Savage Rose: A High School Bully Romance (Rosehaven Academy Book 1)

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Savage Rose: A High School Bully Romance (Rosehaven Academy Book 1) Page 7

by Leila James

  I seethe, “How about my clothes? Have those in your bag, too?”

  “I don’t.” His dark eyes connect with mine. I look at them for so long, trying to decide whether or not he’s lying, that I notice little fiery flecks of amber around the pupils. His gaze finally pulls away from mine, only to run down over my body. Heat shoots through me, and I suck in a breath, suddenly very aware that my nipples are pebbling behind the cotton T-shirt and the slightest upward movement of my arms will give all of them a private viewing of my cooch.

  He leers at me, wickedness in his smile. “Can’t say I really mind you going pantless, though, if that’s your preference, Red. All that running makes for lean legs and a tight little ass.”

  I snatch the pants out of his hand, tear my gaze away, and storm back into the locker room. I pull them up over my legs, then sit down on the bench, lowering my head into my hands. There’s no way around it; I’m going to have to run home before going to work. I shove my bare feet into my running shoes, pick up my empty bag and backpack, and push the locker room door open, fully expecting to see those three dickheads still out here, waiting to mess with me.

  When I look around, though, I find that they’re gone.

  A single tear trickles from the corner of my eye. Fuck. If this is Xander trying to get rid of me, he’s making a damn good attempt. The place I’d hoped would make me feel closer to my mom is home to someone who wants nothing more than to make me so miserable I’ll leave. Why?

  Maybe you’re not worthy of being here after all. Who decided that you of all people would get that scholarship? Poor little girl lost her mom, so let’s be nice?

  No. Stop. That’s exactly what whoever is messing with me wants. I can’t fall into that trap. I won’t assume that I’m not exactly what they were looking for, that I’m not an asset to the cross-country team. Strength, Scarlett. It’s what Mom always said was one of my greatest assets. I can only hope she meant mental strength in addition to physical, because it’s starting to look like I’m going to need every ounce of both to survive this school.

  Chapter 13

  The whole school is abuzz Friday morning. The first football game of the year is tonight, and the hallways are a sea of red-and-black jerseys and cheer uniforms.

  Aria and a few other cheerleaders pass by Max, Daphne, and me on their way to greet the football players. Their super-short, pleated skirts swish, and they push out their chests, emphasizing the RA rose logo emblazoned across the front of their shirts. I turn my head just in time to see Daphne roll her eyes.

  “Do you go to football games?”

  She shakes her head. “Screw that. I have better things to do with my Friday nights.”

  Max chuckles. “Like what? Your homework?”

  “No. There’s this book I want to read, but I haven’t had time since classes started again.” She eyes Max, who is trying not to laugh, and shoves him. “Jerk.”

  “God, I love your nerd game, Daphne.” He throws an arm around her, then wiggles his eyebrows at me. “If you need someone to go to the game with, I’ll go. I don’t mind all the grunting and sweating. Like, at all.”

  I give him an amused smile. “Coach Lance says our team is supposed to support other sports, and we’re supposed to show up at games, so I guess I’ll be there whether I want to be or not.”

  Daphne snickers. “Somehow, I doubt it’ll be reciprocated when it comes to a cross-country meet at nine a.m. on a Saturday morning after a game, you know?”

  Max pauses, studying me. “Are you sure going to the game wouldn’t have more to do with a certain wide receiver?”

  My head jerks back, and I frown at him. “What? No. Why?”

  Max juts his chin in the direction of the crowd of football players and cheerleaders. “Because lover boy keeps looking over here. Mark my words. He’s into you.”

  “He has a weird way of showing it.”

  “What’s that mean?” He looks at me, curiosity piqued.

  I can’t even bear to bring up some of the crap that’s happened. “Nothing. Just … never mind. Anyway, I have to go to the game, so if you want to go, I’d appreciate the company.”

  He gives me a funny smile but nods. “Sure, I’ll go.”

