The Salvation of Vengeance (Wanted Men #2)

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The Salvation of Vengeance (Wanted Men #2) Page 5

by Nancy Haviland

  Nika nodded, but she knew she’d become a contortionist before asking anyone for help dressing her.

  She was walking out of the luxurious bathroom only minutes later, her gold dress now in the garment bag, her black wrap, unfortunately, hiding what was a beautiful bridesmaid dress.

  “You can’t wear that.” Eva was standing in the middle of the bedroom, frowning at the wrap. “Take it off and let me see. The gold shoes actually match perfectly, but if you don’t think so, I have silver ones in the closet.”

  “I’m good with these and this.” She snuggled into the wrap. “Everywhere I go I’m frozen lately. I need all the help I can get, so leave me alone.” She made a playful shooing motion. “I’ll show the dress off once I’ve warmed up. Now sit.” She tossed her spare dress to the bed and motioned to the chair Eva had already placed in front of the full-length mirror mounted on the wall. “The resemblance between you and your dad is ridiculous,” she added as a distraction. “Tell me how things are going. Is he nice?”

  Eva went over and adjusted the thermostat on the wall before coming back to sit. She started chattering enthusiastically, if a little nervously, about her father and the ease with which they’d slipped into a comfortable relationship.

  Nika breathed a sigh of relief and started styling her hair.


  Thirty minutes later, Nika was descending the stairs beside Eva, looking enviously down at the expression on the groom’s face as he waited at the bottom. He clearly approved of his future wife’s wedding night appearance. So did Nika. Her best friend had never looked so beautiful.

  Nika had given Eva’s straight onyx hair some loose waves, and it fell in a shiny mass over her bare shoulders and down to the middle of her back. The wedding dress she’d chosen had thin straps holding up the white satin that flowed in a smooth, straight line down her slim figure. The cowl neckline showed no cleavage—as was Eva’s way—and the hem was a tad longer at the back to give it a short train. Her jewelry was a pair of diamond earrings and matching bracelet—a wedding gift from her father. Eva had said she’d almost choked the night before when he’d presented her with the “blue box.”

  Nika’s favorite, though, was the fine gold ankle bracelet Eva wore that was hidden beneath the hem of her dress. It had been her mom’s, and Eva said when Vasily had seen it, he’d quietly shared with his daughter the story of how he’d presented that very anklet to Kathryn in the hospital only hours after she’d given birth to Eva. Nika was sure her friend would never take it off.

  “Isn’t it customary not to see the groom until just before the ceremony?” she murmured to the now-blushing bride.

  “It is just before the ceremony,” Eva reasoned. “We’ll be starting in a few minutes.”

  Remembering what the absence of her mother meant to Eva, Nika shut it and silently swooned at the tenderness with which Gabriel greeted his bride when they reached him at the foot of the stairs. He cupped Eva’s face in his large hands and kissed her twice, soft as a whisper. The guy was freaking huge.

  “You’re spectacular,” he said quietly against Eva’s lips.

  “So are you,” she replied, running her hand down his chest. “Thank you for not wearing the tux.”

  “Thank you for not making me.” Gabriel turned to Nika and nodded his dark head. He kissed her cheek. “You look lovely, Nika. We’re glad you made it.”

  Clearly no one had thought she was going to show. Damn Kevin and his refusal to allow her to see her loved ones. She’d had to beg off or cancel plans so often she obviously had a reputation for it now.

  “Is my brother here yet?” she asked, looking beyond the empty foyer.

  Gabriel tilted his chin behind him. “He and Vex are already inside the main room.”

  He held an arm out to each of them and brought them across the honey-colored marble tile of the foyer to enter a large, stunningly decorated, room that was well occupied. Caleb and Vex excused themselves from a conversation they were having with a man Nika suspected, from the various news updates Eva had given her, was Lucian Fane. Lucian was an extremely wealthy, influential businessman who wore power like a shroud. Reports claimed he had questionable business practices. Intimidated, Nika didn’t even make eye contact with him.

