Just Right

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Just Right Page 3

by Paige Tyler

  Gregory almost laughed as he walked across the room to stand beside his own bed. His brothers’ comments had an extremely familiar ring to them. Only this wasn’t some fairy tale. This was breaking and entering.

  “Obviously,” he said dryly. “But I think she liked my bed more. And if I’m not mistaken, she’s still here.”

  Even though the girl’s sexy scent filled the small bedroom, he had no problem figuring out exactly where she was once he got close to the bed. Dropping to his knee, he looked under it and found himself gazing into the prettiest, clear blue eyes he’d ever seen. The fear in them was almost enough to make him forget everything she’d done and he was tempted to tell his brothers he was wrong and that she’d already left. But then he remembered how she’d helped herself to his stew, vandalized his property, and slept in his bed as if she owned the place. What she did was a crime and he couldn’t look the other way, even if she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.

  So, he gave her his best no-nonsense, state-trooper glower. “I think you can come out now, don’t you?”

  Chapter Three

  Despite the authoritative tone in the man’s voice, Goldie stayed where she was. She chewed on her lower lip nervously, wondering how she was going to talk her way out of this one. Crap! She couldn’t believe he’d picked tonight to show up at the cabin.

  Goldie had been startled out of her deep sleep by the sound of men’s voices. Knowing she was in trouble, she had immediately jumped out of bed and looked for a place to hide. Thinking they would surely look in the adjoining bathroom for whoever had broken in, she had dived underneath the bed, hoping when they found the room empty, they would assume she’d already left. Of course, that was about the time she realized her hiking boots were still sitting on the floor right in plain sight. She’d just been debating whether to go get them when the door opened and by then it was too late. So, she’d just held her breath and peeked out as three pairs of booted feet entered the room, praying the men wouldn’t find her.

  They had found her, though. And from the way the man’s golden brown eyes narrowed as he glared at her, it was obvious he definitely wasn’t pleased she’d broken into his cabin. She was going to have to do some seriously fast talking to diffuse the situation.

  From her place beneath the bed, she studied his face as she tried to come up with something to say. Even though he was clearly upset, with that dark hair, chiseled jaw, and wide, sensuous mouth, she couldn’t help but notice he was extremely handsome. If she’d met a guy like him in a club, she’d be doing her best to get into his bed. Ironic that she’d ended up under it instead. She briefly wondered if she should try putting the moves on him, but then decided against it. Trying something like that after breaking into his cabin wasn’t likely to work. He probably wouldn’t be receptive to her charms considering what she’d done.

  “I’m waiting,” he said.

  Goldie let out a sigh of resignation and slowly began to wiggle out from underneath the bed. She’d been so worried about hiding she hadn’t noticed how tight the space was when she’d darted under it earlier, but she practically had to low crawl out. She got to her feet with as much dignity as she could, then took her time brushing off her clothes. When she finally lifted her head, it was to find herself face to face not only with the gorgeous guy who had discovered her hiding place, but two more men who were just as attractive. Wow, if it wasn’t for the whole breaking-and-entering thing, she’d be counting herself lucky right now. She was in a secluded cabin with three very hot guys. What more could a girl ask for?

  Tall and broad shouldered like the man who had found her under the bed, they had the same dark hair and rugged features, and while their brown eyes didn’t have the same touch of gold, they were equally as expressive. They bore such a strong resemblance to each other, she wouldn’t be surprised if they were brothers. She absently wondered if there was a law against so many hunky guys being in one place at a time. If there wasn’t, there should be, because the combined effect they were having on her was practically criminal. Her pulse was racing and she had a little quiver in her stomach. Then again, maybe it was just the fact she’d been caught hiding in their cabin.

  Abruptly realizing they were all standing with their arms folded across their broad chests and looking at her expectantly, Goldie blushed. She reached up to nervously push back some long, blonde hair that had escaped from her ponytail.

  “Th-this isn’t what it looks like,” she stammered.

