Robofight: E-Boy 2

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Robofight: E-Boy 2 Page 5

by Anh Do

  ‘I got good news,’ said Ethan, ‘and bad news. The good news is that Arachnatron was found and is on its way back to the arena.’

  Penny breathed a sigh of relief. ‘That’s great. What’s the bad news?’

  Ethan looked downcast. ‘We have to get rid of this awesome car.’

  Half an hour later, the Royal Voyager headed away from port with an empty cargo hold.

  William James stood at the bridge, looking across the harbour and out to the open ocean. A woman in military uniform stood beside him: Captain Aiken, his second-in-command.

  ‘A disappointing outcome,’ said Aiken.

  ‘Yes,’ said William. ‘That spider would have made a fine addition to my extraordinary collection. But that other one, the humanoid, was also interesting. What was it called?’

  ‘Gemini, sire.’

  ‘There was something … a spark,’ William continued. ‘I will watch the broadcast of the final bout with interest. The spider is more spectacular, but that … Gemini … may be the more valuable jewel.’

  ‘Well, you messed that up,’ President Bonner snapped at Agent Ferris.

  They were in the robotics lab under the arena. Doctor Ross and his technicians bustled around Gemini, making sure the repairs were complete.

  ‘There were too many police around,’ replied Ferris. ‘If the robot didn’t get back to the arena, too many people would’ve been suspicious.’

  ‘And who let it get to that point?’ growled the President.

  ‘You don’t know what we’re up against,’ snapped Ferris, then forced himself to add, ‘sir.’

  ‘Some crazy hacker?’ Bonner sneered. ‘We’re the Titus Government and we’re being made to look stupid by some punk who wears a spaghetti strainer on his head?’

  ‘We’ve got extra security in and around the arena, including some plain-clothes officers in the crowd. Even the army’s involved now. But don’t underestimate this hacker, sir. He’s dangerous.’

  Bonner rolled his eyes and turned to Doctor Ross. ‘Is it ready?’

  Gemini said, ‘You may ask me directly, sir. I can answer any questions about my readiness. Even with the additional equipment, I am at ninety-nine point four per cent of peak performance.’

  Doctor Ross studied Gemini’s data, and saw the same oil surge and drop in processor speed. I swear, it’s looking more and more like Gemini’s getting irritated, Ross thought. He said, ‘Gemini, why did you say that?’

  Gemini turned his expressionless face to Ross. ‘I was just offering a more efficient option.’

  Bonner headed for the door. ‘Just be efficient out on the battlefield.’

  Penny’s shoulders slumped as she stood in the stands. She had cut and dyed her hair from its long chestnut brown to a short bright-red bob, and she thought it looked horrible. She also wore a pair of thick-framed glasses to complete her disguise.

  The radio station had stopped the Dress Like a Robot competition, so Ethan couldn’t risk wearing the helmet in the crowd. He cast his mind into the President’s VIP box, and found himself getting tired right away without the boost the helmet gave him. I’m gonna have to be careful how much I use my powers.

  Trumpets sounded around the arena and the crowd went crazy. The audience launched into different chants and rhythmic claps of allegiance.

  Ge-min-i! Ge-min-i! Ge-min-i!

  Arachna-tro-on! Arachna-tro-on!

  ‘Welcome, everyone,’ boomed the announcer, ‘to the final bout of this year’s Robofight Games!’

  More cheers from the crowd.

  ‘Without further ado, our first finalist represents Harkland. This is ARACHNATRON!’

  The lights around the arena dimmed, and a single spotlight focused on one of the red entrance curtains. Arachnatron strode onto the battlefield, its back freshly painted with the Harkland flag.

  ‘Our second finalist represents Titus!’

  The home-country crowd roared in approval.

  ‘This is … GEMINI!’

  The other red curtain shone under a spotlight. It parted, and Gemini somersaulted, cartwheeled, rolled and flipped into the arena.

  Penny shook her head at the sight of her creation jumping around.

  Both robots approached their starting marks. A hush fell over the crowd.

