Dream World

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Dream World Page 15

by T. G. Haynes

  As he described the scene he tried his best to remove her dress. Kate lifted her arms high above her head and allowed him to do so. The only thing that stood between him taking her was her underwear. His hands fumbled around the clasp that held her bra. She tried to stop him, only it was too late. He removed the item and flung that aside too. As he reached for her thong, finally she regained control of her senses, grabbed his hands and stopped him.

  ‘Are you sure?’ he whispered.

  She shook her head. She could feel his hard on pressing into the cheeks of her bottom. How good would it be to feel it in her pussy? How good would it be to feel it slide into her arse?

  No, she must resist.

  ‘I haven’t got it wrong, have I? After you’d taken your dress off, I did begin to pump your arse and finger your pussy, didn’t I?’

  She nodded.

  ‘I thought so. You joined in by backing into me as hard as you could, desperate for my cock to probe deeper and deeper. You loved the way that my balls slapped against your flesh as I fucked you.’

  ‘No I didn’t,’ she said, unconvincingly.

  ‘Yes you did.’ He parted her legs with his fingers. ‘You’d love to feel them do so again, just as you’d love to feel my cock inside you.’

  ‘No!’ she cried.

  ‘That wasn’t what you said that night. You said, ‘Yes, YES’, the closer you came to your second climax. Your breath grew shorter, I slipped a second finger inside you. You gasped, loudly, then you came. I’d never known anything like it. You coated my hand in come. I didn’t think you were going to stop. You never told me; was it a multiple orgasm?’

  Kate refused to reply as she recalled what had been one of the most satisfying climaxes of her life.

  ‘As you gasped for breath, writhing around on the end of my fingers, I took my cock out of your bum, removed the condom, then... then what did I do?’

  She gulped. ‘You sprayed my arse cheeks with spunk, then rubbed it in.’

  ‘And you loved it, you dirty little minx.’

  ‘I did, I did,’ she sobbed.

  ‘Then why don’t we recreate the moment?’

  She felt powerless to resist as she felt him roll a condom on. Calling on every last ounce of willpower she tried to picture Dexter. It wasn’t easy, because Alan was distracting her by massaging the cheeks of her bum. She tried to close her legs, only when he parted them she gave away, willingly. Revelling in the moment of triumph, Alan rubbed his cock between the cheeks of her bottom. Screwing up her eyes, Kate tried her very best to summon a door and escape the situation. Nothing happened. She glanced at her watch. The hour was nearly up! Sixty second remained, that was all. That was all she had to survive. She couldn’t let Dexter down, not now. Feeling revitalised, she said to Alan, ‘Wait.’

  ‘What is it?’ he spluttered.

  ‘I’d like to taste you first,’ she said, turning around to face him.

  His eyes widened as she knelt down in front of him. She was just about to take him in her mouth when she shrank back.

  ‘Er, don’t you want to remove that first?’ she asked, pointing at the condom.

  Such was his eagerness he was all fingers and thumbs as he yanked it off, which cost him valuable seconds. Kate glanced at her watch. Twenty seconds. She reached out towards him, then stopped, looked up and blew him a kiss. His cock twitched excitedly as he anticipated the blow job. Ten seconds.

  ‘Close your eyes,’ she said.

  Willingly, he obeyed. Five seconds. Kate got up and hastily pulled her dress back on. Wondering what the delay was, Alan opened his eyes. At that precise moment a blue door popped into existence.

  ‘Sorry, lover boy,’ she said, then blew him a kiss as she stepped through the door.

  Kate’s eyes snapped open and she sat up on the bed. Dexter was pacing the room, anxiously. Richard was sat in the corner, staring at her intently. Dexter licked his lips, nervously.

  ‘Well?’ he said.

  Kate removed the pads from her temples, hopped off the bed and gave him a hug. ‘What do you think?’ she said.

  Taking her in his arms, Dexter lifted her up and span her around excitedly. ‘You star!’ he said, then kissed her.