  The man who had found her under the bed lifted a brow. “Really? I think it’s exactly what it looks like.” He glanced at the man on his right. “Don’t you, Orson?”


  He glanced at the man standing on his left. “Barrett?”

  “Seems obvious to me.”

  The man turned his gold eyes on her again. As he lazily looked her up and down, she noticed his gaze lingered on the curve of her breasts and her long, shapely legs. So, was he a breast-man or a leg-man? It didn’t matter. Either way, the way he was looking at her was starting to have an effect on her. Like he was imagining her naked.

  “So, let’s have it,” he said. “What’s your name and what are you doing here?”

  “Goldie,” she said, then after a moment, added, “Lockwood.”

  She only thought about giving him a fake name after the words were out of her mouth. It was too late now. Then again, with the way he was undressing her with his eyes, she was lucky she could remember her real name. She’d never met a man who could arouse her just by looking at her.

  “That answers my first question, Goldie Lockwood. Now, tell us what you’re doing here.”

  She hesitated, wondering if she should try to come up with some elaborate story to gain their sympathy, but then decided it would probably be better to just be honest. Something about the authoritative way these men were regarding her told her they would see right through whatever lies she made up anyway.

  “I was out hiking and got lost,” she explained. “I didn’t bring any food or water with me and I was starting to get scared because it was getting dark. That was when I saw your cabin.”

  “So you just decided to break in?”

  She felt her face turn red. “No, of course not! I knocked. Twice, in fact.”

  “And when no one answered, that’s when you broke in,” Barrett said.

  Her color deepened. “Okay, okay. I did break in. But only because I thought you might have a phone.”

  “A phone?” Orson’s brows drew together. “Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You broke in because you were looking for a phone?”

  She nodded sheepishly.

  The man with the incredible golden eyes fixed her with a stern look. “So when you couldn’t find one, you decided to vandalize the place instead?”

  “Vandalize the place?” Goldie blinked. “What are you talking about? I didn’t vandalize the place.”

  He arched a brow. “What about the woodcarving?”

  “Oh. That. I picked it up to look at it and when I went to put it back on the mantel, it slipped.” She caught her lower lip between her teeth and tried her best to look chastised, which wasn’t very difficult. She did feel bad about breaking the woodcarving. She reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear again. “Look, I’m really sorry about breaking in. It was wrong.”

  “It’s also a crime,” Orson said.

  Goldie’s mouth went dry. Prison? He couldn’t be serious. She wasn’t a criminal. Her gaze went from Orson to the man with the gold eyes. “You’re not really going to call the cops are you?”

  His lips quirked. “Honey, we are the cops.”

  She eyed him skeptically, wondering if he was making that part up. Then he reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a badge. Oh crap. He wasn’t making it up. They were cops. Of all the cabins in the forest, she had to pick the one that belonged to three cops. “You’re not going to arrest me, are you?”

  “What do you think?”

he thought she was in big trouble. Even if by some miracle she didn’t go to jail for breaking into their cabin, she’d still very likely lose her job if she got arrested. She gave him a pleading look, even more determined to talk her way out of this mess now. “Couldn’t you just give me a ticket or something?”

  “We don’t give out tickets for that kind of stuff.”

  She formed her lips into a blatant pout. She hadn’t met a man who could resist her pout. “Even if I pay for the broken window and promise never to do anything like this again?”

  “Even then. It isn’t as simple as paying for the window you broke. What you did was a crime and you have to be punished for it.”

  She wasn’t sure why, but for some reason the way he said the words sent a delicious little shiver down her back. While he might be talking about carting her off to jail, the words took her mind in a completely different and much naughtier direction, one that involved him putting her over his knee and reddening her bottom.

  What could she say? She was a girl who enjoyed a good spanking.

  Between her legs, her pussy was already purring at the thought of one of the men doing just that. But did she dare say it aloud? She didn’t know if it was a crime, but she didn’t want to add attempted seduction of a police officer to her list of charges. On the other hand, it might be the only thing that kept her from getting arrested.

