Lumberjacked : A Holiday Mountain Man Lumberjack Romance

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Lumberjacked : A Holiday Mountain Man Lumberjack Romance Page 22

by K. C. Crowne

  After a moment, he grunted and relaxed, falling back onto the furs. I smiled, slipped off him, and lay down next to him. I wrapped my arm around his broad chest and felt it rise and fall as his breathing slowed and his heartbeat returned to normal.

  He turned his head to me. “Come.”


  He stood and held out his hand. I took it, and he helped me up. He led me through the bedroom and to the small bathroom. He turned on the hot water, and when it was warm, he gestured for me to step in first. When he followed me in and closed the door, there was barely enough space for the two of us in the small shower cubicle.

  Viktor reached for a bar of soap and worked up a lather before he put his hands on me and started slowly running his hands over my chest, my shoulders, my back. I’d never been washed like this before, and the way he took care with me made me feel incredible. He kissed me as his hands worshipped my body.

  After washing me, his hands between my legs, washing away our lovemaking, Viktor kissed me again before he sank to his knees in front of me. He lifted my leg over his shoulder and closed his mouth over my pussy.

  I groaned, tilting my head back, letting the hot water run through my hair as he licked and sucked my clit. My entrance was raw from our fucking when Viktor pushed his fingers into me, but he was gentle, and pleasure exploded inside me. His mouth was on my clit, pushing me to yet another orgasm.

  Pleasure was everything with this man, and I couldn’t hold back, even if I wanted to.

  When I came, Viktor wrapped his arms around my legs, holding me up when I struggled to remain standing. The orgasm was the most intense of the three, rocking my body.

  When it was over, Viktor gently lowered my leg, and stood in front of me again. I sagged against the shower wall, breathing hard.

  “I don’t want you to go, Angel,” he said in the same tone he’d used before, and it made me want to stay.


  Three years later

  The diner was busy. Everyone in town had turned out for the party. Streamers had been put up on all the windows, and helium balloons floated against the ceiling. Andy sat in the highchair I’d propped him in, kicking his feet and clapping his hands, squealing while my mom tried to feed him mashed peas. Today was his birthday, and I had a feeling he knew there was cake to follow soon.

  He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck while I was speaking to Kathy on the phone. I shivered and suppressed a giggle, finalizing a time for the cake to be delivered.

  “You can’t do that while I’m on the phone,” I admonished, turning in his arms after hanging up and planting a kiss on his lips. “I’ll make inappropriate sounds.”

  Viktor chuckled. “I love the sounds you make.”

  I rolled my eyes, but I was laughing. “Come on, my mom’s feeding the baby. Someone has to take over before she feeds him something other than veggies.”

  “It’s his birthday, Malen kiy,” Viktor said. “Let the kid have sweets.”

  “Easy for you to say now, but you’ll be cursing when we can’t control his sugar high.”

  Viktor laughed. “You’re hot when you're in mom mode.”

  I blushed. “We have to entertain guests.”

  “Great. Let’s do that… and I’ll entertain you later.” The look on his face was filled with lust, and I blushed again.

  “There you are,” Dr. Hanson said, standing next to me when we joined the party again. “I was just about to ask your husband if he was going to let you work all day.”

  “Viktor won’t let that happen, Doctor,” I said.

  Dr. Hanson laughed. “Please, just call me Bernie. How many times do I have to tell you?”

  I giggled and nodded.

  When I’d been pregnant with Andy, Dr. Bernie Hanson had taken care of me. He’d delivered him in the local hospital, too. He was as involved with our family as the rest of the people in Snowmass, and back home in Grizzly Falls.

  After I’d decided I wasn’t going to Chicago, I started thinking about how I was going to help my mom. I couldn’t do it by giving up my own life. Together, we’d started talking about it.

  Viktor had suggested we fix what had been broken. That we offer a place for other battered women and their children to find refuge, counselling, and the hope of starting over. So after planning and hard work, we opened the Center for Abused Women and Children in Snowmass. Viktor and Axel had built the place with their own hands using lumber from our land.

  Viktor was our muscle. He went with the women to court, helping them and their children testify against the men who hurt them. It was hard for them to testify when they feared the men who stood in front of them in the courthouse. Viktor helped them relax. If the men stepped out of line at all, Viktor handled it.

  The center had been open for almost three years, and it was the best thing I’d ever done with my time. It was fulfilling beyond measure. And with my mom there to speak to them, to tell them of her own experiences, it had helped her heal, too.

  “He is getting so big!” Joanne squealed as she sidled closer. Her and Nick’s baby was born shortly after Viktor and I had gotten back together, and they’d offered us the use of the diner for free. Their son, Brian, was three now. He and Andy were already playing together. When I needed someone to watch Andy and Viktor was in court, Joanne took the boys to the park.

  Viktor planted a kiss on my cheek and headed off to talk to Axel while I mingled with the moms. Axel didn’t look as comfortable in the crowd as Viktor had become, but he was here for Andy and it meant a lot to me that he was.

  When Kathy arrived, everyone made a fuss about the cake. She’d made a wonderful superhero cake with fondant figures that Andy would love.

