Lumberjacked : A Holiday Mountain Man Lumberjack Romance

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Lumberjacked : A Holiday Mountain Man Lumberjack Romance Page 1

by K. C. Crowne


  A Holiday Mountain Man Lumberjack Romance

  K.C. Crowne


  Also by K.C. Crowne

  1. Viktor

  2. Angela

  3. Viktor

  4. Angela

  5. Viktor

  6. Angela

  7. Viktor

  8. Angela

  9. Viktor

  10. Angela

  11. Viktor

  12. Angela

  13. Viktor

  14. Angela

  15. Viktor

  16. Angela

  17. Viktor

  18. Angela

  19. Viktor

  20. Viktor

  21. Angela

  22. Viktor

  23. Angela

  24. Viktor

  25. Angela

  26. Viktor

  27. Angela

  28. Viktor

  29. Angela

  30. Viktor

  31. Angela

  32. Viktor

  33. Angela

  34. Viktor

  35. Angela

  36. Viktor

  37. Angela


  Baby for the Mountain Man (Preview)

  About the Author

  Also by K.C. Crowne

  Mountain Men of Liberty Series (this series)

  Baby for the Mountain Man| Junior for the Mountain Man| Knocked Up by the Mountain Man| Baby For Daddy's Friend | Triplets for the Mountain Man | Taboo Mountain Daddy| Mountain Man’s Secret Baby | Mountain Man’s Accidental Surprise | Quadruplets for the Mountain Man | Neanderthal Next Door | Delivering His Gifts|

  Rainbow Canyons Cowboy Series

  Untamed Cowboy |Taboo Cowboy |Cowboy’s Baby|Her Cowboy Daddies | Southern Charm| Cowboy’s Bride

  Big Bad Daddies Series

  Big Bad Doctor | Big Bad Daddy| Big Bad Taboo Daddy | Big Bad Prince|Big Bad Mountain Man| Big Bad SEAL| Big Bad Boss| Big Bad Sugar Daddy| Big Bad Mountain Brothers

  Bearded Brothers Mountain Man Series

  Her Mountain Daddy| Beauty and the Beard| Bride and the Beard| Built and Bearded |

  Firemen of Manhattan Series

  Big Bad Fireman’s Baby| Big Bad Firefighter| Big Bad Fire Daddy|

  Spenser Sisters Reverse Harem Series

  Men on a Mission| Christmas with Four Firemen| Dirty Cowboys

  Checkout KC’s full Amazon Catalog

  All books are FREE on Kindle Unlimited and can be read as standalones.


  "My cabin. My rules." Years of celibacy was my way of life.

  Now Angela's presence makes things exceptionally....hard

  She was supposed to be my hostage.

  But Santa must have a sick sense of humor.

  I'm addicted to every inch of her…

  Her full breasts.

  Her Curvy hips.

  That sweet scent.

  I'm afraid nothing will stop me from having all of her.

  The problem is I don't ask. I take.

  And there isn't a single inch of her I won't devour.

  Readers note: Do you enjoy mysterious men of a few words, with a sexy baritone voice and a hot exotic accent? This is your lucky day. This is a lumberjack, BRATVA, Mountain Man, Holiday Romantic Suspense and the first book standalone in the Grizzly Falls Lumberjacks series.


  Thunder rocked the sky.

  Mud slides and avalanches were common this time of year.

  The rain had really done a number on the mountainside. The ground was loose and slippery, and I had to watch my step when I stepped back outside with a coffee mug in my hand.

  But being dainty in my step wasn’t easy for a big guy like myself.

  I liked nature when it was like this, though.

  Dangerous, difficult, and impossible - except for a stubborn motherfucker like myself.

  Lost souls that wandered this far would back the fuck off, abandon their quests.

  No one ventured out this far, even less so when the ground itself was unstable as fuck.

  And that suited me just fine.

  I looked around. The world was breathtakingly beautiful in the aftermath of Mother Nature’s work.

  Even with all the thunder, nature continued unscathed and unbothered.

  The leaves glistened in the late morning sun, birds chirped a welcome to the world, ruffling their feathers and enjoying the rays that sliced through the crisp air.

  Nature continuing its pursuit regardless of all the chaos.

  If it wasn’t a damn metaphor for my life, I didn’t know what was.

  In the distance, I heard rumbling a third time, a thick sound, like a giant clearing his throat. The ground beneath my feet trembled, and I heard branches cracking. Scratch that, whole fucking trunks cracking.

  As I watched, the forest a few feet ahead of me started shifting.

  At that moment, I knew this was no average mudslide.

  It didn't reach all the way up to where I was standing. And that was just a happy fucking coincidence.

  The rumbling and groaning of the earth redecorating itself was overpowering. I watched as the giant hand of nature clenched a fist, crushing whatever was in its wake.

  Any humans would be pulverized. This part of the mountainside was mine, as I’d come to see it, and it was deserted, so I didn’t have to worry about any deaths and the crowds of investigators and rescuers that might bring.

