Night Whispers

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Night Whispers Page 8

by Leslie Kelly

  She would make sure of that.


  Kelsey sat in her studio, opening her show even before the last notes of her introduction were finished. She was more than prepared for tonight’s topic.

  “Now I don’t mean the natural urge we have to be close to someone we love, to further our deep emotions for that person through physical expression. That’s wonderful, too, of course. But tonight, I want to talk about the kind of desire that’s almost painful in its intensity. You know what I mean…the sweaty palms, the pounding heart, the tense, coiled feeling in the pit of your stomach when you think of someone you want so badly but haven’t been with. Think about it. You know what I’m talking about. Stick around. It should be an interesting night.”

  Kelsey sat back during her first set of commercials, winking at Brian while she sipped a glass of water. Usually she kept her personal feelings out of her show. She considered Lady Love to be a character she portrayed. But after days of doing her best to make Mitch want her, she was very much acquainted with wanting someone and was quite ready to talk about unfulfilled desire.

  When Brian cued her, she leaned forward and said, “Welcome back to Night Whispers on WAJO. I’m Lady Love and tonight we’re going to explore that intoxicating feeling of just wanting someone. Let’s not muddy the waters, we’re not talking about lifelong love. When you find your one and only, the desire changes, it becomes more meaningful, more fulfilling. That’s another topic for another show. Instead, let’s focus on that spine-tingling sensation you get when you’re around someone who you just know could give you immense physical pleasure.”

  Sultry images flooded her mind, but Kelsey forced herself to keep focused on what she was doing.

  “Have you felt it? Do you feel it now?” she asked, her voice challenging her listeners. “Can you close your eyes and picture every inch of the person you want?”

  She had. She did. She could.

  “Sometimes the person we want isn’t right for us, or doesn’t feel the same way. But that doesn’t stop the need. Pure, undiluted desire. We’ve all experienced it. Now let’s talk about it.”

  “HOLY HELL!” MITCH MUTTERED. He kicked a pile of papers out of his way as he stalked across the living room and punched the off button on his stereo. Still not satisfied, he reached behind it and yanked the cord out of the wall. He didn’t know what demon had made him tune in to begin with.

  “Shut up, Kelsey. Just leave me alone,” he muttered aloud in the empty room.

  But she wouldn’t. Kelsey would not leave him alone.

  He glanced at the notes he’d been writing before her show came on. It wouldn’t do any good to try to get back to work. Every time he tried to concentrate, thoughts of Kelsey intruded.

  For the past week, while he’d struggled to avoid her, she’d turned up everywhere. When he went outside to change the oil in his car, she came out in a pair of very tight, torn jeans and a T-shirt to wash hers. The water had splashed her, making the shirt stick to her skin. He’d been paying so much attention to her that he’d forgotten what he was doing and neglected to tighten the filter. When oil came spilling out on the driveway he’d had to dive back under the car, getting his clothes black and sticky. She’d rushed over to help him clean up, dabbing at the stains while he sucked in gulps of air and tried to look everywhere but at her totally wet, nearly transparent shirt.

  When he pulled a load of clothes from the dryer, he bumped into her coming up the basement stairs, and had to lift the laundry basket high over his head while she scooted past. As she slid by, he’d swear she purposely brushed her entire body against his, saying, “We’re just supposed to nod, right?” He stared down at her, watching her descend, as her light, flowery scent hung in the air. She hadn’t even looked back at him standing mute on the stairs.

  When he went out to cut the grass, he found her pulling weeds in the garden. Yesterday, when he got home, he found her baking sweet-smelling cinnamon rolls in his kitchen. For several minutes, while he put away his groceries, he had to watch her slowly licking sticky, sweet icing from her fingers.

  And all the while she smiled and batted her lashes and played the role of temptress as though she’d invented it.

  “You’re not going to get away with this, Kelsey,” Mitch said aloud as he walked to his office and flipped on his computer.

  He knew he was being played like an instrument. Kelsey was trying to make him admit they could never be mere acquaintances, or housemates. She didn’t like him criticizing her job, but then, when he’d come up with an ideal solution, she didn’t like that, either.

