Control Us (Next Generation Book 1)

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Control Us (Next Generation Book 1) Page 20

by J. M. Walker

  Dad reached his hand out, meeting my gaze.

  I joined them, sitting on the opposite side of him and taking his hand. I placed my palms up in his, like we had done when I was a boy.

  “Son,” he said, his voice gruff.

  I swallowed hard, the lump thick in my throat.

  “Look at me,” he demanded softly.

  Mom sniffed.

  “If I lost you,” I finally said. “If we lost you.” I looked up then. My dad blurred in my vision.

  “Hey, I’m not going anywhere.” He looked between us. “Are you trying to get rid of me already?”

  “No,” Mom cried, punching his arm.

  He winced, grabbing her hand and bringing it up to his mouth.

  “Sorry. I’m sorry.” She took a breath. “It brought me back to…” She shook her head.

  “Zach.” Dad looked at me then. “Will you give us a moment?”

  “Of course.” I stood from the bed and leaned over, giving him a hug. “I’m glad you’re fine. I’m really fucking glad.”

  “Me too, Son.” He swallowed noisily. “Me too.”

  “The teddy bear is from Luna.” I released him and placed the toy on the shelf by the window.

  “Tell her thank you.” Dad gave me a small smile.

  “I will.” I gave Mom a quick hug and left the room. Closing the door behind me, I breathed out a sigh of relief. As much as I knew that I should go to Luna, I leaned against the wall instead and slid to the floor. Dropping my head in my hands, I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to massage out some of the tension resting on my shoulders. But it didn’t work. It didn’t do shit in fact.


  My head popped up, finding Luna coming toward me.

  “Can I sit?”

  I nodded.

  She slid to the floor beside me, wrapping her hand around my forearm. “How’s he doing?”

  “Good. My mom’s pissed that he scared us.” I shrugged. “But she’s happy. We both are.”

  “I bet.”

  Bringing my knees up to my chest, I rested my arms on top of them. “I’m just glad—” My phone rang at that point. Pulling it out of my pocket, I muttered a curse when I saw that it was my secretary calling. “Dennis,” I answered. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Why are you apologizing? You are the boss and all.”

  “Yeah.” I sighed. “Listen, I should have called earlier but I wasn’t thinking straight. I need you to cancel all of my meetings today. I won’t be in the office due to a family emergency.”

  “Oh God. Is everything okay?”

  I smiled at his concern. “Yes. It is now.”

  “Oh good. But I’m on it. You take care of yourself, Mr. Porter.”

  “What did I tell you?” I chided.

  “Zach.” He laughed nervously. “Right.”

  “I’ll be in on Monday,” I told him and disconnected the call. It was Thursday but having an extra day wouldn’t hurt. Or that would be what my parents would say.

  “Dennis?” Luna asked a moment later. “You have a male secretary?”

  “I do.” I leaned my head against the wall. “He’s actually Clara’s brother. That’s why we kept in touch. He was looking for an internship because he wants to run his own business one day. He’s a freshman in college and also needed some extra cash. I needed the help anyway and gave him a job instead. He’s a good kid.”

  “That’s good.”

  I glanced at Luna. She was chewing her bottom lip.

  “Hey.” I pulled her lip from the onslaught of her teeth. “You have nothing to worry about. I’m yours, Luna.”

  She searched my face. “Are you really?”

  I frowned, opening my mouth to argue with her when my mom took that moment to come out of the room.

  “What are you two doing on the floor?”

  Luna pulled away from me, a flush hitting her cheeks.

  My brows narrowed.

  “We were just talking,” Luna told my mom.

  “Oh okay. Well…” Mom glanced down at me. “You can go home, Zach.”

  “I should stay,” I said, rising to my feet.

  “No.” Mom placed her hand gently on my arm. “He’s fine. I promise. And if anything changes, I’ll call you but that’s not going to happen. Your father is stubborn remember?”

  “But what if something happens and I’m not here,” I said, not liking the desperation in my voice.

