Fighting for Keeps

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Fighting for Keeps Page 12

by Grace Brennan

  “Are you feeling any better now?”

  Taking another deep breath, she nodded. “Yes. I needed to read that, and I think I really needed that cry, as well. Thank you for being here, for allowing me to lose myself all over you.”

  “It was my honor to be here when you needed me, Amelia,” he replied, eyes full of intensity, like he was willing her to see how much he meant it. “I will always be here when you need me.”

  “I believe you,” she said whisper soft, the truth of that sinking into her. He’d be there for her whenever she needed him, and that was a priceless gift. She’d never had anyone backing her up before, and her heart warmed as she realized that now she did.

  “Do you mind if I take a quick shower? I want to wash the sweat from the fight away.”

  “No, not at all. There are towels in the hall bathroom. The water takes a moment to get warm, but it lasts a while before it runs out.”

  “Got it. I shouldn’t be too long,” he said, squeezing her hand as he passed by.

  Once he was out of sight and she heard the shower turn on, she double checked to make sure the oven was off before heading to the couch and plopping down with a sigh. The letter from her mother hit her hard, and she felt the truth of her mother’s words down to her soul.

  What Amelia had been doing wasn’t living. She poured everything she was into her career, into science. She buried her pain, her loss, her longing, channeling it into becoming nothing more than a robot. No feeling things, no living. She didn’t want to be that way anymore. She wanted to live. She didn’t want to hesitate.

  She wanted to jump. And she wanted to jump with Seth.

  Her phone dinged, distracting her, and she opened it to find the icon for the group chat she was in with the other researchers in her lab back home flashing. She answered, getting sucked into a discussion about recessive genes, and was unware of time passing until she heard the bathroom door open. Glancing up, she watched as Seth walked out of the hallway and paused in the entry of the living room. The breath left her lungs in a whoosh. He had his jeans on, but his feet were bare, and he hadn’t bothered to put on a shirt.

  He had muscles for days, and his bicep bulged as he lifted his arm to run his fingers through his wet hair. Her eyes caught on a bead of water on his well-defined pecs, following its journey as it slid down his chiseled six pack, and absorbed into the waistband of his jeans. He had a happy trail leading down from his belly button, and her eyes got caught on the V of his hips.

  “What the hell is that noise?”

  “Just my phone,” she replied absently, unable to stop her eyes from following the V down to the bulge in his jeans. “I’m in a group chat with my coworkers, and they’re a chatty bunch. My dong goes off every time they talk.”

  “Your what?” he asked, voice incredulous.

  “Hmmm?” she asked distractedly, finally pulling her eyes to his face when his tone registered. Quickly running through the conversation in her mind, she froze as she realized what she said. Dong. Oh fecking hell, she said dong. “Ding! I meant ding. My phone dings every time they talk, which is a lot, because you know, like I said, they’re a chatty bunch.”

  Quickly clamping her mouth shut to stop her babbling, she closed her eyes in mortification, blood rushing to her cheeks as he laughed, wishing more than anything for the floor to open up and swallow her whole. That was what she got for staring at his privates while talking. At the rate she made a fool of herself in front of him, he would no doubt start to wonder if she was telling the truth about being smart enough to be a scientist.

  Finally opening her eyes, she braved a glance at him. He laughter was dying down, his face red from how hard he laughed. Still chuckling, he made his way over and took a seat on the couch next to her.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything funnier,” he said, grin playing on his lips. “You’re super smart. You should totally invent that. A voice activated dong. Market it right, and it would sell like hotcakes, I guarantee that.”

  She rolled her eyes, fresh heat rushing to her cheeks. “I don’t think inventing new sex toys is my calling. And I’m starting to wonder how you’re not doubting my intelligence, what with the stuff I’ve said. I swear I’m usually poised and in control of all things, including my speech.”

  “No doubt you are,” he replied, taking her hand in his and interlacing their fingers. “Maybe I’m rubbing off on you.”

  “How? I haven’t heard you say anything even remotely off the wall since I’ve known you, and practically every other sentence that comes out of my mouth is humiliating.”

