Nine Faces Of Kenya

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Nine Faces Of Kenya Page 65

by Elspeth Huxley

  bundu, 60

  Bura, 25

  Burkitt, Dr Roland, 89–91

  Burma, 162

  Burnt Forest, 86, 99

  Buxton, Aline, Kenya Days, 204

  Buzurg ibn Shahriyar of Ramhormutz, Kitab al-Ajaib al-Hind, 16

  Bwana, 42

  Cairo, 11, 15, 63, 64, 109

  castration, 30

  Cambay, 128

  Cameroon, xxv

  Camoens, Luis de, 19, 20; Lusiads, 20

  cannibalism, 12, 13, 128–30, 347; in legend, 383–4

  Cape, 63, 146

  Cape Town, 63

  Carnegie, V. M., A Kenyan Farm Diary, 60, 109, 117

  Casuarina Point, 222

  Chagga (tribe), 23

  Chamberlain, Joseph, 76

  Chania river, 170

  Chanler, William Astor, 34; Through Jungle and Desert, 35

  Chartered Co., 23

  Chemosit, 358

  Cherangani hills, 30

  Cholmondely, Hugh, 72; see Delamere, Lord

  Christian, 18, 21, 114, 130, 139, 169, 181, 182, 315, 336; Kikuyu, 320; missionaries, 9, 23–6, 350

  Churchill, Winston, 295; My African Journey, 80

  Church Missionary Society, 23

  circumcision, 319–23, 334, 349; of girls, 322–3; re-enactment of ceremony in cure for infertility, 354–5; value placed on courage during, 319–20

  climate, 76, 79, 117–18, 185; drought, 188–9, 190–1, 198, 207, 344–5, 368; dust devils, 191, 211; monsoon, 216, 217, 230, 232

  Cobbold, Lady Evelyn, Kenya: The Land of Illusion, 111

  Cobham-Blackburn Company, 63

  Colito, battle of, 159, 160

  colonialism, xxv, 70

  Columbus, Christopher, 16–17

  Colvile, Gilbert (Nyasore), 81

  Congo, 63, 192

  Connolly, Cyril, The Evening Colonnade, 248

  Cook, David and David Rubadiri, eds., Poems from East Africa, 415, 420, 421, 426

  Cooley, W. D., 25; Inner Africa Laid Open, 24

  coolies, 47, 48, 51

  Cott, Hugh B., Looking at Animals, 258

  courtship and marriage, 219–20, 325, 326, 327, 329–37, 345, 402; see also polygamy

  Cowie, Mervyn, 269, 292; Fly, Vulture, 293

  Cranworth, Lord, A Colony in the Making, 286; Kenya Chronicles, 85, 141, 302

  Crosskill, Captain W. E., 157; The Two Thousand Mile War, 157, 162

  da Gama, Vasco, 18–19, 20–2, 127, 219; “Vasco da Gama Pillar”, 22; see also Ravenstein, E. G.

  Dagoretti, 132

  Dak bungalow, 56, 57, 91

  d’Almeida, Dorn Francisco, 127

  Dar es Salaam, 140, 145, 152, 285

  Darwin glacier, 38

  Davidson, Basil, The African Past, 12

  debbi (debbe), 97

  Delamere, Lord (third Baron, Hugh Cholmondely), 63, 72, 80–1, 88, 98, 180, 205, 206, 286–7

  Denbigh, Earl of, 103

  de Watteville, Vivienne, Speak to the Earth, 191

  “dia”, 360

  Dictionary of National Biography, 28

  District Commissioner, 315; functions of, 364–72

  Ditto, 28

  djinn, 223

  Dodose, 279

  donga, 60

  Dorobo (tribe), xxv, 275, 315, 346; association with the Maasai, 320; as beekeepers, 320; as guides on bongo hunt, 300–2; in legend, 375–6

  dorp, 96

  dorrah, 12

  dos Santos, Father Joao, 128

  Douglas-Hamilton, Iain, 234; and Oria Douglas-Hamilton, 237; Among the Elephants, 236, 237, 239

