Born to Battle

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Born to Battle Page 53

by Jack Hurst

  Gray, Samuel

  Great Redoubt (Vicksburg)

  Gregg, John

  Grenada, Mississippi

  Grierson, Benjamin



  Gurley, Frank

  Halleck, Henry W.(fig.)

  close supervision of Grant


  eastward movement toward northern Alabama

  failure to activate Memphis-Grenada rail line

  Forrest’s West Tennessee raids

  Grant at Chattanooga

  Grant relieving McClernand from command

  Grant-Rosecrans friction

  Grant’s political and military reputation

  Grant’s riding injury

  Grant’s Vicksburg advance

  incompetence and laziness

  keeping Confederates confined to Mississippi

  McClernand’s friction with Grant and

  McClernand’s incompetence

  McClernand’s self-aggrandizement at Vicksburg

  military reorganization of the Corinth force

  Pittsburg Landing

  Pittsburg Landing fortification

  reinstating Grant

  Shiloh rumors and lies

  timidity hobbling western advance

  Union command

  Halstead, Murat

  Hamilton, Charles

  Hampton, Wade

  Hanson, Roger

  Hard Times Landing, Louisiana

  Hardee, William J.

  Bragg’s Chattanooga command


  Pittsburg Landing

  Pittsburg Landing battle plan

  Wheeler’s promotion over Forrest

  Harding, Abner

  Harris, Isham G.

  Harrison, Thomas

  Hartsville, Tennessee

  Hatch, Edward

  Hatchie River

  Haynes Bluff, Louisiana

  Henry Clay (transport steamboat)

  Heth, Henry

  Hewett, John M.

  Hill, Daniel Harvey

  Hillyer, William

  Hindman, Thomas

  Hitchcock, Ethan Allen

  Hodge, George B.

  Holly Springs, Mississippi

  Hood, Arthur

  Hood, John Bell

  Hooker, Joseph “Fighting Joe”(fig.)(fig.)


  Grant’s arrival in Chattanooga

  Grant’s concern over command

  Lookout Mountain

  pursuit of Bragg at Missionary Ridge

  Hornet’s Nest defense

  Horseshoe Ridge (Chickamauga)

  Hovey, Alvin

  Humboldt, Tennessee

  Hunter, David

  Huntingdon, Tennessee

  Hurlbut, Stephen A.

  advance on Chattanooga


  Grant’s growing dislike for the opposition

  Hamilton’s quarrel with

  media ban

  Pittsburg Landing

  Ihrie, George P.

  Infantry, cavalry fighting as

  Ingersoll, Robert


  Iuka, Battle of

  Jackson, A. E.

  Jackson, Mississippi

  Jackson, Tennessee (fig.)

  Jackson, Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall”

  Jackson, William H.

  Jamison, Robert D.

  Jews, Grant’s antipathy toward

  Johnson, Adam Rankin

  Johnson, Bushrod Rust


  military timidity at Fort Donelson

  Johnson, Richard W.

  Johnston, Albert Sidney(fig.)

  death of

  Forrest’s performance at Donelson

  Pittsburg Landing assault

  public response for Henry-Donelson defeat

  retreat from Donelson

  Johnston, Joseph E.(fig.)

  Forrest’s West Tennessee command

  North Carolina capitulation

  reinforcements in Tennessee


  Jones, Sam

  Jones, Theodore

  Kelley, David C.

  Knox, Thomas

  Knoxville, Tennessee. See also Chattanooga, Tennessee

  Kountz, William J.

  Ku Klux Klan

  Lagow, Clark

  Lake Providence, Louisiana

  Lancaster (gunboat)

  Lauman, Jacob

  LaVergne, Tennessee

  Lawler, Michael

  Lawton, J.K.

  Lebanon, Kentucky

  Lee, Robert E.

  Lee, Stephen D.

  Leggett, M. D.

  Lester, Henry C.

  Lexington, Kentucky

  Lick Creek, Tennessee (fig.)

  Lincoln, Abraham

  conscription of blacks

  Emancipation Proclamation

  Grant’s riding injury

  Grant’s Vicksburg victory

  Halleck’s decline

  lack of class-consciousness

  lies surrounding Shiloh

  McClernand’s determination for Vicksburg fame

  McClernand’s unpopularity

  praise of Chattanooga campaign

  praise of Grant’s Vicksburg campaign

  preliminary emancipation proclamation

  refusal to compromise with the Confederates

  replacing McClellan

  Logan, John A. “Black Jack”

  Logan, Samuel

  Longstreet, James

  Lookout Mountain, Tennessee (fig.)

  Loomis, John

  Loring, William

  Louisville-Nashville-Alabama supply line

  Lowe, William W.


  Mackall, William W.

  Magee, David

  Mahan, Dennis


  Manassas, Battle of

  Maney, George

  Hell’s Hollow carnage

  holding Jackson


  Pittsburg Landing


  Maney’s Farm (Murfreesboro)

  Maury, Dabney H.