  The horn sounded, and Arachnatron sent its front four hammer-feet forward. Gemini backflipped out of their reach, swords still sheathed. Arachnatron closed in for another attack, but Gemini dodged each blow and then strolled away.

  Ethan frowned. ‘Is Gemini playing with the spider?’

  ‘Gemini is starting to dodge before Arachnatron has even moved,’ Penny said. ‘They’ve programmed him with Arachnatron’s tactics.’

  Ethan took a deep, slow breath. ‘I’m going to try something.’

  Last time Ethan had tried to take over Gemini’s systems, he’d just barged his way in and been repelled. This time, Ethan sent his powers out to the combat area, looking to slowly, gently sneak into Gemini’s circuitry, feeling his way to the first delicate contact.


  Ethan’s head snapped back as though from a direct punch, and blood trickled from his nose.

  Gemini felt Ethan’s attempt and looked around the crowd. A moment later, one of Arachnatron’s hammers caught Gemini in the knee, another in the chest, and a third under the chin put Gemini flat on his back.

  The crowd let out a collective ‘Ooh!’, and Penny stopped cleaning blood from Ethan’s face long enough to wince at the sight of Gemini slamming into the dirt.

  Directive to terminate E-Boy interfering with combat. Directive to terminate E-Boy paused.

  With a flip, Gemini was back on his feet and drawing swords.

  Arachnatron moved in for another attack, but Gemini curled up and rolled under the blow, ramming a sword up into one of Arachnatron’s joints and severing a front leg. It clanged to the ground, sparking and spilling oil.

  The locals clapped and stamped their feet. Ge-min-i! Ge-min-i!

  ‘Ethan, are you okay?’ asked Penny. ‘Gemini has every move figured. He’s going to win easily. What are we going to do?’

  ‘I guess we need Arachnatron to be a bit more unpredictable,’ said Ethan.

  He closed his eyes and, to the crowd’s amazement, Arachnatron reared up, standing high on its back legs. It started to shuffle them in the dirt, stamping them down then moving them in circles.

  Up in the President’s box, Bonner, Doctor Ross and the agents looked on with open mouths.

  ‘Ross,’ said the President, ‘is that … dancing? Is that robot tap dancing?’

  Ross just shrugged.

  The mood in the crowd was a mixture of confusion and hilarity. Gemini slowly approached Arachnatron, swords ready. Two of Arachnatron’s front legs suddenly pulled back side-by-side, ready to deliver a single blow. As Gemini raised the swords in preparation for counterattack, two of Arachnatron’s rear legs kicked Gemini so hard between the legs that Gemini flew three metres in the air, landing hard on his backside.

  The crowd screamed in surprise. Even the locals let out a cheer at Arachnatron’s unexpected new tactic.

  Gemini got to his feet.

  Hip joints damaged, mobility reduced by a quarter.

  Arachnatron stood, legs grouped together so that it looked like it had four limbs instead of eight … well, seven, as one lay leaking on the ground. It stood like a boxer, guard up, ready to punch.

  Gemini began to whirl his swords around, blades glinting in the sun. The robots approached within striking range and attacked. The clanging sound of metal on metal mixed with the shouts from the excited onlookers.

  Ethan’s nose bled more thickly. For every blow he could get Arachnatron to land, Gemini’s swords took four or five slices out of the spider’s outer casing.

  Ethan started to weaken at the knees. ‘I can’t do this,’ he said. ‘Gemini’s too fast.’

  ‘Play dead,’ Penny told him.

  Ethan frowned, then nodded, and Arachnatron
slumped to the ground. Gemini twirled a sword and leapt high into the air, just as he had when finishing off Thornstrike, but as Gemini came back down all of Arachnatron’s limbs thrust straight up. Hammers thudded into Gemini’s limbs and torso, while barbs tore his armour and skin. Once again, Gemini lay flat on his back.

  There was silence.

  Gemini’s oil stained the sand.

  oIAD+gu*(#&$@damage@!$hoadfnsystems taken critical damage.

  All flourish subroutines cancelled.

  Finish this.

  The robots returned unsteadily to their feet as a slow clap began throughout the crowd. Gemini slowly began to twirl his swords, then faster and faster as Arachnatron approached.

