Unraveling Fayth (Devil's Knights Book 8)

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Unraveling Fayth (Devil's Knights Book 8) Page 21

by Winter Travers

“But what happens if you crash?”

  “You hold on even tighter and ride out the wave. As long as you have me and my brothers behind you, Fay, the good times will never stop.”

  I sighed and nodded. “You really do have it all figured out, don’t you?”

  Slider shrugged. “It’s easy. As long as I have you loving me, nothing can break me.”

  “I love you so much, Slider,” I whispered.

  “I love you, too, Fay.” Slider leaned close and brushed his lips against my ear. “But do you know what would make me love you more?”

  “If I let you fuck me upside this house?” I giggled.

  “Damn straight, Firecracker.”



  “I hope the cops don’t drive by,” I mumbled and sat down in Lo’s lap.

  “Why? What’d you do now, babe?”

  “Ha, ha. You’re so funny.” I rolled my eyes and put my arm around his shoulders. “Slider is screwing Fayth against the side of the house.”

  “Again?” Lo asked. “They did that the last time we had a bonfire.”

  “Well, at least last time it was dark out. Now, it’s the middle of the day, and any Tom, Dick, or Harry could drive by and see them going at it.”

  “You remember when we were like that?”

  I scoffed and shook my head. “I’m pretty sure we never screwed in broad daylight.”

  “You don’t remember one of those first nights we went out? You and Cyn sang horrible karaoke, and then I almost had you up against that brick wall?”

  I pressed the back of my hand against Lo’s forehead and checked for a fever. “I think you’re getting Alzheimer’s in your old age, or you’re thinking of another girl. We never had sex against a brick wall. I may have let you feel me up, but there was no penetration.”

  He swatted my hand away. “Jesus, Meg. It damn well was you.”

  I shook my head. “You’ll never hear me admit that out loud.”

  “Crazy,” Lo muttered under his breath.

  “But you love me.” I laid my head on his shoulder and looked around at all of the people that had become family. “Did you talk to your mom?”

  Lo nodded. “Negative,” he mumbled.

  “She beat it, Lo,” I whispered.

  Lo wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my hair. Two weeks ago, Ethel had told us they had found another bump, and she was having it removed. Lo had lost it. I didn’t know how he was going to make it through if he found out his mom had cancer for a third time.

  “I fucking love you, Meg.”

  I relaxed in his arms and let him hold me. “I love you, too. I wouldn’t have any of this if it weren’t for meeting you.”

  “Well, thank God we met each other, because I know I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you either.”

  “Then, I guess we’re good for each other, right?” I said smugly.

  Lo pulled back my hair and kissed my neck. “I don’t want anyone but you.”

  I looked around, taking in all of my friends eating and just hanging out. “Did you happen to try Marley’s potato salad?”

  Lo did a full body shiver and grimaced. “Hell yes. She managed to trap me over by the table, and I couldn’t escape. Why the hell didn’t Remy warn me that she brought the green bowl?”

  “Did she force-feed you some?” I asked, laughing.

  “Fed me like a damn baby,” Lo growled.

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of Lo—big, bad president of the Devil’s Knights—being force-fed by sweet Marley. “Troy is going to have to break it to her sometime that she just should give up on cooking.”

  “And baking,” Lo agreed. “She brought muffins to the shop last week, and I almost broke a tooth on the damn thing.”

  “But I bet you ate it though, right?”

  “Yeah, because she stood there and waited for me to take a bite.”

  “You really are a good man,” I said as I ran my fingers though his hair.

  “Only for you, babe.”

  I sighed and watched Remy and Marco sitting at a table all by themselves. “When did my baby grown up?” I wondered out loud.

  “He may be grown up, but you’ll always be his mom, babe.”

  Remy had graduated high school five years ago, moved away to go to school in Chicago for two years, and now he was working on a pit crew for a nitro funny car. “I just wish he was home more.”

  “He’s young, babe. This is the time he should be off, finding out who he is and sowing his oats.”

  “You mean having ten girlfriends at once and getting drunk every night?”

  Lo shrugged. “I plead the fifth,” Lo mumbled. I knew Remy told Lo more about his life than he did me, and it drove me crazy.

  “Just as long as one of those wild oats he’s sowing doesn’t turn up pregnant.”

  “He’s got a good head on his shoulders, babe. You did good by him.” Lo gently patted my thigh. “Have a little faith in him, babe.”

  “Hmm,” I hummed. “Here I thought once everything settled down, I could just relax and have no worries. Now, I have a whole new set of worries with Remy gone all of the time.”

  “Well, I guess I’m not doing my job well enough then. I’ll have to try to distract you even more.”

  “And how exactly are you going to do that?” I asked as I turned in his arms.

  “Well, there are at three other sides to the house that aren’t being used.” Lo wiggled his eyebrows.

  I smacked his chest and waved my finger in his face. “Not happening, big man.”

  Lo shot up from the chair and tossed me over his shoulder. “Lo,” I shrieked. “Put me down.”

  “Not happening, babe” He smacked my ass.

  “Hey, you gotta copy Slider’s move?” Gambler called when Lo ducked out of the tent.

