Control Us (Next Generation Book 1)

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Control Us (Next Generation Book 1) Page 26

by J. M. Walker

  “But Zach left. He went to another woman’s place.” I looked away, not wanting to see the look of pity on my mother’s face.

  She sighed. “Did anything happen?”

  “No.” I looked at her then. “What do I do?”

  “Give him time.” She paused. “Listen, I’ve tried talking to your dad, but something is…I know it’s not right. You’re a grown woman but he has his reasons for his issue with you being with Zach. But honestly, I think it’s mostly Zach doing the pushing and your dad’s issues with the whole thing is just added pressure. But Zach isn’t the only one who feels like he’s not good enough.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your dad. Me. All of us. We all felt like we weren’t good enough for each other.” She shrugged.

  “What’s going on?”

  Both of us turned to my dad coming toward us. His dark eyes met mine. “I’ll give you one second to tell me why you have a bruise on your face before I drive over and kill him myself.”

  “See?” I said to Mom. “This is what I have to deal with.”

  “Luna,” Dad grumbled. “Explain.”

  I let all the words spill from my lips. Although I had reassured my dad that it wasn’t Zach’s fault, his face only became redder and redder. I also left out the part that I was naked even though I had been wrapped in a blanket.

  “I…” Dad blew out a slow breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. Much to my surprise, he closed the distance between us and gently cupped my face. Tilting my head back, he examined my nose. “Does it hurt still?”

  “Only if I touch it or walk into a wall,” I told him.

  He grunted. “You’re not funny.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say,” I pulled my head from his grasp. “I’m fine and it was an accident.” Guilt rested heavily on my shoulders that I had kicked Zach out. I needed to talk to him. If he ever wanted to talk to me again that is.

  “Piccola ,” Dad said gently.

  “No.” I stomped around him. “This wouldn’t have even happened if you wouldn’t have butt your nose in to my business, in the first place.”

  “Luna,” he said, his voice firm. “I went over to apologize.”

  “Well that obviously never happened, now did it?”

  “I told him to prove to me that he’s good enough for you.” Dad crossed his arms under his broad chest. “I was going to say that it hasn’t happened yet, but I’ve been watching him. He thinks I’m not watching but I always am. I see the way he looks at you. But the problem no longer lies with me.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, wishing this whole mess would end and we could go back to the way things were.

  “I mean that Zach needs to prove to himself that he’s good enough for you.”

  I opened my mouth to argue but nothing came out. “I know he believes that but hearing you say it…”

  Dad’s face softened. “He loves you.”

  I nodded, looking down at my feet. “I love him too.”

  “I lost your mom when you were six months old.”

  I looked up then, meeting eyes that matched my own.

  “We had stopped dating long before that. We were better off as friends. But I loved her. Not the way I love…” He glanced at my stepmom. “Not the way I love you.”

  “I know,” she said softly.

  “Your mom got caught up with the wrong people. That’s why she died. It fucked me up, Luna. It fucked me up bad.” Dad rubbed a hand over his nape, looking everywhere but at me. “Zach reminds me of me,” he finally confessed. “At first, I didn’t like it. Hell, I wouldn’t like it if any man laid their hands on you. You’re my first. My Piccola .”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered.

  “I know you aren’t. I know that now. And I’m sorry for everything. But after last night…after seeing the hurt in your eyes over me butting into your business, I decided to back off. But Zach needs to know that you’re there for him and that you’re not going anywhere.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not.”

  Dad reached out for my stepmom, the only mother I had ever known, and pulled her into his side. “When I met you, if your father would have been alive, I’m sure he would have said the same thing. I didn’t deserve you then. Hell, I still don’t deserve you, but I will live the rest of my life until I do.”

  Mom’s eyes welled. She cupped his face. “I love you, Stone, and Luna loves Zach. He looks at her how you look at me.”

  “I know.” Dad kissed her forehead before looking my way. “I’ll make this right, but this is no longer on me.”

