Happily Ever After (Forever and Always #7)

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Happily Ever After (Forever and Always #7) Page 1

by Todd, E. L.

  Happily Ever After

  This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

  Copyright © 2013 by E. L. Todd

  All Rights Reserved

  ISBN-13: 978-1492954903

  ISBN-10: 149295490X

  Happily Ever After

  Book Seven of the Forever and Always Series

  E. L. Todd



  “Didn’t have sex on the plane this time?” Ryan asked.

  I turned and glared at him, saying nothing.

  “It’s probably for the best you didn’t go to jail before your wedding.”

  “You’re supposed to be nice to me. This is my weekend.”

  “My brotherly duties never take a hiatus.”

  Sean stood next to the conveyor belt and waited for the luggage to come through. Cortland stood beside him and grabbed any bag he recognized. Janice and Monnique were in the bathroom, touching up their makeup.

  “Well, you should consider retirement,” I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

  Ryan smiled then placed his hands in his pockets, standing beside me. I looked out the windows that stretched from the floor to the ceiling. The planes were pulled next to the buildings, and another landed in the distant runway. It was a beautiful summer day, warm and bright.

  Ryan glanced at me every few minutes, checking on me discreetly. “You’ve been quiet today.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t have a lot to say.”

  “It’s okay to be nervous.”

  An elderly couple walked by, the old man carrying the luggage while his wife moved beside him. “I know.”

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “She’s not going to be there. Don’t worry.”

  That wasn’t the only thing making me nervous.

  “And if she does show up, I’ll take care of it. She won’t ruin this day for you.”

  “I know.”

  His large hand patted my small back. “Then what’s bothering you?”

  I wasn’t sure how to explain it. Sean and I were really getting married. It was finally happening. I wanted him the moment I saw him, had been his best friend for ten years, and now we were tying the knot. It was official—this was the end of our story. “Nothing.”

  His eyes studied my face, watching the tightness of my mouth and the aversion of my eyes. “We’ll talk about it later, then.”

  Sean and Cortland came back with the load.

  Sean was heaving with breaths. “It’s just the weekend! Why do they need to pack so much?”

  Cortland shook his head. “Don’t bother, man. I had this conversation with Monnique. You won’t win.”

  “I can understand why Scarlet has so much shit because we’re leaving for our honeymoon afterwards, but this is just ridiculous. If we don’t get a cart, we’ll have to make five trips.”

  “I’m on it,” Ryan said as he walked away.

  I looked at Sean. “Or you could just let the women carry their own weight.”

  “Ain’t gonna happen, baby.”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes.

  Ryan came back with the trolley and loaded the bags on the cart. Janice and Monnique returned from the restroom, looking glamorous from their touch up of makeup.

  “About time,” Monnique said. “I was wondering when the luggage would get here.”

  Cortland looked at her. “Well, it’s a little difficult when there’s thirty bags, not including carry-ons.”

  “I offered to help,” she reminded him.

  He shook his head and pushed the cart forward, ignoring her. “Sometimes I wish you were ugly so you wouldn’t need to carry all these hair appliances, makeup kits, forty brushes, and all those clothes you wear.”

  “At least two of your bags are nothing but computer junk,” she snapped. “I wish you weren’t such a geek.”

  “I have to work from my computer.”

  “And you won’t be getting laid while doing it.”

  “I can use sex as a weapon too.”

  She gave him a threatening gaze before she walked off, heading to the doors.

  Sean turned to me. “Baby, you can bring whatever you want.”

  “Trying to save your ass?” I asked.

  “Did it work?” he said with a grimace.

  “I haven’t decided.”

  “Did I mention how beautiful you look today?”

  “A few times.” I walked away and headed for the exit. Sean pushed the cart and Cortland directed it until we reached the sidewalk. Three cabs had to be used to pack all the luggage and get everyone inside.

  Sean wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we left the airport and headed to his parents’ estate twenty minutes away.

  “I feel like we’re forgetting something,” I said.

  “No. I got everything, baby. I checked.”

  “What about our tickets?”

  “Got em’.”

  “Our hotel reservation?”

  “Got that too.”

  “What about my wedding shoes? I think I left them.”

  “Baby, I made sure you got everything. Calm down.”

  I still felt uneasy.

  “And if we did forget something, we can just get another one. The only thing irreplaceable is you.”

  “And you.”

  He shook his head. “You could find another guy to take my place in a matter of seconds.”

  “You overestimate my worth.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “That’s right. You underestimated it for the longest time.”


  “Nevermind.” I looked out the window and watched the buildings disappear as we drove into the country, the plains that reached the ocean up ahead. It was beautiful here, warm in the summers and chilling in the winter. It was close enough to New York City to make an easy commute, but far enough away to get a break from the chaos and the crowds.



  “Something wrong?”

  I didn’t meet his look, watching the pastures go by. “No.”

  He stared at me before he looked straight ahead. “I’m really excited.”

  “For what?”