  Of course, she’d have to figure out a way to get them to agree to it. She chewed on her lower lip. “Couldn’t you just punish me yourself?”

  His eyes narrowed suspiciously at her words, but she could see the spark of interest there. He was intrigued. “What would you suggest?”

  She looked up at him from beneath lowered lashes. “Well…you could always…spank me.”

  He lifted a brow, clearly surprised. “Spank you? As in putting you over my knee and warming your bottom?”

  Goldie nodded, trying not to look too eager at the idea. If the men knew she liked getting spanked, there was almost certainly no way they’d agree to it as an alternative form of punishment. No, instead she needed to look resigned to her fate.

  “Yes, spank me,” she said. “I’ve already apologized and said I’ll pay you back for the window, but if you still think I need to be punished, then I suppose I’d rather get a spanking than go to jail.”

  “You would, huh?”

  She nodded again, still careful to keep from appearing too enthusiastic. She had him hooked.

  He said nothing, but merely regarded her with those captivating gold eyes, and she held her breath as she waited for him to make a decision. The longer he stayed silent, however, the more she began to think she’d misread him. She was just about to say something more to convince him when he glanced at the other two men.

  “What do you say?”

  Orson shrugged. “Works for me. It wasn’t my woodcarving she broke.”

  “I don’t have a problem with it, either,” Barrett said. “She didn’t eat my porridge.”

  Gold eyes swung back to her. “Okay, it’s a deal. You get spanked and we’ll call it even.”

  Relief coursed through her, along with a surge of excitement. She just knew he was going to give a great spanking. Her brow furrowed as a thought suddenly occurred to her. Just because he had done most of the talking that didn’t mean he’d be the one who would do the spanking. What if he let one of the other guys do it? Of course, she’d still enjoy it, but she really wanted him to give it to her.

  “So, which one of you is going to give me my spanking?”

  Although she posed the question to all the men, Goldie looked at him when she spoke, silently willing him to be the one who volunteered.

  His mouth edged up. “What do you mean, which one of us? We’re all going to spank you.”

  Her eyes went wide. “All of you?”

  He shrugged. “My brothers and I own the cabin jointly, so it’s only fair.”

  “Gregory’s right,” Barrett said. “We should all get to spank you.”

  Goldie hadn’t considered that scenario, but looking at the three hot guys in front of her, she had to admit the prospect of getting her bottom warmed by all of them was exciting. She’d never done anything like that before.

  “Okay, I suppose you’re right. I’ll let all of you spank me.” Just saying the words made her pussy quiver and she had to fight the urge to squeeze her thighs together. “Who wants to go first?”

  She expected Gregory to step forward and announce he would spank her first, but instead it was Orson who spoke.

  “Since I’m the oldest, I’ll go first.”

  Goldie stifled a sigh. Guess she’d have to wait a little while longer to find out if Gregory was as good at giving a spanking as she suspected. When Orson led her over to the bed she’d been sleeping in, however, the feel of his hand on hers had her pulse quickening with anticipation. Suddenly, she could hardly wait for the oldest brother to spank her. He had really big hands.

  As Orson sat down on the bed and expertly guided her over his knee, she shot Gregory and Barrett a quick look and saw that both men were eagerly watching the scene unfold. She wondered if they wanted to make sure their older brother did a good job spanking her or whether they were just satisfying their inner voyeurs. She hoped it was the latter because the idea of getting spanked in front of an audience was a huge turn-on, especially when that audience was made up of two gorgeous guys.

  Reminding herself she wasn’t supposed to look like she was enjoying this, Goldie tore her gaze away from the other men and stared down at the wood floor. She half expected Orson to tell her to push down her shorts, just so the spanks would sting more, but instead he placed a firm hand on the small of her back, holding her in place. Despite how much she liked getting spanked, she couldn’t help but tense as she waited for the first smack. When it finally came, she gasped. Ouch! Now she knew why he hadn’t asked her to push down her shorts.

