Flyers Fuzzbutts and Fisticuffs

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Flyers Fuzzbutts and Fisticuffs Page 8

by Jools Louise

  “Shit,” Doyle cursed.

  “We should go after him,” Cullen said worriedly. “He’s going to get himself shot. Flashpoint and their minions are still out there, just waiting for a chance to take another shifter out.”

  “Let’s go,” Doyle said.

  * * * *

  Louis ran out of steam beside a large icy pond, its surface gently steaming as the sun’s weak rays began to break through the thick swathe of clouds overhead. There was a sparse covering of spruce, birch and aspen trees surrounding the body of water, and Louis felt his inner turmoil subside ever so slightly. He loved being outdoors, the natural beauty quieting the demons that stalked him.

  He had the feeling he was on Two Spirit Ranch territory, having run at least eight miles from town. The countryside was gently rolling hills, and he could see the stark outline of the Grand Tetons looming to the west. Breathing heavily, he sank onto his haunches beside the pond. He was thirsty after his run and shifted. Grabbing a large rock from the beach, he smashed it through the thick covering of ice and then shifted back to his bear form before his balls got frostbite. Lapping at the fresh water, he sighed as he sank to his belly, resting his huge head on his paws, and thought about Humdrum. The poor guy hadn’t stood a chance against whoever had murdered him. It seemed as though someone had been sending a message, hanging him from a tree, right outside Louis and Doyle’s home. Was the message for them? The only person who may have a grudge against him and his lover was Daniel. Who was still incarcerated.

  Louis’s head lifted as he heard low whispering, and he sniffed the air. He smelled gun oil, blood, and the reek of strong cologne. If they were hunters, they should know better than to use perfume.

  A shot rang out, and he flinched when he felt the slug hit him in the shoulder. Cursing, he snarled viciously, backing onto the icy pond. The bastards were gonna die. When the second shot thundered and he fell, he cursed again. Motherfucker!

  * * * *

  “He’s been here,” Doyle said worriedly, running onto the beach of a smallish pond, frozen over except for one spot that had been smashed through, on the shoreline. “There’s blood, and I smell him.”

  “And two spent cartridges,” Cullen added, studying the scene. Louis had traveled a fair way, eight miles in total. They’d had to hustle to get here, following the trail their lover had left. “He had a drink and was probably in bear form when he was shot. Fuck!”

  “This is Two Spirit land,” Doyle said, glaring at the trees around the pond. “Either they’re poachers…”

  “…or Flashpoint, or part of the fight clubs,” Cullen finished for him. “Lots of possibilities. Fuck!”

  “We have to get him back.”

  “I know,” Cullen said, going to his big bear and hugging him tightly. He breathed in Doyle’s musky scent and instantly felt calmer. “But we also need to call this in. We can’t take on these hunters alone. If they took him with them, I’m guessing he wasn’t killed. Otherwise they’d have left him here for us to find.”

  Doyle dipped his head, kissing Cullen hungrily. “We’ll get him back. We can’t leave him for those bastards.” They stared at one another, and Cullen cupped his lover’s cheek gently.

  “I know this is probably completely the wrong time, but I think I’m halfway in love with you and Louis. I don’t want to lose either one of you.”

  Doyle smiled shyly and came in for another kiss, curling Cullen’s toes. “Only halfway?” he said teasingly. “Then me and Louis better ramp up our game. We want you all the way in.” Doyle’s kisses were melting Cullen’s heart completely, delicate, explorative, and completely addictive. Cullen wanted so much more. His timing sucked. And he needed both bears. They had to get Louis back. Soon.

  Voices sounded in the direction they’d just come, and the lovers parted swiftly, panting hard. Cullen reached down, grabbing the pistol he had hidden in his boot. He’d shoot whichever fuckwads wanted to take him on.

  “Easy, tiger,” John drawled as he emerged from the tree line. “We heard the gunshots. No need for hysterics.”

  Cullen rolled his eyes and holstered the weapon. “Hysterics? Please,” he shot back, arching one brow at the droll Brit. “Louis’s been shot and kidnapped. We’re about to go after him.”

