Their Naughty Student (Office Intrigue, 6)

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Their Naughty Student (Office Intrigue, 6) Page 25

by Nicole Edwards


  “Come for me, Cav,” I barked. “Come while I’m fucking you.”

  I slammed my hips forward, back, forward, back.

  Cav’s hands gripped the headboard, back muscles flexed, his hips pressing back against me. “Oh, fuck, Edge! Oh, fuck. So close. Don’t stop.”


  “Fuck … fuck … fuck!”

  “Who’s fucking you?” I bit out.

  “You are.”



  “Who’s the only man who’ll ever take this ass?”


  “Who?” I yelled.

  “Edge,” Cav groaned. “Fuck. I’m coming!”

  As he stilled, his cock pulsing, I slammed into him, held on tight as I came, emotion swamping me.

  It took a minute to get him free of the restraints, but once I did, I pulled Cav down with me, spooning behind him, holding him tight. I couldn’t let go.

  Not yet. Perhaps not ever.

  And that scared me as much as what I felt for Jamie.

  They were going to be my undoing.

  I was certain of it now.


  “WHAT BROUGHT THAT ON?” I ASKED EDGE as we lay in his darkened bedroom.

  After that incredible fuck, we’d both showered, downed a couple of sandwiches, then returned to his bed.

  “What?” Edge asked, his voice low, raspy with exhaustion.


  He sighed, rolled to his back. “You pissed me off.”

  I turned my head, glanced over at him, grinned. “I figured that much. But how?”

  “That stunt in my office,” he said. “With Jamie.”

  “You didn’t seem to object to the blow job at the time.”

  Edge’s head jerked toward me, his eyes meeting mine. The room was dark, the moonlight coming in through the window the only light available. I could see the fury in Edge’s eyes, making them glow.

  Sighing, I stared up at the ceiling. “Why are you holding back?”

  “Not,” he muttered. “Fucked you, didn’t I?”

  “With Jamie,” I clarified.

  Edge released a long, exasperated breath but didn’t respond.

  “You can’t treat her with kid gloves,” I told him. “She’s joining the class, for fuck’s sake. If you’re lenient with her, you’re doing her a disservice. She wants to do this.”

  “It’s for her paper,” he said.

  “So she claims.” I didn’t think that was it. Not entirely. I got the feeling Jamie was curious on a deeper level.

  “She’s a virgin,” Edge added.

  “So you keep tellin’ me. And she’ll remain that way if you let her. Right up until she gets tired of this shit and finds another man who can give her what she needs.”

  “She’s young,” he whispered.

  “Age is just a number.”

  There was a soft growl in his throat, and I could tell I was getting to him. Then again, that had been my plan. Pushing his buttons until he admitted the problem was one of the few ways to get Edge to open up.

  “While I’m not opposed to you takin’ your anger out on me with rough sex, it won’t quench the thirst. You’ll still want her the same way I do.”

  “I can’t get past it,” he muttered. “It’s all I can think about. I don’t want to hurt her, don’t want to lead her on.”

  His statement had me turning toward him again. “Lead her on? What does that mean?”

  Edge’s eyes remained fixed on the ceiling. “If she’s not willing to submit, I don’t see this going anywhere.”

  I let that sink in. While I understood, I didn’t agree. There was something about Jamie, something that spoke to me on a much deeper level. Then again, I’d never formed my world around this lifestyle. I enjoyed the dominant aspect, taking the reins, the power play. But it wasn’t everything for me.

  “She won’t know until she tries,” I finally said.

  “Until then, I can’t let myself get too into her.”

  That made sense. Even if I knew he was already into her. Truth was, I’d known Edge was gone with her from the first night he introduced me. There was a connection there. One we both seemed to have. It didn’t happen every day, which meant it was easy to identify. I wanted to explore that, to see where it went. I wanted a chance to know how it felt like to love someone like that.

  “What if she is?” I mused. “What if she’s the exact woman you’ve been lookin’ for?”

  “We,” Edge clarified, his head turning my way. “I want this with you.”

  I couldn’t deny I felt better that he’d acknowledged that. “Fine. The exact woman we’ve been lookin’ for?”

  “She is,” Edge stated with a rough exhale. “I already know she is. And I still can’t get past it.”

  I rolled over, put my arm on his chest, my hand on his jaw, turning his head to look at me. “Then let’s do this right. Don’t pull any punches. She’ll go through the training class exactly as any other submissive would. See how she handles it. Then we’ll go from there.”

  I leaned in, kissed him. It was meant to be soothing, but Edge’s arm shifted, moving around me, holding my head in place as our tongues danced.

  “I’ve wanted you for so fucking long,” he whispered when we broke apart.



  “Well, I’ve wanted you, too.” I allowed my hand to trail down his chest, my fingers brushing over his semi-hard cock, lower, grazing his balls, then dipping between his legs. “In more ways than one.”

  Edge’s eyes locked with mine and I could see defiance there.

  “I will have you,” I told him, not even a hint of submission in my tone. I teased his taint with my finger, then dipped lower, ringing his asshole. “One day. I will fuck you, Edge, the same way you fucked me. And you’ll realize it’s not about who’s the Dom.”