  Looking in the direction of Richard, Kate laughed. ‘Ha. Is that the best you can do?’

  ‘Don’t worry,’ he replied, menacingly. ‘I’ll make sure it’s more difficult next time.’

  ‘Next time?’ Kate said. ‘Er, I don’t think so, mister. It’s your turn now.’

  As he stood up, Richard grinned. ‘You really didn’t read the contract that well, did you?’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Dexter asked.

  ‘Page forty five, section eighty one, paragraph nineteen.’

  ‘Remind me,’ Kate said.

  ‘This has only been the first of your three challenges.’


  ‘Why do you think I’ve closed the centre for the whole weekend. You have to undertake three challenges to my one,’ Richard calmly explained.

  Dexter lunged for his former partner. Richard neatly side-stepped around the bed Kate had been lying on.

  ‘Back off, Dexter, unless you want me to call security.’

  ‘That’s not fair,’ Dexter snarled.

  ‘Neither’s life. Get over it. Unless you don’t want to play anymore.’

  ‘No chance,’ Kate said. ‘You’d probably take that as forfeit.’

  ‘Ah, so you did read some of the contract after all. Clever girl.’

  ‘Don’t patronise me.’

  ‘Sorry, I’ll leave that to your Ex, shall I?’

  Kate blushed as she recalled her recent experience with Alan.

  ‘So, shall we make it the same time tomorrow for your second challenge?’ Richard said.

  ‘When do you get to do yours?’ Dexter asked him through gritted teeth.

  ‘The same time that Kate undertakes her third and final challenge. Assuming,’ Richard said, ‘she gets that far.’

  ‘Have no fears about that,’ she retorted.

  ‘We’ll see,’ Richard said, as Kate and Dexter took their leave of him.

  No sooner had they left the centre, Richard stormed up the corridor. He had deliberately kept his temper in check up until that moment, not wanting to show Kate and Dexter just how furious he was that she had survived the first challenge he had set her. Barging into his office he slammed the door behind him.

  Alan was waiting. He sensed that all was not well. ‘I’m guessing it didn’t quite go to plan?’

  Richard rounded on him. ‘You said that was the sexiest night of your relationship. You said that if she had to re-live it there was no way she’d be able to resist.’

  ‘I didn’t think she would,’ Alan bleated.

  ‘Well you were wrong.’


  ‘Get out,’ Richard ordered him.

  Alan licked his lips, nervously. ‘Aren’t you forgetting something?’


  ‘My payment.’

  Richard sat back in his chair, reached inside the top draw of his desk, took out a sheaf of papers and threw them onto his desk. ‘Another one who doesn’t bother to read the fine print.’

  ‘What’s that?’ Alan asked.

  ‘The contract between us, which clearly stipulates that payment will only be made if your ruse was successful. As it failed, so miserably, you get precisely,’ Richard picked up the contract, pretended to flick through it, then flung it at Alan. ‘Nothing.’

  Alan clenched his fists.

  ‘Oooh,’ Richard pretended to look scared. ‘Tough guy as well now are we.’

  ‘You’ll regret this.’

  Unbeknown to Alan, Richard had already pressed a secret buzzer ben
eath his desk. The door to the office opened and two huge security guards stepped through. A heavy hand fell on Alan’s shoulder. He quietly seethed.

  ‘Escort this gentleman off the premises,’ Richard said. ‘And then close the door behind you.’

  Belle of the Ball

  Back at Kate’s, Dexter was all for breaking out a bottle of wine and celebrating.

  ‘I’m so proud of you,’ he said.

  ‘Two more challenges though,’ she replied, shaking her head.

  ‘Hey, I’ve got every faith in you.’ He kissed her, as if to confirm how much confidence he had in her.

  Kate just smiled, embarrassed at how close she had come to giving in at the end of the first scenario she had faced. Deep down, she was dreading what lay in store on the morrow. Though she passed on the bottle of wine - she wanted to keep a clear head until the ordeal was over - they did cook a celebratory dinner.

