Fleet of the Mage

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Fleet of the Mage Page 15

by Taki Drake

  Meeting with his current staff first, Pawlik called a meeting the day after Ruth first made it down to the dining room for breakfast. Although he was concerned about her overall strength, the Anchor finally felt a minimal comfort in relaxing his tight supervision. Ruth, understanding his worry and appreciative of his dedication, smiled and tried not to overdo. She thought that there would be enough of that in their future, so there was no need to push quite yet.

  The first meeting started off with a full room of people and a serious-faced Pawlik at the head of the table. He had asked Ruth to sit next to him, telling her that this way they could present a single front, although his reasons were actually multiple. Ruth was amused at his attempt at concealing his watchdog tendencies, choosing to go along with his transparent ploy.

  Pawlik started the meeting with a very direct summary of where he and Ruth thought that the situation stood. “To pursue our plans, we need to shore up weaknesses in our security and build up the structures that will respond to threats and applied enemy force. This means a clear evaluation and unemotional analysis of our situation is needed.”

  Margot then outlined the inner keep security aspects that she saw as lacking. The two main areas appeared to be the failure of security to know where the Mage and children were at all times and the processes that would be needed to create a flexible defensive mesh of people, weapons, and locations. She and Jenna requested that the outer keep guard captains join them in blended training exercises over the next weeks to modify their response profiles.

  “Why is this necessary? We have been doing this a long time and know what we are doing!” said Captain Threbold, the outer keep guard captain. He was obviously upset and feeling defensive. Before either woman or Pawlik could respond, Ruth interrupted.

  “I am sorry, Danir, but the basic motivation for this change is me. The way that you have protected Lord Pawlik and Borachland Castle has worked well within the constructs of the normal aristocracy of Arkken and the challenges of commerce and politics on this planet. However, that has all changed. An unfettered Mage is a disruptive influence. By bonding with a Mage, Lord Pawlik has made Borachland a larger and different type of target.”

  The man seemed startled by Ruth’s comment, whipping his eyes to Pawlik for confirmation. When the noble nodded his agreement, Danir asked, “I am sorry, my Lady Mage, but I still do not understand. Lord Pawlik is the same person that he was before, and Borachland is the same. Why would we have a need to change how generations of the Borach have lived?”

  “The scope of enemies and the source of threats has changed, Captain. Part of this is because the power and the wealth that is now resident in this castle is millions of times higher than what Lord Pawlik controlled before.”

  There were gasps from all over the room. Although many of the people there had known that the Mage commanded power and wealth, the scope of that had never been discussed.

  With a slight smile on his face, Pawlik added, “I am afraid that I am a beggar when it comes to wealth and personal power if compared to my Lady Mage. Borachland needs to step up to the change in position that happened as soon as I became Anchor to her.”

  Turning his attention back to his outer keep guard captain, Pawlik continued, “If you thought perhaps that the power of the House of Borach was of higher status than my mate’s, Danir, you are very much mistaken. My Lady is correct in that we have acquired a whole group of enemies that were previously not ours and the threat vectors are going to be different.”

  “Yes, my Lord. I understand now,” stammered Danir.

  “I trust that any possible resistance to this discussion or to implementing the strategies that we arrive upon will no longer be a factor.”

  Shamefaced, Danir nodded. His truculent attitude had totally disappeared.

  Ruth said, “If there no other objections, how about if we get to work. We need to set up responsibilities and roles and how we get better protection for people.”


  The meeting continued for several more hours. Ruth’s underlying concern about the effect of social disruption on Arkken and its politics were discussed and several main strategies selected. She could tell that many in the room thought she was being an alarmist. It was hard to reconcile her view of an interstellar empire that didn’t understand the sort of backbiting exposure and fighting that she was anticipating. Perhaps, my exposure to American politics and the nastiness that could be thought of by politicians in Washington will have some good come of it, she thought.

  Pawlik knew that his people were not used to thinking about hostages to fortune. As bad as politics had been on Arkken, it had never come to outright physical attacks on either council members or aristocracy. In fact, that concept was outside of any of their considerations, and he knew that this was a blind spot.

  Pawlik and Ruth had discussed this particular form of impaired vision and knew that it signaled danger for not only vassals and employees but their family and friends. The nobleman knew threats to him, personally, were easier to deal with than those promising injury to those for whom he felt responsible. So how would any of his people feel if they were threatened with the pain and suffering of their loved ones?

  Lost in reverie, Ruth had to pull her mind back from memories and thoughts of Earth to pay attention to the planning that was going on. At least, it was moving forward as the professionalism of the different groups kicked in.

  The first strategy selected was the need for additional threats response training for both the inner and outer keep guards. There were multiple aspects of this training including different escalation methods. Ruth saw this is a major area of vulnerability. Wisely, she kept her mouth shut as Pawlik took the lead and some of the Marines also stepped in.