  “Could that be exactly what they want you to do?” John asked casually, eyeing their surroundings. “This is ranch country. Whoever’s behind this is brazen to say the least. Perhaps this is another distraction.”

  “Humdrum’s death was no distraction,” Doyle growled angrily.

  “Wasn’t it?” John asked, sniffing the air and then focusing on the crime scene. He stared in the direction of several prints, obvious and not at all the sort of thing any professional did if they wanted to hide what they’d done. “These are either the most stupid kidnappers on the planet…or they think we’re morons.”

  “They’re arrogant,” Cullen commented mildly. “Whoever’s behind this has been killing right under our noses. That suggests cocky, confident, and unafraid.”

  “Which will be their downfall,” John murmured, almost to himself.

  “How?” Doyle asked, frowning. “We need to get Louis back. I don’t care how cocky these motherfuckers are. I’ll take them down once I catch up with them.”

  John grinned, his green eyes sparkling with devilish glee. “Yes, you will,” he said. “And when you do, we’ll be right here, to finish them off for you. Go after your mate, Doyle. Cullen, you and I need to have a chat.”

  Cullen viewed John’s expression warily. “You mean for Doyle to go in, unarmed and unprotected?”

  “No,” John said, sighing as though he was speaking to a small child who needed special attention. “What I mean is that Doyle needs to pretend to be the fucking idiot that they think he is, going off half-cocked and emotionally charged to save his mate. We, not being fucking idiots, will follow at a distance and rip the fuckers heads off when they least expect it.”

  “Ohhhh,” Cullen and Doyle said in unison.

  “Better get going,” John told Doyle, shooing him off. “Otherwise they’ll kill him before the final act.”

  Doyle took off, following the trail of footprints, laid out like a neon sign, guiding him in the direction of his lover and best friend.

  Cullen stared after Doyle and began walking. “He’s not going alone,” he said fiercely. “John, you’d better know what the fuck you’re doing. I won’t lose them to those bastards. I want my life back. They’re my mates. I don’t think I’ll survive if they die.”

  John squeezed his shoulder gently, stopping him, his eyes softening with understanding. “Someone wants us scared, confused, and divided. Classic tactics to scatter us, then they can sweep in and take over. Sage is the perfect target. This is the epicenter of the shifter movement. What better place to attack and conquer? It sends a message to all shifters that none of us are safe. The fight clubs, the stealth attacks, the arson, bombings, experimental labs…they’re all part of the same end game…to stop us in our tracks.”

  Cullen nodded thoughtfully. “I get that,” he said. “But is it all Flashpoint’s doing?”

  “I think we have a bunch of people, all with different agendas, but with the same thing in common. To stop Sage being the haven it’s become. Everyone’s heard of us, now. We have our own social media site, our own community, a sports stadium and our very own Shifter Games Tournament, for Christ’s sake. And we have power around the world, where before we lived in fear, hiding in plain sight. We’re respected by many people. Living among humans, side by side, and most humans couldn’t care less that we exist. We’re just people to them. Sage isn’t just a town. It’s a beacon of hope to our kind.” John ruffled Cullen’s shaggy hair, smiling slightly. “Now go after your bears. We’re going to war.”

  “What about Irina?”

  John shot him a dry look. “Irina’s the least of your worries,” he said. “Maizie’s on the case. She got two of her friends to guard Irina and Mika.”

ullen’s eyes widened. “God help them,” he said wryly. “Those ladies are a force of nature.”

  John laughed. “Funny. That’s what Joe said,” he chortled. “Now go. This is Two Spirit land. No way are you going to lose your bears to Flashpoint. Those fuckers just made a very serious error in judgment.”

  “In what way?” Cullen asked.

  John simply shook his head, smiling mysteriously. “This land is ancient. There are forces at work here that are more powerful than anything you’ve ever seen. When the cult, the Will and the Word, attacked us, the land and its spirits rose up and protected us. Gave us strength. We have a shaman on this land who can communicate with them. I’ve seen it happen.” John stared at Cullen and patted his shoulder. “In war, there are always casualties. That’s a given. And I imagine there will be more, before we’re done. Maybe shifters will always be apart from the rest of humanity, in some way. Who knows? But I’ll be damned if humanity takes one of the last refuges we have.” He bared his fangs, glaring at the prints in the snow. “Now go. My buddies and I will keep you safe.”

