The Disciples: A Dark Romance Collection

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The Disciples: A Dark Romance Collection Page 6

by Sweet, Izzy

  At one point, there’s a loud crash in the family room and I can hear one of the movers cursing angrily. James, Peter, and I head into the room to investigate what happened. The family portrait I had hanging above our fireplace was dropped and the glass of the frame shattered.

  “Stay back, ma’am,” the mover warns me. “There’s glass everywhere.”

  Seeing the last portrait of Marshall, me and the children I had taken fractured into pieces on the floor feels like an omen.

  I cover my mouth with my hand and take a step back.

  “I’m real sorry about that, ma’am. The company will make it right,” the mover apologizes.

  James and Peter both look at me and take in my distressed state.

  James curses under his breath, “Fuck.”

  It’s obvious that me being upset has pissed them off.

  Peter takes a threatening step towards the mover and I just know he’s going to hurt him or something.

  “No!” I cry out and jump forward, grabbing him by the arm.

  Peter glances back at me sharply and I plead with him, “Please, don’t. It was just an accident.”

  The mover shifts uneasily. “Yeah, it was just an accident…. I’m real sorry. The company will pay for this. It will come out of my check.”

  “No, no, that’s okay. Just throw it in the trash.” I drop my hand from Peter’s arm and cross my arms over my chest. “I didn’t want to take that portrait with me anyway.” I shrug my shoulders and try to look as nonchalant as possible. “Seriously, where would I even hang it?”

  The mover lets out a relieved breath. I force a smile at him. “I was just worried that you were hurt.”

  The mover shakes his head. “Nah. I’m fine, ma’am.”

  This seems to satisfy Peter and James. We all turn and head back into the kitchen together without incident.

  My heart, though, races for another couple of minutes and I feel like I’m going to be sick. It’s a long time and a lot of steady breathing before I feel better again.

  When it’s time to finally pick up the kids, I nearly run out the door, eager to see them.

  Picking up Evelyn is easy, she doesn’t question the black car or the driver. She just babbles away about her day and all the different toys she played with.

  Adam, on the other hand, is even more suspicious.

  I can tell he wants to ask me questions when he climbs in the car but he seems hesitant to do it in front of Peter.

  Like I said, sometimes he’s too smart for his age.

  Adam broods beside me silently and I do my best to look cool and calm for them.

  “Mom, did we do something bad?” Adam asks as the car slows and I look at him with confusion.

  “No, honey. We didn’t do anything bad. Why would you ask that?”

  He points out his window. “Then why are we pulling into a prison?”

  I scoot closer to him and peer over his head.

  Damn. The place we’re pulling up to does indeed resemble a prison. There’s a fence and a guard manning it, wearing an automatic rifle over his shoulder—out in the open. Beyond the gate there’s a little guard shack and I can see the dark silhouettes of more guards.

  How much protection does one man need?

  The gate opens and the car rolls slowly through it as the guard waves us on. Up the long driveway, sitting on the hill is a house that’s definitely big enough to qualify as a mansion. There’s a fountain and everything in front of it.

  As we pass the little guard shack, a couple of guards step out and peek at the car curiously. I turn around and watch the gate slide to a shut behind us.

  Shit. Fuck. Shit.

  Despair sets in as I realize we’re never getting out of this unless he lets us.



  Strip clubs have a certain smell to them, one that is unique to only them. It’s a mixture of beer, tobacco smoke, pussy, and desperation.

  The one I’m in right now has that in spades.

  The full tour has left me with a rotten taste in my mouth. It has the usual smell, but it also has the added coat of grimy sleazebag and jizz.

  The owner is as questionable as the rules of no extras in the private dance rooms. I was propositioned the moment I sat down at one of the tables next to one of the stages.

  Shit, Simon refuses to sit down at the table period. Instead, he stands behind me to one side. I have to laugh at that.

  With three tumblers of whiskey in his hand, the owner plops himself down in a chair across from me.

  His voice is gravelly from too many years of alcohol and smoking. “What do you think of the club? It’s got some charm, right?”

  For an early afternoon shift, it’s surprisingly full of dancers and customers. The location isn’t too bad for where it’s located within the city. Looking around myself, I see it has both blue-collar workers and suits.

  I can hear Simon, though, scoff loudly over the pounding music. “If you like contracting fifteen types of diseases. I can feel them climbing on me just standing here.”

  He has the rights to it, though, the place is filthy. I can’t imagine what it would look when they turn on all the lights.

  “What do you want for it outright?”

  Charles, the owner, studies me for a long moment. “One point two million.”

  Shaking my head at him, I lean forward and say, “Not a chance. I know about your debts with the Morelli family. Five hundred and fifty, and I clear all debts with them.”

  His cheeks puff out for a moment before saying, “One million, and any lower is an insult.”

  Shaking my head, I stand up from the chair. “Have a good night.”

  “Lucifer, wait. Seven hundred fifty thousand.”

  Nodding my head, I say “After a building inspection goes through, and I have one of my men check over your books with the actual reported earnings. I don’t want a single surprise.”

  Nodding his head, he says, “Deal.”