  Identifying the outer keep guards as a primarily defensive force helped calm some of the fears that Danir had been unwilling to talk about. From what Ruth gathered, he had been worried that his people would have to be trained in field force deployment and other things for which they were temperamentally unsuited.

  Finding out that there would be a separate group that was trained specifically for roving protection and limited forays relieved the stress on the outer keep forces. It also provided a separate and manageable group that Pawlik had identified as extremely important. The Anchor had suggested to his Mage that this force be called the “Mage Guards” but Ruth was not yet comfortable christening them with that name.

  The inner keep guards had already instituted additional training. Their shortfalls in the handoffs of key protection targets, such as the children and the Mage, had highlighted some of the fluidity issues about which they were concerned. The inner keep had always been targeted for both the defense of the physical inner keep and a traveling defense of the inhabitants the castle.

  With a high percentage of new hires in the inner keep, stricter military discipline and updated weaponry had already been distributed. Ruth reminded herself to make sure that the outer keep guards were similarly equipped.

  The Marines that had been hired for employment with the fleet were the forces that Pawlik had planned to handle both protection and limited forays for hostage rescue and other small strike force activities. Ruth saw these people as the “sharp end of the stick” when active special services were needed. Interestingly enough, Pawlik had not suggested a name for this group. To herself, Ruth was thinking of them as “Mage Blades.”

  That group was scheduled to travel to another of the Borachland holdings for field practice and teambuilding. At this point, it was a fairly small group of men and women, less than 40. Two-thirds of the members were drawn from hires on Arkken as the released Marines had signed up with Ruth. The remainder of them were former slaves that had decided that their experiences had ill-suited them for a return home. Pawlik said that they were showing good signs of incorporating into a unit and hoped that they would bond even more tightly after their field exercises.

  “My Lady Mage, I can tell that you are tiring. Please, allow som
eone to escort you back to our room and rest. If you are not recovered, our largest vulnerability has not been addressed,” said Pawlik in a low voice as he gently placed his arm around Ruth’s waist.

  She hadn’t realized until then how tired she had become. Her limbs felt leaden, and her head was pounding. Apparently, she was so focused that she been ignoring her body and that was a bad thing to do when someone was trying to recover from trauma.

  Without a legitimate reason to disagree, Ruth smiled and nodded. Muttering, “Good luck!” she turned and left the room. Without a word, Jenna and another Marine followed her.

  For the first time in the meeting, Hunter’s mental voice rang in Pawlik’s head, << That was well done. You are correct in that she needs to recover, and she will fuss at us about what I would like to speak of. >>

  “And what is that?”

  << We need to also practice and teach the actual people who are in danger. That means that we have to take our exposed ones and make them less vulnerable. >>

  Pawlik’s eyes widened, and he pinched the bridge of his nose, saying, “I never thought of that.”

  << I know that you have not thought of that. Your society does not regard the responsibility of the individual for their own safety. Instead, you’re still very feudal in nature. Each person above in the hierarchy is responsible for the safety and care of the people below them. This is all well and good, but we need to allow each person to have some power in their own situation and their own life. >>

  “What would you suggest?”

  << Let us set up a series of exercises and training classes. I will arrange hiding places, areas for people to meet and passages of concealment. We will teach some of the most vulnerable how to avoid kidnappers, respond to attack, and how best to flee. >>

  “I can see where this is going to be very important for the children and women. Possibly even some of our less martial males. Once you have those locations set up, let’s make sure that we coordinate with the inner and outer keep guards to make sure that everyone knows where to go and where to find people.”

  << Just understand, this means that a different kind of fighting skill will be taught to some of the most unexpected people. >>

  The Lord of Borachland raised his eyebrows in response, and said, “Of course. I expected that would happen.”

  Hunter thought to himself, You just thought you expected it.

  Chapter 23 – Rules and Opportunities

  Planet – Borachland Castle

  “This is going to be fun!” remarked Jenna.

  Margot responded, saying, “Which part? The new weapons, possible new armor, or other toys?”

  “All of it, silly. I know that we’ve got tons of really cool weapons, but there are always new ones being created. And Ruth will get us whatever we want. It’s like going into a candy store with an unlimited budget!”

  The two women that were responsible for the inner keep guards and the protection of the inhabitants of the castle were on their way to the small ballroom. Ruth had decided that it was important to get all personnel updated protection and weaponry when it came to operating within the confines of a settled society. After all, shopping was one of the most enjoyable things of life.

  She had already gotten weapons and armor from one arms dealer in order to provide the demobbed Marines with suitable gear. However, that source had been used as an expedient choice and was not necessarily the provider of the best options for either the response teams or those protecting the inner and outer keep.

  The Mage had taken more time to research possible providers and had invited the top of her list to Borachland to see what they could offer. She wanted the forces that were going to protect them to have some say in what equipment that they could incorporate into their strategies and training, rather than relying on a woman with no military background

  As Jenna and Margot got closer to the small ballroom they could see that there was quite a cluster at the door. Every guard that was not currently on duty and every Marine that had been hired by Ruth was there. Most of them looked like excited children waiting for the opening of a large gift.