  “Trust me, that’s abnormal for me. I’m usually nothing short of idiotic with the shit I say. It’s just that lately, things have been a little different.”

  “Really? I’m not sure I can picture that. Why have things been different?”

  His smile faded, and a dark look passed over his face as his hand tightened around hers for a moment. Shaking his head, he said, “No particular reason. Just been feeling more serious lately. I’m sure I’ll get back to normal soon enough.”

  Brow twitching, she turned a little on the couch to face him, studying him closely. She wasn’t sure why, but she felt strongly that he wasn’t being truthful. Hurt filled her for a moment, but she pushed it away. She was the last person who could get upset because he wasn’t being completely truthful. Besides, maybe it was painful, and he just didn’t want to talk about it right now. Maybe he’d tell her more some other time.

  He turned to face her, mirroring her position, and brushed his fingers lightly down her face with the hand that wasn’t holding hers. His touch left tingles in its wake, and her eyes slid halfway shut as she leaned into his hand.

  “Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?”

  Shaking her head, she basked in his touch, not replying. Because if either of them was the gorgeous one, it was him. Especially as he was right now, his bare chest on display and temptingly close. If she were a bolder woman, she’d reach out and slide her palms down his chest. She wanted to caress him in the worst way.

  “Well, you do. You’re always beautiful, no matter what you’re wearing, but there’s something about seeing you look so country that’s hard to resist.”

  “So don’t resist,” she whispered, staring at his lips before looking up into his beautiful dark eyes.

  His eyes turned heated, beginning to lighten in color as he closed the distance between them and took her mouth in a scorching kiss. This one wasn’t slow and easy like their previous kisses. It was instantly intense, and she moaned as she opened her mouth for his tongue.

  Fingers tightening around hers for a moment, he untangled their fingers and cupped her face with both hands, his gentle touch at odds with the way he was conquering her mouth. Applying a little pressure, he angled her head to where he wanted it, and tangled his tongue with hers. He was seemingly intent on tasting every nook and crevice of her mouth, and she was okay with that. As long as she got to return the favor at some point.

  Finally giving herself permission to touch him, she placed her hands on his shoulders and slowly slid them down. She caressed his pecs first, her palms brushing the flat discs of his nipples, causing them to form tight little buds. Smiling at his hissing intake of air, she reveled in the feelings coursing through her as the kiss intensified.

  Sliding her hands farther down, her fingers traced over the hard ridges of his abs as they contracted at her touch. She spent a few moments exploring and then gave in to her longing to feel the V of his hips, running her fingers up and down, over and over.

  With a strangled curse, he eased her down, kissing her the whole way, adjusting his position on the couch until he hovered over her. He eased his lips from hers and trailed them down her jaw at the same time his hand slowly moved from her hip. When he reached her ear, he sucked the lobe into his mouth, while cupping her breast.

  Moaning, feelings coursing through her she never felt before, she arched her back, pushing her breast more firml
y into his hand. Her whole body felt like it was tingling, and her core was tightened to the point of pain as she waited to see what he’d make her feel next. His hot breath wafted in her ear, sending shivers racing up and down her spine, and he kneaded her breast as he traced the vein in her neck with the tip of his tongue, following it down until he reached the juncture of her shoulder.

  Writhing underneath him, her neck incredibly sensitive to his touch, she silently urged him to move his hand under her shirt. She needed to feel him, skin to skin. Reading her mind, his hand traveled down and delved under her shirt before making its way back up. Her shirt was fitted, and when it stretched tight, several of the snaps holding it closed popped open, and she reveled in the feel of the air as it cooled her heated skin.

  He didn’t hesitate as he reached her breast, immediately zeroing in on her nipple. Taking it between his fingers, he pinched lightly, and even through her bra, she felt the motion like lightning to her center. He played for a few moments like that, flicking her nipple while he nibbled gently on her neck. Pushing her hips up, she felt the evidence of his arousal, hard against her hip, and she groaned in frustration.

  “Please, Seth, more.”

