God’s FURY, England’s FIRE

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God’s FURY, England’s FIRE Page 109

by Braddick, Michael

  See also heresy

  science 454, 455, 458, 463

  Scotland xxiii, 4

  C and 26–7, 30, 34, 35, 36, 88–9, 141–2, 307

  C in, 1633 23, 26, 27; 1641 141–2, 148, 155, 158–60, 168; the Incident 159, 173, 174, 178

  Charles, Prince of Wales, support for 563

  convention of estates, 1643 308, 309

  Edinburgh see Edinburgh

  England: distrust of 22, 23, 158; as reciprocated 466

  England, settlement with 154, 158, 471–2

  the four estates 33–4, 529

  France and 12, 89, 90–91

  Montrose’s campaign, 1644–5 335–6, 348, 353, 374–5, 386–7

  Orkneys/Shetland 316

  Prayer Book rebellion see Prayer Book rebellion

  Revocation scheme 26–7

  See also Covenanters

  Scottish bishops 12, 14, 15, 16, 17–18, 23–4, 28, 29, 88, 448

  distrust of 28, 29–30

  Scottish General Assembly 38–9, 88, 89, 104

  Scottish nobility 33, 37

  Scottish Parliament 104, 529, 537

  Scottish Prayer Book reform

  C’s support for 3, 6, 12, 17, 23–4, 26, 27–30, 31–2, 33, 36–9; his withdrawal of 38

  opposition to see Covenanters; Covenanters

  purpose 27

  See also Prayer Book rebellion

  Scottish Privy Council 28, 37, 38

  Scottish Prayer Book and 30, 31–2, 33, 36

  Scottish Reformation 12–18, 30

  Scottish Reformed Church (Presbyterian) xxiii

  bishops see Scottish bishops Book of Common Order 17

  Books of Discipline 12, 14, 15

  as Calvinist 6, 14, 18, 36

  denouncing of, by Cheney Culpeper 344, 347

  Five Articles of Perth 17, 24, 31

  form of worship 16–18

  General Assembly 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24

  institutional structure 13–14, 17–18, 29–30, 311

  Jure divino 60

  the kirk 13, 14, 15–17, 18, 24, 28, 32, 88, 310

  Negative Confession 14–15, 34, 36, 107

  Scottish settlers, in Ulster 162, 163, 165, 166-7, 175

  Scottish troops 83, 84, 319

  Engagers (royalists) in Second Civil War 529, 537, 541–5

  in Ireland 469–70

  in parliamentary army 235, 242

  See also Covenanter army

  scriveners 53

  scrofula see King’s Evil

  Scrope, Sir Adrian 246

  Scudamore, Barnabas 414

  sectarianism 146–7, 149–51, 204, 339–46, 432–3

  dangers of 176–7, 310–11, 445–8, 451–2

  fear of 149, 152, 153, 452, 468, 534

  women’s influence on 409–10, 411, 434

  See also Independent churches

  sedition 148, 459–60, 487, 510, 540, 531

  Selby 326

  Self-Denial proposals, 1644 350–51, 373

  Self-Denying Ordinance, 1644 351-2, 353, 370, 371, 412, 540

  Cromwell exempted from 370, 372

  significance 353–4, 479

  Sequestration Ordinance 1643 270, 281

  implementation 396, 404–5, 46

  settlements see peace negotiations

  Sexby, Edward 512

  Seymour, Sir Francis 91, 228

  Sharpe, Thomas 579

  Sheppard, Thomas 579

  Sherborne Castle 216, 222, 253, 385

  Sherfield, Henry 314

  ship money 68–70, 71, 86, 87, 98, 127, 394

  opposition to payment 119, 132

  as unlawful 140, 141

  shipping, commercial 399

  Mother Shipton 368

  Short Parliament, 1639 89–96, 111

  Additional Instructions to, on Irish rebellion 168–9, 170, 178, 181

  business 90–91

  dissolution 93, 96; disturbances following 93–5; measures against 94–5

  grievances presented to 90, 91–3, 107

  John Pym in 125

  Shrewsbury 221, 223, 241

  Shropshire 65–6, 219, 401, 406, 413

  clubmen in 413, 414, 415, 417

  as royalist 224, 268, 389–90

  Shrove Tuesday, significance of 116, 482

  Shute, Richard 117

  Sibthorpe, Robert 48, 86

  siege warfare 391–4

  See also individual sites

  Signes and wonders from Heaven 431–2, 433

  Simpson, Sidrach 338–9, 339

  Simpson, William 579

  Skippon, Philip 185, 332, 371, 491, 541

  at Naseby 376, 377

  slavery 194–5

  Slingsby, Sir Henry 117, 297

  Smith, Anne 461

  Smith, Francis 462

  Smith, John (Rainborough’s guard in Doncaster) 548

  Smith, Captain John 218

  Smithfield Market, London 399 riot at, 1647 484–5

  social structure 54, 57–8, 62–3

  class divisions 232, 233–6 the court see the court gentlemen/gentry 54, 58–9, 61, 62, 396, 405–6

