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Starlight Page 6

by Nikki Gaspar

  “Hi, do you need anything?”

  He lowered his head. “I’m sorry, Princess. I was just passing by, but then I saw you…”

  “And you decided to scare me?” I finished for him with a chuckle.

  He grimaced, and his ears turned red. “No, Princess. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to meet you, but you’re busy looking at the flowers, so I was trying to decide what I should do to get your attention.”

  “My name is Claire, are you a part of the royal family? I’m sorry if I don’t recognize you, I’m new here.”

  He’s still looking at his shoes, but since the top of my head only reached his shoulders, I could still see his face. He was really attractive if you disregard the fact that he gawks at unsuspecting females.

  After an awkward pause, he finally lifted his head to look at me and introduce himself. “My name is Vincent,” he said, “and I’m not a part of the royal family. My dad is the king’s best friend.”

  “Are you here to visit the king?”

  “Something like that…” he chewed his lip. “Do you want to sit on the bench?”

  “Um…sure.” We sat on the bench nearby, and he continued our conversation.

  “I can’t believe that I’m meeting you at last. All Bellan parents told your story to their children like it’s a mystery fairy tale.”

  I didn’t know how to feel about that. I was touched that Bellans cared about me, but it was uncomfortable at the same time that strangers knew so much more about me than I know myself.

  Vincent became confident in conversing with me after he got over his initial shyness. He said that he goes to the palace for school and shares the same classes with Ysabel.

  “But why did I not see you before? I thought Ysabel and Sofia are the only ones studying here.”

  “I was out of town last week, but tomorrow I will be back in class.”

  My stomach dropped when I remembered that the next day was Monday. “My classes also start tomorrow. I’m lucky that my subjects in my old school are the same as what is required here, but I’m behind in music and sports. I never learned any instrument or played any sports before.”

  “I’m sure you will do okay. Just enjoy the classes. They are not that bad.”

  I was just getting comfortable chatting with Vincent when he looked at someone behind me.

  “How long have you been here, Vincent?” It was Ysabel.

  “I’m not sure. I was on my way to the palace when I saw Princess Clarissa staring at the flowers. I decided to scare her…” he smirked at me, “and then we chatted, and I just forgot the time.”

  She raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “You forgot the time. I see. You also forgot that I’m waiting for you?”

  “I’m sorry, Ysabel. Come on, don’t be mad, sit with us and chat,” he patted the seat beside him.

  Ysabel sat down between me and Vincent. I was surprised that she chose a seat near me when there was plenty of space on the other side of Vincent.

  “So, did you tell my dear cousin who you are?” she asked.

  Vincent wrinkled his brows. “Of course, I did. What do you mean?”

  “I mean, did you tell my dear cousin Claire…that you are my fiancé?” She made sure to emphasize the word.

  So that was why she sat between us; she didn’t want me near her boyfriend. So much for me hoping that she finally warmed up to me.

  “You guys are engaged young.”

  “Yup. Ever since we were babies,” Vincent said with a laugh.

  “What do you mean babies?”

  “I told you that my dad is best friends with the king, right? They agreed that their children will marry each other, so there we are, engaged at birth.”

  Wow, that still happens in the royal family? I wonder if my mom and dad’s marriage was also arranged by their parents.

  “Yes, and we are going to get married when we both turn twenty-one. That’s next year,” Ysabel said snarkily.

  “Well…congrats, I guess.”

  “Come on, Vincent. I have something to show you.” And she left without another word to me.

  Vincent gave me an apologetic look before he followed Ysabel.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The history of Bellanmuse was interesting, probably because I knew that those people in the stories were my ancestors. Who would have guessed that the Great King Olfindo discovered the country while traveling? He was trying to find a very rare flower that the woman he wishes to marry loved and found a new country along the way.

  What a great effort for just a flower, but at least he got the girl, with a bonus of Bellanmuse.

  Way to go, Grandpa!

  Now, where do I find myself my very own Great King Olfindo?

  Vincent was in the corridor when I stepped out of my classroom. He was rummaging in his backpack and looked up when he heard my door open.

  “Hi, Princess Clarissa, how was your class?” he asked.

  “It was good, but please call me Claire.”

  “Alright. So, Claire, do you want—” but he wasn’t able to finish what he was about to say because Ysabel went out of the classroom behind him.

  “You have to leave Vincent, your father is expecting you.” Her voice was icy.

  He slapped his forehead. “Oh yes, you’re right, I forgot. See you tomorrow then,” he said to her before turning to me. “Bye, Claire!”

  Vincent sprinted out of the study area, leaving me and Ysabel alone in the corridor. I glanced at Sofia’s classroom, willing it to open and save me from this awkward situation—it remained shut—I guess my mind power was not enough to make her hurry finish her school work. But then I realized that I came here to Bellanmuse to find my family, and Ysabel was part of that. If extending an olive branch was what it takes to make her welcome me in her life, then I was willing to try.

  “How was your class, Ysabel?” I gave her a tentative smile.

  “My class is none of your business, just like Vincent is also none of your business. Don’t get near him again.”

