The Captive Series 1-5

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The Captive Series 1-5 Page 99

by Erica Stevens

  She'd given up on treading water and was now drowning within its tumultuous depths. She welcomed the feeling that came with it as his hands slid over her skin. A part of her didn't recognize the out of control woman she was becoming; the other part had always known that this was what he could do to her. She tugged impatiently at the buttons of his shirt, desperate to feel the tantalizing skin the material covered.

  The last button gave way with a pop and though she felt animalistic in her need to get closer, she calmed as soon as her hands pressed against the flesh of his ridged abdomen. A sound of relief escaped her, something within her eased as she pushed the shirt back from him. The intensity of his kiss eased, his mouth slid away from hers as he clasped hold of her face and tilted it toward him.

  "Are you sure about this?" he inquired.

  She'd never been more certain of anything in her life. Even if he broke her heart, she would forever look back on this day and know that it had been one of the best of her entire existence. "I'm sure."

  "There's no going back after this Hannah, it's irrevocable."

  That thought had frightened her the other day, now it was the only thing she wanted. Staying away from him was impossible and it was too difficult to try and do so. "I don't want to go back."

  His hands slid over her shoulders as he pushed the dress down her arms. Goosebumps broke out on her flesh but she wasn't sure if that was because of the chilly air, or the anticipation of what was to come as she stood before him in her simple slip. Self-consciousness began to creep in as his eyes perused her with a hunger that made her realize just how much he would like to devour her, and just how willing she was to be devoured.

  "I've never done this before," she told him.

  There was no surprise in his eyes as they met hers. "I know."

  When he came back to her, his mouth was far less demanding as he lifted her and carried her to the bed. The muted daylight filtering around the shutters illuminated the muscles in his arms and stomach as he placed her on the bed and shrugged out of his shirt. She craved him with every fiber of her being but trepidation filtered through her as he lay down beside her.

  Then, all her apprehension vanished as his hands returned to her body and his mouth took hold of hers again. The rest of the world seemed to vanish and time stood still as everything within her became focused on him and the pleasure he aroused in her. She'd never been so completely lost in someone before. She hoped never to be found again, even when the pain of their joining lanced through her.

  Her fingers dug into his back as she clung to him. "I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear.

  Tears burned her eyes but she refused to shed them as she bit on her lip and managed a brief nod. She continued to cling to him as his mouth slid from her ear to her neck and down to the hollow of her collarbone. The discomfort began to fade as pleasure slowly stoked within her again. She buried her face in the hollow of his neck as his muscles flexed and bunched beneath her hands.

  The delicious scent of his blood slammed into her. A startled mewl escaped as her fangs sprang free and the urge to taste him drowned out all other sensation. She'd never been so consumed by her thirst before, her nails scratched at his back as she fought against the compulsive urge to taste him. She tried to turn her head away but the scent of his blood was a magnetic pull she couldn't break free from. His hand entwined in her hair, he held her head against his neck.

  "It's ok Hannah, do it," he grated in a tone of voice that set her nerve endings on fire. "Do it."

  A guttural cry escaped her as she gave into the urges consuming her and drove her fangs into the hollow of his throat. Blood, sweeter than honey, burst into her mouth as she drank voraciously. She'd never tasted anything like his blood, it was delicious and filling and more addicting than alcohol. It coursed down her throat and filled areas of her that she hadn't even known were empty until she'd met him.

  Another cry escaped her, she clutched more desperately at his back as he sank his fangs into her shoulder. She was unable to stop the tears rolling down her cheeks as a feeling of completeness stole through her. She had known that she would never forget this day, but she'd never expected to find her home in his arms. He was where she belonged, where she would always belong.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jack was uncertain what time it was when he woke later, but he knew immediately that Hannah wasn't beside him and that night had fallen. He dressed quickly and headed down the stairs, but before he even made it to the first floor he realized he wouldn't find her there either. The only person he recognized within the tavern was Timber, and he was too busy flirting with one of the waitresses to notice him as he slipped out the door. He followed the pull of Hannah's blood coursing through him to the mercantile down the road.

  It was a strange sensation, tracking her through the town, but one he was extremely grateful for as his frustration and irritation grew with every step he took. She knew she was in jeopardy, knew that Calvin was a threat to her and yet she was wandering around as if it were completely safe to do so. He was struggling to control his temper as he hit the wooden walkway and arrived at the store.

  He almost ripped the door off its hinges when he jerked it open. The effect her blood had over him was even more powerful than he'd realized. His gaze drifted down to his white knuckled hand wrapped around the handle as he took some time to steady himself. He was infuriated with her right now, but scaring her wasn't going to do either of them any good.

  Finally regaining control of his anger, he stepped into the dimly lit store. His eyes found her immediately as she stood by the back wall with Kara at her side. Ellen appeared from amongst the racks with a blue dress held before her as she inspected it. "What do you think of this one?" she inquired.

  Hannah looked toward her, but whatever words she'd been about to utter died on her lips as she kept turning until she spotted him in the doorway. The mere sight of her had helped to ease some of the growing tension within him, but the beautiful smile that lit her face made the frustration almost disappear.