  Margot glanced sideways toward Jenna and said, “I guess you’re right. This is going to be lots of fun. I only have one question though.”


  “How are we going to prevent them from peeing on themselves with excitement while giving us enough time to winnow out which weapons and other toys we want to get?”

  Jenna let out a full-fledged laugh, one that shook her muscular frame. “We don’t have to figure that out. All we have to do is find what we want and let the Mage figure it out!”

  A broad grin started to develop on Margot’s face and her step got a little springier. This was going to be fun!

  << <> >>

  The mob of people by the door split quickly to allow Ruth and Hunter to take a position with their backs against the door. Raising her voice, Ruth announced, “I know all of you are excited to see what our vendors of mayhem are providing as options. However, before you get in there I would like to set some general guide rules.”

  Interrupting Ruth, one of the burly, newly-hired Marines muttered into the abrupt silence, “Blast it! I knew there had to be a catch!”

  The wide hall filled with laughter and the Marine turned a deep crimson red. He seemed to shrink in on himself as everybody looked at him and laughed. It even put a smile on Ruth’s face but kindly she made no other comment to him.

  “Yes, I know it’s disappointing but there are some rules. The first of these is something that I would think is pretty obvious, but I just want to make sure that everyone understands. There will be no firing of weapons inside the castle to prove out the vendor claims. You may look at the weapons, you may look at and try on the armor, but further exploration of any equipment will have to be part of a decision by the captains and me. Does everyone understand this?”

  Nodding heads and murmured agreements briefly filled the space, echoing off the marble floor and hard walls. Ruth waited until quiet had resumed before she continued.

  “I have invited two weapons dealers that have well-known and established organizations. One of them is the provider of the weapons that we have already gotten for the Mage Guard Marines. The other is one that has an equally ethical reputation and is known for the wide variety of things that they can provide. They have both brought a considerable number of items to show you, and I want you to look at all that appeal to you.

  “You may touch them, you may ask questions about them. These people know that the more that you show interest in something, the more likely they are to sell it. So, they’re going to be doing their best to convince you that theirs is the best offering.

  “None of you are allowed to make commitments for me. However, your commanders are going to be collecting your desires into a list of things that they will then present to me. If some special reasons or applications mark something as useful, please make sure that you let your commander know. Also, when you have that talk explain how that particular piece of equipment can help us.”

  A raised hand by Jenna drew a nod from Ruth.

  “Yes, Jenna?”

  “It might be helpful if people made notes on their wrist comms when they see something that they like. There’s going to be so much in that room that we all will forget things by the time we get halfway through the show.”

  “Great idea! Is there anything else someone will like to add?”

  One of the inner keep guards that had been hired at the Force X bar, a middle-aged man by the name of Gerian, spoke up. “Are there only going to be the two arms dealers here? It seemed like there were a lot of other groups that brought merchandise into the courtyards.”

  Ruth laughed, and said, “Thank you, Gerian. We’ve been in this discussion for less than five minutes, and already I’m being distracted. The two weapons dealers are only the first part of who you’re going to find behind the door. I also have invited three groups that represent some interesting option
s for both defensive and offensive equipment. Two of them are companies of one form or another, while the other is a clan of smiths, artificers, and craftsmen that specialize in armor and weaponry.”

  A harmonic “oooohhhhhh” filled the hall, widening Ruth’s grin even more. She stepped back from her place in front of the doors and gestured to two of the Marines to open them.

  Breaking into broad smiles, the two men grabbed hold of the handles of the double doors and flung them wide. There was a momentary pause, like a delayed wave tumbling toward the shore. The pause lasted just one split second, long enough to build the anticipation before the restraint of the group broke and a flood of people jammed their way through the doorway. A few seconds later, Ruth, Hunter, and the on-duty security guard were the only beings left in the strangely quiet area. A few seconds after that, the hall was empty.

  Chapter 24 – Power Shopping

  Planet – Borachland Castle

  The room was a scene of mass confusion. The five groups had set up their displays evenly distributed around the room. Ruth knew that the seneschal had been busy making sure that everybody got equal room and display advantages. While she appreciated his efforts, the Mage worried that at times he was too conciliatory to those that were trying to sell them something.

  Ruth circulated around the room, eavesdropping on conversations and observing how the representatives of each of the groups dealt with people’s questions and interest. She’d been very careful not to personally greet any of the groups because she didn’t want to be harassed as she strolled. Hunter had gone nonvisible as they entered the room, so all that the representatives would see was a woman dressed in nonmilitary garments escorted by a fully uniformed Marine. She hoped to avoid attention as long as possible, and this was the best strategy that she and Hunter could come up with to accomplish that.


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