  So my olive branch was immediately cut-off—but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Just like most plants, cutting off a branch meant that new branches would develop, and I hope one of those would eventually reach my cousin’s heart.


  My other classes, as expected, were difficult. Blood, sweat, and tears had been shed before finally, Saturday arrived.

  The music teacher, Miss Isa, said that the first instrument she would teach me was the piano. I needed to learn how to read notes first, though, so that was what we did on our first class.

  The most basic symbols were the staff, the clefs, and the notes. The staff consists of five lines and four spaces; The clefs were: the treble clef which looks like a letter G was used for higher notes, and the bass clef was used for lower notes, and then notes were placed on the staff to tell which notes to play on the instrument.

  Easy peasy. When Miss Isa continued to explain the parts of a note, however, was when things started to get confusing. By the end of the lesson, the best thing I learned was to respect musicians. They are geniuses!


  I rested for a bit after the music class, dreading my next lesson. I was not an active sort of person, so sports were never part of my interests, and based on my previous classes, it was bound to be difficult.

  A few minutes before class, I dragged my feet towards the sports complex at the right side of the palace grounds.

  Giving the basketball court, two swimming pools, and the tennis court a wary look, I proceeded to an indoor area where I was told to meet with my teacher. It had pool tables, ping-pong tables, dart boards, and a gym that was complete with all types of equipment.

  Mr. Leacon, the sports teacher, led me to the gym, which I considered as a bad sign. He said that I needed to stretch and strengthen my body to play sports safely, and so he taught me some stretching exercises and made me run in the treadmill. Drenched in sweat, muscles, and bones aching, I almost burst into tears of h
appiness when Mr. Leacon said that I was done with our first lesson. I gathered my things and wiped my sweat hurriedly to escape the gym of doom, but his voice stopped me just before I could get out of the door.

  “Princess, you need to do the stretching exercises every morning, even if we don’t have classes.”

  “What?” I asked, crestfallen.

  “I know it’s difficult, but it’s for your own good,” he said. “And, Princess? I would know if you are not doing it.”



  “What happened to you?” Uncle Ant asked when I showed up for lunch.

  “I just finished the class with Mr. Leacon,” I said, wincing as my bones and muscles complained when I sat. “Can I drop that subject, please?”

  Sofia giggled, and I rolled my eyes at her, but she laughed even harder. I kicked her foot under the table and winced again, but this time she finally stopped. Victory!

  “Oh, honey, you will get used to it. You need to stretch your muscles every day and make them strong,” Grandma said consolingly.

  “That’s what Mr. Leacon said. I was hoping you will contradict him.”

  Uncle Ant shook his head. “No. That is not happening. You will follow his instructions and do the exercises daily.”

  I stared at my food and pushed them around the plate moodily.

  “Cheer up, Claire. I have two surprises for you,” Grandma said.

  “What surprises?” I asked, although, I’m not interested in surprises at the moment unless it’s pain killers.

  “First…” she paused for a few seconds to give a proper effect. “We are having a party tomorrow!”

  “Yes!” Sofia cheered.

  “What for?”

  Grandma’s eyebrows rose. “Your welcome home party, of course!”

  “Oh…you don’t need to do that for me.”

  I hate parties. I get really awkward because I am not good at socializing and so I always end up either sitting in one corner or going home early. And I especially hate parties that were organized for me, because that means that the guests expect me to talk to them.

  “Of course, we need to celebrate your return! The whole country had waited for you for sixteen years,” Uncle Ant said. “The Bellan People will not forgive us if they don’t get a chance to meet you.”

  “And I’m thinking of inviting that lady from the bakery who recognized you. We can give her something to show our appreciation,” Grandma suggested.

  “I agree, mom, that lady did our family a huge favor. How about you, Claire, do you have any requests?”

  Now that they mentioned Rosy, I definitely have a request. I really wanted to eat some of her bread again, and I thought that by serving them in the palace, it would give her business a boost. “Can we have Rosy’s bread served at the party?”

  Ysabel snorted. “You want bread from the bakery served at a formal event?”

  “Just because it’s not gourmet, doesn’t mean it’s not good,” I said.

  Ysabel was about to say probably another sarcastic remark, when Grandma said, “If that is what Claire wants for her party, that is what we will do.”

  “Mr. Kai will still prepare most of the foods. There's nothing wrong with getting bread from Rosy. I'll tell Jazaael to make sure that she is informed,” Uncle Ant said.

  Ysabel and I continued to glare at each other when Uncle Ant and Grandma weren’t looking.

  “So, what’s your second surprise, Grandma?” Sofia, who witnessed our silent argument, asked, diffusing the tension.

  “A special guest of Claire’s will arrive for the party,” she said, spearing a baby corn with her fork, then chewed it slowly, knowing full well that she finally caught my interest.

  I didn’t have any friends in Bellanmuse—I haven’t even met most of the royals—so who could that person be?

  “Did you invite a famous singer?” I asked.

  “Oooh! Please invite the band One Zillion Times Amazing! Their drummer, Rolf, is so handsome!”

  Uncle Ant stopped slicing his meat and glared at Sofia. “You have no right to call anyone handsome, young lady. You’re only fourteen.”

