Undone by Her Tender Touch

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Undone by Her Tender Touch Page 2

by Maya Banks

  The rest of the time she hid behind that brassy facade, the take-no-crap-off-anyone exterior. But inside? He was absolutely sure she was warm and gooey and all feminine purr. He couldn’t wait to run his fingers over her body and elicit that throaty sound of pleasure.

  “Cam, what the hell, man? Hello? Anyone home?”

  He blinked and turned to see that Devon was still standing there. He scowled. “Don’t you have a wife to tend to?”

  Devon shook his head. “Do you have any idea how pathetic you look mooning over her from across the room?”

  Cameron’s nostrils flared. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

  “Keep telling yourself that,” Devon said with a snort. “Good God. Just go over there and get it done with. And then get a room, for Pete’s sake.”

  “Oh, I’ll get a room,” he said softly. “She’s going to be locked in mine the entire night.”

  Devon made a strangled sound of annoyance and then turned as if he couldn’t get away fast enough. Cam was too busy watching Pippa to care, though. He could see that her tray was empty. Her gaze was searching the rest of the room, a slight frown on her face. She was looking for the kid, and she didn’t look happy.

  Her brow creased in annoyance, she left in the direction of the kitchen. Cameron picked up the empty tray he’d discarded moments ago and hurried after her.

  He found her in the kitchen muttering swear words that would make a sailor wince. He grinned when she threatened to kick the asses of every single waiter who’d stood her up tonight.

  “Where’s the kid?” Cameron asked.

  She jumped, nearly sending the platter she was filling flying in the opposite direction. She whirled around, a ferocious scowl on her face. “Would you stop doing that?”

  He held up his hands and took a cautious step back.

  “He skipped out,” she growled. “He didn’t even give Devon’s clothes back! How am I going to afford to replace them? The shirt cost more than an entire catering job nets.”

  Cameron laid his hand on her arm and she went completely still. The slender muscles in her arm rippled and he could hear the quick intake of her breath. He was right. She was satiny soft and yet firm. She either worked out or she was particularly blessed with excellent body tone. He’d lay odds that she worked out. She seemed rather disciplined.

  “I’m sure Devon won’t miss a white shirt and black slacks,” he drawled. “He likely has two dozen more outfits just like it. He’s a well-ordered bastard. Not into too much variety, if you know what I mean.”

  “That’s not true,” she defended staunchly. “He has a very laid-back wardrobe. Casual. Expensive casual, but still very casual.”

  Cameron shrugged. “Can’t say I’ve ever made it into his closet.”

  She suddenly giggled and then stopped herself, but her eyes were full of mirth.

  “Glad you find me so amusing.”

  “It’s not you as much as the idea of you poking around in Devon’s closet. You have to admit, it’s pretty funny.”

  He rubbed the pad of his thumb in a slow up-and-down pattern above her elbow, and she went quiet again.

  “Would you like me to take food out this time or would you prefer I make another round with wine and champagne? Hell, it’s Dev’s tab. I vote we take some bottles out and let everyone pour up what they like. You and I can circulate with food and watch everyone get wasted.”

  She studied him a moment, cocking her head to the side. “I never realized you actually had a sense of humor.”

  He lifted an eyebrow, taken aback by her candor.

  Then she blushed and briefly closed her eyes. Just when he thought she’d stammer out an apology, she reopened her eyes and stared evenly at him.

  He couldn’t help it. He laughed. This time it was her eyebrow that went up.

  He pushed in close to her, until their bodies were nearly touching. So close that her scent and soft warmth enveloped him and held him captive.

  He brushed his hand over her cheek, pushing back that velvet cascade of hair. And it was every bit as silky as he’d imagined. He wrapped one finger in it, tugging experimentally.

  “Here’s what I propose,” he murmured. “Let’s make another pass. Load everyone up on food and drink. Set out a few trays within easy reach and then we ditch this place and go to mine.”

  Her lips parted and her eyes went glossy, the pale green mesmerizing. “Is that a proposition?”

  “Bet your sweet little ass it is.”

  “Surely you can do better than that.”

  Both his brows went up.

  She narrowed her gaze. “You’ll do better or I’m taking my sweet little ass home. Alone.”

  Ah, but he did love it when she got all sassy.

  He leaned in, touched his lips to hers. He cupped the side of her neck, sliding his fingers around the slim column to delve into her hair. He pulled her close, molding his body to hers as he took full possession of her mouth.

  Heat slicked through his veins like rapidly flowing lava. He wanted her. To the point of desperation.

  When he finally pulled away, they both breathed heavily and her eyes took on a sleepy, drugged look.

  “How about I take you home with me and we make love all night long?” he murmured.

  She licked those delectably swollen lips. “Now that’s better.”

  Her husky voice shot straight to his gut and he realized he was a short fuse away from taking her right here in his friend’s kitchen and damn anyone who saw.

  “You get the food,” he said in a strained voice. “I’ll get the wine.”


  Cameron pulled Pippa out the back door and the brisk chill of the winter air blew over her ears. She tugged her hand from Cameron’s long enough to pull her coat tighter around her, but he quickly reclaimed her wrist, hauling her ever closer to his car.