  Tonight she must have suspected he’d listen to her show. She seemed to be speaking directly to him. Telling him she wanted him. He didn’t know whether to be flattered or just plain frustrated.

  At this particular moment, he was opting for frustrated.

  LATE THE NEXT AFTERNOON, Kelsey sat with Celia in Fred’s apartment, waiting for a batch of cookies to finish baking.

  “How is it going with Mitch?” Celia asked.

  “It’s not going at all,” Kelsey replied with a sigh. “He’s not responding in the least. He doesn’t appear to even be aware of me.”

  Celia grinned. “You must be joking. I was watching out the window the other day when you washed your car. He definitely knew you were there. Fred thought I was crazy for laughing when Mitch got himself covered with oil.”

  “Well,” Kelsey conceded, “he knows I’m around, he’s just not ready to admit he cares I’m around. I think it was better when we were just friends. This acquaintance business is getting tiresome.”

  “So, you just want to be friends again? Yeah, right,” Celia said with a knowing smile.

  “Well, maybe friends isn’t quite the right word.”

  Celia crossed her arms across her chest and raised one eyebrow. “I think lovers is the word you’re looking for.”

  Kelsey laughed at Celia’s droll tone. “The thought has crossed my mind.”

  “A woman would have to be made of stone for that thought not to cross her mind when Mitch Wymore walked into a room.”

  Kelsey pretended she was shocked. “Why, Celia, for a nearly engaged woman to say such a thing…I’m appalled!”

  “Hey, I love Fred, okay?” Celia explained with a laugh. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a male body that looks like it should be a centerfold…or a face that looks like it should be on the cover of GQ.”

  “Don’t forget those dark blue eyes that seem to see everything,” Kelsey contributed.

  “I think I prefer green eyes.” Celia’s sweet smile told Kelsey she had switched her thoughts to Fred.

  When they heard a car pull up outside, Celia glanced out the window. “Fred’s home. Looks like he’s unloading some boxes. Uh-oh, Mitch is going out to help him.”

  “I think I’ll slide on outta here, then,” Kelsey said. “I’m not exactly dressed for another seduction attempt.”

  Kelsey glanced ruefully at her purple sweat suit and sneakers as she carried her teacup into the kitchen. She had a little flour on her chest from the cookie baking, and a brown smear on her wristband where she’d accidentally leaned into a bowl of chocolate chips.

  “Don’t go,” Celia said. “When they get up here I’ll order pizzas or something, and the four of us can have dinner.”

  “With Mitch ignoring me and me drooling over him? Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “You don’t drool, and he doesn’t ignore you.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I am about ready to call this plan quits, anyway. Mitch has made it clear he’s not interested, and I’m not about to ambush him. Besides, my producer, Brian, is stopping by later. I need to get home and make some notes about show ideas before he arrives.”

  Kelsey opened the apartment door to leave and found Fred, carrying a large carton, reaching for the knob. She held the door for him, and said hello and goodbye. Hoping Mitch wouldn’t be too quick, she dashed to the stairs and
was halfway down when he started coming up. He hadn’t seen her yet; the large box he carried blocked his view. Kelsey decided to press against the wall and let him move right past her on the wide stairway. With any luck he’d never even notice she was there. It almost worked.

  Mitch peered around the side of the carton he was carrying to see if he was nearing the top step, and came face-to-face with Kelsey. Startled, he dropped the box, watching helplessly as plastic beakers and papers spilled onto the wooden stairs. The cardboard container tipped on its side and slid like a toboggan straight down to the landing.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m sorry, I was just trying to get out of your way.” Kelsey shrugged slightly, but grimaced at the loud thump of the box hitting the floor at the bottom of the steps.

  “Dammit, Kelsey,” Mitch snapped as he faced her and moved closer. “This is going to stop. Understand?” Kelsey leaned back farther as he crowded her. His hands braced the wall on either side of her head, and he trapped her, inches from his chest, as he continued his tirade. “I hope Fred didn’t have anything breakable in that box. What a dumb stunt!”