  I let my eyes slide over the part of the mountain that had yet to be transformed. Natural disasters were a kick. Everyone hated them –they were right to. They weren’t called disasters for nothing.

  But I liked that there was something bigger and more powerful than me. It was rare.

  I liked being reminded that no matter how awful things got, the world still kept turning. And that no matter what a disgusting son of a bitch I’d been once upon a time, in the grand scheme of things, life went on as if I didn’t matter.

  The balance, the perspective, kept me sane.

  I wanted to see what disasters had fallen near my cabin.

  As I meandered through the trees, some upright, some hanging by roots, I cast my eyes in all directions. My eyes landed on a green truck, a little beat up, the paint worn. Sometimes I came across old cars abandoned by their owners decades ago. But this one was new and had no business being in the middle of a mudslide. And it sure as shit wouldn’t be there much longer.

  As I gazed at the truck curiously, I heard something I’d least expected. Someone else was here - and they were in trouble. A yelping sound came from the distance.

  And then I saw her.

  F*ck what the hell is she doing here?

  Her auburn hair streamed behind with abandon as she ran with all her might. Whoever this woman was, I could tell she had fight in her, but there was no fucking way she was getting out of the path of destruction in time.

  I dropped my axe and ran in her direction. A demented smirk overtook me as I was reminded of my true nature. I always run toward danger and not from it.

  The ground started sliding beneath my feet. I worked hard to keep my footing. At 6’6” and mostly muscle, I didn’t go down easily, but the area was dangerous and getting more so by the second. Logs fell across my path, rocks tumbled down. I ducked to avoid a thick branch hitting me over the head.

  For a moment, I lost sight of her. I followed the sound of her shouts, something primal in me forcing through the danger to get to her. The strange woman needed help, and I was the only person for miles. I’d grill her later about why the hell she was out here in the first place.

hen I reached her, I was just in time to yank her out from underneath a falling tree that crashed to the ground. She spun around when I grabbed her, green eyes bewildered. She was a looker, that I was certain. And her reaction to me was defensive, though not afraid.

  “Whoa! Who the hell are you?”

  “We’re getting out of here, now!” I shouted.

  She shouted something in return, but a loud crashing drowned out her voice. A branch crashed down, followed by mud and dirt. I tried to get away, but the ground gave underneath my feet, and we were stuck. I tucked her against me and turned my back. The branch landed on me with a noise like a train wreck. I gritted my teeth as a searing pain throbbed into my shoulder. But the woman was safe. I squeezed my eyes shut as more debris fell around us. A few small rocks, dirt, and some branches and leaves fell on me, but the worst was over.

  When it was safe and the forest was silent again – mourning in the aftermath of the terror it had spread – I opened my arms and looked down. The green-eyed beauty was unconscious.


  With a sigh, I picked her up, her body limp in my arms. She was tiny, 5’4” at the most, and light as a feather. Lifting her took no effort at all, and I turned, trudging up the hillside like fucking Tarzan taking Jane back to safety.

  As soon as I was on solid ground, I laid her down on the mulch and studied her, checking for injuries that might be life-threatening. God, she was beautiful. An angel.

  She had a bruise on the forehead, matted blood in her hair, but neither injury looked too serious. Her skin was smooth with a tiny splash of freckles across her nose. Perfect full lips, delicate neckline, everything perfect. My eyes slid down her body and found curves enough to make a man’s mouth water. She was in fucking good shape, too.

  Her clothes were torn, and through the rips her soft, smooth skin showed. A long tear up her leg showed the pale skin of her thigh through her jeans, and I swallowed. My cock was suddenly at full attention, straining against my pants.

  Nyet, I told myself. I could not want her. Not like this. She was unconscious, helpless, possibly injured, even if not serious. Frowning, I stared at her. Who the hell is she? And how did she end up in these parts of the woods where hardly any soul trespassed?

  Had Maksim sent her to find me? I wouldn’t expect a woman like her for a spy for the mob, so that would make her perfect. But a spy? He couldn’t imagine Maksim would let a beauty like her slip out of his grasp. He’d want her for himself, and that thought bothered him more than it should have.

  I didn't know who the hell she was, so I needed to keep my guard up. But she needed help. She needed to be patched up, taken care of.

  Bringing her back to my cabin crossed my mind, but I didn’t like anyone knowing where I lived. The whole point of being up here was so no one could find me. Or figure out who I was.

  Even if this girl was an innocent pedestrian, it was a major risk to let her know about my life here. I didn't exactly blend in. I was a fucking big ass Russian with a deep accent and mob tattoos all over his neck and body. Not exactly your everyday average nice guy. More like the kind of dude that had things to hide. I was bound to draw attention. And that was all Maksim would need to find me.

  But fuck, I couldn’t leave her here. She needed help. And damned if I was going to abandon this creature. No fucking way. I grunted, ignoring the voice screaming at the back of my mind that I was making a colossal mistake, and lifted her in my arms again. She was unconscious, so she wouldn’t know how we got to the cabin, I rationalized.

