GALET, GENERAL EMILE JOSEPH, Albert, King of the Belgians, in the Great War, tr. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1931. This record by King Albert’s personal military adviser and later Chief of Staff, is authoritative, thorough, detailed, and indispensable.
GIBSON, HUGH (First Secretary of the American Legation), A Journal from Our Legation in Belgium, New York, Doubleday, 1917.
KLOBUKOWSKI, A. (French Minister in Brussels), “Souvenirs de Belgique,” Revue de Paris, Sept.-Oct., 1927.
———, “La Résistance belge à l’invasion allemande,” Revue d’Histoire de la Guerre, July 1932.
MALCOLM, IAN, ed., Scraps of Paper: German Proclamations in Belgium and France, New York, Doran, 1916.
MILLARD, OSCAR E., Burgomaster Max, London, Hutchinson, 1936.
POWELL, E. ALEXANDER (correspondent of the New York World attached to the Belgian forces in 1914), Fighting in Flanders, New York, Scribner’s, 1914.
SCHRYVER, COL. A. DE, La Bataille de Liège, Liège, Vaillant-Carmanne, 1922.
SUTHERLAND, MILLICENT, DUCHESS OF (leader of a volunteer ambulance corps of nurses to Belgium in August, 1914), Six Weeks at the War, Chicago, McCluny, 1915.
VERHAEREN, EMILE, La Belgique sanglante, Paris, Nouvelle Revue Française, 1915.
WHITLOCK, BRAND, Belgium: A Personal Narrative, Vol. I, New York, Appleton, 1910. President Wilson’s appointment as Minister to Belgium of the lawyer and former journalist who had won fame as Independent mayor of Toledo for four terms proved fortunate for history. A progressive in politics, outspoken and courageous, Whitlock was also a writer of distinction. His book, together with that of Hugh Gibson who, though a professional diplomat, wrote without wraps, constitute a remarkable record of a fatal month in the history of a nation.
On England and the BEF
ADDISON, CHRISTOPHER (Parliamentary Secretary to Board of Education), Four and a Half Years: A Personal Diary from June 1914 to January 1919, London, Hutchinson, 1934.
ANGELL, NORMAN, The Great Illusion: A Study of the Relation of Military Power to National Advantage, 4th ed., New York, Putnam’s, 1913.
ARMY QUARTERLY, London. Referred to in Notes as AQ. This journal’s reviews of foreign books on the war, as they came out during the 1920s, provide the most inclusive and informative guide in English to the literature of the First World War.
ARTHUR, SIR GEORGE, Life of Lord Kitchener, Vol. III, New York, Macmillan, 1920.
———, George V, New York, Cape, 1930.
ASQUITH, EARL OF OXFORD AND, Memories and Reflections, 2 vols., London, Cassell, 1928.
ASTON, MAJOR-GENERAL SIR GEORGE, Biography of the Late Marshal Foch, London, Hutchinson, 1930.
BACON, ADMIRAL SIR REGINALD, Life of Lord Fisher, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1929.
BEAVERBROOK, LORD, Politicians and the War, 1914–16, New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1928.
BERTIE, LORD, Diary of Lord Bertie of Thame, Vol. I, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1924.
BIRKENHEAD, VISCOUNT, Points of View, Vol. I, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1922.
BLAKE, ROBERT, ed., Haig: Private Papers, 1914–18, London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1952.
BRIDGES, LIEUT.-GENERAL SIR TOM (Officer in the 2nd Cavalry Brigade of the BEF and formerly military attaché in Brussels), Alarms and Excursions, London, Longmans, 1938.
CALLWELL, MAJOR-GENERAL SIR CHARLES E. (Became Director of Operations and Intelligence at the War Office in August, 1914, when Wilson and Macdonogh went to France), Experiences of a Dug-Out, 1914–18, London, Constable, 1920.
———, Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: His Life and Diaries, Vol. I, New York, Scribner’s, 1927. All quotations in the text from Wilson’s Diaries are from this book, referred to in the Notes as “Wilson.”
CHAMBERLAIN, SIR AUSTEN, Down the Years, London, Cassell, 1935.