  Ellen and Kara glanced at her before turning toward him. Kara's gaze slid over him before turning back to Hannah. "I have to check the back for some supplies, could you help me Ellen?"

  "Of course," Ellen rushed out.

  She gave Jack a quick smile before following Kara out of the room. Jack's attention returned to Hannah as she began to ring her hands before her. He'd never seen her look so nervous before. The last of his annoyance melted away, he walked over to her and grabbed hold of her hands before she could twist the skin off of them.

  "What are you doing here?" he asked quietly.

  Her brow furrowed as she looked up at him from under eyelashes that brushed against her cheek. "We needed some things for the tavern."

  "Why didn't you wake me first?"

  "I thought you might like some sleep, you've been getting so little of it lately."

  "That doesn't matter, you shouldn't be out alone."

  Her gaze drifted past him to focus on the door. "I'll be fine; I know this town and the people in it like the back of my hand."

  "And if Calvin comes after you?"

  "He wouldn't..."

  "He would," Jack interrupted. "Until he has been taken care of you can't be roaming around this town without me."

  Her eyes flew to his face, her mouth pursed as her arms folded over her chest. "I did survive just fine all these years without you," she retorted. "And I don't need a babysitter."

  Jack stepped closer to her as he bent to meet her fiery green eyes. "As long as there is any threat to your life or wellbeing I will be with you in order to make sure you survive just fine for many more years to come."

  Her jaw remained stubbornly set. "What happened between us gives you no right to boss me around. You don't own me Jack and if this is the way you're going to act then I can assure you that what happened between us today will not happen again."

  He slammed his hand against the wall as she moved to get away from him. She jumped
a little but when her eyes came back to his they were the color of a roaring fire. "I don't own you but there is a connection between us Hannah and you know it as well as I do. You will do what it takes to keep yourself safe, even if that means taking me with you wherever you go. I warned you Hannah, this is irrevocable."

  Some of the wind seemed to go out of her sails as her shoulders slumped and her eyes returned to their vibrant jade color. "You can't order me around Jack. I understand you believe us linked..."

  "We are linked. You know that as well as I; don't try to deny it."

  Her gaze darted away from him, she shook her head and looked at him again. "I can't."

  Relief filled him as she finally admitted it. He couldn't stop himself from touching her porcelain cheek. Her eyes drifted closed as she turned into his hand. There had been many women over the years but right now, he couldn't remember a single one. Her skin was like satin beneath his fingers as he slid them over her cheek and into her hair. Her lips parted, the last of her ire faded as he pulled her a step closer. He relished in the fact that he affected her as much as she affected him but that realization fled his mind as he was drawn to her like a bee to a flower.

  Her fingers curled around his arms as his mouth claimed hers. His body became more rigid as he caught the lingering taste of his blood within her mouth. He could smell it within her veins, drifting through her system, marking her as his. The last thing he had expected, or wanted upon walking into this town, was to be irrevocably bound to someone for an eternity, but as he touched the warm recesses of her mouth, he knew he never would have changed a thing.

  The distant ring of a bell going off grudgingly pulled him away from her. His gaze drifted to the backroom Ellen and Kara had disappeared into as the bell began to ring again. "Must be some new instrument," Hannah murmured. "Ellen is always playing with them."

  "She is talented," he remarked. "Are you ready to head back to the tavern now?"

  She gave a brief nod. "Just let me get Ellen."

  He took a reluctant step back to allow her to pass by him. He walked to the front door and peered out at the shadows that had settled over the town. Candles and lanterns flickered in the windows of the homes and businesses lining the street. All of the buildings were lit, except for one.

  An uneasy feeling settled in his stomach, he grabbed hold of the knob and pulled the door open. The cool air brushed over his skin and worked its way through his clothing when he stepped onto the walkway. His gaze remained focused on Calvin's somber house as humans and vampires brushed by him. He didn't pay them any attention though as he took a step closer to the house at the end of the road. There was absolutely no movement over there, not even the dogs were patrolling the gates.

  He stretched his hand back for Hannah's as the door opened behind him. He didn't have to look to know that she was the first one to emerge. "What's wrong?" she asked as her hand slid into his.

  "There's no movement at Calvin's house."

  Her gaze drifted down the street to the eerily tranquil house. "That's strange," she murmured. "I'm sure he's just out around town somewhere."

  "I'm not so sure," he said. "Come on, let's get you back."

  He kept hold of her hand as he stepped onto the road with her. The tambourine in Ellen's hand jingled as she walked beside Hannah. Ellen tapped out a melodious beat against her thigh as she moved. She was seemingly unaware of the song she wove through the night but men and women stopped to listen as she walked past them. Though there were many people on the street tonight, he didn't see Calvin or any of his cronies amongst them.

  He held the door to the tavern open for Hannah and Ellen as he stepped back to let them enter. He spotted Braith and the others amongst the crowd of the tavern. Braith's head tilted toward him as he approached, Aria stopped in the middle of dealing the cards in her hand. A dark eyebrow rose questioningly as her gaze drifted to his hand, wrapped within Hannah's.

  "What's going on?" Braith demanded.