  He stopped abruptly when they got to a midnight-black Escalade. He turned with a frown, still holding tightly to her hand.

  “How did you arrive? Did you drive?”

  Drive? She didn’t even own a car. Nor did she have a license, which was problematic given that she needed a delivery van to cater events.

  She shook her head. “Ashley sent a car for me.”

  He paused, arching one eyebrow. “And how did you get all that stuff here from New York?”

  She flushed, feeling as though he were judging her and her abilities.

  “I shopped here. Had the wine delivered. Ashley has an excellent kitchen.” Pippa should know since she was the one who’d stocked it from floor to ceiling. Ashley was clueless when it came to cooking, but Pippa was working to rectify that.

  Cameron opened the passenger door to the Escalade and all but pushed her inside. “Good enough. It works out perfectly. I’ll have a car drive you back to the city in the morning.”

  With that, he shut the door, leaving her a little disgruntled at how eager he seemed to be to get rid of her before they even had sex.

  He stalked around the front, yanked open his door and climbed in, keying the ignition before he’d even settled onto the seat.

  Then again, her feminine pride was stroked just a bit over how desperate he acted to get her to his house so the sexing could commence.

  She knew he didn’t live far. Ashley had commented on the fact that they were now neighbors with Devon’s purchase of the new house.

  Cameron tore down the driveway, his hands tight around the steering wheel as he navigated onto the paved lane. He drove about a quarter mile before turning into a gated drive. The gate swung open and Cameron accelerated up the winding path to the house.

  Pippa couldn’t make much out about it in the dark. There weren’t any lights on. The man
sion loomed in the shadows. It looked unwelcoming. She wondered if it was a hulking monstrosity built from stone like a medieval dwelling. She’d heard Devon tease Cameron about his “cave” and now she was curious.

  Just before they got to the house, lights began to flicker on. Pippa realized that Cameron was turning them on remotely from the SUV. She leaned forward, trying to get a glimpse but was prevented as Cam pulled into the garage.

  Determined that she wasn’t going to succumb to nerves or be caught at any disadvantage, she slid out of the passenger’s side and walked around to meet him by the door. He ushered her inside, one hand pressed to the small of her back.

  They walked into a sprawling kitchen that made her drool with envy. It was nirvana to someone like her, who’d rather be hard at work over a stove than anywhere else. It was like a showroom, so immaculate that she wondered if anyone ever used it.

  He didn’t pause or allow her to, either. He pressed ahead, running a gauntlet through a huge living room to the wooden staircase that opened into the foyer where the front entrance was. Tugging her behind him, he mounted the steps. She nearly had to run to keep up.

  By the time they made it into the spacious master bedroom, she was slightly winded. But before she could think to catch up, he yanked her to him, molding her body against his. His lips found hers in a ravenous kiss that muddled her senses.

  “You are so damn beautiful,” he muttered as his mouth skimmed down her jaw to her ear. “You drive me crazy. Across the room. If I even know you’re near.”

  She smiled a tiny smile of satisfaction. What woman wouldn’t love to hear this?

  He set her apart from him, his hands almost rough on her shoulders. He stood breathing hard, his fingers curled into her flesh.

  “We need to discuss a few things before we get carried away.”

  Though his words came out calm, his eyes blazed with a wildness that made her shiver. He wanted her. There was no question. She’d never been quite so devoured by something so simple as a man’s gaze.

  “There are things you should know. Things I need to make clear so there is no misunderstanding.”

  Her curiosity piqued, she lifted an eyebrow and gently shook away his hands. She eased onto the edge of the bed and then crossed one leg primly over her knee.

  “Do go on. I’m listening.”

  He frowned a moment, as if he couldn’t quite ascertain whether she was teasing him. Okay, she totally was, but what could be so important that he’d put a screeching halt to some pretty hot foreplay? Not that they’d really gotten that far into anything yet, but the way he kissed made her feel like they were already having sex.

  He wiped a hand over his mouth, cupping his chin for a brief moment before he pinned her once more with that glittering gaze.

  “I don’t do commitment. I need you to understand that if we go to bed together, this is a one-night stand. I won’t call you in a few days. I won’t call you, period. I’ll expect you to leave in the morning. I’ll provide a car for your transport back into the city.”

  She blinked and then she laughed. It was clear it was the very last thing he’d expected her to do. Had he maybe expected her to stomp out of his bedroom in a huff?

  Still smiling, she rose and sauntered toward him. When she was in his space, she let her fingers trail up the buttons of his shirt and then to his neck and jaw.

  “You’re way too serious, Cam,” she drawled. “I was hardly anticipating a marriage proposal. If you expect me to cling to you and beg for more when this night’s over, you’re destined to disappointment. What I want is hot sex. Can you give me that?”

  Relief flared in those gorgeous blue eyes and his nostrils quivered as his breaths came in harsh spurts. He was reaching for her when she put a hand to his chest.

  “Not so fast, hotshot. I have a few things I’d like to get out of the way, too.”

  He looked caught off guard and his brows furrowed in quick reaction.

