The Disciples: A Dark Romance Collection

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The Disciples: A Dark Romance Collection Page 3

by Sweet, Izzy

  Getting away will probably be an easier feat in the light of day. There will be more opportunities for help. More chances to make a break for it. If the children don’t attend school, it will be noticed. My friends and family will become suspicious if they don’t hear from me. We will be missed. There’s a way out of this, I just have to be patient.

  His scent envelopes me, spicy, warm and addictive.

  I can’t stop breathing him in, and I can’t stop the temperature of my blood from rising.

  There’s something wrong with me. I shouldn’t be getting turned on like this. Perhaps I’m already experiencing Stockholm Syndrome…

  I squeeze my thighs together and try not to think about how heavy my breasts feel as they rise and fall with every deep breath. Or how he was unashamed of the erection tenting his pants before he climbed into bed.

  Thank god he’s not forcing himself upon me, and thank god he’s promised not to hurt my children. Maybe I shouldn’t believe his promise but I get the impression when he says something he means it.

  I was tempted to put up more of a fight earlier but the look on his face made me think better of it. No, I’m better off biding my time for the moment.

  Besides the man holding me, there are at least three other men present in the house that I know of. I’m not foolish enough to think I’ll be able to wake Adam and Evelyn and get past all of them.

  I could call the police but I know it will do no good. The more and more I come to terms with this, my new reality, my awful situation, the more and more I’m putting together the pieces.

  I’ve heard the name Lucifer before. He and his men are notorious for their criminal exploits and their viciousness.

  Every couple of weeks or so the news tends to run a story on them. There’s usually some horrible crime—a murder, a massacre, or someone important gone missing—and usually Lucifer or his men are suspected of being behind it, but the authorities can never prove it.

  How Marshall got mixed up with him, I’ll never understand it. But I’ll also never forgive him for forcing me and our children to pay for his transgressions.

  Lucifer’s warm breath hits the back of my neck and I shiver, my nipples tightening. His chest begins to rise and fall against me in a steady rhythm.

  He’s asleep… or perhaps it’s a test. Either way, I’m not going to try to make a run for it… yet.

  Tomorrow, in the light of day, I remind myself. I’ll get us away. We’ll head across the country and stay with my parents. Then, if it comes to it, we’ll move to another country. Whatever it takes to get away from these awful men.

  I was planning on doing that anyway after divorcing Marshall.

  It’s a good plan.

  I just have to keep reminding myself of that. I need to bide my time.

  I can get us out of this.



  Somehow, someway I fall asleep. Lulled into a false sense of security by Lucifer’s deep and steady breathing.

  My dreams are vivid and heated. A man, I can’t see his face in my dreams, is kissing my neck and caressing my breasts.

  I groan and try to roll away but there’s an arm locked around my waist like a vise. I can’t escape, I’m trapped.

  Between my thighs, my sex is throbbing madly, and I can’t stop rubbing my knees together trying to ease it.

  Behind me I feel something hard grinding into my ass and I thrust my hips back, grinding myself against it. I don’t know what’s going on.

  Am I awake? Am I still dreaming?

  If I’m dreaming I don’t want to wake up.

  I want that hardness inside me. Filling me. Stretching me.

  It’s been so long, so very long since I’ve been touched, kissed, caressed or fucked. Months and months.

  I’ve been starved for touch and affection.

  The lips kissing my neck reach my shoulder and my skin prickles with gooseflesh as the strap of my nightie is pushed down and cool air hits my breast.

  A warm hand covers my breast, cupping it, kneading it. Then strong fingers pinch and roll my nipple. I bite my lip and groan, rocking my hips back.

  I never want this dream to end.

  The arm locked around my waist loosens and then a hand is sliding down, yanking up my chemise.

  Dragging up my thigh and pulling my panties to the side.

  I become very aware of my wetness, of the air against my throbbing flesh.

  The hand on my breast squeezes hard just as the hand dragging up my thighs reaches my sex.

  Touch me. Touch me, please, I want to beg but in this dream, I can’t get the words past my lips.

  A puff of hot air hits my neck and then thick fingers brush across my swollen folds. I shudder and a whimper slips past my lips.

  My hips jerk forward and the hard bulge follows me, grinding rougher into my ass. The fingers drag up, spreading me open.


  It’s been so long, my sex is aching with need and clenching down on emptiness.

  I’m not sure I even remember what’s it’s like to have an orgasm.

  A mouth touches my neck and a hard suckle is pulled back.

  Then the fingers on my sex brush across my clit. Behind my eyes colors spark and flash.

  My body is lit up with electric sensation.

  I groan and writhe, needing more. Needing a firmer touch. I reach down, grabbing the hand, wanting to guide it.

  Suddenly, teeth sink into my neck, giving me a painful nip. With a yelp, I pull my hand back.

  I pant, afraid that the fingers will stop now but my fear is misguided.

  A moment later, fingers touch my clit, rubbing in slow, circular motions.

  I melt, inside I’m melting into warm gooey wetness.

  Moaning, I thrust my ass back, my hips rocking in a slow, needy rhythm.