  “He’ll be fine.” Mom wrapped her arms around my middle. “Go. Go home. Rent a hotel if you want to stay close. Go to Luna’s. I don’t care. But I don’t want you having to spend the night here.”

  “But I—”

  “Go,” Mom pressed. “Please. I love you and I appreciate you being here, but you need to rest. You look like you didn’t get much sleep last night anyway.”

  Luna coughed.

  My dick stirred but other than that, I didn’t say anything.

  Mom laughed. “Right. Go. Please.”

  “Alright.” I gave her another hug. “Call me if anything changes.”

  “I will.” Mom gave Luna a quick hug as well and headed back into the room.

  “So…” Luna stared up at me.

  “I can’t go home. I need to be close just in case something changes but I don’t want to go to my parents’ place either.” It would be weird being there without them and knowing what they were going through currently, I just needed away.

  “I’d say we can go to my place, but it’s always overrun with people. And Aiden’s probably still passed out.” Luna paused. “We can rent a hotel for the weekend.”

  Every inch of me came alive at the thought of having Luna all to myself for three days. No distractions. No questioning stares. Just her. And I.

  I leaned down and placed a hard peck on her mouth. “That’s perfect.”


  SPENDING THE WEEKEND ALONE with Zach would be a step in a different direction for us. We wouldn’t have my father breathing down our necks. We wouldn’t have our friends questioning us. I loved them, and I knew Zach did too but sometimes, they could be a little overbearing.

  When I left my place earlier, Aiden was still passed out. I felt guilty for leaving him, but Zach needed me.

  Zach and I drove to a hotel on the outskirts of town. It had been one that I saw quite frequently whenever we went into the city a few hours away, but I had never actually stayed there. It was only a few stories high but one of the nicer ones I had seen in the area.

  “This isn’t much but honestly, I just need you tonight. No fancy shit.”

  I nodded, grabbing Zach’s hand and holding it tight between mine. “Just us.”

  “I know our parents are getting older. We’re all getting older but today…”

  “It scared you.” I linked our fingers. “I get that, Zach. No one wants anything to happen to their parents. Ours aren’t getting any younger but they are still pretty young.”

  “They are.”

  “And your dad is healthy. Besides the heart defect of course.”

  “True.” Zach brought our joined hands up to his mouth, placing a soft peck on my knuckles. “Thank you for being so fucking amazing.”

  I laughed, my cheeks heating. “I’m really not but you’re welcome.”

  “You are.” Zach put the car into park. “Ready?”

  To spend the night with you and help you feel better? Oh yeah . “I am.”

  He winked. “Good.”

  We slipped from the vehicle.

  Zach came around to my side of the car and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Hey, I think that’s my uncle’s crew.”

  I followed his gaze, finding several motorcycles parked by one of the bottom floor rooms. “Is Jaron still the vice-president?”

  “He is,” Zach answered. “He’ll be president when his dad retires.”

  We had grown up with Jaron Mercer but with him being from another town a few hours from us, we didn’t see him often. Especially not now that we were older.

  “Did you want to go say hi?” I asked Zach, linking my arm in his.

  “Let’s get a room first and then we will.”

  We headed to reception and Zach got us a room rather quickly. Thankfully the rooms weren’t booked completely. Apparently once people found out that there were bikers staying at the hotel, they decided to go elsewhere. But personally, I would rather be by bikers. It was safer that way.

  “Now we can go say hi.” Zach stuffed the key cards in his pocket and held out his hand.

  I slid my fingers in his, letting him lead the way.

  We headed back outside to where the bikes were parked when a younger man left a room, followed by several other guys. They all wore leather cuts with the Hell’s Harlem logo on the backs. The skull with black eyes looked almost like it was grinning every time they moved.

  The younger man who left the room first, lit up a smoke and leaned against the wall. He looked our way, recognition dawning on his face.

  “Zach Porter. Motherfucker.” He pushed off the wall and came toward us. “How are you?”