  At seven, I swing by Max’s house in Ruth. I’m a tiny bit embarrassed to even drive my truck through this neighborhood. As with all of the other Roses, Max’s family is loaded. When I questioned him, he’d explained that his dad is CEO of a big pharmaceutical company that was originally founded by his great-grandfather. His home is nothing short of a mansion, the architecture is gorgeous, and it’s well-kept. The whole package is jealousy inducing.

  He jogs down the driveway and pulls the passenger door open. Ruth’s hinges shriek her protest, and Max laughs, climbing in. “This truck is older than dirt.” He slams the door shut and it creaks again. Loudly.

  I cringe, then shrug. “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

  “Truth. Let’s go see your boyfriend, shall we?” He gives me a teasing grin.

  I huff out a breath. “You need to open your eyes and pay attention. He hates me.”

  “I think that’s a strong word for it. I also happen to think there’s an extremely thin line between love and hate.”

  “You’ve just got all the truth bombs tonight, don’t you?”

  He shrugs. “We’ll see.”

  We arrive at the academy and pull into the football stadium parking lot. I’m immediately overwhelmed by the size of the crowd. What the hell had I been thinking coming here tonight? Straight into the lion’s den.

  Despite my protest, Max pays for our tickets, grabs my hand, and drags me over to the stands where we find some seats on the end of the aisle.

  My eyes drift over the players on the field, spotting Xander immediately. I’d know that lean, muscular build anywhere. And that thought alone is enough to irritate the shit out of me.

  On the next play, Xander snatches the ball out of midair and runs it in for a touchdown. Max and I stand with the rest of the crowd and, amid the cheers, Xander glances up into the stands in our direction. How the hell he knows I’m in attendance at the game, much less exactly where I’m seated in the packed bleachers, is beyond me. It feels like his eyes are boring right into mine.

  “Told you. He freaking senses you like a heat-seeking missile.” Max gives me a disbelieving look. “It’s totally hot.”

  “I don’t know about hot, but I swear to you, just like that missile, all he wants to do is destroy me.”

  “You’re being dramatic.”

  My voice low, my words tumble out. “Am I, though? Even putting the shitty comment he made about my mom at the ice cream shop to the side … Watch him carefully in class sometime, and you’ll see how he messes with me. Or wait for him to smear lube on my locker or drag me into the bathroom with him again. Or maybe join me on a run through the woods so you can be chased, too.” I blink rapidly, not sure if I should keep going, but I do. “Or you could come on into the shower stall with me sometime and stand there naked waiting for whoever is out there to leave, then come out to find your towel, clothes, and phone have been stolen.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the fuck?” A line creases his forehead. “Slow down, Cupcake. You’re saying he’s really done all that?”

  Exasperated, I groan, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I can’t say for sure it’s all been him, but I assume it is based on how weirdly, angrily obsessive he is about me.”

  Max puts an arm around me. “You should have said something. That shower shit is scary.”

  “Well, considering my phone got stolen last night, that was a little hard to do.”

  He squeezes me to him. “Look, I’ll put my ear to the ground and see if I can find out any particular reason why he’s kind of … infatuated with you.” He winks. “You know, besides that you’re shit-hot with a banging body.”

  My brows fly to my hairline.

  “Cupcake, I may be gay, but I have eyes. I appreciate the feminine form.

  Chapter 14

  Toward the end of the fourth quarter, Max sees someone he wants to say hello to and takes off, but only after my assurance that I’m fine and going to walk around for a bit.

  I’ve only just settled in at the fenced-in field to watch the end of the game from a different vantage point, when out of the corner of my eye, I see someone waving. I focus on the figure and realize it’s my locker buddy, Justin, and he’s now jogging over to me. Oh, shit. Not that he’s given me any reason to be nervous around him—not at all. But Xander’s warning fills my head loud and insistent, like the primal roar of a wild beast.

  A little breathless, Justin says, “Hey. Here supporting the Roses of Rosehaven, huh?”

  I give him a quick smile. “Hey, yourself. And yep, I am. Enjoying the game?”

  “I mostly just come for the social aspect of it.” He leans close, whispering, “I’m not a football fan. Don’t tell.”

  “I’d never. Coach Lance had us come out tonight, or I probably wouldn’t be here either.” I shrug, glancing around to see who might be watching me talking to him.