  Dubas, 366

  dudus, 261

  duka, 102, 361; in legend, 387–9

  Dutton, E. A. T., Kenya Mountain, 194, 195

  Duyvendak, J. J. L., China’s Discovery of Africa, 17

  Dyer, Anthony, 243; Classic African Animals: The Big Five, 245

  early man, 1–6; australopithecines, 1, 2; Australopithecus boisei (Zinjanthropus), 2, 3; discovery of fire, 5; Homo erectus, 3-6, habilis 3, 4, sapiens, 4, 5; hunting-and-gathering, 4, 5; “Laetoli footsteps”, 5-6; ritual, 5; stone-tool manufacture, 5

  elecampane, 12

  East African Army, 164

  East African Brigade, 157

  East African commission, 77

  East African Community, 58

  East African Mounted Rifles, 141, 148

  East African Railways and Harbours, 57, 58

  East African Standard, 158, 303

  East African Transport Corps, 148

  East Turkana, 2

  Eburru, 306

  Edinburgh, Duke of, 120, 291–3

  education, 341–2, 362, 375, 406

  Eldama Ravine, 85, 86, 230, 275; Lake, 230

  Eldoret, 87, 96, 99, 362

  Elementeita, 57, 105

  Elephantophagoi (Elephant-eaters), 270

  Elgeyo (tribe), 111, 337; Reserve, 111

  Elgon, Mount, 30, 114, 192, 193, 356

  Elgonyi (tribe), 356–7

  Eliot, Sir Charles, 69, 76; The East Africa Protectorate, 47, 50, 186, 311, 382

  Elizabeth, Princess, 291–3

  Ellis, Sergeant, 201

  el-Mazrui (tribe), 22, 23

  Elmolo (tribe), 32

  El-moran (tribe), 27, 135

  El-morúú (tribe), 28

  El Wak, 153, 156

  Embu (tribe), 169, 175

  Emery, Acting Lieutenant James, 23

  Empaash, 320

  Emperor of China, 17

  Endara, 25

  Endo (tribe), 334

  En-jemusi (tribe), 334

  Ethaga (tribe), 319

  Ethiopia, 1, 2, 156, 185, 208, 334, 345, 361; Ethiopians, 225

  Eunoto, 327

  Euaso, 327

  famine, 200

  Fanshawe, Richard, trans., Luis de Camoens, Lusiads, 20

  farming, 70–5, 78–88, 204, 207, 225, 229, 269; coffee, 85, 89, 101, 120–1, 221; crop disease, 80–1, 98, 114; harvesting, 101, 113–16; lure and drawbacks of, 79–80; ploughing, 70, 88, 100, 112–13; problems with game, 98, 286, 291, 303, locusts, 108–10, weather, 98–9, 105–8, 118; rinderpest, 69, 109, 324; sheep 82–3; sisal, 84–5, TOL farms, 303

  fertility emblem, 316–17, 320

  Fey, Venn, Wide Horizons, 79, 264, 265, 406

  Finch Hatton, Denys, 282, 285, 289

  fingo, 223

  First World War, 140–53

  Fisher, Angela, Africa Adorned, 350

  Fisher, Suzanne, We Lived on the Verandah, 91

  flying boat service, 63

  Flying Doctor service, 225, 243

  foreign aid, 344–5

  Fort Hall xxv; Kikuyu, 77; medicine man, 354

  Fort Jesus, 22, 23, 130–1

  Fort Smith, 132, 134

  fossils, 1–6

  Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P., The East African Coast: Select Documents, 16, 128, 130