  Not saying a word, he pushed himself back and took the edges of her shirt in his hands, tugging until all the snaps popped open. Leaving it hanging open, he shoved her lacy blue bra out of the way, immediately leaning down and sucking her nipple into his mouth. She gasped as sensation shot through her, moaning as he suckled softly at first, and then with increasing suction. Pulling back, he flicked it with his tongue, looking straight into her eyes before moving to her other breast and giving it the same treatment.

  She was a needy mess by the time he leaned up and kissed her, his hand easing down and popping open the button on her jeans. He waited for a second, dueling his tongue with hers, and then he eased his hand inside her jeans and panties, cupping her mound.

  Moaning, she thrust her fingers into his hair, gripping tightly, barely finding the presence of mind to kiss him back. Her whole being was focused on where his hand was cupping her most private place, a spot she herself rarely touched in pleasure, a place only one other person besides her had ever touched.

  She thought she was prepared for him to move, but when he slowly traced a finger lightly up and down her center, she froze, fighting to not let his touch overwhelm her. And when he applied more pressure, and his finger slid inside, immediately finding her clit, she lost the battle. Moaning loudly, she arched her back, pleasure lighting up her nerve endings and making her more sensitive.

  When he began circling her clit with a light touch, she bit down on his lip. It was intentional, but she didn’t mean to bite down so hard, and she almost drew blood. But he groaned in pleasure, pushing his erection into her hip, and started circling faster, with more pressure. His finger slid down, dipping inside her briefly, before going back to her swollen nub. Over and over he made the trip, kissing her wildly the whole time.

  She was strung tight, on the edge of the precipice, the pleasure nearly painful in its intensity, and it almost scared her. She’d never felt like this before, and she wasn’t sure what would be on the other side when she finally fell. And then, with one firm rub directly over her clit, she was falling, her body convulsing as she gasped out his name.

  Stars danced behind her tightly closed lids, and her grip on his hair had to be painful, but if it was, he didn’t let it show. He continued his assault, and just when she thought she was coming to the end of her freefall, he’d touch her just right, and she’d soar back up to the sky, and begin the fall all over again.

  When she became too sensitive to bear touch, she jerked and put a hand over his, holding his hand still. Fighting for breath, she panted out, “Great balls of fire. That was… no, I have no words.”

  “It was good, I hope,” he replied with a strained smile, voice gravelly.

  Slowly untangling her fingers from his hair, she laid her head against the arm of the couch so she could look him in the eyes. His normally chocolate eyes were a muddy mixture of dark and golden brown, and they were lightening by the moment.

  Not letting on she noticed anything out of the ordinary, she said softy, “It was beyond amazing.” Hesitating for a moment, she searched his eyes before speaking again. “Can we move this to the bedroom?”

  He closed his eyes, and a pained look passed over his striking features. Opening his now fully golden eyes, no brown in sight, he said, “We don’t have to do that. This wasn’t about me trying to get some. This was about me trying to give you some pleasure.”

  “Oh, you definitely accomplished that goal,” she replied with a satisfied smile. “But I don’t want this to be just about me. I want it to be about us, and I don’t want to stop here.” Seeing the hesitation on his face, she said, “Look at it this way. Going to the bedroom and finishing what we started would be for me, because it’s exactly what I want, what I need.”

  He searched her eyes for a moment, a slow smile creeping across his face. “When you put it that way, how can I possibly refuse?”

  “You can’t,” she said, fresh heat washing over her body as he started to get up.

  Impatient to get the rest of the evening going, she started moving before he was standing. Lifting her leg to plant her foot on the couch for leverage, she froze, gasping in horror as her knee hit a very sensitive part of his anatomy. He sucked in a breath, groaning as his head dropped down, not moving a muscle as he held himself suspended above her.

  “Bollocks, Seth, are you okay? I’m so freakin’ sorry. Bloody hell, I’m a wanker. What can I do? Seriously, are you all right?”