  Mitch stared hard at her, looking for the gleam of mischief he felt sure he’d find, but it wasn’t there. She looked contrite, embarrassed even. And a mess.

  A smudge of flour rode the high plane of her cheek, and her hair hung in disarray from a clip. He watched her part her full lips and take in a deep breath, and noticed the strong pulse beating in her throat. She was nervous—he could see it. A slow flush spread from her neck up through her face, and her breathing became more labored. Mitch glanced down to the slight space between their bodies. Not much more than a whisper separated them.

  He dropped his voice to a growl. “All right, Kelsey. You win.”

  Kelsey raised her eyes in confusion, but didn’t have time to absorb his words when his mouth suddenly captured hers in a searing kiss. She didn’t move, didn’t have the strength to lift her arms to encircle his neck, but reveled in the hard press of his body, crushing hers from shoulder to thigh. His hot mouth urged hers to open and she welcomed him, loving the intimacy, the taste of him as the kiss continued endlessly.

  She whimpered when Mitch moved his hands to her shoulders, then slowly slid them down her arms until he reached her fingertips. He laced his fingers through hers briefly, then moved his hands to her hips, pulling her tighter against him. Her whimper turned into a moan at the feel of his hard excitement. Mitch lifted his mouth from hers, trailing hot kisses down her chin, across her neck, to the hollow of her throat. His fingertips reached her waist and slid under her sweatshirt, caressing her sensitive, bare flesh.

  Kelsey shifted a little, silently urging him to continue exploring her body, as she longed to do with his. Finally regaining the ability to move, she allowed her palms to travel up the flat expanse of his stomach to his hard chest. She stroked the side of his neck, then curled her fingers in his hair.

  Mitch inhaled Kelsey’s scent as he trailed kisses along her throat. He lightly grazed his teeth against the soft curve of her neck as he caressed her bare midriff, then moved his hands higher to rest just underneath her breasts.

  “Oh, Mitch, yes, please,” she whispered brokenly in that deep, throaty voice he knew so well.

  Mitch closed his eyes tightly as her words intruded on the seductive spell he’d allowed to envelop him. Pulling his fingers away from her skin, he leaned his forehead on the wall behind her and struggled mightily to slow his rapid, shallow breathing.

  After a few seconds he pulled back from her, looking at her dazed expression. Her head was thrown back, eyes closed, and deep breaths came from between her swollen lips. Desire for her rose again, almost as swiftly as his anger at his lack of control. He didn’t know whether he was more angry at himself for forgetting his resolutions regarding Kelsey, or at her for being so damned tempting.

  “Are you satisfied now?” he asked raggedly.

  Kelsey slowly shook her head and replied without even opening her eyes, “I’m a long way from satisfied.”

  So was he. Mitch knew the only way he’d be satisfied right now was if he buried himself inside her body and felt her sleek legs wrapped around his waist.

  “This is insane,” he muttered as he angrily thrust his hands through his hair. “What are we doing?”

  She smiled slowly without bothering to open her eyes. “Exactly what we’ve both been wanting to do, I believe.”

  Mitch shook his head in disbelief. She was so matter-of-fact, as if this moment of wild, unexpected passion was the most natural thing in the world. As if the two of them could forget the past, and her family, and their longstanding connection, and just drift into a reckless affair.

  He stared steadily at her. “What do you want from me?”

  Oh, if he only knew what she wanted! She wanted Fred and Celia to disappear. She wanted Mitch to yank her clothes off and lift her up so she could wrap her legs around him. She wanted him pressing her against the wall as he filled her body and they let the passion consume them.

  And more than anything, she wanted to wake up tomorrow morning, and many mornings thereafter, and find him next to her.

  “I think that if I answer that question honestly you’re going to go back down to your apartment, lock your door and never come near me again,” she said softly.

  Mitch backed away and studied Kelsey’s face. She was not flirting, she was not trying to seduce or cajole. Her honest desire was plain to see, and her bright green eyes held absolutely nothing back. All she wanted was him.