CHILDS, MAJOR-GENERAL SIR WYNDHAM, Episodes and Reflections, London, Cassell, 1930.
CHURCHILL, SIR WINSTON, The World Crisis, Vol. 1, 1911–1914, New York, Scribner’s, 1928. This is the single most important book among English sources by a person holding key office at the outbreak. Further comment in Notes to Chapter 10. All references to Churchill in the Notes are to this book unless otherwise specified.
———, The Aftermath, Vol. 4 of The World Crisis, New York, Scribner’s, 1929.
———, Great Contemporaries, New York, Putnam’s, 1937.
CORBETT-SMITH, MAJOR A. (artillery officer in Smith-Dorrien’s Corps), The Retreat from Mons, London, Cassell, 1917.
CUST, SIR LIONEL, King Edward and His Court: Some Reminiscences, London, Murray, 1930.
CUSTANCE, ADMIRAL SIR REGINALD, A Study of War, London, Constable, 1924.
DUGDALE, BLANCHE E. C., Arthur James Balfour, 2 vols., New York, Putnam, 1937.
ESHER, REGINALD, VISCOUNT, The Influence of King Edward and Other Essays, London, Murray, 1915.
———, The Tragedy of Lord Kitchener, New York, Dutton, 1921.
———, Journals and Letters, Vol. 3, 1910–15, London, Nicolson & Watson, 1938.
FISHER, ADMIRAL OF THE FLEET, LORD, Memories, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1919.
———, Fear God and Dread Nought: Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher of Kilverstone, 3 vols., ed. Arthur J. Marder, London, Cape, 1952–56–59.
FRENCH, FIELD MARSHAL VISCOUNT, OF YPRES, 1914, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1919. The weight of animus and selective omissions in Sir John French’s account makes it impossible to use this record as a reliable source for anything but the author’s character.
GARDINER, A. G., The War Lords, London, Dent, 1915.
GREY, VISCOUNT, OF FALLODON, Twenty-Five Years, 2 vols., London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1925.
HALDANE, RICHARD BURDON, VISCOUNT, An Autobiography, New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1929. All references are to this book unless otherwise specified.
———, Before the War, New York, Funk & Wagnalls, 1920.
HAMILTON, CAPTAIN ERNEST W. (Captain of 11th Hussars in Allenby’s Cavalry Division), The First Seven Divisions, New York, Dutton, 1916.
HURD, SIR ARCHIBALD, The German Fleet, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1915.
———, The British Fleet in the Great War, London, Constable. 1919.
JELLICOE, ADMIRAL VISCOUNT, The Grand Fleet, 1914–16, New York, Doran, 1919.
KENWORTHY, J. M. (Lord Strabolgi), Soldiers, Statesmen and Others, London, Rich & Cowen, 1933.
LEE, SIR SIDNEY, King Edward VII, 2 vols., New York, Macmillan, 1925–27.
LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID, War Memoirs, Vol. I, Boston, Little, Brown, 1933.
MACREADY, GENERAL SIR NEVIL (Adjutant-General in the BEF), Annals of an Active Life, Vol. I., London, Hutchinson, n.d.
MACDONAGH, MICHAEL, In London During the Great War: Diary of a Journalist, London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1935.
MAGNUS, SIR PHILIP, Kitchener, New York, Dutton, 1959.
MAURICE, MAJOR-GENERAL SIR FREDERICK (staff officer of BEF, 3rd Division, August, 1914) Forty Days in 1914, New York, Doran, 1919.
MCKENNA, STEPHEN, While I Remember, New York, Doran, 1921.
MILNE, ADMIRAL SIR ARCHIBALD BERKELEY, The Flight of the Goeben and the Breslau, London, Eveleigh Nash, 1921.
MORLEY, JOHN, VISCOUNT, Memorandum on Resignation, New York, Macmillan, 1928.
NEWTON, THOMAS, LORD, Lord Lansdowne, London, Macmillan, 1929.
NICOLSON, HAROLD, King George the Fifth, London, Constable, 1952.
———, Portrait of a Diplomatist: Being the Life of Sir Arthur Nicolson, First Lord Carnock, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1930.
PEEL, MRS. C. S., How We Lived Then, 1914–18, London, John Lane, 1929.