  When the meal was over they planned to go over the contract again, to see if they could spot anymore nasty, hidden surprises that they hadn’t noticed previously. They were just getting into the real nitty-gritty small print when the front doorbell rang. Kate went to answer it. She found Alan standing on the doorstep.

  ‘Can I come in?’ he asked.

  Kate folded her arms and eyed him disdainfully. ‘Give me one good reason why I should let you?’

  ‘Because I want to apologise.’

  ‘What for?’

  Alan found it difficult to retain eye contact with her. ‘For being such a bastard.’

  ‘Very well, apology accepted.’ Kate went to close the door.

  He stuck his foot into the gap to stop her from doing so. ‘Wait.’

  ‘What now?’

  ‘There’s something else...’

  ‘What’s he doing here?’ Dexter protested, as Kate guided Alan into the front room.

  ‘Please,’ Alan said, ‘just hear me out. I’m here to help.’

  Dexter looked at Kate for an explanation. She shrugged. ‘It can’t do any harm to listen to him.’

  ‘Alright,’ Dexter said. ‘But make it brief.’

  ‘Look, I just wanted to say how sorry I am,’ Alan said.

  ‘You’ve already done that,’ Kate pointed out.

  ‘To you both.’

  Dexter grunted and grudgingly accepted the apology.

  ‘There’s something else as well. I also wanted to warn you what Richard’s got in store for you,’ Alan said, looking at Kate.

  ‘Well,’ she said.

  ‘He didn’t let me in on his plans completely, but if I failed...’

  ‘As you did.’

  ‘Please Dex, let him finish,’ Kate said.

  Ignoring the interruption, Alan continued. ‘Your second challenge is going to be some kind of masked ball.’

  ‘That doesn’t sound too bad,’ she said.

  ‘I’m afraid that’s not the worst part.’ As Alan divulged all that he knew about the second challenge, Kate and Dexter listened in silence. When he finished, Kate tried to put a brave face on it, but Dexter could tell that she was concerned.

  ‘What about the third trial?’ Dexter asked.

  ‘I’m not sure,’ Alan stammered.

  Kate could tell that he knew, but was reluctant to reveal the details for some reason.

  ‘Well,’ Alan said. ‘I suppose I better be getting off.’

  As he went to leave, Dexter offered Alan his hand.

  ‘Thanks for coming around,’ Dexter said. ‘You didn’t have to do that.’

  The pair shook, then Dexter disappeared into the kitchen to load the dishwasher as Kate showed her ex to the front door. The moment they were out of earshot, she whispered, ‘The third trial, you know what it is don’t you?’

  Alan nodded.

  ‘Well?’ she said.

  He looked embarrassed and tongue tied.

  ‘Please,’ she persisted.

  ‘Do you remember our second night in Venice?’

  She blushed. ‘Of course, but what’s that got to do with anything?’

  ‘Well, you remember how we lay on the bad, played confessions and revealed our deepest, darkest fantasies to one another?’

  ‘You don’t mean?’

  ‘I’m afraid I do,’ he said.

  ‘Alan, I’m not sure I’d be able to resist that. I’ve had that fantasy since I was in my late teens.’

  ‘Well it looks like you’re going to get a chance to enact it.’

  ‘But I don’t want to,’ she said. ‘Not if I’m not allowed to give in to temptation.’

  ‘I’m sure you’ll be fine,’ he said. ‘I’ve got every faith in you.’


  ‘Yes,’ he replied and gave her a peck on the cheek.

  She hugged him before he left.

  ‘Just for the record,’ he said. ‘I wasn’t always a bastard, was I?’

  ‘Only towards the end,’ she said.

  ‘Good luck, Kate.’


  ‘And take care,’ he added.

  ‘I’ll try.’

  With that, Alan wandered off down the drive. Kate closed the door behind him and tried her best not to think about the final trial. After all, before facing that, she had the second one to contend with.

  When they arrived at the centre the next morning, Richard was back to his smarmy worst.

  ‘So,’ he said, ‘All ready for round two?’