  Maksim Kirov and Alekzander Tarasov nodded from where they stood beneath a beautiful painting of what was unmistakably Lake Como, Italy. Quan stood to the side of the entrance, with a younger guy that looked a lot like Gabriel. Four other men Nika also didn’t recognize were scattered around, eyes intent, bodies at the ready. For what, she hoped she never found out.


  Nika was taken up in another of those hugs that had her struggling not to groan, but it was one she returned with even more strength and affection than she’d given Eva. She inhaled her brother’s scent—traces of motor oil and leather but with a touch of cologne tonight. God, she’d missed him. Loved him something stupid.

  “You look beautiful, Nik,” Caleb said quietly, kissing her on the forehead as if she were still ten years old.

  She kissed him back, wiping at the gloss she left behind on his cheek. “Thanks. So do you.” It felt as though they hadn’t seen each other in months, when it had only been a few weeks.

  He looked around distractedly, his espresso-colored eyes cold. “Where is he?”

  “Not here.” She felt good saying it.

  His gaze flipped to hers. “What?”

  “He had something else to do.”

  Warmth made an appearance, and she got her brother’s real smile, crinkled eyes and all. He was the beautiful one. He looked so much like their dad, with his short dark hair and brown eyes, only their father hadn’t been tattooed. But they did share that strong jaw and cheerful disposition. “That’s good. That’s real good.” Caleb gave her arm a squeeze and went over to greet the others, earning a glare from Gabriel when he gave Eva the same type of greeting he’d just given her.

  She held tightly to her wrap and suffered through one more hug from Vex. “How are you, lovely?” asked the big blond. With his near-shaggy hair and vibrant blue eyes, he looked more like a surfer than the president of a notorious biker club.

  “I’m doing okay. You?”

  He loosened his hold but didn’t release her. Oddly, he tilted her chin back with a knuckle and peered down at her. What was this?

  “I think everyone’s a little better now that you’re here,” he said before breaking the weird contact and turning to Eva’s father, who’d just strolled over. “Vasily.” He extended his hand.

  “Hey, kid. Shouldn’t you be elbows deep in a carburetor somewhere?”

  “My toys will still be there when I get home,” he chuckled.

  “Didn’t I tell you that’s how it would go down? Minute they walked in, the lineup formed.” Maksim, who’d just joined them, grinned, his unusual silver eyes flashing wickedly. “Come here, malishka.” He pulled an eye-rolling Eva in for an affectionate embrace. “Allow me one last grope before you completely destroy me by marrying this . . . angry-looking Italian. What’s wrong, G? It was just an innocent hug, as much as I’m sure your woman wishes it wasn’t. No chaperone this evening? I should take advantage.”

  Nika blinked when she realized that last bit had been aimed at her. The way Maksim bounced from topic to topic at warp speed was like watching multiple TV shows at the same time.

  She wanted to curse when she felt her cheeks heat. Red hair and a blush did not go well together. She accepted a lingering kiss that landed a little too close to the corner of her mouth—the guy smelled great—and tried to keep her smile natural. She was beginning to feel a little overwhelmed. She straightened her wrap again, worried it might slip and reveal something it shouldn’t with all the touchy-feely going on.

  “Are you okay?” Eva whispered at her elbow. “You look flushed.”

  “Oh, uh, I’m good. I’m just
not used to being mauled.” She cringed inside at the way that sounded. She should be used to it. Kevin had mauled her breast only hours ago. The fact he was completely impotent with her was the one blessing in the whole mess of a marriage. But that didn’t stop his roving hands. She shuddered from the memory of that unwanted touch. “So, you ready?” she asked for probably the fifth time since arriving.

  “You are cold,” Eva exclaimed in hushed tones. “I can’t believe you have goose bumps. I’m trying not to get sweat stains.” She rubbed Nika’s arm in an effort to warm her up. God, if she only knew what had caused them.

  “Told you,” she mumbled. At least she wouldn’t have to defend her choice in clothing anymore tonight.

  “I’ll be glad when this part is over. I wish we’d gone to the courthouse.” Eva looked around nervously.

  “Really?” Nika said with mock surprise. That look had nothing to do with Eva missing her mom. “But I thought being the center of attention, everyone staring at you, was your thing?” It was no secret her bestie hated all the attention her looks garnered. Eva was drop-dead gorgeous and had been stared at for the better portion of her adult life. As a result, she almost went out of her way to be as invisible as possible.