  McArthur, John

  McClellan, George B.

  advance on Richmond

  contempt of drunkenness

  Rosecrans’s post with

  Seven Days’ Battles

  McClernand, John A.(fig.)

  amphibious approach to Vicksburg

  Arkansas Post attack

  Buford’s incompetence

  countercharge at Pittsburg Landing

  Grant and Halleck’s friction with

  Grant relieving of command

  Grant’s presence at Pittsburg Landing

  incompetence at Vicksburg

  increasing friction before Vicksburg

  lies surrounding Shiloh

  May 22 assault on Vicksburg

  misinformation during Vicksburg assault

  Owl Creek defeat

  political pressure on Grant before Vicksburg

  relieving from command of Vicksburg expedition

  Sherman and Grant’s attempt to foil

  sidestepping Grant in the chain of command

  unpopularity with McPherson and Grant

  Vicksburg assault

  McClure, Alexander K.

  McCook, Alexander

  McCook, Dan

  McCown, J. P.

  McCulloch, Bob

  McCulloch, Henry

  McDonald, Charles

  McKenzie, Tennessee

  McLaws, Lafayette

  McLemore, William

  McLemore’s Cove, Georgia

  McLemoresville, Tennessee

  McMinnville, Tennessee

  McPherson, James B.(fig.)

  Grant’s command of Vicksburg campaign

  Grant’s trust in


  May 22 assault on Vicksburg

  McClernand’s hostility toward

nand’s self-aggrandizement at Vicksburg

  navigation toward Vicksburg

  Pittsburg Landing

  replacing Rosecrans at Corinth

  targeting Mobile

  Vicksburg assault

  Vicksburg campaign

  Vicksburg cease-fire proposal

  Vicksburg defeat

  Meade, George G.


  Medill, Joseph

  Memphis, Tennessee

  Buell’s supply lines

  civilian resentment

  Confederate push to drive out Federals

  Forrest’s background

  Grant’s headquarters

  Grant’s reinforcements

  Grant’s supply routes

  McPherson marooned in Memphis

  Memphis & Charleston Railroad

  Memphis Avalanche newspaper

  Memphis-Grenada rail line

  Meridian, Mississippi

  Mexican War

  Mexico, French activity in

  Michie, James

  Milliken’s Bend, Louisiana

  Missionary Ridge (Chattanooga) (fig.) (fig.)

  Mississippi Central Railroad

  Mobile, Alabama

  Mobile & Ohio railroad

  Moore, John C.

  Morale, emancipation and lack of pay affecting

  Morgan, George W.

  Morgan, John Hunt

  bogus telegram about Murfreesboro

  disrupting supply lines

  driving into northern Kentucky

  Kentucky raid


  West Tennessee raids

  Morrison, J. J.

  Morton, John W., Jr.

  artillery loss at Day’s Gap

  Browns Ferry



  Forrest’s friction with Bragg

  Forrest’s West Tennessee raids

  Humboldt-Jackson raids

  Parker’s Crossroads

  assignment by Bragg resisted by Forrest

  Mower, Joseph

  Munfordville, Kentucky

  Murfreesboro, Tennessee (fig.)

  allowing Confederate troops to move north

  Bragg’s comment on

  Bragg’s retreat from

  Confederate infiltration and reconnaissance

  Forrest saving the courthouse

  Forrest’s advance on

  Forrest’s distinction

  Forrest’s psychological fighting style

  Parkhurst’s surrender

  slave disarray following raid on

  stalling Confederate contraction

  Union diversion at

  Union’s bogus telegram of Forrest’s advance on

  Murphy, Robertapier, Alonzo T.

  Nashville, Tennessee

  Navy. See Gunboats; Ironclads

  Negley, James

  Negro stealing

  Nelson, William “Bull”

  Confederate retreat from Pittsburg Landing

  defense at Pittsburg Landing

  Grant’s need for reinforcements at Pittsburg Landing

  Pittsburg Landing

  reinforcements at Pittsburg Landing

  reorganizing Murfreesboro

  Sherman’s fortification of Pittsburg Landing

  New Carthage, Louisiana

  New Orleans, Federals’ capture of

  News media

  Obion River

  Okolona, Mississippi

  Oliver, John

  Orchard Knob (Chattanooga)

  Ord, Edward O. C.

  Osterhaus, Peter

  Otey, James H.

  Owl Creek

  Oxford, Mississippi

  Palmyra, Tennessee

  Paranoia, Sherman’s

  Parker’s Crossroads, Tennessee(fig.)

  Parkhurst, John G.

  Paul, James

  Payment issues

  Pea Ridge, Battle of

  Peabody, Everett

  Peavine Ridge (Chickamauga)

  Pegram, John

  Pemberton, John C.(fig.)

  advance on Vicksburg

  Champion Hill

  conflicting actions at Vicksburg

  Grant’s diversions at Vicksburg

  misinformation about Union movements at Vicksburg

  petition to sack Bragg

  southward through Mississippi

  threatening Sherman’s Vicksburg troops

  Van Dorn’s demotion

  Vicksburg cease-fire

  Vicksburg defense

  Phelan, James

  Pillow, Gideon

  Pittsburg Landing, Battle of

  casualty list

  Confederate battle plan

  Confederate disarray and retreat

  Confederate intelligence of Union movements

  Confederate surrender

  Forrest’s response to Federal reinforcements

  Grant’s urgent need for reinforcements

  lies and controversy surrounding

  preparations for

  Union fortification

  Union reinforcements

  Plantation economy: Forrest’s property

  Polk, Leonidas (fig.)