  “This is beautiful!” I cried, hugging the baker. “You’re a miracle worker.”

  She smiled, pleased with herself. “Anything for the little guy. He’s such a sweetheart.”

  I carried the cake to the table where Andy was playing with cars. When he saw the dessert, he made a tiny round O with his mouth, his eyes large. He had his daddy’s eyes, dark and broody, and filled with passion and emotion.

  “Happy birthday to you,” we started singing. He clapped his hands, reaching for the cake, and when the singing was over and we shouted our hoorays, my mom helped him blow out his candles.

  I kissed Viktor, who was standing behind me to sing for our son.

  “He’s perfect, Angel,” he said to me. “Just like you.”

  “And he’s strong and brave, just like you,” I added.

  “I can’t wait to see the man he’s going to become.”

  I nodded. Andy was the perfect combination of Viktor and me. He was kind and caring, but he was headstrong and serious, too. He was everything we were, together.

  And I couldn’t be happier with our little family.

  By the time we headed home, it was getting dark. Andy had fallen asleep on Viktor’s shoulder as we walked through the forest to our new home.

  Viktor had built us a beautiful new large home closer to town. Viktor wasn’t in hiding, hadn’t been for a long time. But he still preferred solitude, being removed from the hustle and bustle of the town. And to be honest, I preferred it, too. Instead of ending up in the middle of the city, as I had planned, I was at home on the mountain. With a man I loved more than I ever thought I would love anyone.

  When we arrived home, I liked to leave the rest of the world at the door.

  Viktor took Andy to his room and tucked him in while I put away the cake we brought home, kicked off my low heels and pulled my hair out of the bun it had been in. I was in the bedroom when Viktor walked in. He spun me around and kissed me. The kiss was hot and fiery, and I was already wet.

  “I’ve been waiting to do this all day,” he mumbled against my lips. His hands ran over my body, cupping my breasts and my ass. He ground his hips against mine, and his thick erection ground against my crotch. I moaned into his mouth.

  “I want to fuck you, kitn,” he said. “I wa
nt to make you scream my name.”

  Viktor started unbuttoning the dress I wore. It buttoned all the way down the front, and he pushed it off my shoulders. I let it slip to the ground, standing before my husband in my underwear. He dropped to his knees and closed his mouth over my wetness, moving his lips against my folds through my panties. He inhaled deeply and growled when he picked up my scent.

  “You’re everything, kitn,” he muttered.

  He licked me through my panties, the patch of wetness growing both because of his tongue and what he was doing to me. He pushed my panties aside and pushed two fingers into me while he licked my clit.

  “God, Viktor,” I moaned. “It feels so good.”

  Viktor made a humming sound that vibrated into me through my pussy, and I moaned again.

  He removed his fingers, stopping with his mouth only long enough to pull my panties down my legs. He closed his mouth around my sex, sucking and licking my clit, and I moaned and trembled. His fingers pumped into me as he licked and sucked me, and I shivered as he brought me closer and closer to orgasm.

  “Oh, God, Viktor,” I groaned. I tried to keep it down, but it was hard when it felt so fucking good.

  The orgasm ripped through me, and I bit my lip, trying not to cry out too loudly.

  When the orgasm subsided, Viktor stood and kissed me again. I tasted myself on his lips.

  “How are you always dressed and I’m not?” I asked.

  Viktor chuckled. “I like you naked, Malen kiy.”

  “I like you naked too,” I retorted and pulled his shirt over his head. I ran my hands over his abs. God, Viktor had a delicious body. Since he still chopped wood and hunted and did a lot of physical labor, his body stayed in great shape.

  When he was naked, too, Viktor lifted me and carried me to the bed. He laid me down on the covers, his large body hovering over mine. He dragged his cock over my leg, leaving a trail of lust behind. He kissed me hard, grinding his body against me. My legs fell open for him, and he pushed his cock against my entrance. I held my breath, and he slid into me. I let out a moan, and he thrust in to the hilt. I quivered around his cock, and Viktor kissed me again.

  “You’re my world, Angela,” he said. “You’re everything to me. I’m so glad you found me in the woods.”

  I tried to answer him, but he pulled out of me and pushed into me again, making it harder to speak.

  “I can’t hear you, Angel,” he said with laughter in his voice. I moaned as he stroked in and out of me another time.

  “I needed you,” I gasped.

  “I’m glad you came for me,” he said. “But now, kitn, I need you to come for me again.”

  I moaned as he picked up his pace, fucking me harder and deeper. My body tightened as he pushed me closer and closer to the edge of another orgasm. His thick cock inside me grew harder, and I knew he was getting closer, too. His face was riddled with passion and concentration.

  When he buried himself inside me as deep as he could, I came. An orgasm started at my core and flooded my body, washing outward. I cried out, struggling to stay quiet. Viktor came at the same time I did, grunting, squeezing his eyes shut as his cock pulsated inside me.

  “Fuck,” he bit out.

  Finally, after what felt like forever on this high together, we came down from it. He pulled out of me, although his cock was still hard. He lay down on the bed next to me. We were both breathing hard. I listened for Andy’s cry, proof that our sex had been too loud. But the house was quiet.