  “Shut up,” Eva muttered as she started rearranging a beautiful bouquet of white flowers in a vase next to her elbow, even though they were already perfect. Uh-oh.

  Eva also went into OCD mode when she was anxious.

  “Don’t start with that,” Nika said softly, taking her friend’s hands in hers. “I was only playing with you. Everything is perfect.” She balked at the tears that suddenly glimmered on Eva’s lashes when she nodded. Shit. “Don’t you dare. Can you even imagine the ‘weaker sex’ jokes if you make us cry in front of this group?”

  That earned her a shaky laugh and kiss on the cheek. “I’m so glad you’re—”

  “Go for the lips next time, girls. Add a little hand action. A few moans. Arch your backs. And, yes, I could make you millions.”

  Maksim received identical only-in-your-dreams looks from both of them. And a grumbled “Fuck off, Kirov,” from Gabriel.

  “Watch your mouth, Maksim,” Vasily grunted, his lack of a smile showing he wasn’t amused. “Leave these two out of your depraved fantasies or you’re going to find yourself without the proper equipment to follow through.”

  A thin older man came over with a large tray filled with a variety of beverages. He handed glasses around the group, obviously knowing who drank what, and then turned to Nika and Eva.

  “Please, what might I get you ladies?”

  Eva introduced him as Samnang, their housekeeper, and asked for white wine for both of them. “I’ll come with you and—”

  Samnang shook his head so hard his brain must have rattled. “No, no. You stay. Aside from Miss Tegan, you’re the only other lady who’s been brave enough to take one of these boys on.” He chuckled as he turned to Gabriel, his tone proud. “And Mr. Gabriel, no less. Your wish is my command, Miss Eva.”

  Something in Nika’s chest jerked. Who was Miss Tegan? Could she be Vincente’s girlfriend?

  “I heard my name. Sammy? What kind of stories are you telling now?”

  A blonde woman who looked to be a couple of years older than Nika joined the group. She gave Samnang an affectionate kiss on his wrinkled brow.

  “Nothing you wouldn’t tell yourself,” the older man reassured her before hurrying off.

  Nika absently worried her bottom lip as hellos and kisses were exchanged. Who was she? Or more accurately, whose was she? Nika wondered as she shook the woman’s hand when Maksim introduced her as Dr. Tegan Mancuso.

  “Would you stop doing that.” Tegan gave the grinning Russian an elbow. “I swear he thinks my occupation will get him laid,” she said to Nika, who felt herself relax, assuming now that this must be Maksim’s girlfriend—who was clearly secure enough not to mind him flirting with other women. “Not going to change your mind, huh?” she put to Eva, who shook her head and smiled. “I don’t blame you—he’s a catch.” Tegan winked at Gabriel and then looked around, her shoulder-length hair shimmering. “Where’s Vin?”

  The social smile fell from Nika’s face as if an avalanche had hit. Vin? Why was she so familiar with Vincente that she could call him Vin? And why did the thought of them together make Nika feel sick all of a sudden?

  “I’m going to grab a drink and go find him. He should be here by now.”

  Tegan walked away, curvy hips swaying, legs looking endless in a fitted black skirt and high heels. Nika was pretty sure the cerulean blouse the doctor was wearing had been “borrowed” from Eva’s closet.

  After giving Samnang, who’d returned with her and Eva’s wine, a strained smile as she accepted the glass, Nika took a huge gulp and wished for the bottle.

  “Who was that?” she whispered to Eva as casually as she could.

  “Tegan has known the boys since high school. She’s nice. She and Maksim are friends, like me and Caleb. Really close. In fact, she has her own room upstairs and seems to spend more time here than she does at her apartment in Brooklyn. Quan caved and is a permanent fixture around here, too.” Eva glanced at the men. “So believe me—I’ve appreciated the female company.”