  As he drew close to Arachnatron, the swords became like a buzzsaw, sending sparks and chips of metal flying. Ethan felt close to fainting as Gemini tore through Arachnatron, backing the spider up to the battlefield’s edge as more pieces shot in every direction.

  Suddenly there were screams from a section of the audience. One of the barbs from Arachnatron’s legs had been hurled into the crowd by Gemini’s flurry of strikes, and hit a boy who couldn’t be more than nine years old.

  The boy’s mother clutched her son as he fell unconscious into her arms.

  ‘Somebody help us!’

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Gemini dropped his swords and jumped into the crowd. He threw away his armoured gloves as he reached the boy, surgical lasers popping out from his fingers.

  Damaged arteries, tiny nick in the aorta.

  Batteries damaged – power badly depleted.

  Scanning blood type.

  Gemini looked up as a first-aid medic approached. ‘B+ blood needed here now. Repeat, B+ blood needed here now.’ The medic, wide-eyed, scurried off obediently.

  Gemini ripped off the boy’s T-shirt and got to work.

  One quarter of patient’s artery damage repaired. One half. Three quarters.

  Repairing aorta.

  The medic returned with a blood transfusion kit. Gemini inserted a needle into the boy’s arm and connected the blood tube with his right hand, continuing to operate with his left.

  Aorta repaired. Closing wounds.

  Power at near zero.

  Wounds closed. Operation complete.

  Power at—

  Gemini froze, then pitched backwards into the arms of a group of spectators who gently lay him down across some seats. A doctor and a team of medics approached with a stretcher, delicately placed the boy on it and carted him off, his weeping mother beside him.

  There were murmurs around the arena. Ethan leant weakly against Penny in the standing-room section. Four technicians gathered Gemini and carried him off for repairs.

  Only a few minutes passed before the announcer spoke again, although it felt like hours to everyone watching, particularly in the President’s box.

  ‘Folks, I have two announcements to make. Firstly, doctors tell me that Gemini’s operation on the injured kid was a success. The boy will be fine.’

  A scream of triumph, louder than any reaction the Games had heard yet, sounded around the stadium. Strangers hugged, jumped and danced with tears of joy in their eyes. Then a familiar chant resumed.


  ‘There is one more thing,’ said the announcer. The chant slowly faded to allow him to speak. ‘As disappointing as this is, the rules are quite clear. Gemini crossed the boundary of the combat zone, and has therefore been disqualified. Your winner of this year’s Robofight Games – ARACHNATRON!’

  There was some muted booing from the crowd at the news, but most people were still overjoyed at the rescue of the young boy.

  In the President’s box, Bonner tried to pick up a chair to throw but chose one that was too heavy; red in the face, he settled for kicking it. Two of the agents worked hard not to laugh.

  During the announcements, Ethan had regained some strength and was now standing unaided. Penny stood very still, tears flowing softly down her cheeks, staring at the spot in the stands where Gemini had saved a life.

  ‘I told you,’ she said quietly.

  ‘What was that?’ asked Ethan.

  Penny’s mouth curved into a broad grin. ‘I TOLD YOU!’ she shouted, grabbing Ethan by the arms. ‘They couldn’t get rid of all of his core programming! He’s still a healer! He’s still the healer I made him!’

  Ethan looked around nervously, worried about the attention Penny might draw in her excitement. He made eye contact with a man in a denim shirt and baseball cap, who appeared to say something to nobody, and then started walking towards them. Ethan grabbed Penny by the wrist and pulled her towards the exit.

  ‘They’ve spotted us!’ he said. ‘Let’s go!’

  ‘Stop!’ called out the denim-shirted man. He brought a hand to his ear and shouted, ‘Fugitives spotted, Standing Room Bay Seven. Lockdown NOW!’

  Ethan pulled Penny around a corner and down into the stand. ‘I know how to get us out of here. This way!’

  An alarm rang out through the arena. People started to panic, running in every direction, blocking the man in the denim shirt from getting close enough to grab Ethan and Penny.