  She lifted her head to give Orson a pout over her shoulder. “That stung.”

  The corner of his mouth curved. “Spankings are supposed to sting. You’re getting punished, in case you forgot.”

  “I know, but couldn’t you at least give me a warm-up first? I have to get a spanking from your brothers, too.”

  His grin broadened. “Yes, you do. And by the time they each get you over their knee, your bottom will be very warm, trust me. Now, be a good girl and take your spanking. This was your idea, after all.”

  Though she gave him another pout, Goldie obediently turned around, but not before stealing a glance at Gregory and Barrett. From the amused expressions on their handsome faces, it was obvious they were enjoying themselves. She barely remembered to hide her smile as she dropped her gaze to the floor again.

  “Ready?” Orson asked.

  She nodded.

  He lifted his hand and brought it down on her right cheek. Heat spread across her ass and she had to bite her lip to stifle a squeal. She barely had time to catch her breath before his hand came down on her bottom again, this time connecting with the opposite cheek. She thought her khaki shorts would offer more protection, but as Orson went back and forth from side to side, he might as well have been spanking her on the bare bottom. It didn’t help that they were skimpy enough to expose a little cheek in that position or that his hand seemed to find that bit of skin every other spank or so.

  She squirmed under each and every spank. But even though they stung fiercely, her pussy was throbbing and she almost let out a moan. Getting spanked always made her so hot that it was difficult to control herself. Luckily, Orson chose that moment to deliver a particularly hard smack so the sound she ended up making was more of a yelp than a moan. Not that she was complaining, though. Orson might be giving her a really hard spanking, but she loved it all the same. Her pussy was positively quivering with excitement now. She was going to be soaking wet by the time each brother got done spanking her.

  She was just thinking she should probably protest a little more so they wouldn’t suspect anything whe
n Orson took her arm and gently put her back on her feet. Goldie automatically reached back with both hands to rub her tender bottom. Her ass cheeks felt like they were on fire underneath her shorts.

  She was surprised he was already done and tried to hide her disappointment as she gave him an affronted look. “You gave me a very hard spanking.”

  “You deserved it.” A smiled played about the corners of his mouth as he got to his feet. “Now maybe you’ll think twice the next time you have the urge to break and enter.”

  Goldie opened her mouth to assure him she wouldn’t be breaking and entering anytime soon, but Barrett interrupted her.

  “My turn.”

  She whirled around to look at him in surprise. She had expected the brothers to give her a breather in between spankings, but apparently they were all impatient to have a go at her ass. She only hoped Barrett didn’t spank quite as hard as his brother. While she’d enjoyed it, she thought it might be possible to have too much of a good thing.

  Goldie waited for Barrett to put her over his knee the moment he sat down on the bed, but instead he gave her a lazy grin.

  “Now that my brother has given you that warm-up you asked for, why don’t you push down those little shorts of yours so I can give you a proper spanking?”

  Her breath hitched, the command in his voice making her shiver. Next to a spanking, nothing got her going like a hunky guy with an authoritative voice. Goldie knew she should probably make a little bit of fuss about pushing down her shorts, but she couldn’t get them down fast enough. Keenly aware of Orson and Gregory standing behind her, she unbuttoned her shorts and slid down the zipper. As she slowly wiggled them over her hips, she couldn’t resist glancing over her shoulder at the two men. They were both staring at her panty-covered ass as if transfixed by it.

  Pulse quickening, she stepped out of her shorts, then walked over to Barrett. He guided her over his knee, placing his hand on the small of her back just like his brother had done. As she squirmed around to find a more comfortable position, she felt her skimpy bikini panties ride up to expose even more of her ass cheeks and she blushed as she wondered if they were rosy from the spanking Orson had given her. If they weren’t, she had the feeling they soon would be.


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