  Lords Lieutenant 64, 66, 67, 68, 99

  middling sort 32, 57–8, 59, 62, 137

  nobility see nobility the poor 57–8, 59, 61, 184, 233–6, 428, 429, 455, 456, 483, 484–5

  working people 61, 233–6, 483; See also trades/industries

  ‘Solemn Engagement’ (civilian), 1647 500–501

  Solemn Engagement (New Model Army), 1647, 495, 507

  Solemn League and Covenant, 1643 310–13, 319, 320, 321, 323, 338, 348

  contents 310, 311, 350, 371, 525

  national subscription to 324, 446–7, 449, 464

  purpose 310, 312

  requirement to sign 372, 481; by C, under Newcastle Propositions 465, 492; his continuing opposition to 520, 522, 523, 529

  Somerset 130, 152, 406, 419, 424

  clubmen in 413, 414, 415, 417–18

  militia in 215–16, 231, 279

  Somerset House, Henrietta Maria’s chapel 73

  purgation of 274, 274

  Souldiers Catechisme 460

  South Eastern Association (parliamentarian) 321

  Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl 228


  as a Catholic country 73

  C’s secret visit, 1623–4 49, 116

  England and 10, 21, 45, 49, 73, 84;

  Cadiz expedition 45, 46, 242

  England, war with 45, 65

  France and 472

  Ireland and 163

  speech, freedom of 196, 342–3, 458

  in Parliament 460, 487–8

  Spencer, John 344

  Spenser, Edmund: View on the Present State of Ireland 162, 163

  Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch) de 453

  Staffordshire 172, 219, 254

  Stamford, Earl 255, 264

  Stanley, Sir Thomas 217

  Stapleton, Sir Philip 481, 494, 503

  New Model Army and 488, 491, 498, 500

  Star Chamber, Court of 66, 67, 71, 77, 86, 131, 141, 153, 235

  abolition of 121, 141, 153

  See also legal system

  Starker, Captain 390

  Stationers” Company 294–5

  Stearne, John 429, 430, 434, 463

  Stitchberry, Anne (sister of Richard Stitchberry) 202

  Stitchberry, Richard 201–2


  engagement at, 1643 290

  battle of, 1646 388, 467

  Stradling, Sir Edward 224, 385

  Strafford, Earl of see Wentworth, Sir Thomas

  Strange, Lord see Derby, James Stanley, 7th Earl

  Strange Newes from Scotland… 504–5, 505

  Strangways, Sir John 228

  Stratton, battle of, 1643 287

  subsidies 132–3, 140, 269

  See also finance/revenues

  Sudeley Castle 327

  Suffolk 63, 184, 219, 222, 427–8

  iconoclasm 3
14, 428

  purgation of churches 428, 433

  witch trials 430

  See also East Anglia

  Sunday observance(s) 279–80, 340, 393, 482

  See also holy days

  supernatural phenomena 255–6, 364–5 See also monsters/monstrous births; providence; wonders

