Poker Face (Masks #4)

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Poker Face (Masks #4) Page 1

by Melissa Pearl

  Poker Face

  Masks #4

  Melissa Pearl



  1. Caitlyn

  2. Eric

  3. Caitlyn

  4. Eric

  5. Caitlyn

  6. Eric

  7. Caitlyn

  8. Eric

  9. Caitlyn

  10. Eric

  11. Caitlyn

  12. Eric

  13. Caitlyn

  14. Eric

  15. Eric

  16. Caitlyn

  17. Eric

  18. Caitlyn

  19. Eric

  20. Eric

  21. Caitlyn

  22. Eric

  23. Caitlyn

  24. Eric

  25. Caitlyn

  26. Eric

  27. Caitlyn

  28. Eric

  29. Caitlyn

  30. Eric

  31. Caitlyn

  32. Eric

  33. Eric

  34. Caitlyn

  35. Eric

  36. Caitlyn

  37. Eric

  38. Caitlyn

  39. Caitlyn

  40. Eric

  41. Caitlyn

  42. Eric


  Dear reader…

  Also by Melissa Pearl

  Poker Face copyright © 2015 by Melissa Pearl

  Cover design copyright © 2018 by Emily Wittig Designs & Photography

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Poker Face, Book IV, The Masks Series by Melissa Pearl

  1st Edition published by Evatopia Press

  2nd Edition published by Melissa Pearl Author 2018


  I end up thanking the same people each time, but that’s just because I have such a great team working around me.

  Margery - the original publisher and editor. We did good.

  Emily- holy smokes! Your cover design for this entire series has been outstanding.

  Cassie and Rae - thanks once again for your invaluable feedback and input.

  Lindsey, Karen, Kristin, Suzy & Marcia - yay. Thanks for your hard work.

  Rachael - thank you for all you do.

  Songbirds & Playmakers - you guys rock!

  My readers - THANK YOU!!

  My dear friends and family - I love you guys so, so much.

  My Lord and Saviour - thank you for the life you have given me. I know how blessed I am and I never want to take it for granted. I’ll love you forever.

  For anyone trapped in the bonds of slavery.

  My prayer is that one day you will be set free.




  That was how it started.

  And that was how it would stay.

  There was no color. No light. Only desperate fear and hopelessness.

  I was in a black tunnel and I could see no opening, no way salvation.

  My breaths were shallow and quick. I’d come-to a short while ago, my head groggy and filled with an aching fuzziness that pressed against my skull and made me feel like it was about to crack open.

  It took me a few minutes to figure out where I was at first. I couldn’t remember how I’d gotten into the trunk of the car. Vague images of screaming and fear pulsed through me, a vice-like grip around my waist, a knife at my throat.

  I’d flinched, reaching for the wound on my neck...and then I’d remembered. As my fingers ran over the dried blood on my skin, I’d relived my nightmare.

  Miguel...pulling me into the secret doorway before Agent Rhodes could find me. Dragging me down a stairwell and throwing me into his car.

  Shadow Man...clamping a cloth over my nose and mouth. It made me disappear for a while.

  After that—darkness.

  Even right then, as I lay in the confined space of a different car, it was the only thought in my brain.


  Endless, hopeless darkness.

  I was too afraid to move or make a sound. I couldn’t even cry. Instead, I focused on the sound of the tires on the road and wondered where they were taking me.

  I had no idea how long I’d been out; we could have been traveling all night or only an hour. My legs were cramping, my knees screaming to move. It was a sure sign of distance. I wiggled my toes and stretched as far as I could, my bare feet pressing against the coarse lining of the trunk. They felt tender, as did most of my body.

  My bottom lip was cracked and swollen. I ran my finger over it and winced, cringing further when I reached for the tender patch on my cheekbone.

  Mendez...hitting me. Calling me a whore and swearing to punish me.

  Had he known his head of security, Miguel Vera, was going to steal me?

  Diego Mendez would no doubt be in the hands of the FBI now. They’d found the kidnapped girls who were locked in his basement; I’d heard Rhodes say it while he searched the room for me. If only he’d known I was behind the wall, wishing I could yell out to him but knowing one sound would mean my death.

  Kaplan would have arrested Mendez’s sadistic ass and locked him up...hopefully for life. Any man who steals and sells young girls is not worthy of freedom.

  Would he say anything? Would Kaplan question him until he broke, or was Miguel working alone, snatching me away for my eyesight...the gift I had for seeing the truth?

  The car slowed and took a turn. My body pitched back as the car descended a steep slope and came to a stop. My heart rate accelerated, pulsing through my body in quick, static waves. Breaths punched out of my nostrils and my belly quivered as I waited, shuffling back until my butt hit the interior wall.