  Bragg’s enmity


  Confederate surrender at Shiloh

  Forrest’s grievances

  Forrest’s West Tennessee command

  petition to sack Bragg

  Pittsburg Landing battle plan

  Pope, John

  Port Gibson, Louisiana(fig.)

  Port Hudson, Louisiana

  Porter, David

  amphibious approach at Vicksburg

  guerrilla warfare

  May 22nd Vicksburg attack

  mistreatment of black soldiers

  Vicksburg consultation with Grant

  Vicksburg surrender

  water route to Vicksburg


  Prentiss, Benjamin M.

  Presidential nomination, Grant’s

  Price, Sterling


  determination to take Missouri

  failure to regroup after Iuka and Corinth


  Kentucky strike proposal

  Van Dorn’s army combining with

  Prisoners of war

  execution of black prisoners

  Federal prisoners at Munfordville

  Forrest’s strategic use of

  Forrest’s trickery with misinformation

  fugitive slaves


  Murfreesboro raid

  Parker’s Crossroads



  Psychological warfare

  Quinby, Isaac F.

  Quinn, Francis T.

  Race and racism

  emergence of the Ku Klux Klan

  Sherman’s ambivalence over politics and

  See also African Americans; Slaves and slavery


  Buell’s repair and use of the Memphis & Charleston and Louisville-Nashville lines

  Forrest’s destruction of Mobile & Ohio track

  Forrest’s disruption at Manchester

  Forrest’s mission to destroy Kentucky tracks

  Forrest’s vandalism at Nashville

  Grant’s investment in

  loss of Federal supply train at Abbeville

  mopping up after Vicksburg

  strategic position of Vicksburg

  Union gains at Chattanooga-Knoxville

  See also Supplies and supply movements

  Railroad Redoubt (Vicksburg)

  Rambaut, Gilbert

  Randolph, G.W.

  Rawlins, John A.

  Raymond, Mississippi

  Ready, Charles

  Readyville, Tennessee

  Reed’s Bridge (Chickamauga) (fig.)


  Reynolds, A.W.

  Richardson, R.V.

  Richardson, William A., Confederate captain

rdson, William A., Illinois senator

  Richmond, Battle of

  Ridley, Luke

  Robber barons

  Roddey, Philip D.

  Rome, Georgia

  Rosecrans, William S.

  Bragg eluding at Shelbyville

  Bragg’s plans for Corinth


  command of the Army of the Mississippi


  disrupting supply routes in Tennessee

  error at Chickamauga

  flanking Bragg at Chickamauga

  Forrest’s West Tennessee raids

  Grant’s increasing dissatisfaction after Corinth and Iuka

  incompetence at Iuka and Corinth


  Lincoln’s frustration with Halleck and

  military incompetence and cowardice


  proceeding to Chattanooga

  social and military background

  Thompson’s Station

  Ross, Leonard

  Rowley, William

  Russell, A. A.

  Sand Mountain, Alabama

  Sansom, Emma

  Saunders, James E.

  Scott, John S.

  Scott, Winfield

  Seibert, James

  Seminole War

  Sequatchie Valley, Tennessee

  Seven Days’ Battles

  Severson, C.S.

  Shelbyville, Tennessee

  Shepard, Isaac

  Sheridan, Phil

  Sherman, Ellen (wife)

  Sherman, William Tecumseh “Cump”(fig.)

  appeasing the media

  attachment to Grant

  background and temperament

  Bragg’s plans for Memphis

  Chattanooga siege

  Confederate assault at Shiloh

  countercharge at Pittsburg Landing

  death of son

  Fallen Timbers

  Grant as peer-confidant

  Grant’s certainty of victory at Shiloh

  Grant’s supply line strike

  holding Pittsburg Landing

  May 22 assault on Vicksburg

  Owl Creek defeat

  perilous march to Chattanooga

  Pittsburg Landing fortification

  pursuit of Bragg at Missionary Ridge

  vandalism after Vicksburg


  Sherman, William Tecumseh “Cump”: Vicksburg

  amphibious attack

  Chickasaw Bayou

  Confederate plan to foil assault

  criticism of Grant’s amphibious attack

  defeat at

  Grand Gulf

  Grant’s diversions

  May 19 assault

  May 22 assault


  Shiloh, Battle of(fig.)(fig.)

  as turning point

  Chalmers at

  Confederate engagement

  errors in delivery of the Confederate assault

  Fallen Timbers

  Pittsburg Landing assault

  Sherman’s volunteer troops

  Tuttle’s support by Grant

  Van Dorn’s delayed arrival at

  Wheeler’s heroism at

  wounded and dying


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