  fundis, 102

  Galla (tribe), 23, 127, 223, 272

  game parks/reserves, 213, 229, 269, 308

  Gandar Dower, Kenneth, Abyssinian Patchwork, 156, 161; The Spotted Lion, 290

  Gatheru, Mugo, 166; Child of Two Worlds, 167, 320, 356

  Gedi, 222–4; Palace, 222–3

  German East Africa, 140, 141, 143, 145, 146, 148

  ghosts, 223–4

  gicuhi, 336

  Gikuyu (tribe), 359

  Gikuyu and Mumbi, 165, 166, 167, 175

  Gilgil, 108

  Gilks, Dr John, 91

  Giriami (tribe), 221, 272

  gitaruru, 337

  gitete, 174

  githii gia ikami, 336

  githingua, 263

  Githinji, 165

  Gladstone, Captain Tony, AFC, 63

  Goa, 128, 130, 131

  Gold Coast, 153

  Gondar, fortress of, 162

  Government House (Nairobi), 203, 205, 206

  Gray, Sir John, The British in Mombasa 1824–1826, 23

  Great Mosque (Gedi) 222

sp; Great Rift Valley, 1, 2, 49, 69, 73, 78, 185, 190, 230, 254, 306

  Greensmith, Peter, 208

  Gregory, Dr Walter, 35–8; The Great Rift Valley, 38, 346; Under the Sun, 90

  Guaso Nyiro, 34, 62

  Guest, Frederick and Amy, 280

  Gura river, 170

  haboub, 64

  Haj, the, 315

  Hameye, 34

  Hanley, Gerard, Warriors and Strangers, 162

  Happy Valley, 119, 207

  Harar, 207

  Hardy, Ronald, The Iron Snake, 51, 202

  Harris, P. Wyn, 39

  Hayes-Sadler, Sir James, 140

  Haynes, Phyllis, Poems of Kenya, 427

  Hayward, John, 292

  Hemingway, Ernest, 298

  Heminway, John, The Imminent Rains, 123

  Henderson, Ian, 178; and Philip Goodhart, The Hunt for Kimathi, 179

  Herodotus, 257

  Herzel, Dr Theodor, 76

  Hill brothers, 286

  Hillaby, John, Journey to the Jade Sea, 340, 361

  Hindu, 102, 214–15; Hindu Union (Mombasa), 214

  Hobley, C. W., Bantu Beliefs and Magic, 385; Kenya: From Chartered Company to Crown Colony, 23, 55, 260

  Hodges, Geoffrey, The Carrier Corps, 148, 149

  Hollis, A. C., The Masai: Their Language and Folklore, 356, 376, 379, 387; The Nandi, 359, 364, 377

  Home Guard, 169, 171, 175, 181, 182

  hongo, 27

  Hook, Simon, 378, 379, 380, 384

  Hughes, Ian Meredith, Black Moon, Jade Sea, 58, 344

  Huntingford, G. W. B., ed., The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, 9, 11, 270

  Huxley, Elspeth, Forks and Hope, 120, 209; ed., Nellie: Letters from Africa, 65, 170; No Easy Way, 87, 98; Out in the Midday Sun, 104, 182, 335, 363, 369; The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, 189, 222; White Man’s Country, 57, 74, 77, 81, 88, 99; and Arnold Curtis, eds., Pioneers’ Scrapbook, 60, 63, 94, 217; and Hugo van Lawick, Last Days in Eden, 233

  Huxley, Juliette, Wild Lives of Africa, 241

  IBEA Company, 34

  Ileret, 4

  illness, 350–5; bubonic plague, 9; dysentery, 28, 50, 71, 148; hookworm, 148; malaria, 50, 89, 91, 148; pneumonia, 86, 89, 148; smallpox, 69, 70