REPINGTON, LT. COL. CHARLES à COURT, The First World War, 1914–18, Vol. I, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1920.
ROBERTSON, FIELD MARSHAL SIR WILLIAM, From Private to Field Marshal, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1921.
———, Soldiers and Statesmen, 1914–18, Vol. I, New York
, Scribner’s, 1926.
SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD, What I Really Wrote About the War, New York, Brentano’s, 1932.
SMITH-DORRIEN, GENERAL SIR HORACE, Memories of 48 Years’ Service, London, Murray, 1925.
SPEARS, BRIG.-GEN. EDWARD L., Liaison, 1914: A Narrative of the Great Retreat, New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1931. A spirited, colorful and brilliantly written memoir of war, fascinating in its richness of detail, this is by far the most interesting book in English on the opening campaign in France. When the author’s personal prejudices become involved he exercises a certain freedom in manipulating the facts. See Notes to Chapters 15 and 22.
STEED, WICKHAM H. (Foreign Editor of The Times), Through Thirty Years, New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1929.
TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY, Grey of Fallodon, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1937.
On France
ADAM, H. PEARL, Paris Sees It Through: A Diary, 1914–19, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1919.
ALLARD, PAUL, Les Généraux Limogés pendant la guerre, Paris, Editions de France, 1933.
BIENAIMÉ, ADMIRAL AMADÉE, La Guerre navale: fautes et responsabilités, Paris, Taillander, 1920.
BRUUN, GEOFFREY, Clemenceau, Cambridge, Harvard, 1943.
CHARBONNEAU, COL. JEAN, La Bataille des frontières, Paris, Lavanzelle, 1932.
CHEVALIER, JACQUES, Entretiens avec Bergson, Paris, Plon, 1959.
CLERGERIE, GÉNÉRAL (Chief of Staff of GMP), Le Rôle du Gouvernement Militaire de Paris, du 1er au 12 Septembre, 1914, Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1920.
CORDAY, MICHEL, The Paris Front, tr., New York, Dutton, 1934.
DEMAZES, GÉNÉRAL, Joffre, la victoire du caractère, Paris, Nouvelles Editions Latines, 1955.
DUBAIL, GÉNÉRAL AUGUSTIN, Quatres années de commandement, 1914–18: Journal de Campagne, Tome I, 1ere Armée, Paris, Fournier, 1920.
DUPONT, GÉNÉRAL CHARLES (Chief of Deuxième Bureau in 1914), Le Haut Commandement allemand en 1914: du point de vue allemand, Paris, Chapelot, 1922.
ENGERAND, FERNAND (deputy from Calvados and rapporteur of the Briey Commission of Inquiry), La Bataille de la frontière, Aôut, 1914: Briey, Paris, Brossard, 1920.
———, Le Secret de la frontière, 1815–1871–1914; Charleroi, Paris, Brossard, 1918. All references in Notes are to this book unless otherwise specified.
———, Lanrezac, Paris, Brossard, 1926.
FOCH, MARSHAL FERDINAND, Memoirs, tr. Col. T. Bentley Mott, New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1931.
GALLIENI, GÉNÉRAL, MÉmoires: défense du Paris, 25 Aôut-11 Septembre, 1914, Paris, Payot, 1920.
———, Les Carnets de Gallieni, eds. Gaetan Gallieni & P. B. Gheusi, Paris, Michel, 1932.
———, Gallieni Parle, eds. Marius-Ary et Leblond, Paris, Michel, 1920. Gallieni died in 1916 before he had completed a finished version of his memoirs. They were supplemented by the Notebooks, edited by his son and a former aide, and by the Conversations, edited by his former secretaries.
GAULLE, GÉNÉRAL CHARLES DE, La France et son armée, Paris, Plon, 1938.
GIBBONS, HERBERT ADAMS, Paris Reborn, New York, Century, 1915.
GIRAUD, VICTOR, Le Général de Castelnau, Paris, Cres, 1921.
GRASSET, COLONEL A., La Bataille des deux Morins: Franchet d’Esperey à la Marne, 6–9 Septembre, 1914, Paris, Payot, 1934.
