Dream World

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Dream World Page 9

by T. G. Haynes

  The woman sitting opposite Kate must have been at least six feet tall. She had long black hair that elegantly cascaded down onto her shoulders and the bright red lipstick and heavy mascara she wore perfectly offset her pale white skin. It was her eyes that really stood out though. Not quite green, not quite grey, they shone with a lustre that make up artistes would have died for. The woman took a long drag on her cigarette and blew a perfect smoke ring.

  ‘Expecting someone?’ she asked, in a distinctive Russian accent.

  ‘Who are you?’ Kate replied.

  ‘Not that it’s any of your business, but my name is Nadia Petrova, now, if you will be kind enough to answer my question please.’

  Forcing herself to reply with a calmness that she didn’t really feel Kate said, ‘My name’s Kate Phillips and, as this is my dream, you better treat me with respect or else I’ll make you leave.’

  To Kate’s chagrin, Nadia didn’t seem overly impressed by this piece of information.

  ‘We have reason to believe that you have arranged to meet a dangerous criminal here. Someone we have been tracking for quite some time.’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Kate said.

  ‘Really? So the name Dexter Norris means nothing to you?’

  Ah, Kate thought, so whoever this Nadia is I’ve created her as an obstacle to overcome before meeting Dexter. What a clever sub-conscious I have, she mused, rather pleased with herself. Feeling much more comfortable with proceedings now that she thought she’d got a handle on what was going on, Kate settled into the scene and decided to enjoy it for what it was worth. ‘What was that name again?’

  Nadia stubbed her cigarette out, grinding it into the glass ashtray forcefully. ‘Dexter Norris.’

  ‘Dexter Norris, Dexter Norris,’ Kate repeated, trying the name out for size. ‘You know, it is vaguely familiar.’

  The tone of Nadia’s voice lowered a notch. ‘It’s only fair to warn you, Ms Phillips, I strongly advise that you do not play games with me.’

  ‘And why’s that?’

  ‘Trust me,’ Nadia said. ‘You really don’t want to know.’

  ‘Is that a threat?’

  ‘More... a friendly warning, let us say.’

  Warming to the game, Kate decided it was time to up the stakes. Focussing hard upon her right jacket pocket she imagined that there was an automatic pistol hidden there. To her annoyance, as the thought crossed her mind, Nadia smiled, as if she knew.

  ‘A neat trick,’ Nadia said, ‘But two can play at that game.’

  Nadia clicked her fingers. Kate reached for the gun in her pocket, but her hand never got there, for the two waiters suddenly appeared behind her and took hold of her arms. As Kate struggled to break their grip, Nadia reached into the coat pocket, withdrew the gun and placed it on the table.

  ‘What is it with you British and the Walther PPK? James Bond uses one of these. God knows why. An ugly little weapon, I’ve always thought.’

  Fast losing control of the situation, Kate decided it was time to leave. Unable to resist a parting quip she said, ‘Das Vedanya, comrade,’ before closing her eyes and imagining herself back at the café in Paris. She took a deep breath. Mmm, was that fresh coffee she smelt?

  ‘No,’ Nadia replied, in answer to the thought that had crossed Kate’s mind.

  Opening her eyes Kate discovered that Nadia had lit another cigarette. The beautiful Russian spy proceeded to blow smoke in Kate’s face, causing her to cough.

  ‘How did you do that?’ Kate asked.

  ‘What?’ Nadia replied.

  ‘Read my mind like that.’

  ‘Oh, you’d be surprised at what I can do,’ Nadia said, picking the gun up off the table. She checked that the weapon was loaded then aimed it at Kate’s chest. ‘Do you ever die in your dreams?’

  Growing more disconcerted by the minute, Kate struggled to break free of the arms that were holding her. Her efforts proved to be in vain. ‘Please, let me go.’

  ‘Then tell me where he is,’ Nadia said.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Kate insisted.

  A slight frown creased Nadia’s brow. She shrugged, then her finger closed upon the trigger. Fear prevented Kate from conjuring up a blue door. All she could do was stare into Nadia’s implacable grey / green eyes. Kate found herself wondering what it felt like to be shot. She also wondered if it would snap her out of the dream. She dearly hoped so.

  Before Nadia fired the door to the restaurant opened and in marched an armed Dexter. He raised the handgun that he was holding and yelled, ‘Drop it.’