  I heard a click and then the trunk popped open.

  Light poured into the back. It was dim, but still enough to make me squint.

  “Awake I see. Perfect timing.” Shadow Man smirked, snatching my wrist and dragging me closer. In one swift move, he lifted me out of the trunk and placed me on my feet. My limbs were cooked spaghetti, burning with pins and needles as the blood rushed through my dormant legs. The man held me tightly, assessing me with his pale, brown eyes. His sharp, pointy face was handsome, his buff body something girls would swoon over.

  But I didn’t see that.

  All I saw was his mask-less face, his gloating smirk, his sadistic glee.

  My legs buckled and he caught me under the arm before I fell. The gold, sequined dress Miguel had forced me to wear to his high-class poker game was ripped and tatty. The split was so high my entire side was exposed.

  Shadow Man’s gaze traveled over my skin, his smirk blooming to a lust-filled smile.

  I scrambled for the fabric, clutching it together and covering up as best I could. I was wearing nothing but a skimpy pair of panties beneath the dress.

  Vulnerable didn’t even cut it. I was beyond that now.

  My body wouldn’t stop shaking.

  He hauled me toward an elevator in the corner of the parking lot, lifting me up the concrete steps and placing me down beside the intricate golden doors. After pressing the UP button, he looked at me and licked the corner of his mouth. He was like a lion eyeing up his lunch.

  I threw his mask up, preferring his bland dis
regard. To any normal person he looked like a bored security guard, but I knew better, because I could see what others couldn’t.

  The mask wouldn’t stay. I could feel fate mocking me, its callous laughter ringing in my ears.

  I’d caught a glimpse of Shadow Man’s hunger and my pounding head and aching eyes wouldn’t let me forget it. Before I could stop them, two layers fell clear, and once again, I watched his tongue skim his lower lip. He’d already undressed me in his mind and although I couldn’t read his thoughts, I could clearly see what he planned to do with me.

  Fear took me then, my flight instincts kicking in with a frenzy.

  I struggled to wriggle free of his grasp, pulling away from him, my bare feet itching to run along the smooth concrete floor and hide away in the shadows.

  His grip grew tighter the more I struggled, but I had to get away from that tongue, those eyes.

  “Calm down.” He yanked me back to his side, my head jerking painfully.

  “Let me go,” I cried. “Please, let me go.” I pushed at his fingers, trying to peel them off me. Panic made my movements frantic and useless.

  “Stop struggling and I won’t have to hurt you.”

  “That’s not what your face is telling me.”

  He snatched me toward him, grabbing my other arm and looking down at me, awed-fear tripping over his expression. “What do you see?”

  I froze, shrinking away from his hard gaze.

  He knew.

  He knew I could read emotions. He knew I could see things others couldn’t.

  I clamped my lips together and looked to the floor.

  The elevator dinged, the doors opening smoothly. With a snicker, he pulled me into the lift and pressed the button for the top floor.

  My lips trembled as my mind raced to figure it all out. That was why he’d been watching me so closely at the poker game. He must have figured out that Miguel had used me to cheat and win. That was why he’d pulled Miguel aside after the game.

  The phone call Miguel got just before he left me alone with Mendez. That look on his face.

  “One hundred thousand,” I mumbled, the static words coming back to me like a dream.

  “Let’s hope you’re worth it.” Shadow Man’s snappy words felt like a slap in the face.

  I’d been sold.

  Oh, shit, I’d been sold.



  “So what do you think’s happened to her?”

  “I don’t know!” I pinched the bridge of my nose, sick of Piper’s repeated question. I hit the space bar on my computer, willing it to open up a little faster.

  Scott paced the floor behind me, worrying his lip. “Let’s think about this and break it down. What do we know?” He turned on his heel and headed toward the windows. We’d moved from my room into the living area. It gave us more space to fidget and stress.

  “Okay.” Piper wrapped her arms around her petite body and sat down beside me. “Caity’s note said she’s working undercover.”

  Scott nodded at his fiancée. “And she lied to give it to me, which means someone must have been watching her.”

  “Kaplan,” I seethed. “It’s got to be her.”

  We all nodded, our expressions grim and tight.

  “We’re guessing that Quella was her person of interest.” I scraped my fingers through my hair, worry gnawing at me.

  “It’s a pretty good guess considering Caity basically became another person in order to pull this off. That whole partying, nightclub scene she got into. She must have been doing that to get in good with Quella.”

  “Right.” I nodded at Piper. “So she needed to earn Quella’s trust, because...” I spread my hands wide.

  “Quella’s a criminal?” Piper flicked her hand.