  Cullen nodded, seeing the resolve in John’s eyes. The guy may be the biggest wind-up merchant in town, and the biggest tease. But when the chips were down, he was the one who could be counted on to dive right through the gates of hell to save whoever needed saving.

  Cullen started walking again, leaving John beside the small lake. He had to trust that John had his back. Because if not, the town would probably end up losing at least two more of its residents…if not more.

  Chapter Seven

  “HoneyBee, I’m at the ranch. I’d love to thank you in person. When you can, come and see me. I brought your favorite candy with me.” Honey stared at the message on her Shifter Network page and squealed with joy. He was here.

  “What are you doing, Honey?” Blue asked, peering over her shoulder. “And who’s at the ranch?”

  Honey squeaked in alarm, hiding her phone from her nosy brother. Turning, she backed away from Blue, glaring at him. “None of your business,” she said, baring fangs.

  “It is if you’re planning on meeting someone you only just met on Shifter Network,” he retorted, scowling. “Don’t you read the news? Or listen in class? There are all kinds of perverts out there, who use networks like ours to contact little twits like you. Do you know who this is?”

  “He’s a friend,” Honey bit out, hands on hips, her chin tilted at a haughty angle.

  “And I’m not?” Blue asked, sounding hurt. “What’s wrong with you lately? For weeks you’ve been acting like a little shit, always being mean, saying nasty things to everyone. What’s your deal?”

  “No deal,” she sniped back, ignoring the twinge of anguish at seeing Blue’s pain. She did love him. She loved all her siblings from the lab. They had endured far too much together. She just…needed something else. Blue would never understand. He was too busy playing stupid games to realize what she was going through. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have things to do.”

  “If you go and meet your virtual friend, you could be in danger,” Blue said, meeting her gaze worriedly. “Please don’t do something stupid.”

  “You mean stupid like you and your nitwit friends, throwing mud bombs on people?” she said, glowering. “Then getting innocent people into trouble?”

  “No,” he retorted sharply. “I mean like believing the words of a complete stranger, who you’ve never seen, let alone spoken to, over the words of people who love you. Just because we fall out now and then doesn’t mean we don’t love you. I don’t know why you’re being such a snit, but whatever it is, you’d better sort your shit out. Before someone else gets hurt. There’s too many dangerous people around at the moment. Daddy Aiden was just called from the school to go help John and the Two Spirit crew. There’s someone called the Shadow who’s been targeting our town. He’s dangerous, and Daddy Aiden is worried about him. All of our daddies are. A little convenient, given your friend’s tagline, Stealth459, that a guy calling themselves Shadow is now in town, and hurting innocent people.”

  Blue turned away and headed off to where Flint, Moe, Murray, Arthur, and Candy sat with the newcomer, Mika, who had just enrolled at the school.

  Honey stared at the message she’d just received, frowning. Stealth459 had sent another message, telling her to bring a friend. Primrose. John’s daughter, and a friend of hers from the lab. How did Stealth459 know about Primrose? She hadn’t mentioned the girl. For a second she stared over at the group of dullards currently plotting something and decided they would be no help. She wasn’t a complete idiot and would never just go and meet someone without checking them out first. She looked around the room, considering her options. Then she sniffed again. She’d just do this alone. She didn’t need help. When she proved to her brother that Stealth459 was not some monster wanting to hurt them, they’d all have to say sorry.

  Thinking hard, she waited until the Flying Squad was diverted and snuck out of school.

  * * * *

  “Change of plans, guys,” Blue said, following Honey with his gaze as she left the classroom. “Honey’s been talking to someone on the Shifter Network. I think she’s gotten in over her head, and I think that someone, Stealth459, has been stalking her. I just read a couple of messages. Her contact’s at the ranch and asked her to bring Primrose with her.”

  “Who is this Primrose?” Mika asked in his thick accent.

  “My sister,” Murray replied worriedly. “Who’s Stealth459?”