  “Do you think Zach could ever let me in?” I asked, hope twisting throughout my body.

  “Yeah.” Dad smiled. “I do.” He came toward me. “I am sorry, Piccola . I didn’t realize that I was causing more damage.”

  “I know what you went through was hard and losing Mom was even harder. But I love Creena like she’s my real mom. She’s the best mother I could ever ask for and Zach is the best man for me.” I just needed him to realize that too.

  Dad leaned his forehead against mine. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You…” My breath hitched. “You haven’t lost me,” I whispered. “I’ll always be your little girl, but I need him.”

  “I know.” He paused. “I love you, Piccola .”

  “I love you too, Daddy.”

  He released me and headed back into the kitchen.

  “It is way too early for this shit,” Vince Junior grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him.

  “My apartment was being fumigated. And I’d rather stay here than at a friend’s place.” He grimaced. “I think I’m getting old. My friends are fucking pigs.”

  I laughed.

  Vince’s brows narrowed. He reached out, brushing a hand over the bridge of my nose.

  Pain shot out behind my eyes. I gasped, pulling away from him.

  “Who do I need to kill?” he demanded, his voice rough.

  “God, no one.” I punched him in the shoulder. “That hurt.”

  “What happened? Is that why Dad’s stewing?” Vince asked, nodding toward the kitchen.

  I followed his gaze. Dad was leaning against the counter while Mom cooked breakfast. She would push him out of the way every so often.

  “Zach accidently elbowed me in the face,” I told my brother.

  “Wow. And he’s still alive? I’m surprised you didn’t kill him yourself.”

  I spun on my brother. “What’s with all the killing jokes? No one is dying. Just once I would like a normal fucking family.”

  “Luna,” Mom gasped.

  “Sorry.” My cheeks burned. Our parents were good about us swearing but even I had to admit, that was a little much.

  Vince chuckled.

  “Why don’t you go back to the hole you crawled out of,” I mumbled, shoving past him and stomping down the hall to my old bedroom.

  “Love you too, Sis,” he called out.

  “Yeah, yeah.” I waved at him over my shoulder. Once I reached my bedroom, I opened the door and breathed in the familiar scent. It was a bit of rose mixed with vanilla and chai. It was incense that I found years ago and would light them only on special occasions. But no matter how long time went by where they weren’t lit, I could still smell my favorite scent.


  “I’m going to lay down,” I told my dad. “It’s been a long night.”

  “I know.” He shifted from foot to foot, ran a hand through his black hair and cleared his throat.

  “What is it?” I asked, my stomach twisting over the nervousness rolling off of him in waves.

  “I promise you. I’ll make this right again,” he said, turning on his heel and heading back the way he had come.

  I closed the door to my room and leaned against it. I wasn’t sure how my dad was going to make this right, but I hoped that it worked.

  Before it was too late.


  IT HADFELT LIKE just yesterday that I ended things with Luna when really, it had been three weeks. After telling my dad what had happened and how I accidentally hit Luna, we had a few more shots between us and I passed out on the couch in his office. I woke hours later, feeling somewhat lighter. Even though nothing was resolved between me and Luna, just telling my dad everything and getting it all off of my chest helped. It helped a lot.

  Bottom line. I needed to talk to Luna, but I also needed to give her space. I knew that. Even though I didn’t like it. I also needed to own up to the fact that I was scared and that was why I pushed her away.

  But like the pussy that I was, I sat at the bar across from her work and watched her through the big pane window instead. It wasn’t like I could do anything anyway. There was no way I could make this shit up to her. I hit one of our friends. In fact, I almost beat him senseless because I was too damn jealous. Over other men. Over anyone who even breathed the same air as her.

  My phone dinged, indicating an incoming text.

  Clara: Did you sort things out with Luna?

  I sighed. I hadn’t heard from Clara since I went to her place to fuck her. My stomach twisted. I still couldn’t believe I did that.