  Nika nodded weakly and took another drink from her glass. She felt very much out of her element. Awkward in a way she never used to feel in social situations. Before Kevin, she’d have enjoyed all of this, meeting everyone who was becoming a part of Eva’s life, verbally sparing with Maksim, putting him in his place for his suggestive comments. Now? She just felt anxious and in need of a breather.

  “I’m going to get some air before things get going,” she said to no one in particular as she made for the open doors on the other side of the room.

  “I’ll come with,” Caleb announced.

  Knowing her brother was pretty much going to mimic Velcro all night, and not minding that in the least, she didn’t protest and led the way out into the mild night. She inhaled the fresh air mixed with the faint scent of chlorine from a huge, beautifully lit pool.

  “Oh, wow.” She went over and squatted to dip her fingers in, sighing at the warm feel of the water on her skin. “What I wouldn’t give to strip and dive right in,” she murmured to her brother, who’d come to stand beside her.

  “Feel free. I’m sure no one here would mind.”

  Oh . . . shit.

  Vertigo hit her at the sound of that deep, rough voice, and before she knew it, Nika’s equilibrium took a vacay and she started to tip. Caleb grabbed her arm and saved her from fulfilling her wish of dunking in the calm waters. He yanked her back and into a stand.

  With her heart hammering, Nika peered around her brother’s shoulder and looked straight into those near-obsidian eyes she saw every night in her dreams.

  So much for escape, Vincente thought from his seat in the shadows as he held Nika’s round gaze. Holy shit. World rocked. With just a look.

  He’d gone into the main room a few minutes ago, only to spin and come right back outside when he’d gotten a load of the eye-fucks Vex and Maks were leveling on his redhead.

  No, not his.

  His inner Fan Boy’s.

  “Hey, V.”

  He nodded at Caleb’s absent greeting, his attention still glued to the guy’s sister.

  “You okay, Nik?” Caleb snagged the wineglass from Nika’s hand and came over to plunk it onto the table Vincente was sitting on the other side of, dragging her along.

  “I—I’m fine, Caleb. I was just . . . startled. I didn’t know anyone else was out here but us.”

  Vincente forced his eyes away from hers, settling them somewhere to the right of her ear. Okay. He could handle this. Be casual. Act normal. “Good you made it, Red. How was your flight?”

  There was a slight pause, and then her voice hummed into his bones with every word out of her lush mout
h. “Uneventful. A little long, but I caught up on some reading.”

  He nodded once, figuring the coast was clear for him to head inside again—when had he become such a pussy?—and got to his feet just in time for his muscles to seize. A light breeze had blown from behind Nika, and he had to cough to hide his groan as oranges and jasmine slammed into his nostrils, the scent surrounding him, wrapping him in an erotic tangle of lust.

  Hell’s fucking bells. He needed to get good and gone.

  “Vex with you?” he growled at her brother.

  “He’s inside. You need him?”

  “Yeah. I wanted to compare notes.”

  “I’ll go get—”

  “I’ll get him,” Vincente barked, cutting off the offer. There was no fucking way he was going to survive being out here alone with her. Not without making an idiot of himself.

  “I can go get him if you guys need some alone time,” Nika offered.

  Unable to stop it, his focus came to rest on her again. That flaming hair of hers flowed like a molten river, contrasting beautifully with the black material covering her shoulders. He noticed this because he did not look any higher than her slender neck. A neck he wanted to bury his face in and just breathe.

  Caleb’s sister. Remember? In case you’ve forgotten, again, he’s standing right beside you. And you and your shitty life are not what this chick needs.

  “That’s okay, Red.” He cleared his throat and wondered where the gold dress had gone. She was in green now—making her striking eyes pop. “Where’s your old man?”

  She blanched at the bald question but recovered quickly. He didn’t miss the subtle tightening of her features as she brought a fragile shoulder up in a shrug. “He had other plans.”

  Vincente made a sound to let her know he’d heard her. And stared. So did she. Man, she was so beautiful he could barely stand it. Soft and delicate, and even though she had to be a good five ten in her bare feet, her femininity was undeniable.

  And didn’t that bring his protective instincts roaring to the surface like nobody’s business. Without meaning to, he took a step closer, which brought his thighs against the table, and nearly groaned when her lips parted on a quiet breath.


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