  The spot on my neck that was just bit is tenderly soothed with a slow, dragging lick. The pressure of the fingers on my clit increases.

  Knees locking together, my muscles lock up, tensing in anticipation.

  The fingers continue to work against me, becoming fast and frantic.

  The mouth on my neck is sucking and licking me as if it’s trying to devour me. I swear I feel the hardness against my ass twitch.

  I’m so close, I’m going to come.

  I let out a low, needy groan and still just as all the pleasurable pressure reaches its apex.

  All at once the fingers on my clit stop, leaving me hanging on the edge.

  No, no, no…

  I reach down again, grabbing the hand.

  “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop,” I beg, my voice startling me as it breaks the silence.

  The silence doesn’t answer back, and the hand I’m gripping resists my guidance. Roughly, I’m shoved forward and my face hits the mattress.

  From behind, I can feel my chemise being lifted up more and then the soft sound of fabric rubbing against skin. I try to push myself up but a firm hand pushes me back down.

  Something hard touches my folds and then glides through them.

  Oh fuck, I know what that is. Only the head of a cock can do that.

  My hips rock back on their own volition. A weight touches my back and then presses me back down into the mattress. Lips touch my ear while the cock continues to push, slide and spread my folds.

  He’s slicking himself up with my wetness.

  My hands grip the bed and I bite back the moan that is trying to push past my lips.

  I shouldn’t want this, I shouldn’t.

  But he left me hanging on the edge. I’m throbbing, my sex is swollen and my clit is pulsing.

  I fucking need it.

  “How long has it been, Lily?” His voice slides into my ear like a soft caress.

  I press my lips together and refuse to answer the question.

  The head of his cock slides up and then brushes against my clit. It’s only a light touch but it’s enough to cause the need inside me to increase in intensity.

” he says, chiding me. “Tell me. How long has it been since a cock has been inside your pussy?”

  God, the way he says the word pussy sounds so naughty yet so damn sexy at the same time.

  He slides the head of his cock back down and prods it at my entrance.

  “Did Marshall fuck you tonight?”

  I tense up, hoping he pushes it further in.

  With a sigh, I feel him pull back and I want to scream in frustration.

  “Lily,” he purrs huskily into my ear. “Did your husband fuck your pussy tonight?”

  I shake my head and he rewards me by brushing his cock against my clit.

  “Good girl.”

  He presses the head of his cock against my clit and I shudder. The pressure is so delicious.

  “How long has it been? A day? A week?”

  I don’t want to answer him now because it fills me with humiliation.

  “Lily,” he growls and I feel him pull away again.

  Dammit. Why is he doing this?

  “Months,” I whimper as he pulls completely away from me. “Maybe a whole year.”

  He’s so still, so quiet, I almost burst into tears, fearing he finds me repulsive.

  “What a fucking idiot,” he declares and his warm weight presses me down again.

  I can’t stop the contented sigh that comes out of me nor can I stop my hips from tipping back, welcoming him as his cock finds the entrance of my pussy again.

  “Are you on birth control?” he asks in a strained voice.

  I shake my head. “I haven’t really needed it…”

  He thrusts forward suddenly, filling me up.

  It’s no gentle penetration. One moment there’s prodding, a little bit of pressure, then I’m roughly being spread open.

  But it doesn’t hurt. No, there’s something about it that feels so good, so raw. Like I needed this.

  Pulling back, he leaves me panting with expectation. Then he slams forward again.

  “Good,” he finally declares. “You won’t be fucking needing it.”

  Reaching down, he grabs me by the hips and holds me in place as he slams himself in and out of me again and again.

  I come almost at once. Exploding around him. My needy, sex deprived pussy grabbing on to him so tightly I’m not sure it will ever let go of his cock again.

  I cry out in pleasure, twitching and spasming, sucking him in deeper.

  He growls and pounds into me harder. Fucking me like a man gone mad.

  Another orgasm rocks through me, then another.

  I can’t stop coming.

  I just keep exploding; I keep getting swept away in wet waves of bliss.

  I’m not even aware of him reaching his own climax at first. I’m just suddenly full of warmth and he’s roaring out that I’m his.

  I’m fucking his.

  His thrusting slows and his head falls forward, forehead leaning against my neck. His breathing is loud, uneven. My lungs struggle to take in air and my throat is raw.

  It takes a few minutes for me to catch my breath.

  With a groan, he pulls himself out of me and then presses a small kiss against my neck.

  His weight and heat disappear, leaving me cold and shivering. I start to roll over but he stops me by grabbing me and pulling me once more into his chest. His body curls around mine and the blanket is pulled up, tucked around my shoulders.

  Arms locking around me, I feel trapped.

  All at once it’s like a bucket of ice water has been dumped on me as the euphoria wears off.

  Fuck, I didn’t just do that.



  Christ on a fucking pogo stick, that was the most amazing sex. Her pussy was so fucking perfect for my cock that I’m positive we were made for each other. This is fate. I was meant to have this fucking woman.

  She’s mine, there’s no doubt in my mind about that.

  The way her body crushes back against mine as we fall back into slumber feels as if I am completing something. I don’t know what, but something.