  Me: Not yet.

  I didn’t want to talk about what happened. Not with anyone besides my dad, before I could fix things with Luna. My Moonbeam.

  As cliché as it sounded, she was the damn light in my darkness. The very air I breathed. It had been almost a month, but it felt like a damn lifetime.

  I was losing my mind and I didn’t know how to get it back. I didn’t know how to approach Luna and make things right again. Could things ever go back to normal?

  Clara: You’ll work it out.

  I sure as hell hoped so.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose, remembering Stone’s words that he had only ever seen Luna put a smile on my face. Sure. Clara made me laugh but not the way his daughter did.

  The fact that he accused me of more, didn’t sit well with me.

  I put my phone away, ignored the ding of the incoming text, and signaled the bartender for another beer. I preferred something stronger, but this would have to do. For now.

  Watching Luna was like watching a majestic animal through the bars of their cage. They were so close, but you still couldn’t touch them.

  I was on the verge of losing control. It took everything in me not to stomp over to the tattoo shop she worked at and pull her into my arms.

  “Give her time.”

  My dad’s words bounced around in my head. He was right. As much as I didn’t want him to be, I knew I had to give Luna space.

  But I still craved her touch. Her hands running over my body. Her nails scratching into my skin. My name leaving her lips on a breathless moan. I needed more. I was so damn greedy for her, my cock pushed against the fly of my dress pants. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get her out of my head. Or out of my damn system. She was the perfect drug and I never wanted to be rid of my addiction to her.

  After I spent last weekend with my parents, I drove to the city and spent most of my time there. I drowned myself in work and drove myself into the ground at the gym. Every night since, I would limp back up to my condo, take a shower and go to bed.

  Job. Work out. Sleep. Repeat.

  Scrubbing a hand down my face, I lifted the glass to my lips to take a long swig when a large shadow loomed over me.

  “Zachary Porter.”

  My stomach dropped to the ground beneath me.

  Oh fuck.

  I took a breath as Stone sat beside me on my left and Asher sat on my right.

  “You’re a hard man to get a hold of,” Stone pointed out.

  “I’ve been busy,” I mumbled.

  “Having a good time?” Asher asked, taking my beer from my hand and drinking it down in one gulp.

  “I was,” I muttered.

  They laughed.

  I had never been nervous around Asher. Even though as he got older, he became the largest of our fathers. But I also wasn’t fucking his kid.

  “You’re a funny guy.”

  I bristled at the new voice.

  Angel stepped up behind me, cupping my shoulders.

  I was caged in by the three of them. Three men I had known since I was a boy. Men my father worked with. Men I looked up to but right now they scared the absolute shit out of me. I was man enough to admit my fear of them.

  I passed a glance at the door.

  “Waiting for someone?” Angel asked.

  “I’m waiting to see if Dale is going to show up,” I mumbled, expecting to see Piper’s dad join our little party.

  “Nah.” Angel gave my shoulder a squeeze. “Dale’s busy. He sends his love.”

  I scoffed.

  “Luna works across the street,” Stone stated, ignoring our banter and signaling the bartender over.

  I didn’t say anything. He already knew that I was aware of that. I had been coming to the bar every day and watching her since we had our fight.

  “You’re in love with my daughter.” Stone handed me a new beer. “And she’s in love with you.”

  He already knew that as well. What the hell was he getting at?

  “My daughter was pure before you. Innocent. I know she’s an adult and can make her own decisions of course, but I’m not stupid.” Stone cupped my nape. “Isn’t that right, Zach?”

  There was no point in denying it. These men may be retired but they would always have the SEAL in them. And Stone was a father. That made him even more lethal. “How do you know that?”

  “Because my daughter ,” he stressed that word. “Talks to my wife and my wife tells me everything. But I won’t betray her trust and tell Luna that I know.”

  “That’s why we’re here.” Angels grip on my shoulders tightened.