  “To get married. I feel like I’m waiting in line for the best ride at Disneyland.”

  “I’ve never been to Disneyland.”

  “What? I never knew that.”


  “Well, we’re going now. I can tell you would love it.” He grabbed my hand and kissed it before he kissed my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. His hand rested on my thigh as he pressed his face into my cheek, his eyes closed. He stayed there, just leaning into me as we remained silent. His breaths fell on my ear, reminding him how close he was.

  The cab pulled into the circular driveway in front of the mansion Sean’s parents had owned since Sean was a child. When the car stopped, I stared at the flowers of the garden and the water fountain before the walkway. Their yard stretched all around. They owned at least ten acres of land, including the sand on the beach. A butterfly flew through the air, landing on a pink blossom. I watched it for a long time, watching it flutter its wings slightly. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Colors were more vibrant, smells were more potent, and my sense of touch was more sensitive.

  Sean got out of the car then popped the trunk, pulling the
suitcases out. I stayed in the car, looking at the house where my future in-laws lived. For some reason, I didn’t want to get out. My heart raced in my chest, beating as fast as a hummingbird heartbeat. The other two cabs pulled into the driveway behind us. I still didn’t move.

  Sean opened my door then leaned over me, pinning me down into the seat. He cupped my face as he kissed me, his heavy body lying on top of me. His kiss was gentle and sweet, taking my breath away. When he pulled away, he rubbed his nose against mine. “I look forward to this every day.”

  My palms rested on either side of his face, and I saw the blue eyes that I loved so much. His skin felt smooth under my fingers, and his lips tasted like honey, sweet and slightly sticky. His words and appearance made my heart flutter like it always did. Only he could make me feel this way, like I would cry from the happiness he gave me.

  He got off then helped me from the car.

  Ryan and Cortland unloaded the other cars and brought the luggage next to Sean’s.

  Cortland stared at the house, his eyes wide. “Sean, you didn’t tell me you were fucking loaded.”

  “My parents are—not me.”

  Janice nodded her head in approval. “My birthday is coming up. And I like cars.”

  Sean laughed. “Dully noted.”

  “You must have gotten more pussy than you could handle,” Ryan said.

  “My brother was always there to take the ones I couldn’t handle,” Sean said with a smile.

  Monnique nudged me in the side. “Make sure you don’t sign a prenup.”

  I laughed. “Okay. I’ll remember that.”

  “I would never make my wife do that,” Sean said. “What’s mine is hers. Divorce is not an option.”

  “That’s kinda creepy,” Janice said.

  Sean looked at her. “She knows how creepy I am. Scarlet is stuck with me. She’s perfectly aware of that.”

  The front door opened and Diane and Andrew approached us, both smiling.

  “Hello, hello,” Diane said as she hugged Sean. “I’m so excited you’re here.”

  He returned her embrace. “Me too.”

  “My baby is getting married.”

  “Don’t get sappy on me.”

  “Well, this may be the only wedding in the family,” she said as she pulled away.

  “Mike will settle down. Don’t worry about him.”

  Andrew kissed me on the cheek like he always did. “You’re sure you want to go through with this? I wouldn’t blame you if you decided to turn around and hit the road.”

  I chuckled. “No, I’m here for the long haul.”

  “Good. Because I prefer you over my sons any day.”

  “I can hear you,” Sean said.

  Andrew grabbed Sean and hugged him. “I wasn’t trying to keep my voice down.”

  “You’re such an asshole, Dad.”

  “Now you know where you get it from.” Andrew walked over to Ryan and stared at him with a smile on his face. “Ryan, I presume?”

  “I’m the cooler, more attractive, and less bratty sibling.” He stuck out his hand to shake Andrew’s.

  Andrew glanced at his hand but didn’t take it. Instead, he pulled him in for an embrace. “You’re family now, kid. Now of that handshaking nonsense.”

  I saw his smile drop for an instant and his eyes soften. We were both particularly vulnerable to those words. Ryan cleared his throat then clapped him on the back.

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  Andrew pulled away. “I’ve been meaning to ask for a favor.”

  His smart ass attitude came back. “Now I understand the warm greeting,” he said with a laugh. “What can I do for you?”

  “I’ve been meaning to get a tattoo.”

  Diane rolled her eyes. “Don’t listen to him. He’s not getting a tattoo.”

  “Dear, I was going to get your name on my bicep.”

  “What bicep?” she asked.

  “Ouch!” Ryan said. “That was brutal.”

  Andrew leaned toward his ear. “She likes to touch them late at night—if you catch my meaning.”

  “I think I do, sir. And speaking of which…” He grabbed Janice and pulled her to his side. “This is my girlfriend, Janice. She’s also Scarlet’s best friend.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you,” Andrew said.

  Janice reached up and felt his upper arm. “They’re nice.”

  Andrew blushed. “Why thank you.”

  Diane rolled her eyes. “Don’t feed his ego.”

  “And don’t get any ideas,” Ryan said to her.

  “Why? You jealous?” she teased.

