turned and moved her hands up under his chin, loosening the tie. When she gave him her real smile, his heart skipped a beat as their eyes met.

  “Better?” she asked.

  Lucas smiled as he nodded. “Much, thank you.”

  “Anytime. Okay!” she said clapping her hands together. Lucas could tell she was nervous but she was hiding it well with that big fake smile. “Manuel, Elli? Can y’all come on over here real quick? Oh Dad, you too.”


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