  “Good, Sammy. You?” Zach gave the guy a one-armed hug, keeping his other hand still locked in mine.

  “Not too bad. Your uncle has us doing a ride. Apparently, we’ve been on edge lately.” The man, Sammy, shrugged. “I don’t know. I just follow orders.”

  Zach chuckled. “Right.” He glanced down at me. “Luna, this is Sammy Butcher. Sammy, Luna.”

  Sammy stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” I said, returning the handshake.

  “Jaron’s here.” Sammy nodded to the door he had come out of. “Wanna come say hi and have a beer?”

  Zach looked down at me.

  I shrugged. “I could always use a beer.”

  “I could use something harder,” he mumbled.

  “Something hard sounds delicious,” I blurted.

  Sammy laughed.

  My cheeks heated.

  Zach only grinned.

  I couldn’t believe those words slipped from my mouth. Meadow was the flirty one of us girls. She said anything that was on her mind. Me? Not so much. Until now that is.

  “Well, kids. Let’s go have some beers then.” Sammy led the way to the room.

  “You want something harder, do you?” Zach murmured, placing a soft peck on my cheek.

  “I want it whenever you’re ready to give it to me.” He had a stressful day. There was no way that I was going to hint at sex just because I had become addicted since having it for the first time the other day.

  “I’ll give you something hard later, Moonbeam. It’ll be so fucking hard, you won’t know what to do with it.”

  “I think I can handle it,” I said, patting his chest.

  He chuckled, the sound dark and sinister. “Sure. Keep telling yourself that, Luna. Remember who’s had way more experience than you.”

  I shrugged. “Semantics.”

  A laugh boomed through him.

  I grinned, giving him a wink.

  “I’ll give you that, Moonbeam. You know how to make me laugh. Even when I’ve had a shitty day.”

  “I aim to please.” I stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  A throat cleared, forcing us a part.


  I turned, finding Jaron Mercer coming toward us. He was Zach’s cousin, being the son of Greyson Mercer, the current president of the Hell’s Harlem motorcycle club.

  “Jaron, how are you?” Zach gave him a quick hug. “It’s been awhile.”

  “Too long.” Jaron smiled down at me. “How are you, Luna?”

  “Not too bad.” My heart stuttered. Although I had never been attracted to Jaron, his gray eyes were mesmerizing.

  “Come. We have beer. And pussy. But I’m sure you don’t need the latter.” Jaron turned, heading back in the direction of his hotel room. “Isn’t that right?”

  “No. I’m good.” Zach grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. “Very good.”

  I cupped his face. “You better be.” I was already jealous over Clara. I didn’t need more women added into this.

  Zach smirked, pulling me along beside him. We entered the hotel room which was much larger than I would have thought. People milled about. The men were dressed in leather cuts while women wore scantily clad clothing. They hung off the men but much to my surprise, they left Jaron alone. He headed to a couch across the room and sat.

  Jaron grabbed two bottles out of a mini-fridge on the floor beside him. He handed them to me and Zach before picking a bottle of beer off the table in front of him. “So how is everyone?” he asked, taking a swig.

  “Good,” I said. “We’re working on expanding the center.”

  “Oh yes.” Jaron sat back, placing his ankle on the opposite knee. “I heard about that.” He paused. “How’s Piper?”

  “She just got back from Europe but she’s good,” I told him.

  “Interesting. I was just in Paris.”

  I thought a moment. My eyes widened. “Wait, she said…”

  Jaron only winked.

  I laughed.

  “What?” Zach frowned.

  “Piper said she met someone in Paris,” I told him.

  Zach looked between Jaron and I, a chuckle escaping him. “Interesting,” he repeated.

  Jaron grinned. “Let’s just say, Paris is my new favorite city.”

  “I bet it is.” I liked that it was him she had met up with. Even though he never outright said it. But something told me that it was hard for them. Especially when Piper had been doing her own thing with the twins. Also, as much as I liked Jaron, I had a feeling he wasn’t the type to settle down.