  “Ah, so you’re a runner. See, all I really know about you is that you’re new, have gorgeous red hair, and dislike having lube on your fingers.” He shoots me a cocky grin.

  I bite down on my lip and look up at him with a cautious laugh. “Cute.”

  “I like to think so.” He winks. “So, are you here on an athletic scholarship?”

  I nod. “Yep.”

  We’re both quiet for a few seconds. A glance over at the stands tells me the game has wrapped up. The crowd is dissipating and the football players jog past us to the locker room. Xander’s hard eyes are on me as he goes by, and a sinking feeling washes over me. “Have you seen Max? I should get out of here.” I can’t tell whether I feel like I need to go because I’m more worried about Justin or Xander.

  “No, why?”

  “I’m his ride.” I look around for Max again, with a sigh. Of all the times for you to disappear, dude.

  Justin doesn’t appear to notice my discomfort. “Ah, gotcha.”

  And since I’m stuck here, we talk about our classes and teachers for a few minutes. All the while, I keep out an eagle eye for Max. There are very few people hanging around still. Where the hell has he gone off to?

  Justin puts a hand on my shoulder to get my attention. “You know, I was thinking …” He pauses like he’s trying to decide whether to say anything else. “What you said earlier about being the scholarship student for cross-country—that’s kind of odd.”

  Perplexed at the change in conversation, I eye him warily. “Oh, really? Why?”

  “Well, usually it’s just one person on an athletic scholarship per team each year.”

  I frown. “Go on …” The seed of doubt that I’d felt when I first got the scholarship and decided to attend school here has only grown as I feel more and more targeted by Xander and whoever else has decided they don’t want me here—because I don’t think it’s all him. I’m pretty sure whoever was outside the shower stall had not been dark haired like Xander. Does this have to do with the scholarship? I hadn’t thought of that before.

  “Kari—your captain—is my ex. She’s had the cross-country scholarship for four years running.”

  My heart does a weird jump and falls into my gut. “Huh. I’ll have to ask Coach Lance.”

  He shrugs. “Maybe they’ve changed the rules. What do I know?”

  “Yeah, may—”

  The sudden nervous look on Justin’s face has me pausing mid-thought. With everything in me, I know exactly who is making him freak out.

  A low growl emanates from behind me. “Back the fuck off, cocksucker.”

  I gasp and turn to look at him. Xander looks … royally pissed off.

  His jaw twitches, then holds rigid as a little vein stands out on his forehead. His sole focus is Justin, and the look he’s giving him would make most people turn tail and run. “Stay away from Red, Justin. I’m warning you now.”

  I blink, confusion filling my head. What?

  Justin’s smiling face shifts into a sneer. “Okay, sure. Because I’m expected to just do everything you say because of who your daddy is, right?”

  “No, I want you away from her because you’re a fucking prick, and she shouldn’t have to deal with you.”

  My mouth drops open. I guess Xander was more serious about the Justin warning than I’d realized. But still—I can talk to who I want to. My brow furrows. “We were just talking, Xander. You aren’t my keeper. You don’t even want me here.” I turn back to Justin. “Really, it’s fine. I’m sorry.”

  He backs away with a grim smile and a wave. “No, no. If you want to let your man control you like that, it’s cool.”

  I call out to Justin’s retreating figure, “He’s not …” I’m flabbergasted. Can’t get another single word out as my mind spins. I whirl back around, my breath coming fast. Xander’s dark eyes lock on mine. His jaw twitches some more as he takes in my murderous expression. I throw my arms up in the air. “What the fuck was that? I heard your warning, but you didn’t explain yourself so you don’t get to tell me who I can talk to. You don’t even know me, Xander. You may rule the school in your big-man football uniform, but you don’t rule me.” My heart pumps hard as I scan his features, looking for some clue as to why he would think any of what just went down was okay.

  “And here I thought you were going to thank me for getting rid of Justin and his little dick.”

  Beau and Micah walk up behind him just in time to hear me respond.

  “Little dick? I guarantee you the only little dick around here is still standing in front of me.” My eyes dart down to his crotch. The bulge in his athletic pants reminds me he’s anything but little. Oops.