  “I assume you’ve got condoms. Or rather, I’m not assuming anything. No condoms? No sex. I’m clean, in case you’re wondering. It’s none of your business when the last time I had sex was or who with, but it’s been long enough that I’ve had blood work done since. And I never have unprotected sex.”

  “I’ve got them,” he growled. “I’m clean. I don’t give a f—” He cleared his throat. “I don’t care who you had sex with last or when. Been a while for me, too. I’m clean and I always use condoms.”

  She reached for him, bunching his shirt into her fist, and then she yanked him forward. “Then we have nothing else to talk about,” she said just before she dragged him down to meet her kiss.

  Lust gripped Cameron by the throat and squeezed until he was light-headed. She was everything he’d imagined and a whole hell of a lot more. She was sweet, spicy, feisty as hell and she was seducing him in his own bedroom.

  He loved how impatient she was, yanking at his shirt, pulling it from his pants. He was used to being the aggressor in bed, but it was a huge turn-on to have Pippa boldly staking her claim.

  When her fingers slipped into the waistband of his slacks and began undoing the fly, he nearly lost it. He took in deep breaths, trying to calm the adrenaline boiling through his veins.

  But then, as soon as the fly was loosened, she reached down and cupped his erection.

  Oh, hell.

  She leaned up on tiptoe to kiss him, all the while caressing his length with soft, silky fingers. “You know, I’d love nothing more than to drop to my knees and give you the best experience of your entire life, but not the first time. I’m a little more demanding the first time with a new guy. I expect him to rock my world first.”

  If that wasn’t a challenge, he didn’t know what was. He pulled her away from him enough that he could walk her back to the bed. He pulled just as impatiently at her clothing until she was wearing nothing more than the sexiest damn lingerie he’d ever seen up close and personal.

  She was an absolute siren in black. Black hair and wicked black lacy panties and bra that barely covered her nipples. Her hair was delectably mussed, giving her that just-out-of-bed look. And her eyes. So sultry with liquid eroticism. She wasn’t just beautiful. She was bloody amazing.

  He tumbled her onto the mattress, enjoying the way she sprawled, laid out for him, a feast for his senses. And he wanted to indulge them all. Touch, sight, smell… He wanted to hear her whisper his name and her throaty sounds of passion. But most of all he wanted to taste every inch of her skin.

  Knowing if he didn’t take care of the condoms now, he’d never stop in the heat of the moment, he fumbled in the nightstand, pulled out the entire box and tossed it on the bed.

  Then he came down over her, captured her mouth and molded her soft body to his.

  It was like being struck by lightning. An electrical charge surged through his body, tightening every one of his muscles. She returned his kiss every bit as passionately as he kissed her. Her hands roamed over his back, exploring every inch of his flesh.

  Remembering the vivid fantasy he’d had earlier that night, he rolled, taking her with him until she was positioned astride him.

  The reality far surpassed the weak fantasy he’d spun in his head. Nothing compared to having her here, in his arms, her thighs pressed to his sides.

  “Undress for me,” he said hoarsely. “Right here where I can watch.”

  A wicked smile glimmered on full, kiss-swollen lips. Slowly she reached behind her and began to unclasp her bra. Instead of letting it fall immediately, she held the tiny lace confection to her chest and then allowed the straps to slide down her arms inch by inch.

  He was barely capable of breath. The anticipation was killing him. And then finally she pulled the bra away, baring her full breasts to his avid gaze.

  And they were perfect bre
asts. Perfectly shaped. Perfect size. Just the right amount of bounce. Firm. High. Delectable nipples that just begged for his mouth.

  “I’ll need your help with the panties,” she murmured, her eyes flashing mischievously.

  He couldn’t even stammer out a reply. He nodded, but then right now he’d agree to damn near anything.

  She leaned forward, pushing her gorgeous breasts mere inches from his mouth. Then she slid one leg over him so she was no longer straddling his hips. She turned then and began working her panties slowly down her buttocks.

  He wasn’t at all sure what he was supposed to help with, but he was game. He turned over on one elbow and reached to steady her waist with his free hand, letting his fingers wander down the small of her back, enjoying the feel of so much silky flesh.

  When the underwear was down to her knees, trapped there by the mattress, she turned on her back and stretched her legs over his chest.

  More than happy to accommodate, he took over, pulling the panties the rest of the way until they came free of her feet. He tossed them across the room and went after her like a starving predator.

  He slid over her body, the sensation of skin on skin nearly undoing him. He kissed her neck, nibbled, tasted and teased and then worked down, wanting nothing more than to have her breasts underneath his tongue and lips.

  She was utter perfection. Curvy, sweet, not too slim, not too heavy. Just…perfect.

  A sigh escaped her when his lips closed over one straining nipple. It was an intoxicating combination of hardness and velvet. Luscious. So very soft. He sucked gently at it, rolling it between his lips. He flicked his tongue repeatedly over the point, bringing it to an even harder bud.

  Then he slid his mouth over the hollow between her breasts to the other nipple. For several seconds he played, idly toying with it. She twisted restlessly beneath him, her breaths coming more rapidly now.

  “You are so damn perfect,” he murmured. “I can’t get enough of you. You taste better than anything you could possibly cook.”


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