  Calmly, Nadia turned and fired at him. He threw himself full length behind one of the tables. The bullet appeared to whistle harmlessly by.

  ‘Get him,’ Nadia hissed.

  The two waiters who had been holding Kate released their grip and ran across the restaurant.

  ‘Get out of here, Kate,’ Dexter shouted.

  He hung around just long enough to see Kate summon a green door and disappear through it. He then raced out of the restaurant and across Red Square, the two waiters in hot pursuit. No longer concerned with Kate, Nadia calmly strolled across to the doorway of the restaurant. Dexter was all that really mattered to her.

  Kate shivered as she snapped out of the scene in Russia. Though part of her had been quite scared by the scenario, another tiny part of her had found the experience thrilling. She could tell by the way that the adrenaline was pumping through her veins at a rate of knots. Taking a series of deep breaths she forced herself to calm down. She hadn’t even had time to look around and see where she was. Compared to the setting in Russia, the nightclub in which she found herself was so bland it could have been any club in any city in Britain. Examining the venue a little closer Kate discovered that she recognised the place. It was the very same club she and Sylvia had visited the previous Saturday night. Kate guessed that her sub-conscious had selected somewhere safe and familiar after the high drama of her Russian escapade. It was the perfect spot to relax and have a bit of fun in.

  The club was much quieter than it would normally have been on a Friday or Saturday night, so Kate did a quick circuit and searched for Dexter. It quickly became apparent that he wasn’t there, which was a real shame, because the rousing shoot out in Red Square had left her in the mood for a bit more excitement, albeit excitement of a different kind. On more than one occasion she had read about how stimulating some people found danger, yet had never really believed it until that moment. Retreating to the bar she focussed upon Dexter and willed him to appear. Sadly, no matter how hard she tried, he remained conspicuous by his absence.

  The fact that she didn’t seem one hundred per cent in control of her dreams that night still didn’t make sense to Kate and she made a mental note to ask Richard about it when she awoke. That could wait though. First things first. She wanted a boogie, she wanted to be kissed and if things went well she wanted...

  ‘Can I get you a drink?’

  The voice that made the offer was a familiar one. Before turning to see who had addressed her, Kate tried to place it. Who else had she met recently who she fancied? Gary, of course!

  ‘I’d prefer a dance,’ she replied.

  Happy to oblige, Gary led her across to the dance floor. As he did so, Kate noted that her imagination seemed to have improved upon mother nature slightly because her dream Gary was fractionally taller and slightly better looking than his human counterpart. Upon reaching the dance floor she discovered Clive and Sylvia there too.

  In spite of the fact it was Kate’s dream, Sylvia was doing her best to remain the centre of attention, dancing around in a highly provocative manner. Determined not to let her best friend have it all her own way, Kate began to dance just as outrageously. The high heels and super short skirt she was wearing certainly helped. Both enjoying the challenge, t
he two girls wiggled their hips and shook their booty for all they were worth, much to the delight of Gary and Clive. The dancing grew ever more competitive until it reached the point where Kate and Sylvia abandoned their respective dates for the night and indulged in a face to face, or rather, a hip to hip, dance off.

  By now it wasn’t just Gary and Clive who were watching, but most of the clubbers. Whilst Kate and Sylvia ground away to Lady Ga-Ga’s latest track, patrons clapped, whooped, whistled and hollered their approval. As the track drew to an end, Sylvia raised the stakes by taking Kate in her arms in order to steal a kiss. Kate hadn’t realised just how turned on she was. As their lips met she thrilled at the kiss.

  A huge cheer of approval went up from the crowd. Playing up to the audience, Sylvia broke away from the kiss and thrust her arms aloft, as if she had just won Strictly Come Dancing. The way that she proceeded to strut around, giving people high fives, irked Kate somewhat. It was bad enough to be upstaged by Sylvia in her waking life, but to be upstaged by her in her own dreams was too much. Right, Kate thought, it was time to put a stop to this.

  So, when the next track came on, as Kate resumed dancing with Gary, she focussed her thoughts upon Sylvia. A mere matter of seconds later Sylvia tapped Kate’s shoulder.

  ‘I’m really sorry,’ Sylvia said, ‘only something has come up and I’ve got to go. You don’t mind, do you?’