  “You won’t be staying on in any capacity.”

  Rolling his eyes, he says, “What, ya don’t trust me?”

  “Fuck no.”

  Walking out of the building and into the sun, I grin. I have been watching the place for the last couple months. As soon as I remove the crackhead dancers and get a few good ones in, that place is going to be an earner. Its location is just about perfect.

  All I need to do is to take a good scrub brush to it.

  “Simon, get the deal written up and finished. I want it taken over as soon as possible.”

  “You’re really going to buy that STD shit hole from hell?”

  “Yeah, it’s going to be an earner.”

  “Only if you burn it to the ground and claim it for insurance.”

  “Want to make a bet on it?”

  Sighing loudly as he climbs in the front seat, he says, “No, Lucifer.”

  Laughing, I look at Andrew. “Care to make a wager, Andrew?”

  He just shakes his head. “No, thank you, sir. I prefer to actually keep my money.”

  They know me only too well. I know what it takes to make a business like that thrive and it won’t be much. A change of management, new dancers who aren’t all coked up, clean the place from top to bottom and a bit of word of mouth. We will be pulling in a decent income in months.

  * * *

  Andrew pulls us into the compound as the moving truck for Lilith pulls out of the gate.

  Good. I’d prefer not to deal with strangers inside my home any longer than I must. Especially now that I have to have the whole place swept for bugs and surveillance equipment.

  I wouldn’t have made it this far in life if I slacked on security. Security, in fact, is my top investment.

  Andrew drives me to the front door where he drops me off.

  It’s been a long night and today was mildly stressful with the whole Mickey situation. Not to mention all the other odds and ends I have to see to with the daily business.

  Opening the front door
, I pause in confusion as Paul comes barreling down the stairs with a little girl screeching behind him. She is stomping down each stair as she holds up a small teddy bear in one hand and a pink brush in the other.

  Coming to an instant halt in front of me, Paul says, “Boss… This isn’t… well… she’s trying to make me do another tea party.”

  Looking at him, I don’t think I comprehend the words that come out of his mouth until I look down at his hands.

  Paul looks like most of the men I surround myself with in size and build—which is large and capable of anything thrown at him.

  But when I look at his bright pink fingernails, I instantly ask, “What the fuck happened to your fingers?”

  “Awww, you say bad word!” The little girl giggles as she darts between Paul’s legs.

  Looking down at her sticky looking face, I take a step backward. My eyes look up to Paul. “What’s happening here?”

  “Well… Sir…” He lifts his hands up in a surrendering gesture. “Evelyn’s mother let her loose on me.”

  Sighing, I nod my head. Looking down at the girl who is staring at me wide-eyed, I ask, “Where is your mother, dear?”

  Pointing through the house, towards the kitchen, she looks up at Paul and slaps him right in the balls. A whimper comes out of him as his eyes cross.

  “My god!” he shouts out as he looks up at the ceiling.

  Bending down to pick up the little girl in my arms, I think—good for her. She needs to know how to defend herself.

  “It’s your penance, Paul. All those late nights with dubious women.”

  I carry the little girl in my arms as she wraps one arm around my neck. Sitting there, she asks, “You gonna say bad words again?”

  “No, not right now. Maybe if I get really mad. I use a lot of them.”

  “I’m gonna tell mommy if you do,” she says in a matter-of-fact voice.

  “Well, I’m the boss here, dear. I don’t think that’s going to be an issue.”

  Walking into the kitchen, she giggles as I set her down, saying, “No, I’m the boss.”

  I see Lilith in her baggy sweatpants and way oversized t-shirt. She can’t be aware of how sexy she is standing there with her hip cocked to the side as she talks quietly with her son. He looks far more upset than the little girl I just had in my arms.

  Fuck, I didn’t think I had a thing for MILF’s but I do looking at her ass pushed out there, her sexy waist barely hidden in the baggy pants.

  Turning to see what’s happening, the profile of her face stirs a possessive hunger deep down in my loins. I can feel my cock wanting to stir from the memories of this morning.

  Her toned ass slamming back against my hips as I buried myself deep inside of her.

  Being possessive is nothing new for me, but I can feel how fast she is becoming an obsession for me.

  Fuck, if the children weren’t present right now I would order the house cleared just to take her right there on the counter. Push her chest down on the countertop as I rip her panties away before I thrust my fat cock deep into her tight pussy. Slap her ass as I slam in as deep as I can.

  She turns fully to me and her full lips turn into a frown as she spots me. “Oh.”

  Taking my suit jacket off, I fold it over one of the chairs next to the island.

  Looking between her and Adam, I ask, “Am I interrupting anything?”

  Nodding her head, she says, “Yes. Adam was asking why we moved from our home to here.”

  Looking to Adam, I say, “This is your new home, Adam.”

  His eyes go wide as he looks to his mother. “Who is he mom?”

  Sighing, Lilith turns so she can face us both. “This is Luci—”

  Cutting off in the middle, she looks right at me. Hmm, I guess I haven’t told her my full name. “I’m Matthew Harper, Adam,”

  “Do you live here too?” he asks.