  “How are your parents, Zach?” Jaron asked, taking the subject off of him.

  “Well…they were doing okay but my dad had a heart attack.”

  “Holy shit.” Jaron sat forward. “Is he okay?”

  “He is.” Zach reached for me. “Thank God for that.”

  I squeezed his hand.

  Jaron shook his head. “You know, no matter how old I get, I always forget that our parents are getting older as well.”

  My stomach twisted.

  “Yup.” Zach looked down at me. “We should get going.”

  I nodded.

  “Well, it was good seeing you both.” Jaron stood at the same time we did. “Tell Piper I said hi.”



  As much as I loved my cousin and wanted to continue visiting with him, I needed to wrap myself up in Luna more. Since finding out my father had a heart attack, I was on edge and on the verge of snapping and losing the very control I had spent years fighting for.

  “Zach?” Luna turned toward me as soon as we entered our hotel room.

  I leaned against the door, shutting it behind me and clicking the lock into place. “I need you, Luna. I need you in ways that I’m not going to apologize for. I won’t be gentle. In fact, I might even get fucking mean. But right now, it’s all I can give you.” I took a step forward, forcing her back. “But I promise you, I respect the hell out of you. You’re my best friend. The only woman who knows more about me than my own mother does. But right now, this has nothing to do with that. So say the word and this stops. Right now.”

  She swallowed, backing up another step. “What do you want to do?” she asked, her voice coming out shaky and unsure.

  “Everything, Luna.” A sly grin pulled at my lips. “I want to do everything.”


  ALTHOUGH ZACH AND I had sex already, several times in fact, I had a feeling that I was about to get the real him. The part of him that he’s been holding back since the first time he kissed me. Or the beast within that he’s kept in check from the moment he made me come apart in his arms.

  “Luna,” Zach barked. “Stop thinking and answer me. Yes or no.”

  My heart started racing, my skin became clammy. I could take him. I could handle him and push back just as good as him, if not better but this…th
is was something else on a whole other level.

  Instead of answering like he demanded, I dropped my bag on the floor. Pulling off my sweater, I threw it on the chair by the large patio window.

  Zach’s eyes burned into me the whole time as I undressed for him. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, the electric energy snapping between us.

  Hooking my fingers into my white tank top, I lifted it up and over my head before tossing it aside. Pushing down my leggings, I kicked them off my feet, which left me standing in just a black lace bra and panty set.

  “Turn around,” Zach demanded, his voice rough.

  I did as he said, turning away from him.

  “Kneel,” he instructed.

  Lowering to the floor on shaky legs, I did as I was told and placed my hands on my thighs. My blood rushed through me, every inch of my skin alive and tingly from the mere demands leaving Zach’s mouth.

  I felt him before he touched me.

  I was attuned to him before he laid his fingers on my skin.

  When he knelt behind me, a shiver rippled down my spine.

  “You’re fucking perfect,” Zach murmured, his hot breath fanning over the side of my face. His fingers brushed along my upper back, pushing the bra strap off my shoulder and down my arm. “So perfect.” When his mouth touched the soft spot beneath my ear, all breath left me on a whoosh.

  “Zach,” I whispered.

  Suddenly, my head was ripped back.

  A gasp escaped me, my heart hammering inside the walls of my ribcage.

  He chuckled, the sound dark and inviting. Like a predator offering candy and God, did I ever want that sweet sweet candy.

  “More,” I heard myself say.

  Zach shoved me forward, pushing my face against the floor. “How much more do you want, Luna?”

  “All of it,” I pleaded. “Whatever you want to do. I want it all.” I dug my fingers into the carpet, the abrasiveness rubbing against my cheek.

  With a firm hand, he held the back of my neck and pushed his waist into my rear. “Hmm…I’m not sure you can handle more. Maybe I should stop. Or I could tie you up and jerk off. Make you watch. What would you like, Luna?”

  “No. I want…” But the idea of him pleasuring himself when I couldn’t touch him, was exhilarating all on its own.


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