  * * *

  I wake again to the sound of my phone buzzing on top of the nightstand. Glancing at the screen, I check the time and sigh quietly.

  Swiping it open to accept the call, I say quietly, “Wait.”

  Slipping my arm out from underneath Lilith I get out of bed as smoothly as I can. No sense in waking her up at six in the morning. I don’t know what time she will get up to get the kids to school today, but it’s probably not as early as six.

  Putting the phone up to my ear I walk out of the bedroom and down the hall, I ask, “What is it?”

  “Matthew, we have a small problem from last night with Mickey,” Simon says to me.

  “What’s the problem? Is this seriously something you couldn’t handle? You know I’m busy right now.”

  “Detective Sommers intercepted him as he stumbled into the precinct last night with his hand bleeding all over the floor. The fucking piece of shit wants to try and rat us out.”

  “For fucking what?” I growl out.

  The lights are dark in the hallway and I try to keep my voice from rising. It wouldn’t be a good idea to wake the kids. They don’t know what their new world is yet. “It’s not as if he knows much more than who we are, and how much money he owes us.”

  “He was willing to point you out in a lineup with myself and Andrew. He wanted to pin you for snipping his finger off.”

  “That fat fucking shit,” I curse.

  I stop outside of a partially closed door and peek in. A little blonde-haired girl is sleeping in there. With the way her body is sprawled out, she reminds me of a little broken doll.

  Stepping past her door I stop at the next one. Yep, this one is a boy. He is sleeping just like his sister, but he has a small green dragon under his arm. His face, though, looks so severe and serious even when he is sleeping. Good.

  “What did Sommers do with him?” I ask as I walk towards the stairs.

  Time to take a tour of the house, see what kind of people live here.

  “The smart thing, he yanked him out of the building and to his personal car. Quieted him down enough to try and explain the reality to him. Sommers says it isn’t working though.”

  “He’s seventy-five thousand in the hole. I don’t imagine he’ll be able to pay off the debt now that he is behaving the way he is.”

  “I agree, at this point he has become deadweight.”

  “What about his wife and family?” I ask.

  All around me the house is very neat and tidy. The toys put up, the chairs and couches thick and comfortable. Lilith’s touch can be seen throughout the house. Little feminine touches here and there.

  “There are no children, his wife is a fat middle aged homemaker. She most likely has no idea her husband is in so much debt.”

  Lilith has pictures of her and the children all throughout the house. Sometimes Marshall is in them but more often than not he isn’t. I get the feeling he doesn’t spend much time here with his family.

  That’s a shame, really, now he never will.

  Like I told Lilith—she’s mine, and by proxy, the children are now mine as well.

  “Have Sommers bring him to the warehouse on fifteenth street. I’ll meet them there. Call Harrold to have a clean-up crew on standby.”

  “Understood… Matthew, about last night. Do you want to let me in on…”

  “No. I’ll see you at the warehouse.”

  “Alright,” he says before I disconnect from the call.

  I tour the kitchen and see that it is well used. The fridge and cabinets hold a mixture of healthy and not so healthy food in them. Looking around myself, I get the picture of a normal upper-middle-class family home.

  How the hell this jackass Marshall could talk Sean into such a huge financial venture is way beyond my understanding. I knew when I was helping them that the risk was going to be too fucking high for my gain/loss ratios.

  I allowed myself to get fucked out of five million dollars.

  Five million dollars.

  Marshall may think we are done with him, but we aren’t. Not by a fucking long shot.

  Walking back up the stairs, I move into the bedroom and stare down at the blonde-haired beauty.

  Even in the pale light coming through the parted curtains I can see her finely detailed features. Her face looks like it’s been sculpted from porcelain. Her high cheekbones would almost look too much if they didn’t blend in so well with her cheeks. The striking pink hue of her lips are almost red.

  Her lips look as if they were meant for two things, sucking my thick cock between them and kissing as hard as I can, even if it bruises them.

  Sometime during the night, her hair has become even more tousled, making her look like she has been fucked senseless. I suppose she was.

  I can’t help but look down at her slender neck and shoulders.

  The blanket covering her is an annoyance but it needs to be there I suppose. The house is warm, but in here it’s a bit chilly. I bet if I were to remove the blanket, and then her bra, her nipples would be tightened into two hard diamonds.

  Shaking my head, I look down at my cock. It’s almost as hard as it was when I forced it completely into her this morning.

  Hard, but not yet throbbing.

  Dropping my boxers down my legs, I lean down kissing Lilith on the cheek. She did so well this morning.

  I walk over to the master bathroom and switch on the light. It’s not a large bathroom by any means, and I don’t like how small this house feels.

  Things are going to be much easier when we get back home.

  * * *

  The shower was not up to my standards. I want my shower hot as fuck and with space to move around. Not some shitty tub I have to stand in.

  Drying myself off, I walk out of the bathroom. It was a long night, and from the phone call with Simon, it looks like it will be even longer before I can get into some clean clothing.

  I walk to where I stood before at the bed, looking down at Lilith. She looks so beautiful there. She must sense something different though because her eyes slowly open.


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