  He’s a serious boy, I can tell. His eyes have that worldly old man quality to them. He isn’t as trusting as it appears his sister is.

  Taking a moment, I stare at him. He’s going to be far more curious of what is happening.

  How would I have wanted to be spoken to at his age, if something like this happened to me? He is going to be harder to win over, and if I’m going to be able to get Lilith to fully accept this situation I need to ensure both children are on my side.

  “This is our home now. As your mother and I have come to an agreement, it’s yours as well.”

  “What about my old house?”

  “That belongs to Marshall…” Taking a moment to think, I say, “How about this? Tomorrow, you and I will sit down in our office after I get home and go over every question you have. I want you to think of everything you can.” Looking at his hands, I ask, “Can you write yet?”

  “A little. It’s still very shaky.”

  “Okay. You will write down all of your questions and we will go over them together. Just you and I. I want you used to having me around all the time.”

  Unlike his father, I think to myself.

  Looking from his mother to me, he looks more confused now than scared. “Okay.”

  I look back to Lilith and her small frown has turned to a look of frustration. I ask, “How was your day?”

  Leaning in, I kiss her on the cheek briefly while I take a deep breath of her. She smells so good, it’s a heady type of smell, almost hypnotic.

  Standing stiff, she says, “We need to talk.”

  “Yes, we do. But Rosa will be here in a few minutes to begin dinner. We can talk after the kids are in bed. I need a shower, today was very long and I’m looking forward to getting into some clean clothes.”

  * * *

  Glancing around the bedroom, I take in the boxes sitting against the walls, unpacked. It looks like Lilith isn’t fully accepting the situation. That’s to be expected I guess. Though if this morning was any indication of how things will be, I believe she will become adjusted to her new life soon enough.

  I walk back into the kitchen. Fresh from the shower, a pair of khakis and a polo have replaced my suit and tie.

  My father never changed from suits and ties, never. He was far too rigid in his ways. I need to loosen up if I want the children to look at me as anything beyond their taskmaster.

  Since I now have a family living here, I suppose I will have to be here more often than normal as well. Since I have taken on this house, I have used it as a place to lay my head, but that was the extent of it most of the time.

  Rosa, the housekeeper and cook, has the kitchen filled with delicious smells. Steam is coming from the stove as she and Lilith talk.

  Coming up behind Lilith, I wrap my arms around her waist. She stiffens against me as I nuzzle her neck. Placing a very light nip on her skin there, I say, “Go shower and get ready for dinner.”

  Pulling away from my arms, she looks at me wide-eyed, “What?”

  “You need to go shower then dress for dinner.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Which part are you not understanding?” I ask. I’m confused. How is this even a question I need to address?

  “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? And what’s with telling me what to do?”

  “You’re to be dressed for dinner. Sweatpants and ratty shirts are not dinner attire.”

  Taking hold of her hand, I pull her through the kitchen doors to the hall. Then I pull her along the route through the house to our bedroom.

  This act of rebellion will not do at all.

  Walking into the bedroom, I let go of her hand and pointing to the boxes, I say, “This will not do. Unpack your things tomorrow. Make sure the children’s clothes are removed from the boxes as well. I want them cleaned. Tell Rosa before she leaves that you have a very big problem with your laundry and she will have it done.”

  “I want all the boxes emptied in the next three days. Anything with Marshall on it or that belonged to him will be destroyed or returned. Your choice on what to do with those items.”

sp; Next I point to the shower. “You are to be presentable for dinner. I do not ask you to dress formally but whatever you put on in the morning is not acceptable. Especially this.”

  I consider her emerald eyes, they are on fire right now. She looks so angry I can tell she is barely containing her anger.

  “You are absolutely beautiful. I want to see that beauty when I come home, not some slobby sweatpants.”

  Leaving the room, I head back down the stairs to find the children. A nanny might be a good idea to have in the house. Someone who can make sure they are not destroying the place.

  Dinner is a quiet affair with just us four until Evelyn decides we need to talk. She begins to ask every single question that comes to her little pink mind.

  She bounces from why do we like green beans to how come her classroom has more chairs than desks. I didn’t know a child could ask so many questions while cramming food in her mouth so often she looks like a chipmunk.

  Adam keeps looking at me curiously but keeps to himself while he eats. His only question is, “Will I still go to the same school?”

  At the same time Lilith and I both answer differently. “Maybe,” and “Yes”.

  Looking to her, I say, “Maybe. It depends on what the reports come back with.”

  “No, they will stay in their schools. It’s what they know and they have friends there.”

  Frowning, I look to Adam. “What do you want?”

  “I want to stay.”

  “We will talk about it tomorrow.”

  Looking at me with the anger that hasn’t left her eyes since I sent her to clean herself up, Lilith says, “We will be talking about it tonight.”

  Nodding my head, I say, “Among other things.”



  On one hand, my children seem to be completely oblivious to the truth of our situation, and that’s a godsend. On the other hand, I hate deceiving them, and I definitely hate that they’re already starting to settle in.

  I do not want to be here for the long term. I want my freedom back, I need it. We’re out of here the first chance we get.


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