  ‘I saw this on the blueprints,’ said Ethan breathlessly. ‘There are eight workshops in the arena, one for each robot. They all have access to the outside. Thing is, if Gemini is kept in that lab underground, that workshop will be empty. We can use it as a way out.’

  Security guards, police and agents were all trying to spot Penny and Ethan in the crowd stampeding for the exits. They didn’t notice their targets heading further into the stands.

  The alarms got louder the further in Ethan and Penny went. Once they reached an empty corridor, Ethan put his helmet on. Within a minute they found a series of doors, each with a national flag on it.

  We got to the workshops! thought Ethan. But that noise is messing me up.

  ‘Over here,’ called Penny, standing next to the door with the Titus flag on it. It had a keycard lock and a screen. Yesss! thought Ethan. Not a traditional lock. The screen was bright red with the word LOCKDOWN showing in big letters.

  Ethan tried to concentrate, but the alarm made it difficult. He felt into the lock, trying not to set off any more problems. He just needed to make it think he had a keycard …

  The screen changed. It was still red, but half of it was now a touchpad version of a keyboard, and the other half had changed from LOCKDOWN to AUTHCODE.

  It felt as if the alarm was ringing inside Ethan’s head. The lock was like a constantly shifting maze. Then Ethan remembered listening in on Agent Ferris’s communications when Arachnatron was stolen. He withdrew his powers, and reached out to the touchpad.

  He typed in 10.DELTA.7, and the door clicked open.

  There was darkness on the other side. Penny ran her hands along the walls until she found a light switch. The room was like a bigger version of the underground lab, with a workbench in the middle, but the equipment wasn’t so high-tech and fancy.

  At one end of the room was a huge roller door. Ethan gestured with a tired hand and said, ‘That’s the way out.’

  Penny pressed the buttons that were meant to control the door, but nothing happened. ‘Must be the lockdown,’ she said. ‘Can you open it?’

  ‘That alarm … I’m pretty wiped out,’ said Ethan, leaning against a wall. ‘Can we find a way that doesn’t use my powers?’

  They looked around until Ethan spotted a hydraulic jack. He wheeled it across the workshop and jammed the lifter underneath the roller door, then pressed the Lift button. The door creaked and groaned as the jack raised it. The jack forced the door half a metre off the floor, just enough room to crawl through, then shuddered and stopped.

  ‘Ladies first,’ said Ethan.

  ‘You go,’ said Penny. ‘I’ll turn the lights off.’

  Ethan crawled through and pulled himself painfully to his feet. Penny was almost at the light switch when the door opened and Agent Ferris, with four other agents, stormed in. P
enny dashed back towards the roller door as Ethan ducked down to see what had happened.

  The alarm stopped, and Ethan sighed with relief despite the arrival of the agents. ‘If someone uses my authorisation code, I get a message that tells me when and where,’ Ferris was saying. ‘That way, if it wasn’t me, I can find out what’s going on. And here you two are.’

  Penny picked up a crowbar from a nearby workbench. Agent Ferris shook his head and moved his jacket aside to reveal the gun holstered at his hip. ‘Please come quietly, Doctor Cook, we don’t want to hurt you. In fact, we need you – you and your friend with the antennae.’

  Penny stood with her back to the roller door. Ethan crouched to whisper through the gap. ‘I broke the roller door by lifting it with the jack. I can’t control it with my powers.’

  ‘If you can’t control the door,’ muttered Penny, ‘then neither can they!’ She flipped open a panel on the side of the hydraulic jack and jammed the crowbar into the exposed wires, sending sparks flying everywhere.

  ‘NO!’ shouted Ethan as the roller door slammed down.

  ‘RUN!’ Penny shouted back.

  Ethan hesitated for half a second, then ran as fast as he could before the agents could close in from the outside.

  Penny dropped the crowbar and pulled out her phone to type a message.

  ‘I’m going to have to take that,’ said Agent Ferris.

  ‘I’m just writing E-Boy a message first,’ said Penny. ‘Then you can have it.’

  The agents looked at each other. One turned his back to Penny and whispered, ‘Surely she knows we’ll—’


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