  Kate did her best to act the innocent. ‘That’s such a shame.’

  ‘I know,’ Sylvia shrugged. ‘Never mind, catch you later.’

  As Sylvia left the club Kate felt slightly guilty, but the feeling soon passed as Gary whisked her around and took her in his arms for a bit of old school style dancing. As their bodies ground together Kate could feel exactly how much Gary was enjoying himself as she pressed against him. She smiled at him to show that she approved. He pulled her even tighter towards him and rubbed himself against her thigh. Kate loved feeling him grow hard against her leg.

  Since Sylvia’s departure the other clubbers no longer paid Kate any attention. She was just about to risk taking matters a little further with Gary when she felt another pair of hands clasp her hips from behind. Clive had decided to join in. Feeling back in complete control of the dream situation, she knew that Gary wouldn’t object. Not that she had time to give this much consideration as Clive proceeded to massage the cheeks of her bottom, then rub his groin into her bum. Kate gasped as she felt his raging hard on press against her. Checking around to make sure that no one was watching, Kate snaked her right hand down, unzipped the flies on Gary’s trousers and began to stroke him.

  With a cock in one hand and another digging into the crack of her buttocks, Kate felt like the filling of a deliciously sexy sandwich. As the three of them bumped and ground to the music she ached to take matters further. Given how excited both boys were, she was fairly sure that neither of them would object. Glancing around, Kate spied a set of green fire doors just behind the DJ’s booth. In reality, she knew that these opened on to the alley at the back of the club, however, she also knew that if she focussed hard enough she could change that quite easily.

  Relaxing her grip on Gary she allowed him to zip himself back up, then led her two suitors across to the fire doors. Though puzzled, neither of them objected. Kate pushed at the doors and they opened up onto a lavish bedroom, at the centre of which rested a huge king sized bed. To ensure their privacy, Kate closed the doors behind them, then went and sat on the edge of the bed. She stroked her chin as she regarded Gary and Clive, looking from one to the other.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Clive asked.

  ‘I’m debating which of you I want to take in my mouth and which of you I want to take me from behind.’

  Both Gary and Clive’s eyes lit up at this and they tore their clothes off whilst Kate watched on approvingly. Once they were both naked, she beckoned them to step forwards. They did so, obediently, and allowed her to examine their cocks. Naturally, Kate took her time over this. Firstly, she ran Gary’s through her fingers. It was slim, quite long and faintly curved. Clive’s, on the other hand, was slightly shorter, but a fraction thicker. Holding Gary’s prick in her left hand and Clive’s in her right, Kate began to wank them both off. Both cocks responded excitedly and grew a fraction more.

  ‘No coming,’ she said, laying down the law.

  Both of her prospective lovers murmured their assent. Deciding to really test their mettle, she teased them even further. Whilst continuing to toy with Clive, Kate leant forward and planted a series of kisses on the tip of Gary’s cock. Gary whimpered, bit his bottom lip and did his best to summon up every ounce of self control that he could muster. To make life even more difficult for him, Kate began to massage his balls. She could tell that her attentions were proving too much for him as his balls began to tighten. Kate withdrew her lips just in time as Gary’s cock exploded, showering her top with come.

  ‘Tut, tut,’ she said, shaking her head, disapprovingly. ‘Look at the mess you’ve made.’

  Gary apologised profusely.

  ‘Ah well,’ she continued. ‘I suppose I’m just going to have to get out of these clothes.’

  Lying back on the bed she began to strip off.

  ‘I could give you a hand if you liked,’ Clive offered.

  Kate demurred to his request and permitted him to climb on to the bed next to her. Gary was about to join them, only Kate told him that he had to watch, ‘For being such a naughty boy.’

  So Gary sat at the end of the bed and waited upon his mistresses bidding.

  Clive lost no time at all in removing Kate’s remaining clothing and soon had her stripped down to her bra and G-string. Before removing these last items he paused. When she asked him why, he replied, ‘Because, first of all, I’m going to kiss every inch of your body.’

  Kate loved the idea, so lay back on the satin sheets and waited for him to go to work. Clive was as good as his word. He began by kissing Kate’s feet, then worked his way up her ankles, calves and knees. As he drew ever closer to her torso his technique altered slightly. His kisses changed from light, feathery ones, to long, lingering, sensual ones and by the time his mouth came in contact with her inner thighs he had also brought his tongue into play, lapping and licking at her tender flesh. Hoping that he would take the hint, Kate shrugged off her G-string and prayed that he would kiss her between her thighs.