  Surprisingly, Edge didn’t argue.

  “One day,” I whispered, pulling my hand back and placing it on his chest once again.

  His arm snaked around my neck, pulling my head down to his shoulder. “Sleep, cowboy,” he muttered. “Dream about it because that’s all you’ll get.”

  I chuckled and somehow managed to close my eyes.

  I woke before the sun was up, which was usual for me. Sleeping wasn’t all that easy, but I figured that was because my brain rarely shut off. I was always thinking about what I needed to do. Work, play, it didn’t matter.

  But today was about work. Being that it was Saturday, I knew the office would be empty, which would allow me some time to get organized. I had yet to set up my desk, and since that was the one place that was mine, I figured I might as well get started. Helped that I was already in the building.

  I took the elevator down to the thirty-second floor. As I expected, the place was empty. From what Zeke had told me, that wouldn’t always be the case. According to the outline Zeke was working on, his department—our department—would be expanding in the very near future. One of my first tasks was to scope out one of the vacant floors, put a plan in to relocate the entire team to one area, then hire to fill the additional ten spots he wanted filled. I got the feeling that was a much easier feat for me than it was for Zeke. I was a people person, he was not.

  But that was okay because it took all types to run a successful business.

  Unlocking my office door, I stepped inside, hitting the switch on the wall that would pull the curtains back, revealing floor-to-ceiling windows. It wasn’t the greatest view in the world, but it was a view. I glanced down at my desk, noticed a catalog sitting on top with a note from Addison that read: Decorating options. Let me know what you’d like, and I’ll get it ordered. ~A

  I grinned as I peered around at the blank walls, the empty space. The office wasn’t as large as the partners’, but it was more than enough space for me. There was a corner area that would work great as a conference space for when I needed to meet with m
y team. Then again, Zeke wanted me to look at another floor, which meant this office was likely temporary.

  It was still difficult to wrap my head around it all. I honestly hadn’t imagined I would be settling down in one spot this early in my life. I was one of those people who didn’t have plans for retirement because I enjoyed working. And I had a fondness for diversity. I figured it was the reason I’d gotten my business degree, then hopped right over the line into law enforcement. Somehow, I’d ended back with a desk job and I still wondered if this was what I wanted to do.

  A rap on my door had me looking up to see Ben leaning against the jamb.

  “Hey,” I greeted as I propped a hip against the desk.

  “Didn’t expect to see you here today,” he said, peering around the room.

  “Figured I’d get organized, prepare for the week ahead.”

  “The sooner the better.” Ben glanced down at my desk. “We’ve got your laptop on order. Should be here Monday.”

  I nodded.

  “Wanted to see if you’ve made a decision on your residential status. We’ve got three apartments we’ve recently renovated. They’ll be ready to go in about a week.”

  “Haven’t given it much thought,” I lied.

  “One across the hall from Edge is vacant,” he informed me, as though he knew Edge was a deciding factor for me.

  “How do you do it?” I blurted before I could think about it.

  “Do what?”

  “The switch thing.”

  Ben’s dark eyebrows darted down to form a V. “Not sure I follow.”

  I sighed. “It’s… Never mind.”

  “No, no.” Ben pushed off the doorjamb, stepped farther into the room. “This have to do with Edge?”

  “Lucky guess?” I smirked.

  “Something like that.” He walked over to the windows, looked out. “Are you a switch?”

  “No.” I stood tall. “Or rather, that would’ve been my answer if you’d asked me that last week.” I sighed. “Truth is, I’m just going with what feels right.”

  Ben turned to face me. “The only advice I can give is for you to follow this.” He patted his heart. “Not this.” He tapped his bald head. “And remember, there’s no box that we all fit perfectly in. Your heart wants what it wants.” Ben smirked. “Your body, too.”

  “I don’t want to be dominated,” I admitted. “But I want Edge.”

  “Then why would you think you’re anything but a Dominant?”

  I shrugged. “I’m questioning it, I guess.”

  “Well, don’t.” His tone was brusque. “Go with what your heart tells you.”

  Another rap on the door had me turning to see Justin standing in the doorway.

  “Hey. Need to borrow him for a minute,” he said, motioning toward Ben.

  I grinned. The look in Justin’s eyes told me this had nothing to do with business.

  “Give some thought to the apartment,” Ben said as he walked dutifully toward the door. “I’ll catch up with you on Monday.”

  “Sure thing.” I grinned as Justin put his hand on the back of Ben’s neck and steered the man down the hallway.

  Did I want that from Edge? For him to lead me around, command me?

  No, deep down, I knew I didn’t.

  Did I want him to fuck me?

  Absolutely. Last night had been enlightening.

  Did I mind being tied up? Tormented?

  No. It was an interesting twist.

  Did I want to bury myself deep inside him, to feel him give in to me the way I had to him?

  Yeah. I fucking did.

  Which answered the lingering question, resolved the doubt that had been hanging over me for the past couple of weeks.

  No, I wasn’t a submissive. And I wasn’t a switch. I didn’t want to submit to Edge.

  But I did want him. The same way I wanted Jamie, only different.