  I wrinkled my nose, opening up a search engine on the Internet. “That doesn’t feel right. I may not have eyes like Caity, but Quella didn’t seem smart enough to pull off criminal.”

  “Criminals don’t have to be smart.” Scott shook his head. “Although she did have an innocent, clueless vibe about her.”

  “Totally.” Piper nodded, spinning her new engagement ring around her fourth finger. “So maybe it was to get to a family member or something.”

  Scott clicked his fingers. “Which is why she needed to go away with her for Thanksgiving.”

  “That makes sense.” I nodded. “But it still doesn’t get us any closer to her.”

  Google finally popped up and I typed in Agent Zoey Kaplan FBI, hoping for any kind of link that would get me her contact information. It took me through to the FBI website and her page. I glared at the photo, hating her perfectly cut hair and sharp, pointed gaze. Scanning through the document, I looked for a mobile number, but there were no contact details for the woman.

  “Shit.” I tapped the arm of the chair with my knuckles.

  “No contact details?” Scott asked.

  I shook my head and squeezed my aching temple. “As if it would be that easy.”

  “We could try calling the FBI main office, see where that would lead us.” Scott shrugged.

  “We’ll be stone-walled for sure. They don’t give out details about undercover operations to the public.” Piper frowned. “And besides, there’s no way Kaplan would legitimately be able to use Caity like this. She must be working outside of the law, which means she’s not going to admit to shit.”

  “How did she find out about Caity’s eyesight anyway?” Scott put his hands on his hips and looked at me.

  I rubbed my forehead, pushing the heel of my hand into my eye. “Caity let it slip when we were helping out with the Professor Hoffman case last year. Kaplan was watching her like a hawk and knew something was up. She made Caity admit everything and that’s why they used her to get to Cameron, who led them straight to the evidence. Kaplan knew Caity would be able to play the part right, because she could read Cameron and say all the right things to get him talking.”

  Scott nodded. He’d taken on the whole ‘Caity has a super power’ idea without even flinching. So had Piper for that matter. I guessed I wasn’t that surprised that they bought into the supernatural with Scott having a solid faith and all. Their quiet acceptance was a huge relief. I was only just holding it together and if they’d freaked out or not believed me... Well, I wasn’t sure how much more stress I could handle.

  Caity, where are you?

  “So, if Kaplan used her for her eyesight once, then we can assume that she’s doing the same thing this time around. Logic tells us she wouldn’t have approached Caity otherwise.” Scott’s soft voice made me look across at him.

  I nodded.

  “And this eyesight of hers it...well, if she can read people and know how they’re feeling, it’s kind of like a secret weapon in some ways. We have to assume that it’s keeping her safe.”

  My head bobbed like a mechanical toy...whose batteries needed charging.

  I tried to buy into what my roommate was saying, but I couldn’t quite get there.

  Piper’s small hand landed on my arm. She gave it a gentle squeeze, her eyes filling with compassion. “Her note said she’d explain everything when she gets back. If she’s working with the FBI, it’s their job to keep her safe and bring her home.”

  My jaw locked for a second as I fought the thickening in my throat. “I can’t just sit around and wait.”

  I couldn’t bring myself to explain why. I couldn’t relive the sound of gunfire and the way Gramps’ eyes rounded before he fell to the floor. I couldn’t tell them about the way his foot twitched before going still or how his vacant eyes gazed up at the ceiling. They’d never crease at the corners with a smile again.

  The stone in my gut was heavy and debilitating. I closed my eyes and tipped my head back, tears burning as I fought to contain them.

  I couldn’t form the words to say my father, the one who had abandoned me nearly a decade ago, saved my life. I couldn’t admit to the fact my grandfather was lying dead in his home and I hadn’t even called the pol
ice. What the hell was I supposed to say to them anyway? Gramps had been murdered trying to save me from two thugs who were waiting for me in his home.

  How did they even know who I was? What the hell had my father done?

  His past. That was the only explanation he’d given.

  My face bunched into a tight scowl. Asshole.

  No, I couldn’t call the police. They’d just drag me in to ask questions I didn’t have the answers to. My dad and I were the only witnesses to Gramps’ murder, but that still didn’t mean I knew anything.

  I didn’t have time to waste, not when Caity could be in danger...and like hell they’d help me with that. One sniff of the FBI and Kaplan, they’d no doubt wash their hands of this, spouting off about how it was outside their jurisdiction.

  I’d have to deal with this whole Gramps thing sooner or later, but...

  I squeezed my eyes shut, reliving the scene again.

  I’d left my father on the floor with a bleeding nose and stormed out of the house to get to Caity.


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