  The trek to the cabin was a little harder after the mudslide. The ground was slippery and unstable, and I had to leave my axe. Couldn’t carry her and it, so I’d have to come back later. I made it after nearly double the time I would have made it on a normal day and welcomed the comfort of my home nestled in the shadows.

  The cabin was small but cozy, and it was comfortable for what I needed. The bedroom and bathroom were separate from the open plan living room and kitchenette, and I had running water after I’d tinkered some with existing, rusting pipes. The water came from a natural stream higher up, but I had managed to get it flowing into the house.

  The cabin was warm when I shouldered open the door and carried her to my bedroom. I carried her to the bed and laid her down gently. I studied her more closely, making sure she didn’t have any visibly serious injuries. A bump to the head, a few minor scratches and bruises, but nothing appeared to be broken.

  Carefully, I peeled the torn jacket from her shoulders. She moaned softly when I moved her, and the sound made my balls tighten.

  Fuck. What I would give to... Nyet, I scolded myself again. I would not give in to my primal urge.

  The blouse she wore gaped dangerously low. The top two buttons had snapped, and the swell of one breast showed, leaving just enough to the imagination.

  My cock punched against my jeans - cursing me for trying so hard to tame the beast inside. I wanted her, that much was excessively clear. I hadn’t responded like this to a woman in a long time, but my cock had a mind of its own, straining upward, needing a release.

  I’d seen a few women when stopping by the local town for supplies over the years, but no one like her. Had I been the same man I once was, this internal struggle probably wouldn’t have even existed. I would have waited for her to awaken, seduced her, and fucked her brains out. But now, I didn’t want the complications a woman added to my life.

  I had to contain myself. I huffed with frustration and turned away to focus on something else. My shoulder was throbbing. I cursed and tried to look at the back of my shoulder. Blood had fused my shirt against my skin, and I grunted when I tried to pull it off, feeling the fabric pulling at the wound. I walked to the bathroom, intending to take care of the large gash and forget about the stunning woman laying on my bed.

  I needed to take care of myself. I needed to keep my head straight. I glanced through the door to the bed where I could see most of her body and part of her face. Her clothes were dirty and torn. Not ideal for the bruises all over her body.

  If I could keep my shit together, I would have to undress her. Get rid of the clothing that hung on her body like she was doing it a damn favor - at least she was by my assessment of her luscious curves.

  Even in her unconscious state, everything about her was beautiful, pure. Angelic.

  What the fuck had she been doing on the mountainside? And so early? Her truck – I assumed it was hers – was probably fucked beyond recognition. We would deal with that later. One thing at a time.

  I finally got my shirt off my back. It was ripped where the branch had dug into my skin, and the wound looked nasty, the skin jagged and ripped. I splashed cold water on it and hissed at the pain.

  I couldn’t do much else to the wound because of its placement, so I focused on the unexpected guest in my bedroom. I needed to make sure there was hot water when she woke up. I had running water but not much heat, so I walked to the stove and put on a kettle.

  When my damsel in distress awoke, I could offer her something warm to drink to help soothe her fears. The fears that would surely come after realizing she was alone in a cabin with a colossal Russian, inked up with mob tattoos.

  Yep, the chamomile tea would help smooth things over.



  Oh my God, everything hurts, I thought as I shifted. I needed something for the throbbing pain.

  The first thing I became aware of, before I even opened my eyes, was a pounding headache in my left temple. I felt like I’d been run over by a truck. I blinked my eyes open, piercing light in the room forcing me to close my eyes again for a moment. I groaned and opened them and finally saw the room I was in. The place looked like something out of a hunting magazine.

  A real cabin, with walls made of logs, a sleeper-style bed, a crude wardrobe against the wall, and a bearskin rug on the floor. Cozy. I half expected the stuffed head of a deer or antlers above the bed. Luckily, however, there was only a naked lightbulb.

bsp; I sat up and groaned, but my eyes remained opened. Where the hell am I?

  When I looked down, I realized I wasn’t wearing my clothes but was in an oversized men’s t-shirt. And no bottoms other than my panties. I still wore my socks, but that seemed like an afterthought. My skin was scraped and bruised in several places. I pressed my fingers to a bruise, blossoming on my forearm, and winced when it hurt. I had a few bandages on my legs and right shoulder. What the hell happened to me?

  “Hello?” I called out but got no answer. I climbed off the bed, steadying myself. I felt dizzy and sore, but I needed answers.

  My wounds were bandaged. Where was I and how had I ended up here? I tried to remember, but my mind was blank. I remembered the Halloween party at the office on the weekend, then I remembered getting to work on Monday morning. The decorations for the party had still been up. Little Jack-O-Lanterns and witches hanging from the ceiling. Cobwebs in the office corners. But after that…

  I didn’t even know what day it was. I scrambled for my phone. Tuesday. Somewhere, I’d lost a whole day. And when I only had a week left, a day wasn’t something I could afford.

  I had no signal. I tried putting my phone on flight mode so that it searched for the nearest cell tower when I switched it back, but still nothing. I tried dialing, but that didn’t work either. Panic coursed through my body, but I didn’t give in to it yet.


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