  Eyes tightly shut, head still hanging, he shook it slowly as he sucked in a shaky breath. “Bollocks is right,” he said with a strained laugh. “It’s okay, Amelia. Really. You didn’t hit it hard, more like firmly brushed against it. It’s just that my dick is so sensitive right now, any touch is painful. You didn’t do any damage.”

  Could she screw up any more with him? Better not ask that, because she didn’t want to jinx this any more. This time, it wasn’t just her cheeks on fire. She could feel the blush spreading over her whole body. She was usually calm, cool and collected. She didn’t say embarrassing things, or humiliate herself with her actions. But since meeting Seth, that was all she seemed to do.

  Eventually, he lifted his head and shot her a smile. “See? All good. It wasn’t that bad. If it had been, I wouldn’t still be harder than a fucking rock for you.”

  He stood up quickly, probably to avoid a repeat, and her eyes immediately shot to his groin, taking in the hardness testing the seams of his jeans. She guessed he was telling the truth, and selfishly, she felt relieved. The last thing she wanted to do was stop, and especially because she tried to take out his family jewels.

  Holding out a hand for her, he helped her up, keeping hold of it as they made their way up the stairs. She pointed out her room and they moved toward it, but when they were a few feet away, she came to a screeching halt, their connected hands jerking him to a stop, as well.

  Turning to her with concern in his eyes, he searched her face as he stepped closer. “Honey, what’s wrong? Look, we don’t have to keep going. I’m fine with stopping. I don’t want to push you, or for you to rush into something you’re not ready for. I can wait, and I’m perfectly okay with sleeping on the couch tonight.”

  Her heart warmed at his words, his voice and face completely sincere, even though she could see the strain, the desire to continue, stamped all over him. “No, that’s not it. I want this, and I’m ready for it. I just… well, I don’t want to disappoint you once we get in there.”

  “Disappoint me how?” he asked, brow furrowed.

  “Remember how I said I wasn’t very experienced with kissing? I’m even less so with making love.”

  He searched her face, eyes wide. “You’re a virgin?”

  “No, no, not a virgin,” she assured him, cheeks warming again. “I’ve had sex before, but it was a long time
ago. I’m not sure quite what to do, and I’m sure I’ll be pretty horrible at it.”

  Shaking his head, he stepped close and cupped her cheek. “There’s no way you’ll be horrible at it, Amelia. Just the simple act of touching your cheek, like I am now, brings me so much pleasure, it’s unreal. Being with you will be mind blowing, regardless of whether you know what to do you or not.” He shook his head again, disbelief in his gaze. “And what the hell is wrong with the men in England, that a woman as gorgeous as you has only had sex once?”

  He rubbed his thumb along her bottom lip, and she swallowed hard as she sought to find her voice. “Too much time in the lab, I guess,” she finally replied breathlessly.

  “That wouldn’t have stopped me, honey,” he said. “I would have stormed in, thrown you over my shoulder caveman style, and left with you, if that’s what it took. Do you have any other concerns? Because nothing you’ve told me makes me want to hesitate in the least.”

  Shaking her head, she sprung up, fusing her mouth to his. This man, this gorgeous, unbelievable man, was far more than she deserved.

  Pushing aside the guilt that followed that thought, she pulled back and led him into her bedroom. Once there, she hesitated for a moment, and then shrugged off her still open shirt, watching as his eyes lightened in color again.

  Stepping close, he kissed her passionately as he reached behind her and quickly unhooked her bra. Mouth still on hers, he stepped back enough for the straps to slide off, and it fell to the floor. Once it was out of the way, she went in close, plastering her body to his and reveling in the feel of their torsos skin to skin.

  Easing his mouth away from hers, he made his way to her ear and kissed down her neck, his hands going to the zipper on her jeans. They trembled slightly as he lowered it, and she couldn’t help feeling powerful as her head fell back, granting him greater access to her neck.

  He hooked his hands in her jeans, and as he bent to tug them off, he leaned over and kissed his way down her chest. She put her hands on his shoulders for balance as she pulled her legs out, and when he nibbled on one nipple, and then the other, she dug her fingers into his shoulders, her nails marking his skin.


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