  “Nah, this shit has always been my move. You fuckers just copied them all,” Lo hollered.

  Everyone groaned and told Lo he was crazy.

  Lo climbed the stairs to the deck. “I thought you were taking me to the side of the house?” I giggled.

  He opened the screen door and ducked inside the house. “I was going to, but then I realized that really was a Slider move.”

  “So, you opted to go with a standard Lo move of sweeping me off my feet and taking me to bed?”

  Lo made his way through the house and tossed me on the bed. “I figure why mess with something that ain’t broken. I made you fall in love with me this way, so I’ll just keep doing what works.”

  Lo covered my body with his and whispered, “I certainly did fall in love with you, Lo. You gave me one hell of a story to tell our grandkids one day.”

  “The one where you had your ass waving in the air, and you told me you don’t eat?”

  I giggled and nodded. “That would be the one. It’s our story.”

  “It’s always been our story, babe, because it’s always been you.”

  “Always,” I whispered.

  Lo was mine, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. After all, our story had only just begun back then, and every day was an adventure I couldn’t wait to live.

  Life in the Lo Daze got better every day.

  A word to my loyal readers:

  Thank you so much for taking the ride with me with the Devil’s Knights. I first published Loving Lo with the only thought of I needed to get this story out of my head. I was absolutely blown away by the response I received, and knew there was more to this series.

  With each book I wrote, the more I found my voice and knew that writing was not only what I wanted to do, but it had become a need.

  I have meet so many amazing (and some not so amazing LOL) people on this journey, and I honestly can’t remember life before this amazing indie community.

  I’ve surrounded myself with those who only want the best for me, and can’t wait to see what I pull out of my head next.

  The Devil’s Knights wouldn’t be possible without each and every one of you buy
ing my books, and following me as I navigate my way through this wonderful journey.

  Oh, and for those of you who are sad to see the Knights end, this isn’t the last you’ve seen of them. In the years to come, I have four series that the Knights and their women will be popping up in. Powerhouse M.A. Series, Nitro Crew Series, Banachi Family Series, and Jagged Ink series will have some of the characters we’ve all grown to love. You can’t silence Meg that easily.

  Long live the #LoDaze.

  Love, Winter

  Coming March 29th

  Dropkick My Heart

  Powerhouse M.A. Series

  Book 1


  Countless hours of practice, and enough determination to succeed no matter the cost is what has brought Kellan to standing at the door to his life coming full circle.

  Life on the competition circuit was fast-paced, and exciting, but now Kellan is ready to settle down, and stay in his own bed for longer than a week.

  Opening Powerhouse Martial Arts with his three best friends was just what they all needed to showcase their skills from traditional forms, all the way to show-style sport tricking.

  Kellan thought he had it all figured out, except he didn’t figure in the sassy barista next door.


  For seven years, Molly saved every penny she had to buy the quirky coffee shop on the corner.

  Lattes, cappuccinos, espresso. You name it, Molly can make it.

  Early mornings slinging coffee, and late nights thinking up the next new coffee craze leaves Molly little time to have a life. Her customers have become her family, and she would do anything to keep her customers happy.

  Even venturing over to the new Martial Arts studio next door, and asking them to keep the screaming and grunting to a minimum. Surely one doesn’t need to scream so much, right?

  With Molly throwing down the gauntlet to quiet down or shut down, Kellan does the only thing he can do.

  Take off the sparring gloves, and show the barista just what Powerhouse Martial Arts is all about.

  Strength, Style, & taking no prisoners.

  About the Author

  Winter Travers is a devoted wife, mother, and aunt turned author. With stories always flowing around her, Loving Lo was the one story that had to get out (new ones are knocking on the door daily now).

  Winter loves to bake and cook when she isn’t at work, zipping around on her forklift. She also has an addiction to anything MC related, her dog Thunder, and Mexican food (Tamales!)

  Winter has two new series planned for 2017, Powerhouse Martial Arts Series and the Brawl Doll Series, with about 10 other series floating around in her head.

  Winter loves to stay connected with her readers.

  Don’t hesitate to reach out and contact her.


  Twitter: @WinterTravers

  Instagram: @WinterTravers


  Dive into the first chapter of Downshift, and meet Violet and Luke.


  Skid Row Kings Series

  Chapter 1


  It was half past seven, and I should be on my way home already, but I wasn’t.

  I watched the lone girl who was sitting at the far table and sighed. She came in every day after school like clockwork, stayed till five forty-five then left. Except today, she didn’t. The only way for me to get the heck out of here was to tell her the library was closing, but I didn’t have the heart to.

  She appeared to be well taken care of, nice clothes, good tennis shoes and well groomed. But she was never with anyone when she came in. Even when other kids would come in to work on homework or such, she stayed by herself at the far table.

  I glanced at the watch on my wrist one last time and knew I had to go talk to her. All I wanted to do was go home, eat dinner, and take a nice long bath with my latest book boyfriend. Was that too much to ask?

  After I skirted around the desk, I hesitantly made my way over to her, not wanting to tell someone they had to leave. I wasn’t one for confrontation. “Um, excuse me.”