GROUARD, LT.-COL. AUGUSTE, La Guerre éventuelle: France et Allemagne, Paris, Chapelot, 1913.
———, La Conduite de la guerre jusqu’à la bataille de la Marne, Paris, Chapelot, 1922.
GUARD, WILLIAM J., The Soul of Paris—Two Months in 1914 by an American Newspaperman, New York, Sun Publishing Co., 1914.
HANOTAUX, GABRIEL, Histoire illustrée de la guerre de 1914, 17 vols., Paris, 1916. Especially useful for its excerpts from French and captured German officers’ war diaries.
HIRSCHAUER, GÉNÉRAL, and KLÉIN, GÉNÉRAL (Chief and Deputy Chief of Engineers of Military Government of Paris in 1914), Paris en état de défense, Paris, Payot, 1927.
HUDDLESTON, SISLEY, Poincaré. A Biographical Portrait, Boston, Little, Brown, 1924.
HUGUET, GENERAL A., Britain and the War: a French Indictment, London, Cassell, 1928. The bitterness, which tarnishes the value of Huguet’s record, is openly expressed in the title.
ISAAC, JULES, Joffre et Lanrezac, Paris, Chiron, 1922.
———, “L’Utilisation des reserves en 1914,” Revue d’Histoire de la Guerre, 1924, pp. 316–337.
JOFFRE, MARSHAL JOSEPH J. C., Memoirs, Vol. I, tr. Col. T. Bentley Mott, New York, Harper’s, 1932. Not a book of personal memoirs, but devoted entirely to the conduct of the war, this is by far the most complete and thorough of the records of any of the major commanders—but it is not Joffre. Compared to his characteristically opaque testimony at the Briey hearings, this is lucid, precise, detailed, explanatory, and comprehensible. It shows every evidence of having been written by a devoted staff working from the official records and suffering from perhaps excessive zeal to make the Commander appear the fount and origin of all decisions. On every page he is made to say such statements as, “The conception which I caused to be set down in Col. Pont’s memorandum” (228). Nevertheless, with useful sketch maps and in an admirable translation, this is an essential source, if checked against other accounts.
LANGLE DE CARY, GÉNÉRAL DE, Souvenirs de commandement, 1914–16, Paris, Payot, 1935.
LANREZAC, GÉNÉRAL CHARLES, Le Plan de campagne français et le premier mois de la guerre, Paris, Payot, 1920.
LIBERMANN, HENRI, Ce qu’a vu en officier de chasseurs à pied. Ardennes belges-Marne-St. Gond, 2 Aôut-28 Septembre, 1914, Paris, Plon, 1916.
MARCELLIN, LEOPOLD, Politique et politiciens pendant la guerre, Vol. I, Paris, Renaissance, 1923.
MAYER, LT.-COL. EMILE, Nos chefs de 1914, Paris, Stock, 1930.
MESSIMY, GÉNÉRAL ADOLPHE, Mes Souvenirs, Paris, Plon, 1937. There is something about everything in Messimy. As packed with information as Galet’s book on Belgium, it is, in contrast, as effervescent, voluble, and uninhibited as Galet’s is taciturn and disciplined. The work of a man who was Minister of War at two crucial periods, July 1911 and August 1914, it is, like Galet, Churchill, and the Kautsky documents, an essential source for material not published elsewhere.
MOTT, COL., T. BENTLEY, Myron T. Herrick, Friend of France, New York, Doubleday, Doran, 1929. (Chiefly excerpts from diary and letters.)
MULLER, COMMANDANT VIRGILE (aide-de-camp to Joffre), Joffre et la Marne, Paris, Cres, 1931.
PALAT, GÉNÉRAL BARTHÉLMY, La Grande Guerre sur le front occidental, Vols. I-IV, Paris, Chapelot, 1920–27.
PALÉOLOGUE, MAURICE, Un Grand Tournant de la politique mondiale, 1904–06, Paris, Plon, 1934.
———, “Un Prélude à l’invasion de Belgique,” Revue des Deux Mondes, October, 1932.
PERCIN, GÉNÉRAL ALEXANDRE (Member of Supreme War Council in 1911 and Governor of Lille in 1914), 1914, Les erreurs du haut commandement, Paris, Michel, 1920.