  Not wishing to waste any time, Kate lay down on the bed, attached the pads to her head and said, ‘Come on, let’s get this over with.’

  ‘Now, now. No need to be so curt. We can be polite, can’t we?’

  ‘Cut the bullshit and give her the tablet,’ Dexter growled.

  ‘Very well,’ Richard replied and handed Kate one of the little blue pills. She popped it in her mouth and was out the instant her head hit the pillow.

  When Kate awoke, sure enough, she found herself in the midst of a lavish masked ball, just had Alan had warned her. The setting looked like a grand old country manor house, complete with a sweeping central staircase, ball room and dining hall. The place was filled with guests who were clearly the crème de la crème of society, for the ball gowns and dinner suits were of the finest quality. As she wandered through their midst, many of the guests turned and cast lascivious glances her way, their eyes searing through the slits in the face masks that they were wearing.

  This doesn’t seem so bad after all, she thought. So far, so good. She was just about to requisition a flute of champagne from one of the passing waiters when the magnificent grandfather clock at the far end of the hallway began to chime the hour. Kate counted each and every one of the eleven strokes, realising that she had until midnight to resist temptation.

  As the final chime died away a hush fell over the assembled crowd and they all turned and looked up at the top of the staircase. Kate found herself looking too. The girl who was standing there was wearing a flowing red ball gown, very similar to the one which Kate had on.

  ‘My Lords, ladies and gentlemen,’ the girl said, in a distinctive Russian accent. ‘Let the revels commence!’

  With that, she clapped her hands. The lights dimmed and she made her way down the stairs, heading directly for Kate.

  Lowering her face mask, Nadia said, ‘So, Babushka, we meet again.’

  Kate eyed her old enemy icily. ‘You’re not supposed to be here. It was in the rules.’

  With a dismissive wave of her hand Nadia replied, ‘Ah, but what are rules for, if not to be broken.’

  ‘Is that what the guests here, are? Rule breakers.’

  ‘Each and every last one of them,’ Nadia purred. ‘Come, let me show you.’

  ‘Do I have a choice?

  Nadia laughed. ‘Of course not!’ Taking Kate by the hand, she guided her into the ballroom.

  The transformation was dazzling. Though many of the couples continued to dance, they did so naked, apart from their face masks. Others, however, had taken matters further and had begun to have sex. Much to her consternation, Kate couldn’t help but find the site of all that naked flesh arousing.

  ‘I see you approve,’ Nadia whispered.

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ Kate snapped, trying her best to disguise her true emotions.

  ‘Come,’ Nadia said. ‘Let us take a closer look.’

  With that, Nadia guided Kate towards an ornate chaise longue upon which a svelte, red headed woman was reclining. As she lay back in repose, one of the waiters was drizzling champagne all over her body. Half a dozen suitors were kneeling at her side, eagerly licking the champagne off her naked breasts, stomach, thighs, ankles and feet. Catching site of the two women watching her, the red head lifted her left arm towards them. Reading her intentions, the waiter broke open a fresh bottle of champagne and poured it down her arm. Lazily, the girl offered Kate her fingers.

  ‘Feeling thirsty?’ she asked.

  Kate declined the offer. ‘No thank you.’

  The red head shrugged. ‘Your loss.’

  Seemingly nonplussed, the girl offered her hand to Nadia instead. The Russian stepped forwards, took the red head’s fingers in her mouth and began to suck them. Feeling a tingle of excitement between her thighs, Kate turned her back on the scene. As she wandered away she accidentally bumped into one of the couples on the dance floor.

  ‘Sorry,’ she muttered.

  ‘Not at all,’ the couple replied in unison.

  Standing aside, the woman offered Kate her dance partner. ‘Please,’ she said. ‘Be my guest.’

  Not giving Kate the chance to reply, the male dancer took her in his arms and began to spin her around the dance floor as the orchestra played a Strauss waltz.

  ‘I haven’t see you here before,’ he said.

  ‘It’s my first time here,’ Kate explained.


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