  He smirks at me when my gaze returns to his face. “It’s okay if you want to flirt with my dick, Red. I’m down with that. Besides, you felt it. Why lie about the size?” He has the audacity to wink at me.

  Beau and Micah cover their mouths, stifling their laughter. “Ah, fuck,” Beau snorts.

  My mouth drops open and my eyes blaze at all three of them. I can’t handle how cocky this guy is. Or his friends. Assholes. All of them.

  And I’ll have to ask myself, later, in the privacy of my room, why Xander makes my nipples tighten when he talks to me like that.

  “We’ve got to take off now. Before we go, though, I wanted to say you’re welcome to hang onto my joggers if you like them.”

  I’m about to at least mutter a thank you to him when he continues. “I really liked imagining your bare pussy inside of them.” He gives me a megawatt smile.

  Micah makes a hand motion like he’s jacking off and Beau laughs, shoving him.

  My mouth has gone drier than the Sahara. I blink a few times in disbelief at what he’s just said.

  Beau and Micah slap Xander’s shoulders and motion to the car to tell him they’ll be waiting.

  On one hand, I’d rather no one witness whatever else Xander wants to say to me. On the other hand, I don’t know if I feel better being left alone with him or not.

  Xander nods in the direction of the stands. “Looks like Max is ready to go. That’s who you were waiting on, right?”

  “Yeah. So, explain this—not that I’m going to do a damn thing you tell me to, but I want to make sure I have this right. You have no issues with me going places with Max, but Justin is a definite no-go.”

  “Max is harmless. Justin is not.” He quirks one brow up as his lips form a thin line. “Got me?” He plants his hands on his hips and eyes Max as he comes toward us.

  I tilt my head to the side. “Just so you know, Justin has been nothing but nice to me.” I nod in the direction of Xander’s SUV where Beau and Micah have been joined by Aria. “Looks like your girlfriend is waiting for you.”

  Aria’s ass is planted on the bumper, her arms crossed stiffly as she watches us from a distance.

  “I wouldn’t want you to have to find out you�
��re wrong about him, Red.”

  I scowl, hissing, “What the hell does that even mean? And why can’t you just leave me the fuck alone? What did I do to you? You’ve done nothing but taunt me and stalk me since school started.” My breath heaves. “And why do you even care what happens to me?”

  Ten seconds tick by before he answers. “I don’t fucking know.”

  The look of frustration and regret in his eyes haunts me for the rest of the weekend.

  Chapter 15

  Monday at lunch, I’m sitting with Daphne when Max rushes over. He sits down quickly, his tray clattering on the table. He props his elbow on the table, resting his cheek on his palm, his eyes glued to his plate as he starts to eat.

  Daphne and I exchange a look. She shrugs, and I shrug right back.

  Finally, he looks up. “I don’t know what to say. Hang on. I’m trying to process what I just saw.”

  Daphne kicks him lightly under the table. “You’re being weird.”

  “Yeah, so I’ll just come out with it, then.” His gaze slides over to me. “It’s probably a good thing your phone is missing.” He presses his lips together.

  “You’re freaking me out.”

  “You should be freaked. Um, so here’s the thing—the reason why I was late. Your phone number is on the bathroom wall right now in at least two of the boys’ bathrooms. I’d bet more.”

  Daphne gasps. “What the hell? Seriously?”

  He looks me square in the eye. “The message under your number says, ‘Scarlett gives good head, send a dick pic.’”

  Wow. Just wow.

  Daphne wrinkles her nose. “That’s so gross. Do guys think we actually want to see their junk like that? It’s like a repulsive sneak attack.”

  When I get to my last class of the day, art with Daphne, guess what’s on my table? Yep. My fucking phone, complete with no fewer than twenty text messages from unknown numbers, over half of them containing the dick pics that Max warned me about. Considering I’ve only ever seen one penis up close and personal, today’s art class has been quite the education in the human form. Unfortunately, it’s not one I necessarily wanted and definitely not one I’d asked for. Try telling that to all these dudes who keep sending me pics of their junk.


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