PIERREFEU, JEAN DE (a journalist by profession who, as an officer, was attached to GQG to prepare the communiqués for publication), GQG. Secteur I, Paris, Edition française Illustrée, 1920.
———, Plutarque a menti, Paris, Grasset, 1923.
POINCARÉ, RAYMOND, Mémoirs, 4 vols., tr. Sir George Arthur, New York, Doubleday, 1926–29. In fact, if not in name, Poincaré was the central figure politically as Joffre was militarily, and his record is invaluable as guide and commentary to the war, French politics, international affairs, and the civil conflict with GQG. The English edition is abridged and has a confusing habit of referring under diary entries of a certain date to events that have not yet happened.
TANANT, GÉNÉRAL (Chief of Operations in the French Third Army), La Troisième Armée dans la bataille, Paris, Renaissance, 1923.
VIVIANI, RENÉ, As We See It, tr. New York, Harper’s, 1923.
WHARTON, EDITH (who was living in Paris in August, 1914), Fighting France, New Y
ork, Scribner’s, 1915.
On Germany
BAUER, COLONEL M. (Chief of Artillery section at OHL), Der Grosse Krieg in Feld und Heimat, Tübingen, Osiander, 1921.
BERNHARDI, GENERAL FRIEDRICH VON, Germany and the Next War, tr. Allen H. Powles, London, E. Arnold, 1914.
BETHMANN-HOLLWEG, THEODOR VON, Reflections on the World War, tr. London, Butterworth, 1920.
BLOEM, WALTER (Reserve Captain of Brandenburg Grenadiers in IIIrd Corps of von Kluck’s Army), The Advance from Mons, 1914, tr. G. C. Wynne, London, Davies, 1930.
BLüCHER, EVELYN, PRINCESS, An English Wife in Berlin, London, Constable, 1920.
BüLOW, BERNHARD, PRINCE VON, Memoirs, 4 vols., tr. Boston, Little, Brown, 1931–32.
BüLOW, GENERAL KARL VON, Mon Rapport sur la Bataille de la Marne, tr. J. Netter, Paris, Payot, 1920.
CLAUSEWITZ, GENERAL CARL VON, On War, tr. Col. J. J. Graham, 3 vols., London, Kegan Paul, 1911.
CONRAD VON HöTZENDORFF, FELDMARSCHALL FRANZ, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, 1906–18, 5 vols., Vienna, 1921–25.
ECKHARDSTEIN, BARON H. VON, Ten Years at the Court of St. James, 1895–1905, tr., London, Butterworth, 1921.
ERZBERGER, MATTHIAS, Souvenirs de guerre, tr., Paris, Payot, 1921.
FOERSTER, WOLFGANG, Le Comte Schlieffen et la Grande Guerre Mondiale, tr. Paris, Payot, 1929.
FRANçOIS, GENERAL HERMANN VON, Marneschlacht und Tannenberg, Berlin, Scherl, 1920.
FREYTAG-LORINGHOVEN, FREIHERR VON, Menschen und Dinge wie ich sie in meinem Leben sah, Berlin, Mittler, 1923.
GERARD, JAMES W., My Four Years in Germany, New York, Doran, 1917.
GRELLING, RICHARD, J’Accuse, tr., A. Grey, New York, Doran, 1915.
HALLAYS, ANDRÉ, L’Opinion allemande pendant la guerre, 1914–18, Paris, Perrin, 1919.
HANSSEN, HANS PETER (deputy of Schleswig-Holstein in the Reichstag), Diary of a Dying Empire, tr. O. O. Winter, Indiana University Press, 1955.
HAUSEN, GENERAL FREIHERR MAX VON, Souvenirs de campagne de la Marne en 1914, tr., Paris, Payot, 1922.
HAUSSMAN, CONRAD, Journal d’un deputé au Reichstag, tr., Paris, Payot, 1928.
HINDENBURG, FIELD MARSHAL PAUL VON, Out of My Life, Vol. I, tr. New York, Harper’s, 1921.
HOFFMANN, GENERAL MAX, The War of Lost Opportunities, tr., New York, International, 1925.
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