  “What would you do if it was Angelica or Meadow we were talking about?” Stone asked Angel.

  Angel chuckled, the sound deep and threatening. “I would kill the fucker who popped their cherries.”

  Little did he know; Meadow’s cherry was already popped.

  “You see,” Stone continued, cracking his knuckles. “I woke up the other morning to her and Creena talking. Luna had a bruise on her nose. Care to tell me what that was about?”

  “Not really,” I muttered.

  Asher chuckled. “We have an honest one. I’m so fucking glad I have boys. I only have to worry about their dicks and not the whole damn world. But I love these girls like my own. You hurt Luna. That doesn’t sit well with me.”

  I swallowed hard.

  “Does your dad know what you did?” Asher asked. “You punched my kid in the face.”

  “Thanks for the reminder. And yes, he does. Trust me, I feel like a shithead over it. I never meant for it to go that far.” I hoped my explanation would give me some leeway with them but if it were me, I would still kick my ass no matter how much I apologized.

  “Ashton does have a nice shiner though. I also heard he hit you back.” Asher sat back, crossing his arms under his broad chest.

  “He tried to.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them. I never meant to sound cocky. But Ashton wasn’t a fighter. That was his brother. Although they were both big like their father, I’d rather scrap with Ashton because then I at least had a chance at winning.

  “Now is not the time to be cocky.” Angel squeezed my shoulders, digging his fingers into the muscle.

  I winced.

  “Tell me why you’ve been here every day for the past three weeks,” Stone demanded.

  “I’m trying to figure out how to apologize to your daughter. And also, not get killed in the process.” Luna may have been tiny, but she was raised by Creena, who was as ruthless as they came. Rumors went around about her past, but she never confirmed them. Hit man, contract killer. The list went on.

  “Give me a moment alone with Zach.” Stone clapped my shoulder. “We need to have a chat.”

  “I thought that’s what
we were already doing,” I mumbled.

  “Now is not the time to be funny.” He squeezed my shoulder, digging his fingers in hard.

  A sharp pain shot throughout the muscle, but I refused to let him see that it hurt.

  He smirked.

  Asher and Angel moved to the other end of the bar, keeping watch. Probably making sure I didn’t bolt.


  My gaze snapped back to Stone’s.

  “I don’t like that you took my daughter’s virginity. Hell, I wouldn’t like it if any fucker took it. But you were raised by two of my best friends. I see a lot of Coby in you even though you’re not technically blood related. He’s a good man and he loves Brogan. Before I met Creena, I’d never seen a love like that before. It was what I strived for. Why am I saying this instead of killing you right now?”

  “The question crossed my mind,” I mumbled.

  “Because my piccola loves you. But we are men and we fuck up. So, you have to go to her instead of sitting here like a pussy. Man up. And you have a good role model, so I know she’s in good hands.”

  My jaw dropped a bit.

  “Don’t think this is me giving you my approval. Because I’m not. You need to prove to me that you would do anything for her. Her happiness comes first.”

  “That’s all I care about,” I told him. “I never meant to hit Ashton. But I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “It’s funny because I know exactly how that feels. We all do. We’ve also all fucked up before too, but we were able to get our women back.”

  “Why now?” I asked, unsure if I wanted the answer or not.

  Stone looked everywhere but at me. “Because I realized that I hurt her by butting my nose in. I never wanted that. I have my reasons why I acted the way I did. Will I ever tell you? I’m not sure. Hell, my wife didn’t even know at first. But I now understand that it’s not just me. It’s you.”

  I swallowed past the bile that had suddenly risen to my throat.

  “When people get too close, you push them away. I get it. Creena did the same to me in the beginning, but if you love Luna like I think you do, you won’t let your past stop you.” Stone paused. “But I promise you, if you can’t make Luna happy and I see my baby crying again because of you, I will hunt you down and scatter your bones across this fucking earth. You got me?”


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