  I turned to Viktor and he kissed me.

  Life was pretty damn perfect.


  Did you enjoy Angela and Viktor’s love story? Great news, the next book in this series is about Axel’s steamy love story and you can sign up HERE to be notified about when this book is being launched! If you’re one of the lucky readers to snag that book in pre-order, you’ll be able to grab it for a discounted launch price. Be sure to sign up to be notified!

  Keep scrolling for a FREE sneak peak of book one in my bestselling Mountain Men of Liberty Series, Baby for the Mountain Men.

  Baby for the Mountain Man (Preview)

  As I watch the single daddy with his baby...

  I decide I don't care about the dark rumors of his past.

  And when this small mountain town reveals it's own hairy secrets...

  I wonder if Kellen will be the one to save it from destitution.

  Now a limited time promotional discount rate. Download your copy, and enjoy this book today!

  People say he's rude and barbaric.

  But I see a tortured man, broken and compassionate.

  He's hurting - and I'm all too familiar with that feeling.

  I know there's much more to him than meets the eye.

  But can I ever melt the ice around his broken heart?

  Baby for the Mountain Man is a steamy standalone mountain man suspense thriller romance, and part of the Mountain Men of Liberty series. Each book can be read as a standalone. Transport yourself into charming and magical small town of Liberty, Utah as we follow four bad boy, rugged and possessive mountain daddies in their quests to find lasting love on the mountains.



  “Come on, follow me.”

  He followed me into my office. There was a bell at the front if anyone came in, but I wasn’t expecting anyone. As soon as we were in my office, I locked the door behind me.

  Immediately, his hands were on my lower back and started to move down to my ass.

  Neither one of us spoke; we let out hands and kisses do the talking.

  His mouth moved from mine, down to my neck as he pushed me backward toward my desk.

  Lifting me up, then he gently moved me down on top of the desk.

  This was the perfect height to wrap my legs around him.

  His erection pressed into me, causing me to gasp at the size.

  But we weren’t going straight to fucking.

  He had other plans.

  He dropped to his knees in front of me, placing my legs over his shoulders. I was wearing a skirt.

  He pushed the skirt up and slipped my panties down my thighs.

  Trembling, all I could think about was how badly I needed to feel him.

  His head dove between my legs as he muttered, “God, I need to taste you.”

  I grabbed his head, my eyes widening as his tongue found my most sensitive parts. He circled my clit, just as I’d imagined. His scruffy beard rubbed against my thighs, reminding me this wasn’t a fantasy - it was reality.

  Pleasure coursed through my body as he devoured my pussy, sucking and licking as if it was the most delicious dessert he’d ever had the luxury of eating.

  And he was so fucking good at it.

  My legs tightened around him, and I pressed him down into me without even thinking about it. It just felt so damn good. He slipped a finger inside me. Then another.

  I was trying to be quiet, afraid that someone might overhear us, but that all went out the window as the first wave of my orgasm washed over me.

  I cried out, taken by surprise at how fast it came on. He never stopped, keeping the perfect rhythm with his tongue on my clit.

  “Oh God,” I whimpered, my body tensing. “Yes, yes!”

  He seemed to savor it.

  He devoured my pussy, sucking and licking my juices as he brought me closer and closer to the edge.

  “I’m going to cum,” I whimpered, writhing underneath him.

  He held my hips down on the bed, stilling me as he continued working me over with his magical tongue. I gripped the back of his head, and without meaning to, pressed him into me as I cried out in pleasure.

  God, I needed him so badly.

  My hands fumbled with his pant and I felt his erection in my hand.

  I could only get a sense of how big he was, but my eyes widened at what I felt. He was so thick.

  “Please. I need you inside me.”

  Chapter 1


/>   Ring. Ring.

  I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock on my night stand.

  Six in the morning.

  “Just like clockwork. How’d you sleep Alice?”

  “Like shit. You?”

  “I’d rather be in your position.”

  “Doubt that. If it isn’t the nightmares, it’s the baby kicking me,” she said softly. “Everything hurts these days.”

  “Just a couple weeks until the big day. Then the little devil can serenade you with cries all night.”

  “Thanks for words of encouragement, friend,” Alice chuckled.

  I was pulling her leg, when in truth, I felt for her.

  Being a single mother to a newborn on the way couldn’t be easy.

  I’d insisted she move closer, but she couldn’t leave the first house she and Henry bought together.

  And me… I couldn’t step foot in it.

  People handled grief in in different ways.

  Though, it was much more than grief for me.

  “I got the check in the mail,” Alice said. “We talked about this. You shouldn’t have.”

  “It’s not much,” I said. “Buy Matilda something nice.”

  Money was the least I could do.

  If I could live that horrible day again I’d put myself in his shoes, a thousand times over. I was the only one responsible for Henry’s death.

  Alice knew I was there for her, and I’d jump on a flight in a heartbeat whenever she needed. I owed it to Henry and Alice to make sure she was taken care of.

  Henry was my best friend.

  And after what I let happen to him, Alice became a widow at a young age.

  While my name was cleared, I was the one to blame. I never once gave a damn what others thought about me. I blamed myself enough. Every single fucking day.


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