  “That name is familiar to me,” Mika said, frowning. “I have seen that name before. But I cannot remember where.”

  “In Russia?” Blue asked.

  “I think so, yes,” Mika replied. “It was on a building or something. Yes. That is where I’ve seen the name. On the side of a warehouse that my mother and I visited. It had lots of machines in there, military machines, and weapons.”

  “Who owned the warehouse?” Murray asked him.

  “My father. Nikolai Petrovsky. The man who wants my mother dead.”

  The children gasped in shock.

  “And Honey is in contact with someone, who is now on the ranch, calling themselves Stealth459.” Candy said the words slowly, meeting Blue’s gaze worriedly. “Does she know what she’s doing?”

  “I doubt it!” Blue snorted. “She’s changed somehow. I don’t know what’s wrong with her lately.”

  “I think she’s feeling left out,” Arthur chimed in. “Since I arrived, you’ve all welcomed me into your gang. Perhaps she’s jealous of all the attention I’ve been getting. I heard you were all pretty close before I got here,” he said sadly.

  “It’s not your fault,” Blue told him, hugging him. “Honey has always been a little high maintenance. Even at the lab, she was a little shit. She was better when she came here, and we were all adopted. Daddy Aiden is pretty good at handling her. She’s a diva, he says.”

  “She called Arthur’s mom ugly and stupid,” Candy said, scowling. “She’s mean.”

  “I think she’s hurting,” Arthur insisted. “Maybe she doesn’t feel as though she has friends who understand her. She likes girly stuff, and you guys are into making mud pies and climbing trees.” He shrugged as they all stared at him. “I always had my friend Albert with me, at the castle,” he said. “He’s kind and he would come to make sure I was okay.” Arthur giggled. “He would be in his hound form, and we played all the time.”

  “Albert’s here, isn’t he?” Blue asked thoughtfully. “He came over with you with his mate, Finn.”

  “Yes. He didn’t want to stay at the castle anymore.”

  “Perhaps we can get him to help out,” Blue said. “In his hound form, he’d be perfect for making sure Honey’s okay, without her suspecting that we’re tracking her.”

  Arthur looked around, frowning. “Where is Honey?”

  Blue stood up, paling. “She said this guy, Stealth459, was at the ranch. I read the text he sent. He was wanting Primrose to go with her to meet him.”

rimrose?” Murray asked, scowling. “If Honey put my sister in danger, Daddy John’s gonna go ballistic. Primrose hasn’t been very well the last few days. She’s at home with Daddy Cameron.”

  “We need to tell someone,” Arthur said worriedly. “If Honey’s gone to meet this man, she’s in danger herself.”

  “Everybody freeze!” a harsh voice shouted, just before a dozen heavily armed men rushed into the classroom, brandishing assault rifles, and wearing balaclavas to cover their faces. Clad in black camo gear, they looked mean and menacing.

  “Who the hell are you?” Jayne cried, running into the break room.

  A shot rang out, and she dropped to the floor, a bullet wound in her chest.

  The children screamed, then some began crying. They’d killed Jayne!

  “I’m going to get help,” Arthur hissed.

  “No! It’s too dangerous,” Murray whispered harshly.

  Arthur glared at the men, shifted into his fox form, then leapt between the legs of the lead hunter, racing swiftly for the open door and out of the classroom.


  More shots, but Arthur kept on going, running for help.

  “Fuck!” the leader curses. “Now we’re screwed.”

  “Don’t be stupid,” a second man said calmly, removing his balaclava. “This is perfect. We have these little freaks just where we want them. If anyone shows up, we kill them, one by one, until they bring us the one we want. Arctic Wolf’s days are numbered.”

  “Sir. Mr. Moriakovsky. This is Two Spirit land. Joe McKellar and his crew are not just going to hand over Arctic Wolf.”

  The man laughed and grabbed for Murray. “Of course he is. We have their most precious possessions.” He shook Murray like a rag doll, then flung him to the floor again. Murray whimpered, cringing in pain as his friends gathered around, helping him to his feet.

  “You’ll die laughing,” Candy told him, glaring. “My daddy is going to kick your ass.”


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