  “A little.”

  Andrew turned to Cortland. “Another friend of Scarlet’s?”

  He nodded. “And Sean. So do I get a hug too?”

  Andrew laughed then hugged him. “Of course.”

  Cortland pulled away. “I’m very impressed with the technology you’ve implemented at your company. I’ve been using your programs for years.”

  Andrew raised an eyebrow. “Programer?”

  “Yes, sir. Harvard alumni just like Sean and Scarlet.”

  “Wow. That’s impressive. Let me know if you’re ever looking for work.”

  Cortland’s eyes widened. “Thank you, sir. That’s very generous.”

  “And don’t call me sir. Andrew is preferred.”

  “Yes, sir—I mean Andrew.”

  Andrew laughed. “Relax, kid. You seem starstruck.”

  Monnique came closer to them. “Cortland’s a bit of a nerd. He’s very fascinated with technology. He and I are on different wavelengths of intelligence.”

  Andrew eyed her. “Are you a model?”

  Cortland smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist. “She is to me.”

  “Actually, I’m a nurse.”

  Andrew nodded. “That’s wonderful.” He leaned toward Cortland. “Keep her around.”

  “Oh I know.”

  “Now let’s get you guys inside. Diane has refreshments and snacks to beat the heat.”

  Two butlers came to the bags and carried them inside. Ryan stared at them, unsure what to do.

  Ryan leaned toward me. “They have servants?”

  “They aren’t servants. They are butlers.”

  He watched them carry his things upstairs.

  “I’ll show you the bedrooms,” Diane said as we walked inside.

  When we stepped into the entryway, Janice and Monnique looked at the room with wide eyes, eying the furniture, the rugs, and the chandelier that hung from the ceiling.

  Cortland was staring at the painting on the wall, the same one I had stared at last time I was here. “What the hell is that?” he whispered to Ryan.

  Ryan shrugged. “Picasso?”

  I rolled my eyes and followed Diane upstairs.

  We reached the second landing.

  “Cortland and Monnique, you’ll be staying here. The sheets have been changed and there’s a private bathroom as well.”

  Cortland’s eyes widened. “Yowza.”

  “Be cool,” Monnique whispered.

  They turned into the bedroom and placed their luggage on the bed.

  Diane led us down the hallway and stopped at another bedroom. “Ryan and Janice, you’ll be staying here.”

  “Thank you so much, Mrs. Preston,” Ryan said.

  “Of course. Most of these bedrooms are never used. I’m glad they are being put to good use.”

  They walked inside and started to look around.

  Diane walked a few feet before she reached the next door. “Scarlet, there’s a private Jacuzzi inside so you can relax.”

  I stared at the bedroom in confusion. I assumed we would be staying in Sean’s old bedroom.

  “Sean, you can stay in your room,” Diane said.

  “What?” he asked. “Scarlet isn’t sleeping here.”

  Diane looked at him. “You can’t sleep together before the wedding. It isn’t traditional. It’s bad luck.”

  Sean and I hadn
’t discussed this at all.

  Sean looked at me then looked at his mom. “We don’t care about that.”

  “Well, I do. You want your wedding day to be special. Sleeping together is inappropriate.”

  “Mom, we live together and we have sex on planes. We don’t care about that.”

  Diane averted her gaze, embarrassed by Sean’s bluntness. “Sean, it’s just for two days.”

  “No, I’m sleeping with Scarlet. I can’t sleep without her.”

  She sighed. “It’ll ruin the moment if you wake up next to her on your wedding day.”

  “Well, we aren’t getting married for two days, so I’m sleeping with her until then.”


  “Mom, Scarlet and I will stay somewhere else if we have to.”

  I was glad he wasn’t budging. Sean was much different than he used to be. Previously, he was an annoying momma’s boy. I was glad those days were over.

  She sighed. “Fine. Do what you want. But I really think you should sleep apart the night before the wedding, but it’s up to you.”

  “And we’ll decide that,” Sean said as he walked to this bedroom. I followed behind him, not looking at Diane. I felt like a whore and a slut in her eyes. I had done countless things to make me look bad.

  Sean and I walked inside and he shut the door behind him, giving us some privacy. He moved our bags to the closest then washed his hands. I pulled the bedroom window open and looked out at the beach. The sand was white, and the sky was cloudless. The bright sun shined down on the earth, warming the surface and the air.

  “You bring your swimsuit?”

  I looked back at him. “Yeah.”

  “Is it that pink one I like?”


  “Good.” He sat on the bed next to me and patted my thigh. “I’m sorry about before. I didn’t even give you time to voice your opinion. I just assumed you’d want to sleep with me.”

  “You were right.”

  “Good. I can’t sleep without you, baby.”

  “Me neither.”

  “I’m sickly dependent on you.”

  “Well, if I weren’t around you would survive on takeout menus and beer.”

  “And your panties.”

  I smiled at his comment.

  He rested his head against mine. “Can we make love before we go downstairs?”


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