  Supplicants 28–30, 29, 31–4

  as Covenanters see Covenanters

  the Tables and 33–4

  as traitors 33, 35, 36

  supralapsarian theology 7, 19

  Surrey 43, 99, 103, 171, 404, 539

  Surrey Trained Band 249

  Sussex 396, 405

  clubmen in 413, 414, 416, 417, 428, 421

  Swanley, Vice-Admiral Richard 318

  Sydenham, Lady 227–8

  the Tables 33–4, 36, 111

  Tadcaster 326

  Tate, Zouch 351, 381

  Taunton, siege of, 1645 374–5, 384

  taverns see alehouses/taverns

  tax collectors 403, 404, 422–4, 483

  taxation 47, 56, 95, 132, 253, 269–70, 285, 323, 403

  Assessment Ordinances 253, 273, 281, 321–2, 323, 394, 396

  double (parliamentarian/royalist) 396–7, 403–4

  poll tax 140

  resentment of 422–4, 425–6

  See also finance/revenues

  Taylor, Jeremy 521

  The Liberty of Prophesying 490

  Taylor, John 196, 340

  The World turn’d upside down 411, 505–6, 505

  Temple, Sir Peter 69

  Ten Propositions, 1641 142, 183

  Tew, Nicholas 488

  Tewkesbury 265

  battle of, 1644 327

  Thirty Nine Articles 163, 164, 309, 311

  Thirty Years War, 1618–48 18, 22, 36, 45, 49, 53, 73, 75, 157, 395, 546

  as Armageddon 75

  Thomas, John 173, 206, 410, 449

  A Bloody Plot, Practised by some Papists… 197–9, 198, 449

  The Discovery Of a late and Bloody Conspiracie… 173, 174

  Heads of Severall Proceedings 172, 173

  Thomason, George 149, 153, 172, 173, 175, 196, 197, 338, 357, 489, 510

  as collector xxii, xxiii, 583–4

  as publisher 583, 584

  Thomond, Barnabas O’Brien, Earl 306

  Thomson, Maurice 117, 458

  Tilbury Fort 402

  Tippermuir (Scotland), battle of, 1644 335

  tonnage and poundage 133–4, 140 See also customs revenues

  Tonnage and Poundage Act 1641 140, 142

  Torrington, battle of, 1646 388

  torture, judicial 95

  Tourneur, Timothy 66

  Tower of London 178, 181, 186, 199

  tracts see pamphlets/tracts

  trade 47, 113–14, 184, 455, 458

  trade regulation 458

  trades/industries 114, 397–9, 403, 455

  arms/ordnance 397–9, 398, 403

  butchers 483–4

  cloth/clothing 184, 233, 251, 399, 403, 454

  tin mining 233

  Trained Bands 64, 85, 98–9, 215, 216, 231, 242, 243, 249, 267, 374

  administration/control 64, 65–7, 85

  in London see London Trained Bands

  as local in sympathy 267

  muster masters 64–5, 242

  mustering of/payment for 64–5, 85, 87, 96–101, 215, 216; opposition to 65–7, 71, 98–9; by royal prerogative 81–2, 83, 84, 86, 106

  in parliamentary army 243, 248–9, 290, 320, 349

  pressed men 85–7

  reform of 64–5

  royalist disarming of 223

  substitutes for members of 85, 87, 98

  See also militia

  transport 399, 542

  Traquair, John Stewart, Earl (Lord Treasurer) 27, 30–31, 32, 33, 89

  treason 179–80, 300, 356

  changes of allegiance seen as 233, 295, 297–9, 300–301

  C accused of 449

  definition 449, 450

  Triennial Act 1641 132, 140, 499

  A true and perfect picture Of our present reformation 534

  truth 454, 458, 459, 463

  Tulidah, Major 488

  Turnham Green engagement, 1642 248–9, 251

  typhus 294, 395

  See also disease(s)

  tyrannicide 257, 535

  tyranny 453

  Ulster 135, 162, 530

  Black Oath 135, 164–5

  in Irish Rebellion 166, 175

  Scottish settlers in 162, 163, 165, 166–7, 175

  See also Ireland

  Ussher, James, Archbishop of Church of Ireland 127, 163

  utopian ideals 156, 157–8

  Uxbridge negotiations, 1645 350, 352–3, 417

  terms 348–9, 352; C’s reaction to 348, 349, 352–3, 381; his rejection of 353, 354

  vagrancy see the poor

  Van Dyke: portraits of C 24, 25, 26, 474, 526, 580

  Vane, Sir Henry 310, 371, 555

  Vaughan, Reece 389

  Venice 545

  Venn, Captain John 117

  Verney family 226–8, 247, 255

  Vindiciae, contra tyrannos 257

  translated by William Walker 535

  Violet, Maptid 277

  voting/voters 60, 90, 118, 519, 565

  for Common Council 178, 179

  parliamentary representation 515, 516–17, 519

  property qualification for 118

  by women 408

  Vow and Covenant, 1643 288, 293–4, 297

  wage levels 57, 99, 398, 400–401, 402, 483

  Wakefield 102

  Wales 59, 152, 172, 197, 200

  clubmen in 413, 415

  Glamorganshire 538

  legal system 405–6

  Marches 223, 224, 230

  Monmouthshire 212, 224, 265, 415

  New Model Army in 538

  the ‘Peaceable Army’ 538

  Pembrokeshire 82, 538, 542–3

  as royalist 216, 223–4, 252, 385, 388

  royalist rising, 1648 538–9

  See also Welsh troops

  Walker, William 535

  as possible executioner of C 580

  Vindiciae, contra tyrannos, translated by 535

  Waller, Sir William 216, 222, 320, 327

  at Arundel 301

  Commons, report to, 1645 350

  Ralph Hopton, correspondence with 227

  at Newbury, 1644 333

  as a parliamentarian 227, 242, 252, 265, 287, 288, 289, 321, 326, 327–8, 331, 333, 349, 351, 370


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