  “Everyone calls him handsome, Dad. Besides, he doesn’t even know me.” Sofia rolled her eyes.

  “I did not invite celebrities,” grandma said. “The special guest is your Aunt Emily, your mom’s sister. She will arrive tomorrow morning.”

  Mom’s sister—three surprises it is then—I never knew that she had a sister.

  Chapter Fifteen

  That afternoon, Mari came into my room together with another lady. They brought with them a mobile clothes rack full of gowns.

  “Good afternoon, Princess Clarissa. My name is Lindy. I am the royal family’s seamstress.”

  “Nice to meet you. Please call me Claire. Did you make the dresses that I wear?”

  I only have a few t-shirts and jeans when I arrived in the palace, but Mari brought dresses for me every day until my walk-in closet was almost full.

  “Yes, Claire, when Jazaael informed me that you are back, I rushed to make a few so that you would have something to wear.”

  “But how did you know my size?”

  “Jazaael said that you have the same built as your mom. I just based your dresses on her size.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that mom was a princess when she married my dad.

  When my silence caused awkwardness in the air, Lindy cleared her throat and gestured to the rack. “I brought some gowns that I made for you. Please choose the ones you want to wear for the party tomorrow, and I will check if they fit perfectly.”

  “How many do I need?” I asked, browsing through the gowns.

  I thought the dresses in my closet were formal, but they would look like everyday dresses compared to what Lindy brought for me today.

  “You need two gowns. You will wear the first one when you greet the citizens, and then change into the second gown for the party,” Mari said.

  Choosing just two was a difficult task because the gowns were all equally beautiful. In the end, I went for the simpler ones: a light green off-the-shoulder ball gown and a long pink sequined dress with sweetheart neckline.

  Lindy asked me to wear both of them, and then made marks on the spots that would need adjustments. I thought she would leave and bring the gowns with her, but she sat on a chair, extracted a sewing kit from her bag, and made the necessary adjustments with her skilled hands. Mari and I were amazed when only a few minutes passed when she announced that she was done. Being the royal family’s official seamstress sure required outstanding skills.


  I was watching television that night when someone knocked on the door. Thinking that it was Mari, I was surprised when I saw Uncle Ant instead.

  “Good evening, Claire. I hope I didn’t wake you?”

  “No, Uncle, I was just watching T.V. Do you want to come in?”

  He shook his head and then placed his hand inside his pocket. “I just came to give you this.” He extracted from his pocket a small, flat, velvet box. “Your dad asked me to keep this—a surprise anniversary gift for your mom—but he died before their anniversary, then you and your mom disappeared shortly after. I kept it since then, but I thought it was time that you have it.”

  Inside the box was a stunning tennis bracelet. The exquisite diamonds sparkled as I lifted it with my fingers.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “You should wear it tomorrow. I’m sure your dad would love to see it on your arm.”

  I only managed a nod because my throat was thick. Uncle Ant patted my head and turned to leave just as Mari arrived.

  “Mari, it’s late. Why aren’t you resting in your room?” Uncle Ant asked.

  It was impressive that even though he was a king, he knew the names of every staff in the palace.

  Mari curtsied. “I’m just here to bring Claire a glass of milk, Your Highness.”

  “I see. Drink your milk, Cl
aire. We have a big day tomorrow. Both of you should rest.”

  With mom’s ring on my finger and dad’s bracelet on my arm—for the first time in my life, I felt like they were both with me, and I fell asleep with a grateful heart.

  Chapter Sixteen

  My heart skipped a beat when I saw her. A foolish part of me hoped that her death wasn’t real, that she followed me here in Bellanmuse to tell me that everything was a misunderstanding. Any moment now, I would hear the voice that I have been longing to hear. She would tell me that she missed me and that we would never part again. She would tell me that the body in that casket wasn’t her—a mannequin that was part of a cruel prank.

  But the logical part of me wasn’t fooled. This woman in front of me, though had my mom’s face, was a different person. She wears her black hair short, and her lips were painted red. Her eyes were fixed on my face and swimming with tears.

  “Aunt Emily?”

  She nodded. “Clarissa, I thought I would never see you again.” Even the way she walked was eerily similar. She stood in front of me and held my hands, her finger absently running back and forth on my star-shaped birthmark. “Your mom…Emma…is she really dead? The queen mother told me on the phone, but I don’t want to believe her…my sister, she can’t be dead.” Her eyes were pleading for me to belie what grandma told her.

  “I’m sorry, but it’s true, she was run over by a car.”

  She enveloped me in her familiar, yet foreign arms, and wept for the woman that we both loved.

  “What happened to the two of you? Did your mom tell you why she ran away from here?” she asked, wiping her tears dry.

  “I grew up in Northern Guimana, just four hours from here. Mom never told me anything about Bellanmuse, about you, or about the royal family. As far as I knew, we only have each other.” As I explained to Aunt Emily everything, from our life in our old home, up until I arrived in the palace, mom’s reasoning for hiding became more peculiar.

  “I wish she told us whatever trouble she’s in. We could have helped her. Your grandparents died not knowing what happened to the both of you,” she said, staring pensively out the window and shook her head. “How about you, are you okay here in the palace?”


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