  Cheekily, she thought, Clive resisted the temptation and, though his lips hovered close to her pussy, they didn’t quite come into contact with it. Not that Kate was overly disappointed as he worked his way up her lower stomach. Perhaps she would have more luck if she offered him her breasts, so she removed her bra. Unable to pass on this opportunity, Clive greedily fastened upon her tits, his tongue expertly working its way around her nipples; first her left, then her right.

  The next second, Kate felt another pair of lips kiss her ankles. Even for a dream, that’s a neat trick, she mused. She was just about to ask Clive how he was managing to kiss her in two places simultaneously when she realised that Gary had joined them on the bed and it was he who was tending to her lower legs. Though part of her considered ordering him to stop, the experience was so blissful she simply lay back and enjoyed the attentions that were being showered upon her.

  As Clive kissed her neck she could feel his cock bumping against her upper thighs. Having passed on the opportunity to suck Gary off, she longed to take Clive between her lips and grant him a blow job, so she gestured for him to kneel on the bed beside her. Either Clive didn’t quite understand her instructions or he chose to disobey them for, instead of kneeling beside Kate, he took up a position whereby his shins rested on the bed either side of her head, which allowed him to dangle his cock over her chin.

  Kate loved the stance he had taken up. Stretching upwards, she took his balls in her mouth and began to lick them. His cock twitched upwards, pulling away from her lips
. Reaching up, she tamed it with her right hand, bent it down, took it in her mouth and began to suck. Given the position they had adopted, his cock threatened to pull loose from her lips at any moment, which made the blow job all the more exciting.

  Kate was just beginning to settle to the task at hand when she felt Gary break off kissing her legs. Slightly miffed at this turn of events, she wondered what on earth he was up to. She found out soon enough. The next second he buried his head between her thighs, eased her lips apart and thrust his tongue into her pussy. Kate melted into the satin sheets, revelling in the fantasy threesome.

  Losing concentration for a second, so good did Gary’s tongue feel between her legs, Kate let go of Clive’s cock. Though it escaped from her mouth with a pronounced twitch, she barely noticed. All that seemed important to her at that precise moment was the tongue between her thighs. As Gary licked and kissed her, Kate was well aware that her pre-orgasmic juices had begun to flow freely and were coating his tongue and lips. Feeling like a complete slut, she opened her legs wider to make it easier for him and re- took Clive’s cock in her mouth. It had long been a fantasy of Kate’s to be brought to climax whilst sucking upon a cock. Her timing was nigh on perfect, for the instant Clive’s cock slid back between her lips she sensed that she was about to come. Gary must have realised, because he lifted her thighs and buttocks off the bed, pulling her tight onto his face.

  Kate had never felt an orgasm quite like it. It seemed to effect every single nerve ending of her body. Her arms and legs quivered and tingled as Gary continued to lick her. It was as if his tongue was somehow in touch with her senses and each time it tickled against her clit a new wave of pleasure washed over her. He broke off his attentions momentarily. Kate removed Clive’s cock from her mouth just long enough to ask Gary what he was doing.

  Gary replied in the best way he possibly could, by sinking his cock into her pussy. Kate’s head lolled back and she let out a cry of unadulterated pleasure. Her thighs felt on fire as Gary worked up a steady rhythm. As he began to fuck her in earnest, she tried to take Clive’s cock between her lips once more, but this didn’t prove easy. Finally, with great determination, she managed to bring it back under control. Sucking at him feverishly, Kate was getting the fucking of her life as Gary thrust away faster and faster until she sensed that she was on the verge of coming again. She wasn’t the only one. Clive beat her to it as his cock burst in her mouth. The sensation of delicious spunk oozing between her lips was too much for Kate and she came a second time, her pussy convulsing around Gary’s hard cock, coating it with her juices. With nigh on split second timing Gary climaxed as well, filling her with spunk. As she wriggled and writhed around on the end of his Gary’s cock, Clive’s cock threatened to jerk loose from her lips, but she was determined not to allow it to do so until she had drained every last drop of spunk from it.


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