  The girl looked up at me and smiled. She couldn’t have been more than thirteen, fourteen tops. Shiny braces encased her teeth, and black-rimmed glasses sat perched on her nose. “Yes?”

  “The library closes at seven.”

  She glanced at the watch on her wrist and hit her hand on the table. “Crud. Luke was supposed to pick me up over an hour ago. I’m really sorry,” she said, gathering her books and shoving them into her bag.

  “Did you need to call him?”

  “No, he probably won’t answer the phone. He’s only managed to pick me up once this week. He’s busy getting ready for Street Wars. He’s probably stuck under the hood of a car right now.” She zipped her book bag shut and slung it over her shoulder. “I’m really sorry for keeping you here so late. I know the library closes at seven, but I was so into my book I didn’t even notice the time.”

  “It’s OK.” I had totally been there before. That was the whole reason I worked at the library, I got to be surrounded by the things I loved all day.

  “I’ll see ya,” she waved and headed out the door.

  I quickly flipped off all the lights, making sure everything was ready for tomorrow and walked out the door. “Shit,” I muttered as I got pelted with rain as I locked the door. I ran to my car, looking for the girl but didn’t see her. Was she really going to walk home in the rain? I glanced up and down the street and saw her two blocks up, huddled under a tree.

  Whoever this Luke was who was supposed to pick her up was a complete douche monkey for making this poor girl walk. I assumed it was her father, but it was strange that she called him Luke.

  I ducked into my car, tossing my purse in the back and stuck the key in the ignition. I cranked it up and reversed out of my spot. As I pulled up to the girl, all I could do was shake my head. What did she think she was doing? Standing under a tree during a thunderstorm was not a bright idea.

  “Get in the car,” I hollered over the wind and rain. That was one of the drawbacks of the library, there weren’t many windows so I never knew what the weather was like until I went outside. “I’ll give you a ride.”

  She shook her head no and huddled under her jacket. What was she thinking? It didn’t look like the rain was going to let up anytime soon. “I’m not supposed to ride with strangers.”

  Well, that was all fine and dandy except for the fact me being a stranger looked a lot better than standing in the rain. “You’ve been coming into the library for months. I’d hardly call us strangers.”

  “I don’t even know your name,” she said, her teeth chattering.

  “It’s Violet. Now get in the car.”

  She looked up and down the street, and it finally sunk in that I was her only chance of getting home not sopping wet. As she sprinted across the street, I reached across the center console and pushed open the passenger door.

  “Oh my God, it’s cold out there,” she shivered as she slid in and closed the door.

  “Well, it’s only April. Plus, being soaking wet doesn’t help.”

  She tossed her bag on the floor and rubbed her arms, trying to warm up. I switched the heat on full blast and pointed all the vents at her. She was dripping all over, and I knew the next person who sat there was going to get a wet ass. “Which way?”

  “I live over on Thompson, on top of SRK Motors,” she chattered.

  I shifted the car into drive and headed down the street. “How come your dad didn’t come and pick you up?” I asked, turning down Willow Street.

  “Probably because he’s dead.”

  Oh, crap. Whoops. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled, feeling like an idiot. She seemed too young to have lost her dad.

  “You can rule my mom out, too. They’re both dead.” She pulled a dry sweatshirt out of her bag and wrapped it around her hair, wringing it out.

  OK. Well, things seemed to have taken a turn f
or the worse. “So, um, who’s Luke? Your uncle?”

  “No, he’s my oldest brother. I’ve got three of them. They all work at the garage together that Luke owns, he’s in charge.”

  “So, your brothers take care of you?”

  “Ha, more like I take care of them. If it weren't for me, they’d spend all their time under the hood of a car.”

  “What’s your name?” Here I was giving this girl a ride home, and I had no idea what her name was.


  “I’m Violet, by the way, if you didn’t hear me before,” I glanced at her, smiling.

  “Neat name. Never heard it before.” That would be because my mother was an old soul who thought to name me Violet would be retro. It wasn’t. It was a color.

  “Eh, it’s OK.”

  I pulled up in front of the body shop and shut the car off. It was raining even harder now, the rain pelting against my windows. “I’ll come in with you to make sure someone is home.”

  “I’m fourteen years old. I can be left alone.’

  “Whatever. Let’s go.” She was right, but I didn’t care. I was pretty pissed off that her brother had left her all alone to walk home in the rain.

  We dashed to the door, my coat pulled over my head, and I stumbled into the door Frankie held open. “Oh my God, it’s really coming down,” I mumbled, shaking my coat off. My hair was matted to my forehead, and I’m sure I looked like a drowned rat.

  “I think Luke is in the shop, I’ll go get him.” Frankie slipped through another door that I assumed lead to the shop, and I looked around.

  Apparently, I was in the office of the body shop. There was a cluttered counter in front of me and stacks of wheels and tires all around. Four chairs are set off to the side, which I assume is the waiting area, and a vending machine on the far wall.

  The phone rang a shrilling ring, making me jump. I looked around, trying to figure out what to do when the door to the shop was thrown open, and a bald, scowling man came walking through. He didn’t even glance at me, just picked up the phone and started barking into it.


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