  The question was, how would this play out?

  And could all our needs be met in the long run?



  Tuesday, November 6, 2018

  “BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR THE EVENING,” I informed the group of submissives kneeling before me, “I expect to have your limits list. Do not leave until you have it completed. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master Edge,” they said in unison.

  “Good.” I motioned for Cambria to open the door. “I’d like to introduce you to your Masters.”

  I paused for a moment as the training Masters walked into the room, my eyes grazing the submissives, ensuring no one looked up. They’d been instructed to keep their eyes down at all times, unless specifically told otherwise.

  “Please take your places behind your submissive,” I instructed the trainers. “And place the blindfolds over your submissive’s eyes.”

  Do not look at Jamie. Do not look at her. Harder than it sounds, huh?

  I ignored the voice, observed everyone except for Jamie.

  The eleven trainers—eight assigned to submissives, three on the panel alongside me—made their way across the room, stopping behind the submissive they’d been assigned to.

  Gave her to Master Chaos, did you? Safe bet?

  There were seven men and four women, all handpicked by me for this session. While we had more Masters at the club, I tended to utilize the same ones for training. And once or twice, I would shift them around, remove one, add another. No one took it personally because they all knew I was catering to the needs of the individual submissive. As for the panel, I rotated them out every class because I wanted the variety they each brought to the training. Plus, I respected their opinions and the panel would be the final decision-maker as to whether a submissive graduated or not, ultimately garnering membership to Dichotomy.

  Once the blindfolds were in place, I asked the submissives to stand. Their assigned Dom assisted them to their feet, then turned them so that they were face-to-face.

  I walked around the room, observing each person. “Your first task for tonight is to get to know your Dominant. Not only can you not see them, you’re not allowed to use taste or sound to identify. In a few minutes, all of the Masters will line up at the front of the room. You will be required to pick your Dominant using only touch and smell. Should you select incorrectly, the Dominant you’ve picked will be responsible for your punishment. So, I suggest you take your time and think it through. You have three minutes. Begin now.”

  I walked through the room as the submissives began their quest to identify their Master by touch and scent alone. As I expected, most started with their hands, placing them on their Master’s head and working their way down. Knowing they’d do this, all four women had their hair pulled back into ponytails and all the men had left their hair unstyled so as not to give themselves away.

  “Remember, this is your Master. You’ll be intimately acquainted with them. Do not limit yourself here.”

  Hands began to wander lower.

  I paused beside Jamie, watching as she leaned in and sniffed her assigned Master. She was very thorough, and I noticed, rather than using her hands, she used her cheek to touch her Dominant’s face. My eyes met Master Chaos’s and I nodded even though there was a churning in my gut.

  Yeah, let’s see how long this lasts. I give it a day, tops.

  After my discussion with Cav on Friday, I had decided he was right. Attempting to manipulate her time here would be a disservice to her. If she was going to embrace this, she would do so fully. And that meant she would be assigned to all eight training Masters through the course of the class. It had killed me to make the decision, but I wasn’t the sort to lead with my heart, so I ignored the pain, pushed through.

  And while I’d made that difficult decision, I hadn’t been able to do the same with Cav. So I had assigned Cav to the panel because I wasn’t comfortable with him being intimate with one of the submissives.

  Yeah. Perhaps that made me selfish. I didn’t give a shit.

  Selfish isn’t necessarily a bad thi

  “Time’s up,” I commanded. “Do not move.”

  While the submissives remained where they were, the Masters came to the front of the room and lined up, along with Cav and Master Harris, both on the panel. I motioned for Jane to move over to the submissives. She gently shifted them so that they were facing the Masters in a line. When she returned to the first submissive, a young woman by the name of Jenny, I nodded.

  “Miss Ward,” I began as Jane removed the woman’s blindfold. “Please show me which of these Masters belongs to you this week.”

  When she stepped forward, I held up my hand. “Did you ask permission, Miss Ward?”

  Her eyes widened and terror flashed briefly. I shot a glance at Jane and gave an indiscernible nod of my head. There was something there I didn’t like.

  “May I identify my Master, please?”

  Since she didn’t use my name, I shook my head. “No, you may not.”

  Jane replaced the blindfold and moved to the next submissive.

  “Miss Jordan, take your turn,” I instructed as Jane removed the blindfold.

  “Master Edge, may I please have permission to identify my Master?”

  “You may.”

  Kelly Jordan, a petite young woman with short dark hair and soulful eyes, had attempted my submissive training class once before. She had left halfway through the course, unable to complete due to personal reasons. I’d informed her she was welcome back at any time. I was glad to see she’d decided to return.

  Kelly wandered up to Cav first, her hands sliding over his cheeks. She quickly dropped them, then moved to the next in line. She skipped past the two Mistresses who were next. She stopped in front of Liam Murphy. It took her only a few seconds to determine the big man was in fact her Master. Without a word, she lowered herself to her knees before him and bowed her head. Silently, Liam placed his hand firmly atop it, accepting her as his submissive for the week.

  “Thank you, Miss Jordan, you may come stand over here,” I called out.

  When Kelly was standing behind the line of submissives, Jane moved to the next.


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