  "There are no lights on at Calvin's house, I've got a feeling that something's not right," Jack told him bluntly.

  Braith dropped his cards on the table and rose. William and Daniel stood beside him. Timber and Xavier looked up from the table where they had been rolling dice. Aria grabbed her bow and arrows and hopped to her feet as she slung them over her back. "I'd prefer if you stayed here," Braith told her.

  Aria's braid fell over her shoulder as she shook her head. "Not going to happen."

  A muscle in Braith's cheek twitched but he didn't protest any further. Jack used to find his brother's irritation amusing, now he found himself sympathizing. As Hannah's eyes met his he realized there wasn't anything he wouldn't do to keep her safe. "I'd like to come too," she told him.

  Jack's jaw clenched but he gave her a brief nod. Truth be told, he'd prefer to have her near him anyway. "We should check the donation center first," Jack told them. "I know he spends a fair amount of time there."

  "Fine, let's go," Braith said.

  Chapter Twenty

  Hannah remained outside of the donation center with Aria and Xavier. The handsome vampire blended in with the shadows, his chocolate eyes scanned the gloom surrounding them. Though they didn't speak, she picked up on an unspoken understanding between Xavier and the queen as Xavier paced back and forth on the sidewalk before the stairs.

  "Jack is a good man," Aria said from her position to the right of the front door.

  "He is," she agreed as she forced herself to meet Aria's straightforward gaze.

  A small smile curved Aria's mouth as her head tilted to the side. "I think he's been a little lost this past year, as has my brother, but it seems like Jack is beginning to find his way. Sometimes all that is needed is a helping hand to assist someone through their most dismal times."

  Hannah was having difficulty finding her voice. "Do you mean me?" she managed to get out.

  "I hope so."

  Unexpected tears burned her eyes and she found herself unable to meet Aria's gaze anymore. "It's all so strange, he's a prince and I'm an Undesirable..."

  "A what?" Aria interrupted as Xavier stopped in the middle of his patrol.

  She'd forgotten that they didn't know, that Jack hadn't told them. Apprehension filled her, Jack had said they wouldn't reject her but he had no experience with the way others reacted to what she was. She did. However, Aria was a part of Jack's life and she hadn't grown up amongst the vampires that had rejected Hannah, her family, and friends. She couldn't think of any reason other than plain old fear not to share what she was, and she was tired of being afraid of rejection. Jack hadn't scorned her and that was all that mattered.

  "Most of the vampires in this town have some defect or another. I'm unable to go out into the sun's rays without burning badly," she admitted.

  Aria's eyes widened as Xavier said, "Interesting. That makes some sense when you study the legends of vampires and all of their supposed quirks. Anyone allergic to garlic?"

  "No," Hannah assured him with a small chuckle.

  "So most of the vampires here are like Council member Saul, but why do you consider yourself a... uh..."

  "Undesirable," Hannah supplied when Aria forgot the word. "It's what we've always called ourselves as far as I know. The first Undesirables settled into this town centuries ago and created a place where they weren't persecuted by humans and other vampires alike. It's our home."

  "I see," Aria said.

  "I didn't realize there were so many like Saul. Though, if you were persecuted I can understand why you hid yourselves away. When was this town first established?" Xavier asked.

  "Before the first human settlers came over. The original founders of the town passed away from one cause or another, but it is said that the first vampire settlers here fed on wildlife and established a home secure from the vampires that remained in Europe."

  Xavier's eyes gleamed as he rubbed at his chin. "Fascinating, simply fascinating."

  "He loves to hear about how other vampires and people have li
ved," Aria told her. "I've run out of forest stories so just be prepared for him to start bombarding you with questions as soon as he gets a chance. He has some good tales of his own though," Aria said with a wink at the man that was shaking his head at her.

  Hannah's head bounced back and forth between them as she watched them in amazement. It seemed like such an odd pairing and yet she could sense the deep friendship between them. "I have amazing tales," he said to Aria before focusing on Hannah again. "There is no reason for the vampires within this town to remain hidden anymore."

  Hannah shrugged. "Maybe not, but this is our home."

  "Well I'm sure Jack wasn't bothered by the fact that you have to avoid the sun," Aria said happily.

  "He isn't."

  "I didn't think so." Aria walked over and stopped before her. The queen was smaller than she was by a good two or three inches, and though her appearance was youthful there was wisdom in her sapphire eyes that seemed far older than her years. "And I'm sure no one else would be, not anymore."

  After all the years spent trying to keep what she was secret from the outside world, it was strange to be so open about it and to have others actually accept her, instead of shunning her.

  She didn't know how to react to this open tolerance of what she was, but fortunately she was spared from having to respond by the front doors opening and the others reemerging. Relief filled her as Jack's eyes found her instantly.

  "They haven't seen him since early yesterday morning," Braith said.

  A chill ran down Hannah's spine, her gaze drifted down the road to Calvin's unlit house. Unlike Jack, she hadn't found it odd that his home was dark, it wasn't a normal occurrence but it had happened before. The fact that he hadn't been to the blood bank in over a day was unusual though. Calvin was one of the rare vampires that visited two sometimes three times a day.


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