  God help him, all he wanted was her, too. His blood coursed through his veins and excitement threatened to overwhelm him. For the first time in years, he felt totally in tune with his senses, remembering every soft inch of her flesh, the sweet scent of her aroused body. He wanted to take her, right there on the stairs, to hell with Fred and Celia and anybody else. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t say to hell with her family.

  Finally, when he trusted himself to speak without telling her how much his body was screaming for her, he muttered, “Then maybe we’d better forget I asked.”


  THE ICE CUBES CLINKED against his glass as Mitch swirled his drink. He stared pensively out his front window at the night sky, wondering what kind of fool he’d been to walk away from Kelsey.

  Mitch had never wanted a woman as much as he’d wanted her at that moment. He’d never been as aroused, or as totally unaware of where he was and who was present. He’d felt like a kid again, conscious of nothing but feeling, not caring about anything but physical pleasure.

  He didn’t know how he managed to turn his back on her and begin gathering Fred’s spilled belongings. Kelsey had moved past him with quiet dignity and entered her apartment. After dumping the box unceremoniously in Fred’s apartment, Mitch had gone back downstairs, resisting the strong temptation to stop at Kelsey’s door, knock, and see what happened when she answered.

  He did the right thing. Things had gotten a little carried away again, but there was no sense in making a difficult situation worse. Maybe he’d been a little crazy to think he and Kelsey could be nothing but neighbors; too many years of history made a mockery of that idea. But they could not become lovers. For about the hundredth time that evening, he found himself wishing she’d never moved in. And for about the hundredth time that evening, he called himself a liar as he remembered the feel of her pressed against him.

  Mitch heard the doorbell ring. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was after nine, and knew exactly who was showing up. Kelsey’s date. Celia had mentioned earlier that she’d invited Kelsey to stay for dinner but that she had other plans, with a man, for that evening.

  Good. That was exactly what she should be doing. Getting out, meeting people, forgetting all about him.

  “You’re such a liar,” Mitch said aloud, knowing he’d rather have both his legs broken than have her forget all about him. He started pouring himself another drink as he heard Kelsey come down the stairs and
greet her guest. When he heard them go back upstairs to her apartment, he made it a double.

  “I REALLY APPRECIATE you coming by and going over these show ideas with me, Brian. And thanks for dinner.”

  Kelsey sat on the floor of her apartment, leaning on her coffee table to write on a yellow legal tablet. She absently picked up her cold-cuts sub and took a bite.

  “No problem,” he replied. “I wasn’t doing anything tonight, anyway. Chuck’s working a double so I would have been sitting around at home.”

  “So, what’s my excuse for having nothing to do and nowhere to go on a Saturday night?”

  “Oh, make me laugh. Half the guys at the station would ask you out in a second if you gave the slightest indication you were interested,” Brian argued as he glanced at his notebook.

  “But would it be me they were asking out, or Lady Love?”

  “If Lady Love were interested, you’d have half the guys in Baltimore at your door. But from that moony look you get on your face whenever you start talking about this guy who lives downstairs, I guess Lady Love’s not available.”

  Kelsey grimaced and wiped her sticky fingers on a napkin.

  “I’m not moony,” she said. She hadn’t realized her feelings for Mitch had been so obvious. Of course, Brian was very perceptive.

  “No, of course you’re not, sweetie,” Brian said with a grin, as if humoring her mood.

  Her mood stank. After Mitch’s rejection earlier that afternoon, she hadn’t known whether to laugh or cry. She’d done a little of both, then sat quietly and calmly and thought about her relationship with Mitch.

  It was done. Whatever fantasies she had about him were finished, and good riddance to them. Well, she had to admit, maybe her fantasies themselves weren’t done. After that kiss, that embrace, that flash of absolute electricity they’d shared, she imagined her fantasies were going to get a lot more intense! But her slight belief that maybe something would come of those fantasies…that was gone. Mitch had rejected her for the last time. Right now, he was probably feeling so embarrassed he wouldn’t come near her again. And that suited her just fine.


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