  Imperial Airways, 63

  Imperial British East Africa Company, 9, 29, 45

  Imuron, 361

  Indangasi, H., “The death of my father”, 422

  Indian Ocean, 1, 9, 16, 185, 196, 214, 216, 218

  infibulation, 319

  Ionides, G. J. P., 304; A Hunter’s Life, 305

  Isiolo, 60, 291

  Islamic faith, 9, 14–16, 20, 37, 102, 130, 389, 402

  Itare River, 319

  itete, 174

  Ithanga Hills, 85

  Ithnaashariya (tribe), 219

  itimu ria nduthu, 336

  itungati, 175

  Ituri forest, 192

  ivory, 9, 10, 12, 29, 94, 269–79, passim, 283–4, 304, 311

  Jackson, Frederick, 29, 33; Early Days in East Africa, 29, 34, 42

  Jagga, 24, 25

  jahazi, 217

  jemadar, 47

  jembe, 389

  Jeoffreys, Major Owen, 179

  Jilaal, 366

  Johnston, Sir Harry, The Uganda Protectorate, 230

  Jomo Kenyatta Airport, 213

  Juba river, 141

  Jung, Dr Carl, 356; Memories, Dreams, Reflections, 357

  Kafue River, 258

  Kagumo, 164

  Kahari, 230

  Kahungwa muhori, 169

  kalari, 12

  Kamba (tribe), xxv, 54

  Kamera, William, “Poem in four parts”, 425

  Kamiti river, 255

  Kampala, 39

  “Kanyoni”, 177

  Kapiti plains, 56

  Kapote, 136; plains, 135

  Kapsabet, 139

  Kapsiliat, 110, 111

  Kaputei plains, 327

  KAR, 156, 160, 203

  Karamojo, 29, 276; (language) 276; Karamojans, 276, 278; Karamojong, 276

  Kariara, Jonathan, “A leopard lives in a muu tree”, 421; “Grass will grow”, 422; and J. Kitonga, Introduction to East African Poetry, 422, 425

  Kariko, 337

  Karungu, 145

  Karuri’s, 52

  Kasigau, 281

  kaskazi, 216

  KAU, 173

  Kavirondo, 50; (tribe) 41, 109, 357

  Kayahwe River, 319, 354

  Kedong (tribe), 52; Valley 52

  Keekonyokie moran, 326–7

  Kegnia, the, 25

  Kenya, colonization by Arabs, Persians, Portuguese and British, xxiii, xxiv, 9, 46, 205, 225; as “cradle of mankind”, xxiv, 3, 4; effects of colonial rule, 70; independence, 120, 180, 225, 341, 342, 361, 412; known as Kenya (1920), xxiv; population explosion, 70, 185, 200, 204, 229, 269, 367; Republic of Kenya, 120, 182, 185; religious and cultural mix, 315; rise of nationalism, 69–70, 164; tourism, 269; uhuru, 120, 342; see also British East Africa; British Protectorate; German East Africa; Kenyatta, Mzee Jomo

  Kenya, Mount, 1, 25, 35, 37, 38, 85, 162, 163, 166, 167, 170, 174, 190, 194, 231, 235, 243, 273, 291, 329, 335, 354, 386

  Kenya African Freedom, 171

  Kenya Legislative Council, 63

  “Kenya Parliament”, 175, 180

  Kenya Planters’ Coffee Union (KPCU), 120

  Kenya Regiment and Police Reserve, 171–3

  Kenya Railways, 58

  Kenyan Army, 335

  Kenyatta, Mzee Jomo, 120, 135, 180–2; Facing Mount Kenya, 359, 361

  Ketosh, 29

  khanjars, 217

  Khartoum, 63, 64, 65

  kiama, 360

  Kiambu, 75, 89, 168

  Kibera, Valerie, ed., An Anthology of East African Short Stories, 213

  Kibigori, 50

  Kibwezi, 35, 71, 133, 134

  kigori, 318

  Kijabe, 28

  Kikipiri, 120

  kikois, 217, 258

  Kikuyu (tribe), 26, 30, 51, 53, 54, 75, 77, 89, 91, 102, 105, 169, 170, 173, 175, 176, 178, 181, 182, 213, 365, 388–9; annexation of lands, 69; childhood, 318; Christian, 320; circumcision, 319–20; Council of Elders, 166, 360; country, 70, 72; death among, 355–6; daughters, 317–18; execution of a sorcerer, 360–1; Guard, 169; as honey-hunters, 263–4; initiation, 318; language adopted by whites, 72; oath-taking, 166–7; polygamy, 331; rehoused, 120; Reserve, 84, 164, 167, 168; resistance to British rule, 132–5; “Squatters”, 164; surgery, 353; war dance, 345–6 wedding, 335–7; and the white man’s medicine, 52, 72; see also Mau Mau

  Kikuyu Escarpment, 51

  kilangozi, 42

  Kilifi Creek, 217

  Kilima-Mbogo, 354

  Kilimanjaro, Mount, 1, 24, 25, 146

  Kilindini, 56, 130

  kilinge, 352

  Kilungu, 136

  Kilwa, 152

  Kimathi, “General” Dedan, 173–80

  Kinaini river, 178

  Kinangop, 77

  King’s African Rifles, 141, 146, 148, 149, 152, 153, 285

  Kinlock, Bruce, The Shamba Raiders, 308

  Kinnear, George, 158

  Kinyona, 77

  kiondo, 336

  Kipkabus, 87

  Kipsigis, xxv

  Kirinyaga (Mount Kenya), 174

  Kirkman, James, 222; Men and Monuments of the East African Coast, 224

  Kismayu, 157, 158

  Kisumu, 63, 215

  Ki-Swahili, xxv

  Kitale, 29

  Kitson, Frank, Gangs and Counter-Gangs, 168

  Kitui, 25, 365

  Kleen, G. F. V., ed., Bror von Blixen: The Africa Letters, 282

  Knappert, Jan, Africa and Übersee, 402, 403; A Choice of Flowers, 400, 401; Four Centuries of Swahili Verse, 402, 404; Myths and Legends of the Swahili, 384

  kofia, 33

  kondo, 385

  Kora, 241

  kraal, 92, 132, 135, 201, 338, 340, 356

  Krapf, Johann Ludwig, 23–6; Travels, Resea
rches and Missionary Labours, 24, 25, 26

  kuku, 385

  Kulall, Mount, 32

  kungwi, 318

  kusi, 216

  Laetoli, 5; “Laetoli footsteps”, 5–6

  Lagonani, 136

  laibon, 137–40; see also Lybons

  Laikipia, 36, 190

  Lake Manyara National Park, 237

  Lamb, David, The Africans, 342, 362

  Lamu, 29, 216, 217, 218–22, 396; buibuis 220; dress, 219; extra-marital affairs, 219–20; rats, 220; social institutions, 218–20

  landies, 201

  Lansing & Co., 201

  Lari massacre, 169

  law and order, 363–72

  Laws, Dr Richard, 229

  Leakey, Jonathan, 3

  Leakey, Dr Louis, xxiv, 2, 3, 62

  Leakey, Dr Mary, xxiv, 4, 5; Disclosing the Past, 62; Olduvai Gorge: My Search for Early Man, 4

  Leakey, Sergeant Nigel, 159–60

  Leakey, Dr Richard, xxiv, 2–6, 310; The Making of Mankind, 5, 6; and Roger Lavin, People of the Lake, 2

  Lebbi, 366

  Leboyare, Ngatini, 378, 379, 380, 384

  Le Breton, J. G., Kenya Sketches, 389

  Lenana, 163

  Lengobe, 28

  Lewis glacier, 38

  Lipscomb, J. F., We Built a Country, 122, 187

  Lloyd-Jones, W., Havash!, 94

  Lololokwe, 62

  Londiani, 87

  Longido, 142, 146

  Longonot, 306

  Lorian Swamp, 262

  Loriu Hills, 199

  Losai Hills, 339

  Loyangallani, 240

  Lugard, Captain Frederick, 39–40; The Rise of our East African Empire, 40

  Luo, 213

  Luvai, Arthur, ed., Boundless Voices: Poems from Kenya, 418, 423

  Lybons, 28; see also laibon

  Lytton, Earl of, The Desert and the Green 240, 325

  Maasai (tribe), xxv, 27, 28, 45, 51, 52, 62, 69–77, 78, 81–2, 105, 109, 111, 135, 137, 201, 262, 269, 285; beliefs, 328–9, 375–6, 378–9; Blood Song, 323; cattle (importance of), 340–1; cattle-raiding, 323–4, 326–7, 345; character, 324; circumcision, 320–3, 327, 328; Creation myth, 375–6; death among, 356; diet, 323, 326, 340–1; endurance, 323; Eunoto ceremony, 327–9; fighting with a Samurai sword, 162; greeting, 236; huts, 193, 340, 341; killing a rhino, 294–5; lion hunts, 326–7; migrations, 231; moran, 315, 323–4, and their customs, 326–9; narcotic “soup”, 327, 328, 329; refusal to learn to swim, 324; ritual scars, 328; sun and moon legend, 378–9; war dance, 38, 77; war costume, 77

  Maasai Mara (game reserve), 269; (plains), 232

  Maasailand, 30, 162

  Macdonald, Captain J. R. L., 132, 133; Soldiering and Surveying in British East Africa, 133, 136

  Machakos, 54, 71, 123, 135

  Mackinder, Halford, 38; “A Journey to the Summit of Mount Kenya, British East Africa”, The Geographical Journal, 39


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